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Mr. Right

Page 11

by J. S. Cooper

  “Evan.” I groaned and then froze as I heard a noise outside the door. For some reason my gut instinct kicked in and I slid down under the covers quickly as I heard the door opening.

  “Evan?” I heard Linda’s voice in the doorway and I wondered what she was doing there and if she was trying to hookup with her son’s friend. Was everyone Pierce knew shady?

  “Morning, Linda,” he said with what sounded like an exasperated voice. “How can I help you?”

  “I thought I heard some noises,” she said suspiciously. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”

  “I’m fine,” he said stiffly. “I’m still in bed.”

  “That, I can see. So is Pierce,” she said softly. “I’m glad you guys are getting along again.”

  “Yes, so am I,” Evan said, and my head started spinning. Why had they fallen out previously? Had Evan slept with another one of Pierce’s girlfriends? Or had Pierce maybe slept with one of Evan’s girlfriends? Was this revenge? Was that why Evan had come after me? I could feel my naked body starting to shake as I thought of that possibility.

  “He’s missed his dad.”

  “I know,” Evan said. And I frowned, wondering what that had to do with Evan. Where was Pierce’s dad and why was he missing him? I was genuinely curious, but wasn’t sure I’d ever find out the answer to that question, seeing as I was planning on breaking up with Pierce as soon as possible. I didn’t want Pierce to think that we had anything special or anything that was going to last past this moment. I felt tremendously guilty for having slept with Evan, but I think we had both known last night that we wanted each other and boy had it been worth it. He’d been dynamite in bed. I wasn’t sure what was going to happen between us now, but I almost didn’t care. I was willing to go with the flow and see what happened.

  “I’ve missed you too,” Linda said, and I froze. What was she talking about? Evan had slept with Pierce’s mom as well? What was going on here?

  “Linda, let’s not get into this. You know we weren’t right for each other.”

  “Shouldn’t Pierce have his parents together again?” His parents? What? My heart stopped and I could feel my lips trembling. Oh, my God, what was going on? Evan was Pierce’s...

  “Hey, what’s going on, Mom?” Pierce’s voice reverberated into the room and I could feel my body shaking even more. I could feel my face flushing and my whole body growing hot.

  “Just talking.”

  “Morning, Evan,” Pierce said, and I frowned.

  “Why do you insist on calling him, Evan?” Linda said with an annoyed tone. “Why can’t you just call him Dad?”

  “It’s fine,” Evan said dryly and I could feel my eyes welling up with tears as my body grew even hotter. What the hell was going on here? Evan was Pierce’s dad? This made the whole thing even more fucked up.

  I told you that it was going to get crazy. I told you that I did something bad. You just didn’t know how bad it was, did you? Who sleeps with their boyfriend’s dad? The night of their birthday party? Who hides in bed with said dad as the boyfriend and mom have a conversation with him? I was going to hell on a one-way ticket and the fire was already singing my skin. Then I felt Evan’s hand reaching down to touch me and I knew he was going on that same train ride to hell. I bit down on my lower lip to stop myself from gasping. This was the absolute worst position I had ever been in in my life and I wasn’t sure how I was going to get over it or out of it.

  “Mom, you know I’ve been calling him Evan since I was about thirteen years old.” Pierce sounded slightly exasperated. “You’ve never thought it was a big deal before.”

  “Well, I just think that now you should call him Dad.” Linda sounded annoyed. “It’s weird for you to call your dad by his first name. I certainly wouldn’t allow for you to call me Linda.”

  “I don’t do that though, do I, Mom?” Pierce teased his mom and I bit down on my lower lip, hoping they would leave the room soon. This could really turn into a bigger mess than it already was and I wasn’t sure what would happen if they realized I was in bed with Evan and that we were naked. My body started to tingle as I remembered what it had felt like to feel him inside of me. Oh, my gosh, I’d never had sex that good before in my life. His cock had been like magic, seeming to hit my G-spot every single time he entered me and he’d known just when to rub my clit, so that I came with such force that I thought my whole body was going to explode in orgasm. I was shivering just thinking about it. I’m not sure what came over me in that instant, but I reached my hand down to grab his cock and squeeze. I felt his body stiffening at my touch and I almost laughed as he grunted slightly. I bet he wasn’t thinking everything was so funny now. I moved my hands up and down his shaft and I felt his hand grabbing on to my wrist tightly, trying to stop me. I wanted so badly to push his hand off me, but I knew that wouldn’t be smart. I’d probably end up falling out of the bed and then I’d probably be kicked out of the apartment. Naked and embarrassed. My face was growing hot just thinking about it. That would be the walk of shame to end all walks of shame. Oh, God, what had I done? Suddenly the full realization of what I’d participated in during the night (well, really the morning before) came thundering down on me like a ton of bricks. And I knew that I was going to pay for it in one way or another.

  Chapter 13


  So now you know my dirty little secret. You might or might not be judging me right now. You might even be thinking it’s not a big deal. I mean, it’s not like I was that into Pierce and it’s not like he was a Prince Charming, right? We didn’t even really have a great relationship. And it wasn’t really my fault that I slept with his dad. I didn’t even know that was his dad at the time. I mean, up until that point, I was pretty much an innocent. Okay, maybe that’s a bit of a stretch. Maybe I wasn’t exactly an innocent. Maybe I was still pretty bad. And unfortunately, I got worse. Can you believe that? Maybe not. Maybe yes. I’m sure you want to know how it could have gotten worse. I should have just left Pierce’s place that day and never looked back.

  I know what you’re thinking. I know you’re judging me. Thinking this didn’t have to get worse. Thinking that I should have just left. I mean, why didn’t I? I honestly don’t know. I don’t know what came over me. I have no good reason for not leaving right away. Maybe it’s because I wanted to make sure that this wasn’t just a booty-call for Evan. Maybe I wanted to make sure he felt as naughty and guilty as I did? I’m not really sure. I don’t have a good answer. When I look back at everything, I really think that I should have just darted out of the bed and out of the room as quickly as possible. That’s what a smart girl would have done. But yeah, I’m not smart. I’m not smart at all. I’m embarrassed to admit that after Linda and Pierce closed the door that morning, I had sex with Evan once again. Yes, and he had to keep his hand over my mouth to stop me from screaming loudly because he knew as well as I did that the noises I was making were bound to bring people running to the room as quickly as possible.

  I snuck out of Evan’s room and into the bathroom at about 9 a.m. and ran the shower right away. He didn’t even stop me, which made me feel slightly upset, but I told myself that he knew that time was of the essence and we didn’t really have time to talk about what had happened. I hopped into the shower and scrubbed my body hard. It was my hope that Pierce would think I had been in the shower the entire morning, though I knew it was a long shot. If he pushed it and asked, I would tell him that I’d been scared I was going to throw up, so I had sat by the toilet bowl. Gross, I know, but that was really one of my only options in regards to what I could hope he would believe. It’s not like I could tell him I’d been hooking up with his dad. Oh, yeah, that would go down well. In all honesty, it worked out well for me. I came out of the shower as he and his mom were talking about breakfast and neither one of them looked suspicious or weirded out.

  “Morning, Jess. Sleep well?” Pierce came forward and gave me a kiss on the cheek and I just nodded at him, relief filling me that he
didn’t seem suspicious of me and where I’d been all morning.

  “Oh, yeah, great.” I nodded with a small smile and looked at Linda to see if she was looking at me funny. However, she was beaming at me and I could tell by the expression in her eyes that she still loved me as much as she had the day before. “What about the two of you?”

  “Yeah, I slept great. Sorry I crashed last night.” He made a face. “Seems like it would have been a really special night.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” I said with a small smile, thanking God he had conked out right away. “I just hope you had a great night and enjoyed your birthday party.”

  “Oh, yeah, it was great.” He nodded. “Did Alyssa have fun?” he asked me and winked, and I smiled back at him weakly.

  “Yeah, I think so.” I nodded. “Actually, I think I need to go home now and check on her.” I pretended to look sad, though I was hoping he would buy my excuse to leave.

  “Oh, no.” He made a face. “I was hoping we could go to breakfast with Mom and Dad.”

  “You said ‘Dad.’” I looked at him in surprise and annoyance. Why was this the first time he would choose to call Evan ‘Dad’?

  “Yeah, Mom prefers me to call him Dad and not Evan.” He laughed. “So I’m trying to respect her wishes, at least for now.”

  “That’s why you’re my favorite son.” Linda beamed at him in approval.

  “That’s because I’m your only son.” He laughed and leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “Are you sure you can’t come to breakfast with us this morning?” He looked at me and pouted. I looked back at him nervously, wondering if he would be able to tell that I’d had sex that morning just by looking at me.

  “I really wish I could,” I said, trying to pretend I was really upset. Though I was just counting down the minutes in my head until I could leave the apartment.

  “You really wish you could what?” Evan walked out of the bedroom and looked right at me and gave me a wink as he looked my body up and down. I could feel the heat rising up my body as he stared at me as if he wanted to eat me. And I hoped that he could sense that I wanted to be eating him as well. It felt oddly tantalizing just to be standing here with him and the others, in broad daylight, knowing what we’d just been doing a couple of minutes ago.

  “Go to brunch with Pierce and Linda,” I said, wondering if he would get jealous or upset. Hoping he would look pissed.

  “Oh, awesome. I’m hungry myself.” He grinned at me and then looked at Pierce and Linda. “Where are you guys thinking of going?”

  My jaw nearly dropped open at his words. He was seriously asking them where they were going? Without a care in the world. Did he really think that was cool? Did he not care that we had just slept together and nearly been caught?

  “Sad you can’t make it, Jess, but maybe later.”

  “Maybe later, what?” I asked him with a frown.

  “Maybe we’ll see you later. If you want to come...” His voice trailed off and I stared at him with a shocked expression. I couldn’t believe he had just said that to me, in front of everyone. What was up with the innuendos? Did he want everyone to know? Did he feel no shame? Whatsoever?

  “Come where?” I asked him with pursed lips.

  “Wherever you want.” He laughed and I could see Pierce and Linda looking at us curiously. My face flushed red and I was sure it was obvious we had slept together and had something going on.

  “Well, you guys can let me know what you’re up to later this evening,” I said with a small smile and then I looked at Pierce and gave him a huge smile. “I hope you had a great birthday party.”

  “It was fantastic.” He nodded. “I had a really great time. I was so glad that you were here with me. It meant a lot to me.”

  “I’m so glad.” I reached over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “You deserved a great day and I think that your mom is awesome.” I looked over at Linda. “Thanks for being so awesome.”

  “No, thank you.” She beamed at me. “You’ve been wonderful. An absolute delight. Perfection in a bottle.”

  “Well, thanks,” I said with a small smile, wondering why she was laying it on so strong. It wasn’t like she really knew me that well and it wasn’t like Pierce and I were that close. Or that we had been dating for a super long time. It’s not like we had any sort of long relationship. Everything about this family was a little off and I just couldn’t understand why they all seemed to have these weird reactions to things that were so small. I mean, come on now, Pierce and I barely had anything. Why was everyone acting like we were soul mates or something? It could have been flattering if I was really interested in him like that, but I just wasn’t. And sleeping with Evan had really complicated everything; well, not really. I wasn’t even sure if it had meant anything to him or if he wanted to see me again. Or if we were going to go on a real date or if he cared about me in any way. My heart thudded slightly as I thought about him and I wondered what I’d done. I was a skank, that I knew, but had I been a skank for a good reason? What was I going to get from this and was there a reason why everything seemed so weird? I didn’t have the answers then. Obviously. If I had known exactly what was going on I would have run away as quickly as possible. At least that’s what I tell myself. If I’d known exactly what was being planned. If I’d known the whole truth about the entire situation, I’d like to think I would have done the smart thing and just backed the hell away from the whole bunch of them, but who really knows? I think I’ve already proven that I’m not the smartest tool in the toolbox or at least I was willing to pretend that I didn’t see things clearly. I’m not sure who I thought I was fooling. I’m not sure why I thought I was going to get away scot-free with no remorse and no heartache. Life never works like that and it certainly didn’t work like that for me.

  Chapter 14


  “So what happened last night?” Alyssa practically jumped on me as I walked through the front door, a huge grin on her face.

  “How do you know something happened?” I asked her curiously, wondering if somehow word had gotten around town that I was the slut who had slept with my boyfriend’s father at his birthday party.

  “Because I just know.” Alyssa grinned at me and grabbed my hands. “Now tell me everything.”

  “There’s nothing to tell,” I said with an embarrassed look on my face. “Honestly.”

  “Yeah, right. You smell of sex.”

  “What?” I almost screamed. “Are you joking?”

  “Do I look like I’m joking?” She laughed and then winked. “But, no, you don’t smell of sex, Jess. But I’m guessing you did get laid.”

  “You’re horrible.” I groaned. “I had a shower this morning so I knew it was unlikely that I smelled like sex.”

  “Did you shower with anyone?”

  “No, why?” I looked at her curiously and she slapped her hand against her mouth.

  “What?” I asked her, my eyes narrowed.

  “You totally slept with Evan, didn’t you?” Her eyes were wide.

  “How do you know that?”

  “Because if it had been Pierce, you guys would have showered together and it wouldn’t have been a big deal for me to have asked you that question.”

  “Uhm, smart,” I said, and grinned at her. “But yes, I did sleep with Evan and it was pretty darn amazing.”

  “How amazing is amazing?” she asked with a wink.

  “Hold up.” I looked at her curiously. “I want to know what went down with you first.”

  “What do you think?” She winked at me.

  “You guys had sex?”

  “Duh.” She laughed. “In the kitchen, on the couch, in the living room, in the shower.”

  “Whoa, what?” I gasped. “Please don’t say on my bed as well.”

  “I would never do it in your bed, Jess.” She laughed. “Unless you expressly asked me to.”

  “I would never expressly ask you to do that.” I rolled my eyes at her.

n you never have to worry.” She laughed again. “Now, enough about me, tell me what went down with you and Evan.” She shook her head. “You’re so bad. I can’t believe you slept with Pierce’s friend.”

  I groaned at her words. “Oh, shit, you don’t even know the half of it,” I said and made a face at her before burrowing my face in my hands.

  “What do you mean?” She narrowed her eyes.

  “Evan is not just Pierce’s friend.”

  “Oh, my God,” she shouted. “They weren’t lovers, were they?”

  “What?” I blinked at her. “No, that would be gross.”

  “You need to be more open-minded, Jess.” Alyssa winked at me and I groaned again.

  “Listen, you’re not even going to believe this.” I paused for dramatic effect.

  “Oh, this sounds like it’s going to be juicy.” She clapped her hands excitedly. “Tell me, tell me.”

  “So, Pierce and Evan are more than friends.” I paused dramatically again.

  “Yeah, you said that.” She nodded. “Continue.”

  “Evan is….” I stopped and pretended to collapse onto the floor.

  “Not a woman?” Alyssa’s eyes widened. “Do not tell me that that sexy beast of a man is really a woman.”

  “Alyssa…” I rolled my eyes at her. “Really? You think that Evan used to be a woman? Are you freaking joking?”

  “I don’t know.” She shrugged and laughed. “I’m not a mind reader. You should just tell me.”

  “I’m trying to,” I said, feeling exasperated and overly dramatic.

  “So just do it, then.”

  “Evan is Pierce's dad,” I said and stared at Alyssa’s face. It would have been comical if I wasn’t so invested in the situation.

  “He’s what?” Alyssa’s jaw dropped and her eyes popped open. “He’s what?”

  “You heard me correctly,” I said and laughed. “Evan is Pierce’s dad.”

  “Oh, my God, you slept with your boyfriend’s dad?” Her voice was in awe. “You really are a slut.”


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