Hidden Secrets (Satan's Prophets MC)

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Hidden Secrets (Satan's Prophets MC) Page 6

by Jones, Jacqui Leigh

  Not knowing what else to do, Roach took Susanna to his house over in Green Grove. He bought the house a few years ago when he was thinking of taking an old lady. Things didn’t work out between them, but luckily he kept the house. It was an old fixer upper that was in foreclosure and he got it cheap, just for the taxes owed on it. The house was a small ranch with two bedrooms and one and a half bathrooms. Roach worked on it in his spare time or when he had some thinking to do. Now he was glad he did fix it up and it was livable.

  Susanna’s brother Melvin and he were friends all through high school. When Roach was drafted into the military, Melvin—thinking it would be a great adventure—decided to sign up.

  Seeing Susanna again brought back all those long forgotten memories of the good old days—like drag racing his sixty-six GTO down a long strip of highway, going to the drive-in movie theatre and sneaking in his friends in the trunk of his car. And when he was really broke, his dates consisted of just plain old necking on an old dirt road with a hoagie and a six pack. Sometimes Roach wished he could go back and do it all over again. Maybe that’s why club life suited him—because it’s a life just as wild and free as his life was growing up.

  When Melvin was killed in Viet Nam, it was Roach who traveled home with his body and informed his parents and sister. Susanna seemed so young back then, but looking at her now, she seemed to have aged fast. Roach wondered what the hell brought her down this path. What the fuck, he thought. Time to straighten this cluster-fuck out.

  Susanna was sitting in one of Roach’s t-shirts, enjoying a fresh-perked cup of coffee when Roach walked in smelling nice from a morning shower. Her head was bent down as she stared into her cup. Susanna felt very embarrassed to think that Roach had seen her up on that stage dancing.

  “Talk to me, sweetheart. What’s going on in your life? There’s got to be a better way—whatever the problem is. Let me help you.”

  “At first, I didn’t know it was you, Roach. When I heard this booming, loud voice calling my name, I panicked and ran.”

  “I guess I could have handled it better, but it hit me like a ton of bricks. When I recognized you up there—Melvin’s little sister—I went ballistic. I couldn’t just sit there and watch my best friend’s sister take off her clothes—and with all those fucktards eyes on you. Whatever it is, I’ll help you Susie Q. You’re not alone any longer.”

  Hearing Roach call her Susie Q made Susanna cry. “I’m sorry. It’s just that Melvie always called me that when we were growing up. Losing him nearly destroyed me. I know it did my parents.”

  “What happened afterwards?”

  “My father always drank pretty heavy, but then my mom started drinking. I guess she couldn’t handle it any other way. Things got pretty bad at home with their fighting and hateful words. I was so lost. I started going out and met up with some pretty wild girls. We hung out at some really bad bars around town. That’s where I met Johnny, your typical bad boy. He paid attention to me and helped me forget the pain. He was so good-looking, I didn’t see anything past that.” Susanna started crying again. “I should’ve listened to some of the girls who told me to steer clear, but I didn’t. When he asked me to marry him, I was over the moon happy. Then the beatings started. Johnny would get so mad over the stupidest little things—like supper being late or if there was a dirty dish in the sink.” Susanna was shaking now and wrapped her arms around her waist.

  Roach got up to get a bottle of booze and poured some into her coffee. “Here, try this. You don’t have to tell me more, Susanna. I get the picture. Where is he now?” Roach asked, seeing red.

  “Honestly, I don’t know. One of my closer friends lent me some money to get away from him. I just left. Maybe he’s looking for me, I just don’t know. I kept on moving and finding different jobs, but I needed more money than they paid. So when I heard some girls talking in a diner one day about dancing and the money they made I figured I could dance, too. Only I really hate it—all those dirty old men staring at me.” Susanna looked at Roach, her eyes begging him to understand. “But at this point, I have no choice.”

  “Well, you have a choice now, Susie Q. From now on, you’re under my protection. You’re gonna stay here. I’m usually at the club most of the time, anyway. That fucking scumbag comes around here looking for you, he’ll have to deal with me and my club. It won’t be pretty.”

  Susanna burst out crying again as she got up to fling her arms around Roach. “Thank you. I can’t believe I can finally have some peace.”

  “You don’t have to thank me, Susie Q. I’m doing this for Melvin, too. I know he’d do the same for me. We always had each other’s back.”

  “Lori, where were you? I’ve been calling you all day.”

  “Sorry, I was taking my final exams. I loaded them up in one day to get them over with.” When Jasmine got quiet, Lori knew why.

  “Oh Jaz, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to sound so happy about it. So I’m a secretary now, big deal. I probably won’t be able to find a job anywhere.”

  “That’s okay, Lori. Just because I screwed up my life doesn’t mean I’m not happy for you. I was just wondering when you could come visit again. Even Renee is missing you. She’s still babbling about our wild time at that music festival,” Jaz said chuckling. “You won’t believe all the things we’ve been doing. Tomorrow we’re going tubing down some river near here. That should be some adventure since I don’t know how to swim,” Jaz admitted.

  “Maybe I’ll come there and get a job with you, then I can see Danny all the time. It’s been ‘like forever’ since I’ve seen him last. And I can party with my best friend, just like old times. Wouldn’t that be great?”

  Jasmine brightened up considerably. “Yes, that would be a wild time. Now you’ve got me all excited. Hurry up and get here as soon as you can. Besides, I really need someone to talk to.”

  “Uh-oh, sounds like man troubles.”

  “You could say that,” Jaz sighed.

  “Took the last one today and I’m on my way,” Lori laughed.

  Jaz burst out laughing too at the little ditty.

  “Yes! Well anyway, I’ll be there soon.”

  Striker brought his fist down hard on the table to start the club meeting. After listening to the club officers reports, he was ready to get down to business.

  “So what you’re saying is that fucking douche-bag is cheating the club out of our cut of the money?”

  “Yep,” JD answered. “It’s pretty obvious he’s up to something. The place is packed every night and the booze is flowing like Niagra Falls. He’s got Danny watering down the drinks so there’s even more of a profit coming in there. I can’t be sure yet,” JD continued, “but my bet is he’s got prostitutes working the customers. From what I experienced firsthand, it’s no rinky-dink ring either. Hell, I even tipped her,” he boasted with a big grin on his face.

  “Maybe we’d better put one of our dancer’s in there,” Roach broke in. “See what’s going on with that. I’m thinking Lila would be good with it. Hell, she’d dance naked for free and love every minute of it,” he chuckled.

  “Good idea. What about the bar maids? See any problems with them?” Striker asked, looking around the table.

  “Yeah, there’s a problem with one of them. Seems like licker here can’t get his dick wet,” Drifter joked.

  “Maybe he needs some lessons. I don’t know—maybe ‘dick dunking one-oh-one’ or something,” Striker mocked. “Ya do know it’s not only for pullin’ on it, don’t ya?” That caused quite a few snickers around the table, except for JD, who was scowling now.

  “Try some of that smelly shit. I’m telling ya, the girls love it,” piped in Spokes, to egg him on more.

  “Don’t need no damn smelly crap. I’m just pacing myself. She’s not one of the club whores you just slam bam and thank you mam.”

  When Striker noticed JD clenching his fists, he decided he’d better put an end to the ribbing. Last thing he needed was an all-out brawl in the clubhou
se. “All right, listen up. Enough with the fucking pansy talk. Anything else that needs to be discussed before we go over there tonight?”

  “I have a little problem I’m dealing with, could use some back-up. That dancer I got off the stage the other night. I got her over at my house for now. Long story, but she’s under my protection. It might get ugly—abusive ex-husband might be looking for her,” Roach explained. “I’m gonna get her settled and try to find her a decent job.”

  “Under your protection, she’s under the club’s. Let us know what you need. That ex comes looking for her here, he’ll be fish bait. No worries, bro,” Striker added.

  Roach gave his brothers a chin nod. He knew the brothers would have his back, but it still meant a lot to him.

  “So, that’s it. We go over there tonight and show our faces. A little reminder to Joe who he’s dealing with. We make it plain to him, show we mean business. Either he smartens up fast or he’s a dead fucker. Makes no difference to me. JD, get Lila over there. Don’t tell her why, just tell her she’s dancing. With her big mouth, we’ll hear everything that’s going on soon enough. Now, let’s go have some brews. All this business talk made me thirsty.”

  Lori arrived with suitcases in hand and a big smile on her face.

  “Wow, are you visiting or planning to stay awhile?” Jaz asked, surprised.

  “Stay awhile, of course. I’m taking a much needed break from the stressful world. I love it here in Mayberry,” she joked, “plus I’ll be able to see Danny more.”

  Jaz remained silent. She didn’t think Danny would be too pleased. Once she happened to catch Danny give Sheila a long, lusty kiss on the lips. She didn’t want to break Lori’s heart so she never told her. Besides, Jaz didn’t think Lori was as ‘in love’ with Danny as she claimed.

  “Come on, Lori. Let’s get you settled into the motel. You’re going to absolutely love Sam and Sara.” Jaz picked up one of Lori’s suitcases and started walking away.

  “All right, but we still need to talk,” Lori yelled after her. “I want to hear all about your man troubles.”

  Eating supper that night at the diner, Lori was all questions. “So tell me, is it that biker dude that took you home from that festival? Did something happen?”

  “Geesh—let me order lunch first, at least,” Jaz complained as she picked up the menu.

  “Okay girl, spill—and I want all the hot parts first,” Lori winked.

  “Well, he followed me home from work one night and came in—uninvited I might add, although I really did want him to kiss me. It went further than I had planned, but honestly? I loved it, Lori. I didn’t want him to stop, but he did.” Jaz put the menu back down and leaned toward Lori when she whispered, “I swear, I would’ve let him screw my brains out, I was so turned on.”

  “Wow,” Lori said, drawing her eyebrows together. “I wonder why he didn’t.”

  “That’s the problem! Why didn’t he? Did I do something wrong or did he change his mind and now he’s not interested?” Jaz often caught herself thinking maybe he felt she was too inexperienced for him or was he just playing with her until someone better came along?

  “Maybe he didn’t have a condom,” Lori tried to cheer Jaz up. “That could be it, don’t jump to conclusions. When do you think you’ll see him again?”

  “That’s another thing. He left without saying a word. I can just kill that jerk. I didn’t want to go there with him, but now I want him so bad. Oh, I don’t know. I’m so messed up.”

  “Well, Lori is here now—don’t you worry. We’ll fix his sweet ass if he doesn’t want you.” Jaz smiled, feeling a lot better now that she had Lori here to talk to.

  “If you’re not working tonight, Lori’s going to take you out to party. We’ll go to the bar. Heck, maybe I’ll get a job there. Just think how much fun we’d have!”

  “So, how do I look?” Lori wanted to know, twirling around like a giddy teenager.

  “Yowza! You are one hot, foxy looking mama,” Jaz replied in a little bit of shock. Lori had on a really short, black skirt and a purple tank top with black fishnet stockings and sexy as sin, high heeled shoes. Her way-out teased, curly black hair completed the look. Jaz was speechless. She had never seen Lori dressed so sexy before. She even had on heavier makeup than usual which accented her dark blue eyes beautifully.

  “Danny will go into instant hard-on mode soon as he sees you, Lori. Either that or he’s completely dead, I’ll wager.”

  “That’s what I’m counting on… if this doesn’t kill him,” Lori giggled, “just think of the fun we’ll have.”

  “Come on, your turn,” Lori insisted, dragging Jaz over to her closet. “I want you to show that biker guy what he’s missing out on. Let’s create your attack. Poor suckers—they won’t know what hit them.”

  By the time they were done, Jaz had on a pair of short black leather hot pants. Lori talked her into a black, sheer nylon top with a dark red, skimpy bra underneath. Jaz chose not to wear any stockings with her high-heeled spikes. Her long blonde hair was braided to hang over one shoulder, held at the end with a red beaded band. Since Jaz didn’t like to wear too much makeup Lori had to coax her (once again) into a dark red lipstick.

  Standing side by side in front of a full length mirror, they both burst out laughing as Lori blurted out, “Let’s go rock their world upside down, hot mama!”

  The Den was in full swing when the Satan’s Prophets MC walked in later that night. With their colors on they looked like the menacing force they were. Sitting down ordering drinks, they took up a good portion of the bar.

  Joe saw them come in and panicked. What the fuck, he thought. They must be getting suspicious. Good thing he kept two sets of books, one showing less of a profit. If they really knew the money the club was bringing in, he’d have to leave this little shit-hole town and go into hiding. Deciding on whether or not to let them know he was there, he walked on over.

  “Danny, the next drinks are on me for my friends here,” he smiled, trying not to act nervous. He hoped Danny had enough brains in his head not to water them down.

  “Ain’t your friends,” JD hissed as he turned and looked Joe straight in the eyes.

  “Just came in to check on our investment,” Striker added while rubbing his hand over his thick walking stick. “Business looks pretty good here. You wouldn’t be stupid enough to cheat us now—would you?” Striker asked in a low, deadly tone of voice.

  “No, ah—no,” Joe was stuttering now. “Just had a little set back. Rising liquor prices, ah—dancers demanding more money—just things like that. It’s all settled now. No more problems,” Joe answered, with beads of sweat shining on his brow.

  “That’s good to hear, didn’t take you for a stupid man. Hate to have to break a few bones—you know—for incentive,” JD growled. “I kinda like your ugly face. It’d be a shame to have to alter it a little.”

  “It’s all good, you’ll see. Just sit back and relax, enjoy the show. Wait till you see the dancers, real class act they are.” Joe was going to clap JD on the back, but then thought better of it. Instead, he gave them a fake smile and walked away.

  “Dumb fucker nearly pissed his pants standing here,” JD snickered.

  “As long as he got the message, I don’t care what he does in his pants,” Striker shot back.

  Still bristling, Roach spoke up. “Guilty as sin, it’s written all over him. We’ll have to figure out our next step carefully. Don’t need any shit hitting the fan all over Fulton or so much for keeping a low profile.”

  “Hot damn! Speaking of keeping a low profile…” Drifter let out a low whistle as he poked JD in the ribs. They all turned at the same time to see Jasmine and Lori walking in.

  When JD turned and saw Jasmine standing there, his dick felt like it was going to explode through his jeans. Hearing the whistles and catcalls from some of the men brought him out of his daze and got him moving.

  Jaz was standing there enjoying the men’s whistles and hoots. She had a huge gri
n on her face when JD hurried over with a scowl on his. “Baby, you look hot as sin,” JD growled in a low, sexy voice in Jasmine’s ear.

  Jaz’s girly part was doing its happy dance as JD swung his arm around her neck to show his possession and led both of them over to the bar.

  “All this for me, Jazzie-girl? I like it,” JD whispered as he nuzzled his lips against the side of her neck.

  “No, it’s for me. How did I know you were going to be here tonight?” Jaz taunted him back, trying hard to play it cool.

  “You’d better be glad I’m here, babe. I found out you were here, dressed like this without me—I wouldn’t be happy.”

  Jaz looked down at the bar trying to hide her smile, secretly happy to hear JD sounding so jealous.

  Drifter had to look twice, not believing it was the same chick he had on the back of his bike the other night. He didn’t know whether it was a good or bad thing, seeing her again. He was just starting to rise from his stool when he saw Danny rushing towards her. From the look on his face, he wasn’t too pleased she was here. Curiosity peaked, Drifter watched as they hurriedly spoke before Danny went back behind the bar.

  Seeing the confused look on Lori’s face, Jaz leaned over. “Hey, you okay?”

  Frowning, Lori answered. “Don’t know. Danny sure didn’t seem (over the moon) happy to see me like I thought he would be. Did you see the look on his face?” Lori asked, near tears. “He said I looked nice. What the hell does nice mean? I wanted sexy, hot, rocking—anything but nice. Said we’ll talk later and left. And what the hell does that mean? We’ll talk later. Maybe I had him speechless, but I kind of doubt it. I wanted him to look at me like your guy looked at you.” Lori had to wipe away a lone tear sliding down her cheek.


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