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Never Look Back (Counting Stars Book 1)

Page 20

by Trish Williford

  I pulled back to make him look at me. "Spencer you don't understand. I would have gone back and endured another lifetime of hell just to keep you safe. I handled it once, I could do it again if it meant that you were still alive and well.”

  Spencer put his chin on my head. “I would have been neither alive nor well without you Kelsey. There was no way in hell you were leaving with him. This is where you belong, and I’ll be damned if someone will try to take you from me. I'm positive that I've never loved anyone the way that I love you. I feel absolutely insane for feeling this way after only a few months, but I can't live without you, I won't live without you. With you I want the fairy tale. With you I can see the fairy tale with the happy ending.”

  His words made my heart melt. “You're my happy ending Spencer." I whispered.

  With tears swimming in his eyes, he shook his head. "No...this isn't the happy ending. This is the once upon a time." He leaned down and kissed me gently before pulling me back into his chest. "This is where you belong...right here with me. This isn't just a relationship for me, Kel...this is forever."

  "Me too, Spence."

  Six Months Later…

  Today is move in day. Spencer and I decided to build a house in Vancouver just days after the incident with Wyatt. Although I don't feel regretful of what happened to him that day, I can't walk into that condo without feeling violated and unsafe. Since Ryleigh has moved in with Collin, we've been staying in the condo that Ryleigh and I shared when I first came up to Vancouver. When we were looking at properties for sale, we chose one with a view much like the one from the bedroom of Spencer's condo. We decided that was a priority, considering how much we loved sitting in bed looking out over the mountains.

  The house isn't huge or extravagant, but it's really nice and it feels like home. We have a lot of privacy with the lot that we bought, and I'm thankful for that. "Counting Stars" has been picked up by a network in the US and is due to be put in the network's line up in the fall. I have a feeling it's going to do just as well there as it is here in Canada.

  The moving company's truck came up the driveway and parked outside of the garage. Spencer and I stood in the garage and directed the movers to where each box went. Luckily it didn't take long, and soon after they pulled away, the furniture truck pulled in. I was thankful we opted to have the furniture store put together all the bookcases, beds, tables and desks before bringing them here. Moving day was extremely exhausting, and it felt good to have a house full of furniture we didn't have to put together ourselves.

  Later that evening, I found Spencer in the walk in closet of our bedroom putting clothes away. I grabbed a handful of my clothes from a rolling rack and started to put them away adjacent to Spencer. This is the biggest closet I've ever been in, and it's mine! (Ok, and Spence's too.) Spencer walked back in the room with a handful of my clothes and helped me put them away.

  "Babe, what is this?" He asked as he held one of my hoodies up in the air.

  "A hoodie." I said deadpan.

  He rolled his eyes. "I know that, but there's something in the pocket. You should go through your clothes before you wash them."

  I took the hoodie from him and reached in the pocket. "I always do. What in the..." There was something hard inside of the pocket like he said. I pulled it out and found a seashell, the one that we found while we were in Cancun when we first started dating. "How in the world did that get in there?" I asked myself. I heard a clink against the shell when it moved, and something small fell into my hand.

  A ring.

  "Spencer I think someone lost their ring in the shell, why didn't I see this before?"

  Spencer looked at the ring with confusion. "How did that happen? Can I see it?" He asked. I handed him the ring and he examined it. "It looks new Kel. That's strange."

  I opened my mouth to answer him, but what he did next knocked the air out of my lungs. My eyes grew wide as he sank to the ground on one knee, holding the ring between his thumb and index finger. "I found this ring in Cancun on the same trip we found that shell. I've known since our first kiss that I would marry you and spend the rest of the days I breathe with you. I have wanted to give you this ring for months, but wanted to wait for the right time. I think that time is now. Kelsey Ann Franklin, you amaze me with your strength, courage, generosity, love and beauty. My life will be complete if you'll be my soul mate for the rest of our lives...will you marry me Kel?"

  My weak knees gave way and I knelt in front of him. "Yes, absolutely yes." I whispered.

  His green eyes turned bright as he smiled. He took my shaking hand in his and slipped the perfectly sized ring on my finger. A single princess cut diamond with small diamonds wrapping around the band was beautiful and elegant, even on my small, awkward hand. "I love it Spencer...thank you."

  He tilted my chin up, bringing my gaze from the ring to him. He leaned his forehead against mine and gave me his sexy grin. "So, where are we going to consummate our engagement?"

  I bit my lip, looking around the closet. "I think right here will be just fine." I said as I tugged at the hem of his shirt.

  He chuckled. "This is why I love you."

  Unpacking and getting the house in order was not on the agenda once Spencer proposed. We spent the majority of the evening in bed, enjoying the high of our afternoon. Spencer had me tucked against his chest tightly when he dosed off. As I lay against him, I feel at home. I have a hard time wrapping my head around the last eleven months of my life. I was rescued from my own personal hell and said goodbye to a life that I knew held nothing for me. I said goodbye to Rebecca in hopes to find happiness as Kelsey. I never realized how lonely and weak I was as Becca. Maybe if I would have stood up to Wyatt, I could have stopped the things that happened to me...but I'm kind of glad I didn't. Marcus Taylor found me, mended my physical wounds and gave me a second chance. I found a best friend in Ryleigh, my first best friend since I was in school and the closest thing to a sister I'll ever have. I found a brother and a sounding board in Collin. The cast and crew are like my family now, just as Ryleigh predicted they would be. And most importantly, I found the person I'm supposed to spend the rest of my life with. I refuse to let the "what ifs" about my old life haunt me and I choose to continue to find happiness in this new life.

  Spencer once asked me if I believed in soul mates, and at the time I wasn't sure. Now, I absolutely do. He took me for what I was, broken and shattered. I was unwilling to try to love again, but he tried anyways. It was effortless to fall in love with Spencer. He helped me wash away my insecurities and doubts I had about myself. He made me feel worthwhile again, worthy of love. His love is so powerful and pure that sometimes I feel like I don't deserve it, but so thankful that I have it. I will do my absolute best to love him the best that I can for the rest of our lives, and if I can make him feel a tenth of the love he gives, I know we'll be together forever.

  I nuzzled into his chest and took in his scent, smiling to myself. He is my safe place, my home. He stirred and kissed my head. "You ok babe?"

  "Yeah, I'm perfect."

  He fell back into a slumber shortly after. I was admiring the new piece of jewelry on my finger when I realized I hadn't shared our good news with anyone yet. I slipped out of his arms and made my way down the steps quietly. Tank was sleeping on his dog bed in the living room, his little legs twitching as if he were chasing something in his dream. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed my phone off of the charger on the island. I sat up on a bar stool, wondering if it was too late to make the call. My finger decided to dial the ten digit number that I knew by heart. The ringing made my stomach jump into my throat, excitement and nervousness taking over my body. This was something I’ve been contemplating to do for the last few weeks, and I think I’m finally ready now. The line picked up on the fourth ring.


  I chuckled at the response. "Are you awake?" I asked.

  "No. Who is this?" The deep, gruff voice questioned over the phone.

  I took a d
eep breath. "Preston, it's me...Becca."

  Below is a sneak peek of the first chapter of Ryleigh’s book, Never Let Go (Counting Stars Novel #2), coming soon!

  Chapter One

  “Collin, please don’t do this. Don’t leave.” I pleaded.

  My words bounced right off of him as he continued shoving clothes into his suitcase. I closed the space between us and placed my hand on his back. He stiffened at my touch, stopping his movements. “How can I stay? I have no idea who in the fuck you are.” He growled over his shoulder.

  I flinched at his words. Collin is never that harsh. “I’m Ryleigh, the girl you love. That’s all I want to be. It’s all that I am.”

  He turned around quickly, now towering over me. I half expected him to give me looks to kill, but that wasn’t the case. His eyes were full of obvious hurt, which crushed me even more. “No. The girl I fell in love with doesn’t exist. You are a fraud. Now I know why ‘Ryleigh’s’ past was such a secret; because there was never a Ryleigh James, just a complete stranger standing in front of me.”

  He grabbed his suitcase and walked to the door. His hand touched the door handle, and I finally broke. “Stop! I’ll tell you everything, just stay. I promise I’ll tell you whatever you want to know. Please, just don’t leave me.” I’m not sure if I’ve ever begged for anything in my life, but if there was anything worth begging for, it was Collin O’Neil.

  He paused for the longest minute of my entire life. His body lifted with a deep breath, falling in defeat again when he released it. “Ten minutes. And I want everything.” He whispered to the door.

  I lowered myself onto the hotel bed, sitting on the edge. I did my best to quickly regain my composure and took a deep breath. His fingers were still wrapped around the door handle, his back to me. He made it crystal clear that he wasn’t bluffing.

  I knew coming back to this city would stir memories and feelings to the surface, but I thought I was strong enough to fight them. Now I have to tell Collin everything before he opens that door and walks out on me. I’ve lost enough in this lifetime, but he would be the most devastating. I cleared my throat and silently prayed that he believes me.

  Believes the truth.

  Thank You

  First and foremost, this novel would have never been written if I wouldn’t have met my dearest friend, Ashley. Thank you for your input, your words of encouragement and being as passionate about this story as I am. I’m so happy to have your friendship.

  Eric, you surprise me day in and day out. You somehow know the exact type of support I need at the right moments. You push me without being overbearing, and I know it comes from your heart. If it weren’t for you, this story would still be sitting on my computer. I love you.

  Lila, there will never be words strong enough to describe how much I love you. Thank you for making me smile so much my cheeks hurt.

  Mom & Dad, thanks for support and words of encouragement. Mom, thanks for traveling 1,200 miles to be by my side for the journey to make my dreams come true. I'm so glad I got to experience that with you. Dad, thanks for celebrating with us on the phone and being a proud papa. I wish you could have been there too.

  Tammy & Cleve, thanks for believing in me. I will always be thankful for the nights of dinners at your house and hours of babysitting while I worked on “book stuff.” There should be a better term than "in-laws" for you two.

  Carrisa, although this was the first book outside of our duo, you were still there for me, jumping up and down and shaking your pompoms. You’re the best cousin I could ask for. Love you, Peeps!

  To the beta readers: Ashley, Randy, Carrisa, Cathy, Terri, Raigan, Lindsey, Liz and Jess- You guys are seriously the best. Your kind words and constructive feedback helped tremendously. I hope you all are ready for the next book!

  And to you, the reader: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking a chance on an unknown author. I know that there are millions of books to choose from, but thank you for letting Never Look Back be one of those. I hope you enjoyed Kelsey's story.

  About the Author

  Trish Williford is a pharmacy technician by day, romance author by night. She enjoys spending time with family and friends, going to concerts, traveling and spending lazy summer days on the beach with a good book. She resides in Pennsylvania with her husband Eric, daughter Lila, and fur baby Tank.

  Trish released contemporary romance novel, Beautifully Unexpected, alongside co-author Carrisa Gordon in 2014.

  You can connect with Trish at, on Goodreads and at .




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