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Hidden Secrets (Satan's Prophets MC)

Page 5

by Jones, Jacqui Leigh

  “I can’t calm down,” Lori yelled. “If Danny ever finds out, I’m so screwed. How could I have been so stupid? Do you think he’ll ever find out?” Lori continued ranting, “I love Danny, shit. I can’t believe I did that.”

  “Lori,” Jaz butted in, “no one will ever know. It’ll be our secret. Besides, I doubt you’ll ever see him again so calm down and forget about it.”

  “I can’t forget about it—that’s the problem. I thought about it all night long. He was so hot looking and believe me, the sex was even hotter. I’ll tell ya, Jaz, I never had such a mind blowing orgasm like that before!”

  “Well, at least you enjoyed it. All I got was a lecture on being stupid,” Jaz snapped. “Not that I wanted anything more to happen,” she said, trying to convince herself of that.

  So what if he’s a sexy, tattooed up hunk of muscle. So what if that tiny button between her legs starts twitching and sends horny messages to her brain every time she sees him. Damn, Jasmine was so jealous of Lori.

  JD and Drifter were at the clubhouse, unwinding with a game of pool and a few beers when Striker walked in.

  “Heard there was some kind of ruckus at that music festival last night,” Striker commented casually as he walked up to the pool table. He raised his eyebrows looking down at JD and Drifter’s bruised knuckles. “You lickers know anything about that? Word about town says bikers started beating up on some hippies that were minding their own business.”

  “Just a minor disagreement, nothing to worry about,” Drifter assured him. “Some douche sneaking drugs to unsuspecting girls. Then he and his pals planned for a good time with them.”

  Striker turned to JD, surprised he’d worry about some bitch he didn’t know. “Not like you to get involved with shit like that.”

  “One of them is a new girl to town,” JD calmly replied while making a shot. “Kinda like a lost babe in the woods here.”

  “Ah, now I get it.” Striker shook his head knowingly. “They were trespassing on pussy you already staked out.”

  Drifter broke in, to join in the ribbing. “He might have staked it out, but that don’t mean he’s gettin’ it.” That brought a round of laughter from Striker and Drifter and a scowl from JD.

  “I ain’t got nothin’ staked out, you dumb ass. Just because I didn’t want to see her get mixed up with that shit, doesn’t mean anything.” JD shot Drifter a heated look, warning him without words to shut his mouth.

  “You two are like little fuckin’ school boys going through puberty, chasing after girls like lovesick pups.” Striker taunted, trying to get a rise out of them. “No wonder you two have been eating at that diner. I hear they serve up a mean plate of puppy chow.”

  When JD threw his cue stick down on the pool table and straightened up, Striker figured he riled JD up enough. Having got his perverse pleasure satisfied, Striker got back down to club business.

  “Any blowback coming down on the club?”

  “Nah, brother—no worries.”

  “Good to hear. We have enough problems to deal with. Don’t need the fucking pigs coming down on us.”

  “Speaking of last night, how’d it go on your end?” Drifter asked JD. “Did ya get that chick home okay?”

  “Fine, once the drugs were mostly out of her system. She calmed down then, somewhat. She’s a feisty little bitch. Tried to throw a lip-lock on her and she tells me she has to puke. Not taking any chances, I hopped on my bike and left.”

  “How about you? You get in the other one’s pants?”

  Drifter was just about to start boasting of his conquest and how hot she was just to piss JD off, until he remembered her shame-filled face. He muttered, “Guess we both struck out.”

  “Are you working tonight, dear?” Sara inquired over a delicious, smelling bowl of beef stew.

  “Yes, but it shouldn’t be too bad. At least I have comfortable shoes to wear now. The tips aren’t the best, but when I get more experience, maybe they’ll improve. After all, I did mess up some orders really bad,” Jaz reasoned.

  “That reminds me. Sam was thinking maybe he should stop in that place—now and then—just to keep an eye on you. When I mentioned that I’d like to go along, he quickly changed his mind. Do you think he was just looking for an excuse to see those girly-girl shows there?” Sara asked, frowning now.

  Jaz was trying hard not to chuckle. “That’s so sweet of him, but tell Sam we have a huge bouncer that watches out for us all night. Seriously, it’s pretty safe there.”

  Sara looked very much relieved. “Yes, I guess there’s really no reason for him to go there—but I think you should explain why he isn’t needed. He’ll think I’m just jealous or suspicious. You know, Sam was quite the looker back in his day and let me tell you, all the girls wanted him. Of course,” Sara smiled, “I was a looker, too. But I was smart. I knew how to catch him, home cooked meals—yes siree, that’s the trick. Next thing I knew, I had a ring on my finger or… maybe it was all the liberties I let him take.” Sara laughed and slapped her knee, her eyes twinkling.

  Jasmine arrived at The Den later that evening, now chuckling out loud after her little chat with Sara. She was such a delight and always managed to lift Jaz’s spirits. The bar seemed more crowded than usual. Danny explained the bar added a new attraction—a four girl revue that was booked for the week. Great, Jaz thought, less tips for me again tonight.

  As usual, Jackie rushed over along with Sheila. Jaz wasn’t too fond of Sheila, just a gut feeling. She thought she was better than everyone else, but Jaz was cautious and tried to get along with her. Rumor had it Sheila and Danny were an item, according to Jackie. That was just another reason for Jaz to dislike her because Danny was supposedly dating Lori. Jaz would have to keep an eye on both of them.

  The Den was open tonight so JD was heading over a little later. Big Daddy had already left to start his shift as the bouncer. JD was surprised to see Spokes come in along with Rebel wearing newer looking jeans and clean hair, for a change.

  Striker lifted his nose up to sniff the air. “Smells like a bunch of French whores just walked in.”

  “These ugly, pecker heads need more than just cleaning up some,” piped in Roach, trying to get them riled up.

  “Whatever it takes, licker. These chicks like a nice smelling guy. Of course, you two would know nothing about that,” Rebel taunted them back.

  “Heard they have some new dancers coming in tonight—some kind of new revue only appearing here for a week. Supposed to be something special from what I’ve been hearing. A go-go-rama,” Spokes explained. “That’s why we’re heading on over.”

  When JD got up to leave, he saw Roach stand also.

  “What?” Roach warned with a look that cautioned against any snide remarks.

  “Nothing,” JD said smiling and walked out with Roach, Spokes, Drifter, and Rebel on his heels. “Cocksuckers make me feel like the Pied Piper,” he muttered under his breath.

  The crowd was really rowdy tonight. Jaz was fighting off grasping hands and smacks on her ass as she walked around the tables. When one guy pulled her onto his lap, she felt his hard-on through his pants. Seeing her struggling to get up, Big D walked right over with a mean scowl on his face. This guy had to be totally drunk, Jaz thought, or else he would have let her go immediately. Big D plucked his arms from around Jaz and carried him by his pants and shirt collar to literally toss him out the door. Jaz and Jackie couldn’t believe it!

  As the bros’ approached the bar, the door opened and some guy flew out to land in the dirt. Big D stood there with a satisfied grin on his face. Walking past him, the bros’ all clapped Big Daddy on the back, nodding their approval. JD stopped and kicked the drunk in his gut, just for the hell of it.

  Sitting down at a table, JD and the brothers’ were surprised at the business the place was doing. “No fucking way this place is losing money,” JD fumed. Ordering some drinks, they sat back to relax and keep their eyes open.

  “This booze is top-shelf even with it being
watered down. With these prices, this place should be making a fortune not losing money,” Roach agreed.

  “I’m going to check out the rest of the place.” Getting up and walking over to the bar with his colors on and his biker attitude, JD was getting plenty of looks. People standing around moved out of his way pretty quickly. This always amused him. He liked all the attention, liked seeing the fear in people’s faces as he walked by.

  Of course along with that, it also had some girls giving him that ‘come fuck me’ look, wanting a piece of that dangerous attraction. Tonight was no exception as a few chicks accidently rubbed up against him at the bar. JD turned to check one out. She wasn’t the prettiest he’d ever seen, but with her tight, tube top and jeans molded to her curvy body, he figured she’d do.

  “Baby doll, you rub up against me any harder, one of us is gonna finish before we’ve even begun,” he said, feeling his dick beginning to harden. When she ran her tongue over her wide, smooth lips, JD grabbed her hand.

  “Come on.” JD took her outside, around to the side of the building. His dick was so hard it was throbbing. He unzipped his jeans. “No teeth, babe.”

  Kneeling down, she pulled his thick cock out of his jeans and started teasing the head with her warm, silky tongue. She continued licking down his length while caressing his balls with her hand. When she gently sucked one of his balls into the hot cavern of her mouth, JD thought he died and had gone to Heaven.

  “Yeah, baby—that’s it. You know how to please me. Fuck yeah,” he encouraged her on.

  After a few minutes of paying attention to his balls, she swallowed his cock into her mouth and was bobbing her head up and down like a piston. It was when she stuck a finger between his ass cheeks and stroked his tight sphincter that he blew like a geyser.

  After she spit out a load of cum, she stood and held out her hand. “Thirty dollars, please.”

  Laughing, JD handed her a fifty dollar bill. “Here, babe. You earned every dollar.”

  “Where the fuck you been, JD?” Drifter asked, when JD returned to the table.

  “You my fucking baby sitter these days, dickhead?”

  “No, but I saw someone here you might be interested in seeing.”

  “Yeah, who?” Looking around the bar, JD didn’t see anyone he felt like talking to.

  “Not sure, but it looked like that chick you took home the other night.”

  That got JD’s interest quickly. “What would she be doing here, in a place like this?”

  “No clue. But it looked like her on the other side of the stage.”

  Jumping to his feet, JD took off to the other side of the bar thinking to himself that she’d better not be with some guy or he was gonna be laying out in the dirt with that other prick. One of the dancer’s was on stage doing her routine. Not paying any attention to her, his eyes scanned the crowd. Spotting Jasmine, he saw red. There she was in a skimpy, little outfit with her tits hanging half out. No fucking way, JD thought to himself.

  Jaz was shocked to see JD walking rapidly towards her with a pissed-off scowl on his face. What the hell? she thought. What’s with this guy now? Doesn’t he ever smile? Not wanting to cause a scene, Jaz apprehensively said, “Hi.” She guessed he didn’t care about a scene when he grabbed her arm and pulled her over to the bar.

  “Babe, you just keep jumping right back into that fire, don’t you?” JD felt his temper rising.

  “What are you babbling about now? I’m working here. This is my job, you know, like needing money to survive,” she replied in a pissed off voice. “You are not responsible for me. I’m my own woman.”

  “Thought I made myself clear. I’m interested in you.”

  “Yeah, so?” Jaz said stubbornly.

  “So that means I don’t like you prancing around showing off your tits to every horny bastard in this place.”

  Sighing… Jaz knew she couldn’t deny the truth any longer. JD was sexy as sin and if her tingling girly part was any indicator she was very interested in him, too. “Look, I need to get back to work before Joe comes out and fires me. We aren’t allowed too many breaks.”

  “Don’t worry about that fat prick, I’ll take care of him. What time are you done here? I’m following you home to make sure you’re safe.”

  Jaz thought of all the asshole drunks leering at her tonight and was actually glad for JD’s protection. “I’m usually done around two.”

  “Got that. I’ll be here waiting.”

  JD went back over to the table and sat down. Lighting up a smoke and slamming down a shot that was left for him, he sat listening to Roach talk about some slut he had banged earlier. Roach was just getting to the interesting part when all of a sudden he jumped up, yelling for some dancer to get off the stage.

  “Oh fuck, here we go again,” Drifter mumbled disgustedly.

  When Roach stood up so did JD and Drifter, trying to hold him back. The dancer on the stage had stopped dancing and was staring at Roach in shock. The crowd started booing and yelling out obscenities at the girl. Looking like she didn’t know what to do, she ran off the stage to one of the back rooms.

  “Susanna!” Roach was yelling after her. JD was shaking Roach and telling him to calm the fuck down. Finally, he seemed somewhat calmer so JD let him go. Roach bolted off after Susanna with JD, Drifter, Rebel, and Spokes on his tail.

  “Damn it! We gotta keep Roach from hurting whoever she is,” JD was yelling now.

  When Roach found the door to the room locked, he backed up a step and kicked it in. Inside the room, Susanna was standing, bravely facing Roach. “Susanna, put some damn clothes on and do it right now.” Seeing that Roach had gotten over his killing rage, the bros’ left the room.

  “What the fuck was that about?” JD asked, looking at Drifter.

  Shrugging his shoulders, Drifter wondered out loud, “Anyone know who the chick is?” They shook their heads ‘no’.

  “Well, whoever she is, this shit runs deep,” added JD.

  Back in the bar area, the crowd settled down as soon as a new dancer walked onto the stage. Jasmine and Jackie stood there with their mouths hanging open. “Wow, what’s going on with that?” Jackie wondered out loud.

  Jaz just shook her head. “No idea.”

  Just then, Joe walked over and stood a little too close to Jaz’s side. He always made Jasmine feel uncomfortable and now was no different. He would rub up against her when passing by or touch her unnecessarily and at odd times.

  “Care to tell me what’s going on?” Joe asked, rubbing Jasmine’s back with light, little strokes. Feeling uneasy, Jasmine shot him a nasty look and walked away. With her lips twisted in disgust, Jackie followed Jasmine.

  Fucking little bitches, Joe thought to himself. He guessed he was going to have to slip a little something into Jasmine’s drink some night to make her more welcoming.

  A little while later, Roach came walking over to the brothers’ with his arm around a very much, subdued Susanna. “Heading out, catch ya’s later,” Roach announced.

  “At least she’s still alive,” Spokes chimed in.

  “I don’t know about that. From the look on her face, I’d say she’s scared to death,” JD said, laughing at his little joke.

  JD hung around the bar waiting for Jasmine to finish up. Not drinking too much had its advantages—like seeing the dancers take men into the back rooms. He’d have to set one up, just to see what the club was dealing with here. A private blow job is one thing, but he hoped it wasn’t an all-out prostitution ring. That’s big problems that the club didn’t need right now.

  “I’m ready,” Jasmine called out, approaching JD. Jaz had to admit to herself that she felt totally safe walking out in the parking lot at two in the morning with JD.

  JD parked his Harley alongside Jasmine’s car at the motel. When she pulled her room key out of her purse, JD took it from her and put it into the lock. As she stood there hoping he’d kiss her, she was thinking why fight it? She figured it’s a losing battle, anyway.

/>   JD opened the door and walked right into her room, taking Jasmine by complete surprise. “Close the door, babe.”

  Really! He just walks in! I’d better set up some ground rules fast, Jaz thought to herself. After all, I’m my own woman.

  Intending to do just that, one second she was standing outside the door and the next second she was inside the room. “What” is all she got out before her lips were covered by his hard, demanding mouth, tasting of tobacco and liquor. His tongue ravished her mouth and she wanted it.

  Jaz melted into JD’s kiss as he slipped his hand between their bodies and caressed her breasts, brushing his fingertips across her fully engorged nipples. She couldn’t remember being this turned-on in a long time.

  JD slowly lowered his mouth to dribble kisses down her neck as his hand slid into her shorts to search for her little pleasure nub. “Fucking sweet little pussy is soaked, babe,” he whispered in her ear. “Can’t wait to taste that sweet pussy nectar.”

  Jasmine’s hands grabbed at JD’s muscled flesh while his finger circled slowly before he slid one up inside of her and then another. Her mind was too crazed with lust to have any control over her body when he started fucking her with his fingers. All of a sudden, wave after wave of intense pleasure spiraled through her.

  Breathing heavily, JD could feel his prick, hot and heavy inside his jeans. Looking down at Jasmine, he pulled his fully enlarged dick out of his jeans. Jasmine knew enough about sex to know he needed a release. Making a fist around his rock hard cock, her hand started moving slowly up to the tip and down, again and again. It was a matter of seconds before JD moaned out his own pleasure.

  Picking up a still pliant Jasmine, JD carried her over to her bed. Fully sated, she was half asleep in his arms. Laying her down on the bed gently, he considered staying the night. Instead, he kissed her on her slightly swollen lips and left.

  Hopping on his Harley, JD took off like a bat out of Hell. He flew down the highway heading out of town, needing some wheels burning up the asphalt to clear his head. JD didn’t like the feelings he felt when he was with Jasmine. Hell, every clubhouse he’d stopped at, he had his pick of willing bitches. Why did Jasmine feel different to him? Not liking where this might be heading, he decided to put some distance between them.


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