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Passion & Venom (Venom Trilogy Book 1)

Page 18

by S Williams

  I’m turning into one snitch-ass-bitch.

  “You stupid fucking bitch!” A hand squeezes my arm and yanks me around. Bain hauls me down the hallway, but I claw at him, screaming.

  He cups my mouth, gripping my arm tighter. “Stop fucking fighting and shut the fuck up!”

  I bite his fingers and he roars, slinging me away. I land on the hard marble floor, my back hitting the edge of the wall, but he storms for me again, dragging me towards the den by the ends of my hair.

  My feet kick and scramble to get away. He has my hair locked in his hands, tugging it tight. My roots feel like they are about to be ripped out.


  Where is Draco when I fucking need him!

  I won’t get hurt, that’s what he promised me. He fucking lied.

  Bain shoves me down on the sofa and then leans forward, pointing a stern finger at me. Francesca appears behind him with her arms folded. She only has on a black robe.

  Her eyes are frantic though. They are a dead giveaway. She’s afraid. She knows that I know now. We are no longer on the same fucking team. We are officially enemies.

  Traitorous bitch.

  “You even think about telling him, and I will gut you like a fucking fish, bitch. I will pack you in that goddamn van and take you to town, fuck the shit out of you, beat the shit out of you, fuck you again, and then sell you for everyone else to do what the hell they want to do to you. I will fucking end you, do you got that?”

  I grimace up at him. “Fuck you!” I spit in his face. “Draco!” I scream, hoping he’ll hear me and answer. Praying to God that he’s still around somewhere. He can’t be too far away.

  Bain stands up straight, shaking his head and swiping the spit off his cheek. “Draco is already in his car and driving off the property, dumb cunt. That was your only fucking warning. Get up.” He grips my arm and jerks me up.

  I fight against him, but he only holds on tighter, even as I swing for his face.

  He walks down a hallway in the den, away from the light. It gets much darker as we keep going.

  “Let me go!” I try and wriggle out of his grasp again as he forces me down the rickety staircase, but it’s impossible. He’s holding me so tight there will surely be bruises forming.

  When he knocks on a door, it immediately swings open, someone large appears, and my heart fucking fails me.

  Axe Man turns around, standing there, eyes on me.

  He wears a look—one that clearly shouts he is going to ruin my fucking life just as I did his.

  His jaw is pulsing now, nostrils red at the edges. He is ready to tear me to shreds.

  “Stop!” I scream, digging my heels into the ground. “Leave me alone!”

  Bain shoves me forward and I land on my knees and palms. I pull myself up rapidly, dashing to the corner.

  This room is dark with a foul odor. The walls are a dark shade of gray. It’s cold in here.

  It’s some sort of cellar, but there is absolutely nothing inside of it. Nothing but a single folding chair.

  “He’s gone?” Axe Man asks, his voice gruff.

  “Gone all day. Won’t be back for another six hours. Have your fucking way and don’t be fucking easy on her.” Bain sneers.

  They both look at me with lust-pervaded eyes. Francesca appears moments later, touching Bain’s shoulder.

  “Bain…maybe you should wait until he has another big trip. Draco will find out. She’ll tell him.”

  “Not if we kill her first.”

  I pant unevenly, my eyes stretching wider.

  “We’ll say she got away,” he continues in Spanish. “We’ll cut the tracker out, put it somewhere for him to find later with a little bit of her blood on it. He’ll believe she cut it out and ran after the shit she pulled yesterday with Morales’ car.”

  Francesca swallows hard as I back away to the corner, as if her mouth is suddenly full of cotton. Axe Man walks towards me, closing me in.

  He has a sneer on his lips, one that makes me want to vomit all that I ate not too long ago. Francesca finally backs away and when I hear her steps drifting up the staircase, I want to slice her fucking throat open.

  I knew that bitch couldn’t be trusted. I thought she had a good heart. Does she even love Draco? Or is she so hypnotized and owned by him that she feels nothing at all for anyone else?

  Anyone that can love shouldn’t let this happen!

  Then again…this is exactly what she needs to happen.

  She needs me gone so she can have him all to herself again. Now that I think about it, maybe this same thing happened to the other girl. Maybe she never ran away. Maybe they teamed up and killed her so Francesca could be the only one again.

  “I’ll keep watch,” Bain announces. “Make sure you hurry the fuck up—and save some of that pussy for me. I’ve been dying to get inside it.”

  Axe Man’s eyes spark. “With a pretty bitch like this it shouldn’t take me long to bust a big fucking nut inside her.”

  Bain grins sinisterly in my direction and then he walks out, shutting the heavy door behind him.

  There is a dim light in the far corner, but other than that it becomes even darker. Axe Man stands above me, and in an instant he yanks me up and shoves me against the wall.

  My legs quake uncontrollably. I search for something to use against him, but he has no weapons on him.

  That is probably the price he has to pay from Draco. No weapons until he redeems himself. Well, he’s doing a terrible fucking job at trying to get within Draco’s good graces.

  “I will get out of here alive,” I seethe, “and I will make sure Draco knows all about what you did to me. He’ll be pissed to know you put your cock anywhere near me.”

  Axe Man chuckles and then grips the front of my cami. He rips the fabric apart with his large, ugly hands, as if it’s a sheet of paper. The sound of it seems to echo off the walls and my stomach caves in on itself.

  “You think I give a fuck?” He steps back, observing my breasts. Then he reaches forward, unclasping it from the front.

  When my breasts are freed, I look away, still searching for something. Anything. There is only the chair.

  I could use that chair, smash his head in with it, but I have to be quick.

  Axe Man shoves me against the wall as that thought runs through my mind and the back of my head hits it, dazing me.

  When my body sags from the blow, he yanks my skirt down and my bare legs are instantly chilled by the exposure.

  “I’ve been waiting for this for a long fucking time, puta.” Bitch.

  His grin is revolting. He grabs my arm and then twists me around to bend me over. I feel his hardness rubbing across my lower back.

  I let him do this, but my eyes don’t move from that chair.

  My vision blocks out all else but the folded seat.

  My heart is thundering, and his cock pushes into my ass some more. My fingernails scrape the wall, my breaths thick as he grips the waistband of my panties and yanks viciously.

  “Be smart, baby girl. Never foolish. Think fast. Don’t hesitate. First instinct is always right in our world. If you are ever in any danger, you think about what Daddy would do.”


  Those words.

  I was eleven when he said that to me, and I will never forget it. I got into my first fistfight at the age of fourteen. I beat her up so bad that I was expelled from school and forced to transfer to another. The other schools didn’t want me, so Mom home schooled me.

  It was the best decision she ever could have made.

  She said it every single day we had class in the kitchen over hot meals and snacks.

  Think about what Daddy would do.

  I’ve seen Daddy in action.

  I’ve seen him angry.

  I’ve also seen Toni angry and neither of them held back on their actions.

  They unleashed a wrath like none other.

  They destroyed without thought—demolished without restraint.

used to confuse me to know they killed. I used to hate Daddy for coming home with bloodstains on his shirt and a gun with a hot barrel.

  I used to be furious when Toni would say it was just business and that it had to be done.

  But now…I get it.

  Because twisted, sick fucks like Axe Man don’t deserve second chances.

  Twisted fucks like him deserve to die.

  When I hear his belt buckle jingle, that’s when I make my move.

  His hand is on the base of my skull, forcing my cheek on the cold wall as he tugs at his zipper and squirms out of his pants and underwear.

  But he’s a fool to think I’m weak. I got him before. What makes him think I can’t again, but much worse this time?

  When he pulls that hand away, I elbow him in the face, dip from in front of him, and dash for the chair.

  He grunts and chases after me, catching me by the hair and yanking me back. When he gathers me in his arms, he punches me square in the face with a large fist, returning the vicious blow.

  Blood leaks down my already fucked-up nose.

  My mouth instantly aches, and I cry out, shoving against him.

  I don’t stop fighting. Because Daddy wouldn’t stop fighting. Toni wouldn’t stop. Momma didn’t give up or give in to her disease, even when she knew she was going to die.

  “GET OFF OF ME!” I scream, clawing at his face, using all of my strength.

  “Shut the fuck up!” He grunts heavily as he marches forward and shoves my face on the wall again. He presses my naked body on it and then something hard presses into the center of my asshole.

  The dry run he shoves in is so fucking painful that a heavy gasp fills the cellar.

  He has his disgusting cock in my ass, my hair in his hands, and he slams in roughly, stretching me wider.

  “You are the most hardheaded bitch I know. Just shut the fuck up and take it!” he barks as I shriek in pain. “You can stab me, fight me, and even have Draco beat the fuck out of me, but you knew by the end of this shit I would get what the fuck I wanted.”

  He buries his face into my hair and inhales my scent.

  But I can’t even be repulsed by it because the unwanted tears streaming down my face are hot and thick and they tell me everything. I am afraid. I can’t do anything.

  His cock is shoving in deeper and deeper. He has me pressed so close that I can barely breathe.

  Even as I squirm, I can’t find a way out.

  I keep looking towards the chair, hoping—no, begging it to come closer. But it’s still there. Too far to reach.

  He grunts harder, plunges further, his rough skin clapping on my backside.

  “Fuck, you have a tight ass. I knew it would be. Tight as fuck. Now it’s time to feel that tight fucking cunt of yours too.”

  He yanks himself out, gripping the back of my neck with one hand, using the other to spread my legs further apart. He’s breathing heavily, trying to aim for my most sacred area, but I won’t let him have it.

  I jerk my hips sideways—anywhere away from him.

  He becomes angry and draws my upper body back just to slam my face into the hard wall again. I feel my stitches pop, and my nose cracks again. Blood drips down from somewhere—I don’t know where.

  He presses his cock at my entrance, but I jerk sideways again.

  “Stop!” I croak, but it’s useless and barely audible.

  He slams my face on the wall again, trying to get to me to cooperate. I don’t give up though.

  He pushes one of his knees down on the back of my thigh and glides his cock into my ass again.

  Rougher, drier strokes.

  I whimper, and then cry out again, my hair blending with the tears.

  His sweat drips down my back as he leans in and sucks the skin on my shoulder. He’s pumping in and out of me, and I wail for somebody—anybody—to help.

  I don’t know what to do.

  I don’t even know if I should fight it any longer.

  Draco isn’t even here.

  How can he save me when he’s not fucking here?!

  I’d much rather have him take me. If he comes and makes this stop, I will willingly hand myself over to him. I won’t deny him any longer. I won’t refuse him. I won’t even put up a guard against him.

  I will do what he wants, which is accept this fate.

  Accept this life.


  I swear it.

  Axe Man has me pinned, moving in and out. My body slams violently against the wall, crashing against it. I wish I could melt into it. I wish I could disappear.

  He dips down a bit to slide his cock between my legs. I have my thighs crushed together so tightly that he can’t get through completely. I won’t let him get there. Fuck that.

  A banging noise comes from the left, a loud and heavy thud.

  It sounds like someone is stomping down the stairs.

  It’s probably Bain, coming for his fix. I wouldn’t be surprised, but the thought terrifies me. I won’t be able to hold off both of them.

  The door flies open.

  A tall figure stands between the frames and hot brown eyes look in our direction.

  Something hot and wet spills down my back and I realize it’s Axe Man’s come.

  He releases me in an instant, backing away as Draco charges forward. I sink down to my knees, watching as Draco meets up to Axe Man with a machete in his right hand.

  He shouts something in Spanish. I’m too out of it to comprehend at first, but he is furious and there are angry words—words that he would probably never say around his mother.

  “Jefe, no—por favor—” Please? He’s begging? That stupid fucking pig.

  “Gianna,” Draco calls, stepping towards me. But I’m so lifeless—so feeble. I can’t respond. My mouth feels dry. My throat has closed in on itself.

  My brain is in denial about what just happened.

  This didn’t happen, did it?

  It couldn’t have. How could he let this happen?

  Draco’s eyes burn as he looks down at me. I stare up at him, desperate.



  And done.


  And the sad fact is, he knows it.

  His fingers tighten around the handle of the machete, his nostrils reddening at the edges. He turns rapidly as Axe Man scrambles on his palms and knees towards the open door.

  Draco lifts the machete above his head and then he brings it down.


  A clean slice, right through the neck.

  Blood gushes, and Axe Man’s bald, scarred head hits the ground with a heavy thunk, rolling right beside my leg.

  “Pinche hijo de puta!” Fucking son of a bitch. Draco is livid, still slicing parts of Axe Man, butchering him limb by limb.

  I feel blood splattering on me. Everywhere. I should stop him…but I won’t. I refuse. This has to be done.

  He doesn’t stop until there is nothing left but bits and pieces of him.

  There is blood pooled on the floor. Body parts surround me—fingers and arms.

  When I look up, Draco is in such a rage that I think he’s going explode. Blood is all over his white button-down shirt, splattered on his face and drenching the sharp edge of the machete, his chest rising and sinking rapidly.

  His eyes dart over to me again as I hold still in the corner. The blood surrounds me, but he snatches me right up and into his arms.

  “Fuck, Gianna. I never should have walked out of that fucking door.” My head bobs up and down, my ass burning as he takes me up the stairs.

  He storms through the den and makes his way up the next staircase to get to the bedrooms.

  But instead of going to my room, he maneuvers left, takes a few more steps down the hall, and then enters another.

  The door opens soundlessly. He slams and locks it behind him but doesn’t stop walking.

  I can’t think right now.

  I’ve been violated. I’ve been put in a pos
ition I’ve never been in before.

  Daddy never would have let this happen, and neither would Toni.

  I don’t feel like myself.

  I don’t even know who I am anymore.

  I tried to fight.

  Yes, Gia, you tried to fight.

  But it wasn’t enough.

  No, it wasn’t enough.

  That’s not what Lion would do, Gia, baby. Toni’s voice echoes in my head, ringing loudly.

  Fuck you! You are supposed to be here. You are supposed to be protecting me. You…are the reason this happened, Toni! This is all your fault!

  I must be out of my mind.

  Maybe it was all a nightmare.

  Maybe I’m not fully awake and I’m still in my bedroom, trying to forget about what was done to Kevin by replacing it with something much worse.

  “Gianna?” A deep voice filters through my subconscious. Draco’s voice.

  He sits me down on top of the bathroom counter. I don’t look up at him, but I do wince when I feel the pain again.

  I hear him curse in Spanish and then he walks away. Water starts moments later. It runs for a while. I can feel the steam building up.

  I stare down at the floor, listening to my rapid heartbeat. Feeling my dignity withering away.

  He stole from me. Axe Man. He stole my confidence. My pride. He did something to me that I wanted to save for someone I trusted. My husband.

  He…may have just ruined me.

  The stronger, better parts of me.

  The parts of me still willing to fight just to get out of this hell.

  Gianna… Gianna… “Gianna!”

  I whip my head up and look into Draco’s eyes.

  Sorrow is there, a small trace. He looks me up and down, and when I look up I realize I’m now in an oval bathtub. It’s wide enough to fit three people.

  The water is milky and hot enough to sear away the grime and blood…but not hot enough to make me forget.

  “You…left, Draco,” I choke out.

  His worry fades, and in an instant he snatches himself away, pacing the bathroom. This bathroom is much bigger. It’s nicer.

  “I didn’t go far. I said I would be gone for most of the day but I only did it to see what Pico would do while I was away. I knew I couldn’t trust him. I was just hoping I wouldn’t have to kill two people in less than twenty-four hours.”


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