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Page 8

by Susan Hayes

  She took a breath, gathering her courage.

  “I want to see.”

  He smiled down at her. “Are you sure?”


  “Then run, little omega. Up those stairs. Now!” He pointed to an open door and a narrow staircase, his voice already changing, deepening into something else.

  Lust filled her and she laughed, turning and running up the stairs. Not like the last time, when she ran in panic and fear. This was different. Better. She knew he’d catch her, and it didn’t scare her. Not this time.

  But she ran all the same, her body feeling better and stronger than she ever had before. And she was fast, staying ahead of the alpha who chased her, his roar rebounding off the walls of the stairs as she burst through the door at the top and into the main room.

  She didn’t make it halfway across the space before he was on her.

  Clawed hands caught her, lifting her off the floor even while her feet were still moving.

  “Mine.” Rath almost howled the word, his voice twisted but still recognizable. She squealed and twisted, laughing as she tried to get a proper look at him. Black eyes. Fangs. His features had changed but somehow it was still him.

  “Yours,” she agreed. Something clicked into place inside her, and all the fear and doubts drained away.

  She wanted to bury her face into the side of his neck, to bite and scratch him, mark him the way he’d marked her. Lust and need flowed through her veins like magma. She was in heat again. She could feel it, and it amazed her that Rath had kept his promises. There was no pain.

  He growled as he turned her, the rough sound turning purr-like as she got her wish and wrapped herself around him, her teeth grazing the side of his neck. The next moment, she found herself pinned to the floor, her alpha looming over her and her wrists captured and pulled above her head.

  She wriggled more and snarled at him, letting her own more feral side out as she warned him. With acceptance of his nature came acceptance of her own, and the sudden, sure knowledge that with a real alpha... she was more in control than he was.

  He growled again, drowning out her soft snarls. He dominated her both physically and verbally... and she liked it.

  “Bossy.” She nipped at his neck again, liking the way he shuddered as her teeth touched his skin.

  “Do it,” he demanded. “Mark me, my shar’ai. My beloved little omega. Make your claim.”

  She purred, grazing his neck with her teeth until his larger body was a taut mass of shudders and snarls. He pressed against her, his breathing short and his movements urgent, but he didn’t force her. He sounded vicious but she knew he would never hurt her.

  She was almost too far gone for the heavy crash below them to register, but Rath froze instantly.

  Instincts honed over a lifetime of fear kicked in and she pushed away from Rath. He needed freedom to move and she needed to hide. Quickly.

  Footsteps pounded up the stairs loudly enough to drown out the hammering of her heart. Rath let her go, pushing her behind him.

  “Hide,” he snarled, somehow appearing even bigger than he had before. He tore off his shirt with clawed hands, the skin on his back hardening and the markings darkening as she watched.

  “Don’t die,” she said and then turned and fled for one of the few hiding spots in the place. Under the bed.

  She’d hidden all her life from alphas, so hiding was something she knew and knew well. But now, it was different. Her life didn’t just hinge on staying perfectly still and silent, willing herself to be nothing in the air around her and hoping the alphas who hunted her passed by. Now her life stood out there, with blackened skin and eyes, guarding her with his own body and the vicious claws of his kind. Because if Rath fell, she knew it would break her. It wouldn’t matter what those other alphas did to her; she would already be dead.

  Rath heard his little mate’s request as she ran. It pleased him that she worried, but soon she’d know better. He had very few threats, even among his own kind, and all of them were trusted friends.

  Whoever had dared to come after him were nothing more than dead males too stupid to realize they had already lost.

  He roared in challenge and threw himself down the stairs, determined to keep them away from Savannah. None of them would so much as breathe the same air she did, never mind lay eyes on her. She was his.

  The reek of the L’crav warriors was enough to overwhelm the sweet perfume of Savannah’s heat. He knew their stench immediately. He’d sent them running earlier in the day.

  The cowards had followed him.

  “She’s mine!” he bellowed as he slammed a booted foot into the chest of the first to appear.

  “She was ours first!”

  “Mine!” he bellowed again, piling into the middle of the fray and laying about him with fists, claws and feet. He wasn’t scared of these assholes, but they should be afraid of him. Very afraid. Most just saw his stature, shorter and more slender than most Tolath. Not many stopped to consider how, with such a natural disadvantage, he’d risen to the lofty position of a lord... no, a prince’s master at arms. He certainly hadn’t done it with nice manners and court politics, but by the bloody application of brutal violence and many years of hard discipline. He’d proven himself on battlefield after battlefield, fought for his lord until his body was battered and bruised and then... he’d fought some more.

  All that experience and rage came to the fore now.

  He wasn’t fighting for his lord now. With each blow he rained down on the crowd of enemies, with each slash of his claws, with each kick, he protected his precious omega. Protected his reason for living and the child she might even now carry within her body.

  He fought for the woman he loved. And he fought like the beast he was until nothing was left but broken and battered bodies, blood on the walls and the sound of his own breathing rasping in the air.

  “Fuuuuuucking hell!”

  The sound of the deep voice in the ruined garage doorway made Rath swing around wildly, a hiss escaping him as his claws extended again.

  Rett stood there, one shoulder on the doorframe as he looked around the garage. “Fuck me, is that a thigh bone embedded in the ceiling? Where’s the rest of him.”

  Rath waved vaguely around the charnel house that was the floor.

  “I was worried, little brother. Thought you might need a hand.” He looked around him and smirked. “Guess you remembered at least a little of what I taught you.”

  “Asshole,” Rath snarled, still trying to rein in the bloodlust tearing through his body.

  “Rath?” a soft voice called from the top of the stairs. “Is it safe? Are you hurt?”

  Rett inhaled deeply, his eyes widening. “Is she...”

  “Mine,” Rath snapped. “And yes.” Then he glared at his brother. “But mine.”

  Rett threw up his hands. “Yours. Got it. Congratulations. Can I meet her?”

  “No.” Family or not, he didn’t want any male near Savannah while she was in heat. “Besides, you’re undercover. Not much good if you go telling the humans you’re my brother.”

  Rett wrinkled his nose and then nodded. “You have a point.”

  Pushing off from the door, he looked around and sighed. “I’ll clean up and secure the place. Make sure your female doesn’t come down here.”

  “My thanks.” Rath nodded. It was nothing more than he would do for Rett given the chance. “And keeping her busy will... not be a problem.”

  His brother grinned. “Then what the fuck are you still doing down here talking to me? Go, I need to play match the bones and make sure none of the fuckers got away.”

  “I’m starting to think you’re spending too much time with them. Has your cock shrunk? Do you still have fangs? You might want to check.”

  “Xarth off and go see to your omega.”

  “Happily.” Rath turned back toward the stairs. “Thank you.”

  “Just next time remember to lock the door.”

  Rath didn’
t bother acknowledging his brother’s parting shot. All he wanted now was to get back to Savannah.

  She met him at the top of the stairs, hurling her small body at him with a cry of relief that hit him harder than any blow. “Rath!”

  Instantly he wrapped his arms around her, holding her close with relief that all their enemies were dead and she was unharmed. Relief that she’d run into his arms even while he was covered in blood and still half in his beast form.

  She truly did trust him.

  He claimed her lips in a rush of heat and need, his clawed hand buried in her hair. Her lips parted for him instantly, even eagerly, and his cock punched to full mast immediately. Walking her backward, he couldn’t wait for her stumbling steps, so he simply scooped her up, wrapping her legs around his waist as he stalked toward the bedroom.

  Tearing his lips away, he looked down at her. “This will not be sweet or gentle,” he warned. It couldn’t be. He needed her too much for that.

  “I don’t want gentle. I want you.”


  Hiding was what omegas did. It was the only way to survive. Savannah had done it her whole life, but it had never been the way it was today. She’d been terrified, not of the alphas, but for Rath.

  She ran her hands over him as he carried her, not even noticing the changes to his skin or body. She just needed to be sure he was alright. Her lovecall was loud and steady, fueled by the worry and need that swirled inside her.

  “Are you bleeding? Hurt? If you are, we could stop until...”

  “Not hurt. No stopping.” He grinned down at her, his all-black eyes gleaming. “Need you.”

  His features had returned to normal, though a dark trace of the beast still lingered in his voice. She liked it. “Good. Because I believe you and I have unfinished business.”

  He cupped the back of her head and drew her mouth to his neck. “We do. But when you mark me, I want to be inside you. Fucking you.”

  She nipped at his neck. “Do it.”

  He shuddered, his dangerous growl shivering along her skin. Two steps later they were at the bed. He dropped her onto the soft surface, following her down. Within a heartbeat, she found herself pinned beneath him.

  “Mine,” he snarled, fangs mangling his words, and tore her clothes from her. Her breath escaped her on a squeal of delight, one that turned to a moan of need as he thrust a hand between her legs. Clever fingers found her clit, teasing and stroking as he moved over her, claiming her lips with his. With a hard sweep of his tongue, he thrust within to taste her surrender.

  She moaned and arched beneath him, one leg thrown over his as she sank her fingers into the heavy muscles of his shoulders. “Yours,” she whispered into his mouth, surrendering herself to him.

  He’d fought and killed for her. He was her alpha. And soon, she’d mark him so everyone knew it.

  His fingers worked her clit with relentless focus, pushing her closer to the brink with every touch. Her pussy was soaked with arousal, her empty channel aching to be filled.

  “Please,” she whimpered, riding his hand. “Need you.”

  He growled again, thrusting two fingers deep into her. The sudden penetration made her gasp, arching her back as she begged wordlessly for more of his touch. For everything he could give her... the pleasure she knew was coming.

  The heat enveloped her again, but this time it wasn’t a mindless haze of relentless need and pain. And agony as she reached for something she didn’t have and couldn’t find. She hadn’t even known what it was before.

  Now she did.

  It was him.

  It was Rath.

  “Please... please...” she whispered, her pleas becoming a litany as she kissed the side of his neck and then nipped at his shoulder.

  “Shar’ai,” his tone was primal, fierce, and perfect. “My beloved mate. You. Are. Mine.”

  He pulled his fingers out of her, replacing them with what she truly needed, the thick head of his cock.

  Arousal slickened her folds, coating him as he positioned himself at her entrance. With a snarl, he claimed her, his hips driving her down to the mattress.

  Glorious pleasure exploded inside her and she shuddered, wrapping her legs around his hips.

  He took her hard, every thrust a demand, every withdrawal making her ache with the need to have him fill her again.

  Her orgasm built with breathless speed, and soon she was racing with him, meeting every driving motion and adding her cries to his.

  Her pleas became wordless, the ability to frame a word deserting her. Instead there was only him, and the need raging through her... controlling her. She clawed at his back, blunt nails making him hiss and rear back to look down at her. When he saw her face, he growled with triumph, the sound making her shudder anew as he rocked his hips against hers.

  He sped up, the change in pace the only thing that registered to her over and above him. He was her everything, all she needed and wanted. With a snarl, he flipped them over, sprawled on his back so she rode him. His hands on her hips urged her on, driving her down as he impaled her on his cock. Unable to keep up the pace, she whimpered and collapsed across his broad chest.

  His hand cupped the back of her head as she ran her lips against his neck and shoulder.

  “That’s it, shar’ai,” he rasped. “Mark me. Claim me as yours.”

  His words spurred her anew, and she clamped her body around his cock, taking him as deeply as she could. When she was full, she bit down, letting instinct guide her as she claimed him as her own.

  “Mine,” the word was torn from her throat as she bit down.

  Rath howled and bucked, his cock thickening as his knot swelled. She came then, shuddering over top of him as wave after wave of raw ecstasy tore through her. She barely remembered letting go, his hand tightening in her hair to pull her head back. Then he bit her, and she screamed, her body forced into another explosive climax as he came deep inside her.

  It felt like forever before she came back to her senses again, but when she did, it was to find herself sprawled across Rath’s broad chest, his arms wrapped around her like she was the most precious thing in his world.

  “I love you.” She hadn’t meant to say the words. Wasn’t even sure they had any meaning to the big alien warrior, but they were the truth. She loved him with every cell in her being.

  Rath kissed her forehead. “Mine.” This time the word was tender, his voice gruff but full of unspoken emotions.

  She settled deeper into his arms and uttered a soft sigh of contentment. “Always.”

  * * *

  Rath rumbled with happiness and contentment. She’d bitten him, the wound between his neck and shoulder a dull throb from her blunt teeth that barely bothered him. The only reason he paid any attention to it was because it was her mark. The mark she’d used to claim him with and declare herself his omega.

  And more than that, she’d said the human words too. Why humans needed to tell each other that, and declare their bond in words, he didn’t know, but he did know it was important to them. To her. So it was important to him, especially given the fact she had chosen to gift him with those precious words.

  “I... you are mine. I am yours,” he murmured, kissing her temple as she lay nestled on his chest. “I...”

  Xarth it, why were some words so difficult to get past his lips?

  “I would battle any force for you, no matter the size. I would take on all odds, even go against my own clan for you. I would do anything,” he vowed, “for you.”

  He felt her smile more than he saw it and the kiss she dropped against his chest.

  “Rath, the words you’re looking for are ‘I love you.’”

  He uttered a playful snarl. “Do not tell me what I mean to say, stubborn omega.”

  She parthed softly, the soft lovecall blending with her laughter. “As you say, my alpha.”

  He growled. “I… love you. But do not expect to hear those words often.”

  “You’ll need to learn them sometime.
” she stirred and raised her head just enough to meet his gaze. “So you can say them to our children someday.”

  He blinked, lifting his head to look at her. The blackness had receded from her eyes completely now and she watched him steadily. He sat up with a gasp, her cradled in his lap as he turned her face to the light. There was no hint of her heat. She’d only entered it properly yesterday and it should last for days, but now her eyes were completely normal. Even when he’d taken her back to the citadel, there had been telltale signs that she was still in partial heat. But not now.

  And the only thing that would bring a female out of heat...

  “You’re right,” he murmured, too stunned to explain further for a moment. His hand pressed against her still-flat stomach as he took a deep breath. There. It was faint but present.

  His mate was with child.

  He raised his head to the sky and roared before kissing her. “You will have my child!”

  “Eventually,” Savannah agreed, smiling.

  “Soon.” He grinned. “Very soon, little one.”


  Walking through the main market of the citadel with his omega was a pleasure Rath had never thought to experience. He’d never thought he would ever be blessed to find his own omega, but the gods had smiled upon him. More than smiled. He not only had an omega, which was enough to make every alpha they passed turn and watch jealously, and every male with a nose on his face would be able to tell she was not only his but was also carrying his child.

  It was enough to make him want to beat his chest with triumph. Even more so this morning, when the healer, T’kinn, his own claiming mark barely healed, had confirmed the child his beautiful Savannah carried was a girl. Would she be an omega like her mother? He growled at the thought. A fertile omega, with another on the way... his standing in the clan had increased exponentially, but he didn’t care about that. All he cared about was the look of happiness on his little shar’ai’s face and the graceful curve of her swelling belly as his... their child grew within her.


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