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Natasha's Awakening

Page 30

by J. a Melville

  Finally Eric finished and shut down his laptop, stretching his arms above his head before getting up and coming over to Natasha. He bent down to kiss the top of her head and told her he was going to have a shower. She groaned inside and watched as he walked off, disappearing up the stairs. It seemed she was going to have to wait for a little while before she got to model what she was wearing under his sweater.

  While he was gone Natasha decided to give her Mother a call since she hadn’t spoken to her since she’d come to Tasmania with Eric. Her Mother answered the phone almost immediately. “Hi Mum,” Natasha said.

  “Nat darling, how are you? Are you ok? Are you still in Tasmania?” She fired off question after question not pausing long enough to give Natasha time to answer.

  “I’m good Mum. How are you?” She asked.

  “I’m fine darling. I’ve been busy with my Craft group. We’re making blankets to donate to the RSPCA for the animals. They always need a supply of bedding for the cats and dogs so our group thought we could help them out a bit.”

  “Wouldn’t it be easier just to donate old blankets or buy blankets Mum?” She asked and her Mother snorted.

  “Now where would the fun be in that darling?”

  Natasha sighed. “Ok Mum, well as long as you’re happy.”

  “My life is just wonderful baby girl, but enough of me. Whose this man you’re with and don’t deny it’s a man. I’m your Mother, I know you wouldn’t have taken off on some impulsive trip unless your heart was ruling you.”

  Natasha rolled her eyes. Damn her Mother was good. “It’s not someone you’ve met Mum.” She finally said.

  “Is it serious darling? When will I get to meet this man?” Her Mother wouldn’t let up.

  “He’s no one Mum. It’s not serious ok? Don’t go booking the church just yet please.” Natasha joked. She glanced up and saw Eric standing at the bottom of the stairs watching her an odd expression on his face. “Mum, I have to go.” Natasha said.

  “But Nat you haven’t told me anything about this man. Who he is? How much longer are you staying in Tasmania?” She asked.

  “I have no idea Mum. A few more days maybe. Look I’ll ring you when I get home ok? I’m fine, I’m having a good time so don’t worry about me.” She said her goodbyes to her Mother and hung up.

  Eric walked over to her. He was barefoot, wearing well worn faded jeans and a black t-shirt. He looked as sexy as sin as per usual with his wet hair slicked back from his forehead and Natasha’s eyes moved over him watching the graceful way he walked towards her.

  “That was your Mum?” He asked although Natasha suspected he already knew the answer to that.

  “Yes. I thought I’d better give her a quick call otherwise she’ll have me lost in the wilderness of Tasmania or something.” She joked but Eric didn’t smile back.

  Rather than sitting down with her, he went and poked around, preparing the fire and lit it. Once it was burning well, he added some large logs and shut the door before straightening and stretching, his arms high above his head. Natasha watched him, the flexing of his muscles and the way his t-shirt pulled free of his jeans parting enough to display a strip of skin between his jeans and t-shirt.

  “I need a drink, do you want one?” Eric asked her but Natasha shook her head and watched as he walked off to pour himself one. When he came back with it, he dropped down on the lounge alongside of her and stretched his legs out in front of him. Unlike every other time he made no effort to sit close to her or tuck her against his side and Natasha felt her heart sink. Something was obviously wrong but she had no idea what. She panicked wondering if the bubble had burst and he had had enough of his time with her. She was almost afraid to ask, but she had to.

  “What’s wrong Eric?” She turned to him where he sat nursing his drink staring into the fire.

  “What did you mean when you told your Mother I was no one?” He finally asked. Natasha exhaled noisily, relief flooding her body. He was being a typical male whose ego was feeling a bit dented.

  She reached out, taking his hand in hers. “Oh for crying out loud Eric, I told my Mother that to stop her asking a whole string of questions. You’re the one who wanted this time away to be a secret. If I told her who I was with, that I was with my boss, she’d be planning our wedding. You have no idea how much she wants to see me married off. Her greatest fear is to have her only child left on the shelf.”

  “Have you thought about when you want to go home?” He asked and Natasha’s heart leapt.

  “No I haven’t. Why do you want to get back?” She braced herself for his answer.

  “Well, it’s something we’re going to have to think about soon, but no I’m not ready to go back yet. If you’re still happy enough to be here then so am I.” He told her and Natasha inwardly breathed a sigh of relief. Of course things could change horribly if she was pregnant and that spectre was lurking. Within the next couple of days they would have an answer one way or another.

  Eric went back to sipping his drink and Natasha tried to work out how she was going to seduce him. She had her daring outfit on under his sweater and she needed to remove it but she wasn’t sure about just tearing it off as she sat beside him, she was hoping to make a bit of an entrance. She had to laugh at herself. She had the daring outfit but she wasn’t daring enough to pull off some big seduction number for Eric’s benefit. Still, she had to try something.

  She got up off the lounge and headed towards the downstairs bathroom. “I’m going to the bathroom.” She said and Eric looked up at her, his gaze moving down her body. With those intense blue eyes following her movements, Natasha disappeared into the bathroom. She pulled his sweater over her head leaving it on the vanity unit and checked out her appearance in the mirror. She had to admit it was quite an outfit and she hoped Eric was about to be blown away when he saw her.

  She flipped her head back to give her hair a wind blown look and after one last glance at herself, she stepped out of the bathroom and began to walk back to Eric, swinging her hips to try and look sexy, as she rounded the kitchen bench and approached the lounge. When she got up to the lounge, she put on her most seductive smile and flipped her hair to one side, hands on her hips and looked down for Eric’s reaction. It wasn’t quite the reaction she’d hoped for. It certainly wasn’t good, as he had fallen asleep.

  Chapter 18.

  Natasha looked down at Eric’s sleeping form and couldn’t believe her luck. Here she was all dressed up and for what? He wasn’t going to see it now. She turned and walked over to the fire, staring at the flames for a moment. With frustration evident in her movements she ran her hands through her hair, pulling it back from her face. As soon as she released it, it tumbled back down around her shoulders, several strands hanging over her eyes and she blew the offending hair away impatiently.

  She heard a low chuckle behind her and turned to see Eric watching her. Passion burned in his intense eyes, mixed in with a trace of humour as he quite openly laughed at her not quite as sexy attempts to get her hair off her face.

  “I thought you had gone to sleep,” She said, her tone accusing and Eric laughed even harder.

  “Seriously baby, when I knew you had that on under my sweater? How could I possibly sleep until I saw you in it?”

  “Well you’re not exactly acting like a man overcome with passion.” She grumbled and Eric stopped laughing, his eyes darkening. He stood up and moved towards her, his eyes raking up and down her and when he was standing before her, he grabbed her hand so her palm pressed against the fly of his jeans.

  “Does this feel like a man who is not overcome with passion?” He whispered. Natasha’s insides melted when she felt his erection pressing hard against his jeans. He stepped back from her for a moment, his eyes travelling up and down her. “God you’re so beautiful.” He said huskily. “That.” He pointed to what she wore. “That is going to be my undoing. Do you have any idea just how much I want to rip that thing aside and bury myself in you right now? No foreplay, just
fucking pound into you until you scream?” He said, closing his eyes briefly as he tried to get himself under control. At his words Natasha felt excitement chorus through her body. Her nipples hardened and moisture pooled between her legs, soaking the narrow strip of silky material. Eric’s eyes opened and he groaned when he saw her hard peaks pushing against the material that barely covered her breasts. “Fuck it Natasha, you’re not helping.” He ground out. “Dammit, I have to do this right. Get down on the rug.” He said pointing to the thick, plush pile rug that was spread out in front of the fire. He grabbed a couple of cushions off the lounge and dropped them onto the mat for her.

  While Natasha carefully lay down, gasping when the material pulled tighter between her thighs, rubbing over her highly sensitized skin, Eric walked into the kitchen and came back carrying something in his hand. He dropped it on the lounge so she couldn’t see what it was, but she was curious.

  Quickly he stripped off all his clothes and stood next to Natasha, his gaze burning brightly as his eyes moved down her body as she lay, head on one of the cushions looking up at him. Her insides quivered when her eyes stopped at his huge, engorged penis that stood out in front of him. She circled her lips with her tongue and watched when Eric’s shaft bobbed in reaction.

  He grabbed the thing he’d brought from the kitchen then dropped to the rug alongside of her and held it up for her to see. It was a cucumber, a big cucumber. “Do you know what I want to do with this baby?” He asked his eyes watching her expression and Natasha swallowed nervously when she saw how big it was. It was bigger than Eric and he was big, he was huge and she felt like she was stretched to the limit when they made love. She wasn’t sure if her body would be able to accommodate something the size of that cucumber.

  He leaned over to kiss her, his tongue moving back and forth along her bottom lip and she gasped, opening her mouth to suck Eric’s tongue between her lips. He groaned and kissed her hard, his barely contained passion evident in his kiss. His hand ran down over one breast, pinching her hardened nipple between his thumb and fingers before moving over to the other one and doing the same to it.

  He continued moving down her body, tracing the narrow straps of material that helped hold the whole thing together before he slipped a hand between her legs, cupping her mound, his fingers curling in, pushing the fabric aside to dip into her soaked entrance. “Oh hell baby, you’re so wet. You’re always so wet.” He groaned. Natasha pushed into his hand, moving her hips, trying to make him touch her where she wanted to be touched. “What do you want baby?” He asked.

  “You know what I want.” She breathed.

  “Tell me what you want.” He said and Natasha groaned. “Here?” He asked, his fingers delving deeper into her body and she gasped. “Here?” He trailed his fingers up and down between her folds and she moved her head from side to side, frustration evident in her eyes as she looked at him.

  “Please,” She whispered.

  “Tell me what you want baby.” He said again and Natasha reached down grabbing his hand in hers and pressed his fingers against her swollen clitoris.

  “Here.” She cried out when Eric pressed against it, smearing her juices around it, circling it and flicking his thumb over her nub. She flinched, crying out. It was too sensitive and her back arched, her hips bucking as he kept circling her clitoris and brushing his thumb over it again and again.

  As he drove her crazy bringing her closer and closer to her orgasm, he moved his other hand between her legs and she felt the cucumber at her entrance. Slowly Eric began to push it into her and Natasha moaned as her delicate tissues inside slowly parted, opening up to accommodate it.

  It was big, too big but still he continued to work it carefully into her body. She felt a slight stinging as she was stretched more than she would have thought possible until finally the cucumber was buried in her, pressed hard up against her cervix.

  Slowly Eric began to move it in and out of her body with one hand while he caressed her clitoris with the other hand. Natasha writhed around, her head shifting restlessly on the cushion and she squeezed her eyes shut tightly as the pleasure spearing through her body threatened to become too much.

  “Open your eyes baby.” Eric said and she reluctantly forced them open, her passion glazed eyes meeting his heated one as he watched her reaction to what he was doing to her. Gradually Eric moved the cucumber in and out of her faster, pressing it hard into her so it hit her cervix over and over again. Natasha could feel her orgasm looming within her body and she gasped, her breathing panting past her parted lips. Her hips began to circle under his touch and she jammed her eyes shut again, fighting for control. “Open your eyes.” Eric told her. “Keep them open.” He said when she did, her gaze meeting his.

  Faster his fingers brushed over her sensitive little button, the cucumber moved faster and faster in and out of her entrance and her muscles closed around it, grabbing at it, her inner muscles clutching at it as she teetered on the edge of her release. “Eric.” She groaned her hips rising up off the rug as the pleasure threatened to overwhelm her. “Fuck, Eric.” She cried her head thrashing from side to side.

  “Let it go baby.” He urged her and as Natasha’s eyes locked with his, her orgasm slammed through her, exploding through her body and she screamed, Eric’s name spilling from her lips as she sobbed and gasped through such an intense climax that she almost blacked out. His face fading momentarily before slowly coming back into focus. Her body went rigid, shudders chorusing through her until she finally collapsed back against the rug and lay there trembling uncontrollably, her heart thudding behind her breast.

  “Fuck that was so sexy baby.” Eric whispered, dropping his head to kiss her and slowly he pulled the cucumber free of her body, her juices trickling out behind it. He moved down between her legs, lapping at her core, licking and sucking at her until he’d cleaned up all the fluids that were flowing from her soaking the fabric of her clothing.

  Eric tossed the cucumber aside stiffening his tongue and flicking it over and over her super sensitive clitoris. Natasha shuddered in reaction, her hands pushing against Eric’s shoulders, trying to make him stop as it was too much, too intense. “Eric, please. I can’t take it. You have to stop. It’s too much. “ She gasped but amazingly she could feel another orgasm threatening to flood her body again. Eric wouldn’t stop, his assault on her delicate flesh unrelenting until finally she erupted again, sobbing and gasping, tears streaming from the corners of her eyes as he lapped at her folds, sucking on her and finally dropping a lingering kiss at the apex of her thighs.

  Natasha lay there for what felt like a long time, tremors racking her body, a fine film of perspiration coating her skin. Eric had moved up to lie alongside of her, his hand smoothing down her body, soothing her as she slowly recovered from her mind blowing orgasms.

  He kissed her, his lips lingering on hers and Natasha could taste herself on him as she kissed him back. Her body felt too heavy, her limbs boneless. She couldn’t move, she just lay there, gasping for air as Eric gently caressed her, dropping kisses over her body, constantly telling her how amazing she was.

  Natasha felt sleepy, her body heavy and she closed her eyes. “Oh no you don’t baby.” He warned her, seeming to know that she could easily have fallen asleep on him. “It’s my turn now.” He said lying down on the rug beside her. “Get on top baby.” He urged her. When Natasha rolled onto her side, her hand reached out, closing around his erection that was straining and rock hard with the veins bulging all along the length of it. Despite his almost calm demeanor, Natasha could see he was far from unaffected after bringing her to her two earth shattering climaxes. There was a fine tremor running through him, his breathing was short and choppy and under the glow from the fire she could see perspiration beading his top lip.

  When her hand closed around him, he jerked against her palm and his hips twitched in response. A bead of fluid appeared at the head of his hard penis and Natasha bent forward, her tongue coming out to lick it away. Eric g
roaned and his penis bobbed in reaction. He pushed her hand away from him, his eyes pleading almost when he turned to her. “No baby, please. I don’t want to come in your hand or even your mouth as amazing as it is. I need to be inside you. I have to be inside you.” His voice had a note of desperation to it.

  “What about a condom?” Natasha asked and Eric grunted.

  “Fuck the condom. You said it’s close enough to your period that you won’t get pregnant and if it’s already happened then it’s not going to change things now.” Eric said huskily as Natasha’s hand returned to curl around his penis. “Fuck it baby. Please, you’re killing me.” He groaned. “If we don’t need a fucking condom, I don’t want to use a fucking condom. It feels so damned amazing without it.” He ground out. “Natasha, baby, stop it.” He begged as she moved her hand down the length of him and again he peeled her fingers off his steely length and pulled at her. “Get on top baby, please.” He begged, his eyes desperate and finally Natasha sat up, straddling Eric’s hips. She grasped his penis and after positioning herself over him, slowly she eased her way down a small smile curving her lips when she heard Eric’s heartfelt groan and his softly spoken. “Thank you.”

  Natasha braced her hands on his chest and lifted up until only the head of his penis was still inside her, then eased her way down again, her inner muscles tightening at the slow, pleasurable sensation of him gradually filling her, stretching her again.

  “Baby, you’re torturing me.” Eric groaned, his hips shifting and he thrust up hard into her. “I need you, fuck it baby, ride me, fuck me hard.” He squeezed out through gritted teeth and Natasha’s stomach fluttered at his words. She groaned softly, his words exciting her, turning her on and she bent forward over his chest and began to raise and lower herself, coming down hard on his thighs, gasping as he slammed into her cervix. He was buried deep in her, impaling her and she bounced up and down on him, riding him hard. His hands came up, his fingers digging into her hips as he encouraged her to move even faster.


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