Hidden Secrets (Satan's Prophets MC)

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Hidden Secrets (Satan's Prophets MC) Page 7

by Jones, Jacqui Leigh

  “Look, dry your eyes—pretend you’re having a great time, flirt a little. Heck, with all these guys here, you won’t have to pretend anything.”

  JD kept the drinks coming and Jaz drank more than she usually did. Aside from his greeting and his arm still around her neck, JD was talking to the guys more than her. Feeling neglected, when Roach and Drifter ordered shots of Jack Daniels she decided she wanted one, too. The more Jasmine drank the madder at Danny she got. He didn’t seem to even care that Lori was here, all dolled up.

  When Jaz saw Danny pat Sheila on the ass as she walked by him, her temper got the better of her. Jumping up, Jaz started walking a little wobbly around the bar. She was going to show Danny what happens when he hurts her friends. Suddenly, two arms circled her waist from behind and held her back. Her temper hit the boiling point. Jaz turned, pulled back her arm and swung. Her fist connected with JD’s left eye.

  “What the fuck, Jasmine!” JD shouted while shaking his head to clear his vision.

  Jaz didn’t care. Looking for something more to vent her rage on, she swung again. JD caught her fist mid-swing and picked Jasmine up in his arms.

  “Time for you to go home—party’s over, babe.” As he carried Jasmine past his bros he yelled out, “See my bike gets to the motel, that’s where I’m going.” Then he nodded at Lori. “See she gets home.”

  After parking her car, JD carried Jasmine inside over to the bed and laid her down gently. Jasmine sat up quickly. “The room is spinning and I think I need to puke.”

  Holding her head over the toilet while she puked up the booze she drank earlier, JD was silently laughing at her drunken state. When she was done, he handed her a glass of water to rinse her mouth and carried her back near the bed. Jaz stood pliantly while he undressed her and tucked her in. He was heading for the door when he paused. Fighting an inner battle with himself, JD turned back. Hanging his colors over a chair, he undressed quickly and climbed into bed, pulling Jasmine into his arms.

  Lori sat on the bar stool staring straight ahead. She was too afraid to look at the bikers sitting close by and was thinking what a fool she was. Maybe she’d go back home. Danny obviously wasn’t as interested in her as she’d thought. Why would he be, working around all these pretty girls? Fulton was a nice little town, but there was nothing for her here now, except Jaz. All of a sudden, being a dull secretary seemed like a good idea.

  A little while ago, she saw JD carrying Jaz out. Now Lori wondered, how the hell would she get home? She’d walk before asking Danny—maybe hitch hike if she had to, although she wasn’t too keen on that idea. Lori was deep in thought when she felt a presence sit down next to her. Turning her head, she looked straight into a face she couldn’t seem to forget.


  “Never caught your name.” His voice was deep and smoky sounding.


  “Well, Lori darlin’, I’m your knight in shining, fuckin’ armor,” he joked. “Come on, I’m taking you home.”

  Having no other choice, Lori followed him out the door. Drifter dropped her off at the motel and watched until she got safely inside. He sat there with his dick fighting an inner battle with his conscience. Of course, his raging hard-on wasn’t helping matters any. Lori was one hot babe, but her kind came with strings attached. Drifter lived his life careless and carefree—no strings—just did what he liked, when he wanted. He didn’t want to experience the pain of his past ever again. Drifter had enough pain and heartbreak in his soul to last him a lifetime. Club bitches satisfied his needs—a mindless fuck, some satisfaction and then move on to the next one. His brain winning the fight, Drifter rode out of there like the Devil himself was on his tail.

  The morning sun shining brightly into her room woke Jaz up. Or was it the wonderful sensations she was feeling as JD’s hands roamed softly over her body?

  “Mornin’ babe,” was whispered in her ear before she felt his tongue teasing her there. He brushed his lips across her temple and down her cheek until they found her lips. Her arms went around his neck and JD’s pulse began to race. When her tongue crept timidly into his mouth, JD’s control exploded and he kissed her deeply. He teased her with his tongue, re-treating then thrusting deep, until she responded the way he wanted. His hand was cupping her breast, his thumb circling her hardened nipple. Jasmine’s little moans of pleasure was urging him on even more. He moved his hand downward, slowly grazing over her stomach seeking-lower still. His lips left hers and went lower to kiss her dusky swollen nipples as his tongue and lips worked greedily.

  JD couldn’t get enough. He needed to own every part of Jasmine’s luscious body. She shivered and clutched his shoulders while his fingers worked their magic. Raising his head, JD looked down at the golden patch of hair between her legs, coated with her woman’s honey. His need to taste was strong. Gently parting her thighs, he slowly lowered his head.

  Jasmine went wild with the first stroke of his tongue. JD licked her sweet juices, sticking his tongue deep inside of her sweet pussy. Holding her down with his hand on her stomach, he latched onto her clit with his lips. Jasmine was mindless with passion when JD moved back up over her naked straining body, his cock ready to explode. He plunged into her sensitive pussy, deep and hard. Jasmine gasped with pleasure as he pumped hard and fast. She came instantly, screaming out her orgasm. JD quickly pulled his cock out, rubbed it twice on her stomach and moaned out his release.

  JD lowered his lips to her slightly swollen ones. He kissed her tenderly before rising out of bed and returning moments later with a wet, warm washcloth. Jasmine laid there enjoying the wonderful sensations as his strong hand gently wiped away his cum.

  “How about we go for a bike ride today? There’s a really nice place I’d like to show you.”

  “Um… that sounds wonderful. I’d love to go for a ride,” she purred back at him.

  Jasmine found it exhilarating to ride on the back of JD’s Harley. He rode along the narrow serpentine mountain roads and down into the green mountain valleys. He seemed to know where he was going when he stopped at a lake with beautiful, blue water.

  “What do you think?” JD asked, as he helped Jasmine off his bike.

  Jasmine looked around in awe. “It’s beautiful here. I love this place. And look at that water, it’s sparkling like blue diamonds.”

  The day was hot and feeling sweaty, JD started to take off his clothes. At Jasmine’s startled look, JD smiled.

  “What? You don’t like skinny dipping? Only way to swim with me, babe.” He grinned with a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

  Jasmine shrugged her shoulders. “Don’t know. I’ve never done it before.”

  “Easy enough. All you have to do is undress.” Seeing the blush on Jasmine’s face, “Ah, darlin’, not like I haven’t seen it all before.”

  Shyly, Jasmine undressed down to her bra and panties and joined an amused JD in the lake. The water felt so refreshing and soothing to Jasmine’s numb butt and legs.

  “I guess you never fucked in the water before either, did you?” He laughed when Jasmine’s face turned a deep shade of pink.

  “Of course not!”

  When their lips met, her inhibitions melted away as JD made slow leisurely love to Jasmine in the water.

  Basking in the sunshine on the shore, JD was feeling more content than he could ever remember. He enjoyed being with Jasmine. She didn’t pressure him for any kind of commitment and that worked just fine for him.

  “What kind of a name is JD?”

  “Jack Daniels.”

  Jasmine slapped his arm playfully. “I know that’s a whiskey, but why are you called it?”

  “Jackson Daniels is my real name. My mom says my dad was drunk on Jack Daniels whiskey when I was conceived. And my last name is Daniels so they thought it fitting my first name was Jack.” Jasmine couldn’t help but chuckle.

  They talked about silly, mundane things before JD asked Jasmine about herself. “Your dad was pretty famous for his tattoo work. Hell, eve
n I heard his name mentioned around. Bad news, that accident. Sorry, babe. That had to be tough on you. Jasmine Wallis, huh?”

  “No. My mom and Nick never married. I’m Jasmine Butler.” Wanting to get off the sorrowful topic, Jaz asked him about his childhood. “What was it like? Do you have happy memories?”

  “Yeah. I have two great parents that took really good care of my brother and me. We were all close and were always there for each other.”

  “Where are they now?”

  “Back in Indiana. My brother’s still there, too. I see them occasionally, of course never often enough according to my mother. My dad’s a farmer. He owns over two thousand acres of prime farmland. My brother just about runs the farm now. Farm life wasn’t for me. Being tied down to one place doesn’t work for me.”

  If JD was paying attention, he would have seen the crestfallen look on Jasmine’s face. “That’s why I’m a Nomad for Satan’s Prophets. Traveling around to different support clubs keeps my life interesting.” Looking down into Jasmine’s sad face, he realized what he’d revealed. “Just keeping it honest, Jasmine. Would you rather I lied to you, promised you forever?”

  Yes, yes… her heart screamed. “Of course not. That’s my feelings, exactly. Glad to hear we are both of the same mind,” she lied.

  Finding her lips again, they made slow leisurely love with the sun shining down on them.

  Back at the motel, JD was dropping Jasmine off when he remembered; “Roach came looking for me earlier today. Seems a friend of his needs a job. We thought it would be wiser for you to help out, rather than one of us. Less people talking that way.”

  Really! So not happening. “I don’t think I’m really a good choice. Isn’t there someone else that can help? Besides, what do I know of men’s jobs?”

  “Not a man. Some chick that was dancing at The Den.”

  “Oh, you mean that dancer he screamed off the stage?” she said sarcastically.

  “Yeah. She’s on the run from an abusive ex, needs help getting back on her feet.”

  Jaz was touched to think that bad-ass Roach would help someone out like that. “Sure, bring her to the motel tomorrow. I’ll see what we can find.”

  The next day, Roach showed up with Susanna on the back of his bike. Jasmine was surprised to see that underneath all that make-up and glitter she wore on stage, she had a plain but natural beauty to her face. She looked around twenty four and like she had a rough time of it. Jaz took her around to a few places. It was tough going for Susanna, who really didn’t have any skills to compliment her.

  “It’s no use, Jaz. I have no skills for anything but dancing. That’s why I was up on that stage in the first place.” Susanna’s eyes were watery and she looked so despondent, Jaz felt like crying herself.

  “Let’s try the store where my friend Renee works next.” Forcing a cheerful smile at Susanna, Jaz said a quick prayer. “Maybe they’ll need another sales girl or something.”

  Renee’s face lit up to see Jaz walk in. “Look who it is! Where you been, girl?”

  “I’ll explain later, meet Susanna. I’m trying to help her find a job. After she applies here, let’s do lunch and we can catch up.”

  “Sounds good to me. Wait here, I’ll be right back with the boss,” Renee insisted with a big smile. Jasmine and Susanna were nervously waiting until Renee came back ten minutes later with an older, balding man.

  “Daddy, meet my friends, Susanna and Jaz. Susanna just moved into town and she needs some kind of work.” Fifteen minutes later, Susanna had a job in Charlie’s Clothing Closet.

  “This is fantastic! Renee, your dad is such a kind man. I mean to hire me, just like that.”

  “Yeah, he’s a good old soul. Hey, let’s go out tonight and celebrate Susanna’s new job. We’ll see if Lori can come, it’ll be a blast.”

  “Nah, I’m just going to wait for Roach to pick me up and go home. I’m not in much of a partying mood these days.” Jaz shook her head at Renee not to press Susanna.

  “Okay, Susanna—maybe next time.”

  “I’ll get Lori to go,” Jaz said. “Maybe it will cheer her up. Geez, everyone seems to be down in the dumps these days,” Jaz sighed.

  “Not me,” bragged Renee. “But then, I don’t bother with guys,” she chuckled. “More trouble than they’re worth. Them and their one-eyed snakes.”

  “Well, wait until you get bit by one,” Jaz joked back.

  “Yeah. Like that will ever happen.” Renee shuddered, shaking her shoulders to emphasize her point.

  It was late evening when Jaz, Lori and Renee walked into The Den. It was pretty crowded so they sat in a far corner of the bar. They wanted to enjoy some alone time, drinking and talking.

  “So what’s the story with Susanna?” Renee asked.

  “I don’t really know it all—just that she’s hiding out from an abusive ex. I guess she and Roach go way back,” Jaz explained.

  “Man, that’s a tough one. And what’s up with you?” Renee said, looking pointedly at Lori. “You seem really down lately.”

  Just then Danny came over to take their orders. He smiled at them, but paid no special attention to Lori. When he walked away, Lori nodded to his back. “That’s my problem. I thought we had something special going on, but seems it was one sided. All on my side.”

  “Well, it’s his loss, Lori. You can do much better,” Renee responded in a stern voice.

  “I doubt it,” Lori replied grimly.

  “That’s why I don’t bother with men, not worth the hassle. Let’s just let loose tonight—no men, just us girls. We won’t even think about the male species.” The girls all agreed it was a good plan, but Jaz couldn’t help thinking about JD. She wondered where he was tonight and what he was doing.

  When the house lights dimmed, the girls decided to stay for the show.

  “Are you sure?” Lori asked, feeling somewhat embarrassed to be looking at half-naked girls.

  “Hell yeah. I’ve never seen anything like this. Don’t spoil the fun now,” Renee pouted.

  “All right then,” Jaz agreed cheerfully. ”I’ll order us another round of drinks and let the fun begin!”

  All eyes were on the sensuous dancer on the stage. Lila knew she had a killer body and she really knew how to work the crowd. Wearing only pasties to cover her nipples and a little panty thong, the men were entranced as Lila did her dance routine. Her sleek, curvy body moved sensuously around the stage, dancing for the men’s pleasure as well as her own.

  The dollar bills were filling up the stage floor. When she started doing her splits, Lila noticed some ten dollar bills mixed in. She tried to notice who was throwing them—thinking maybe a rich, sugar daddy would be just the thing for her. And if he was young and good looking, better yet. Screw those damn bikers, she thought. All they do is use me and treat me like a slut. Hell with JD, too. That mean, cold- hearted, son of a bitch.

  When her routine ended—disappointed she didn’t see him—Lila went back stage to change. Coming out of the dressing room, she noticed a few of the club members at the bar. She walked on over thinking, what the hell, might as well get some free drinks.

  “Wow. That was something.” Renee was totally in awe as they watched Lila leave the stage.

  Jaz had no comment. She had just noticed JD, Roach and Drifter standing on the other side of the bar. She couldn’t take her eyes off of JD. He looked so hot and sexy with a bandana over his head and his partially braided beard, making him look like the devil. He wore a black, t-shirt under his colors that hugged his muscled upper arms. His jeans hung low on his hips with a silver chain hanging down on one side. Jasmine had to squeeze her legs together tightly, trying to calm down her twitching little nub.

  When she noticed that same dancer walking over to JD and his friends, she wondered what the hell?

  “Hey, thanks for suggesting I dance here. I love it and the money is great.”

  “Knew you’d love it, Lila—and you were great. Got me a big boner on, girl. Wanna help me
out with it?” Roach coaxed.

  “Sorry, Roach. We’re not at the club now,” she answered with a half-smile, half-smirk on her lips.

  What the heck? Did JD come here at night to get laid? Jaz kept watching as the dancer snuggled in closer. She seemed to know them all very well. Deciding she needed to get closer to watch, Jaz stood up.

  “Where you going, Jaz? Renee and I aren’t ready to go home yet.”

  “I see JD over there with that dancer, I have to see what’s going on.” Moving in closer, she stood off to one side and waited. If JD left with her it was so over, she thought. Just then the dancer left and Jaz felt more relieved than she cared to admit. She quickly went back over to her friends and hoped no one noticed her.

  Lila moved further down the bar, thinking no one would approach her with those damn bikers nearby. When she felt something rough rub her ear, she looked over her shoulder and saw it was a ten dollar bill.

  A low, sexy voice spoke near her ear. “Hi, Sugar. How about having a drink with me?”

  Lila ran her eyes quickly up and down his body. Handsome with a slim build, she liked what she saw. Smiling, she said, “Sure.”

  When he pulled out a chair for her to sit, she was amazed. No one had ever done that for her before. Lila was so caught up in excitement, thinking she might have found her sugar daddy that she didn’t notice some of the other dancers snickering. After enjoying a drink, she found out his name was Thomas. His hints to have sex became more insistent, but Lila didn’t want to make it too easy for him. Finally giving up, he asked when she was dancing again and said he would be back.

  Annoyed, JD slammed down another shot and lit up a smoke. What the fuck did Jasmine think she was doing? He was keeping an eye out for what was going on in the bar and had one eye on Jasmine. When he saw her move in closer to spy on him, he wasn’t amused. Cursing again, he took another drag on his cigarette before he crushed it out with his boot and walked over to her.


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