Hidden Secrets (Satan's Prophets MC)

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Hidden Secrets (Satan's Prophets MC) Page 15

by Jones, Jacqui Leigh

  “I want you so badly,” Mick whispered as his fingers brushed through her red curls shielding her virginity. “Baby, you’re so wet for me.”

  She arched her body upwards seeking more of the pleasurable sensations Mick was giving her.

  “Oh God, Mick, don’t stop.” Her nails were digging into Mick’s shoulders and she was writhing beneath him. Mick pushed one finger, then another into her virgin canal willing it to stretch for him. When Renee cried out in part pleasure and part pain, his mouth claimed hers for another long kiss.

  Renee was mindless was passion and Mick couldn’t hold out any longer. He gently pulled out his fingers and lined his throbbing cock at the entrance to her woman’s heat. Slowly, a little at a time, he eased into her trying not to hurt her tender, swollen passage. Then he felt the barrier of her innocence. “Hang on, baby,” he whispered in her ear as he thrust deeply.

  “Mick, it hurts,” Renee cried out as she tried to move away from him. Holy hell, she wondered, how can girls love this pain?

  “Hush, darlin,” Mick whispered. “It’ll get better, I promise.” Mick gave Renee a minute to get used to his cock inside of her, before he started slowly thrusting in and out. “Relax and let your body feel,” Mick was chanting in her ear.

  Renee turned her head to offer her mouth to Mick and he latched onto it with greedy need. The little burst of pain was now being replaced with an aching need she didn’t understand. She loved the full feeling of having Mick’s cock buried deep inside of her and the pleasurable sensations were starting again. Renee went wild, kissing Mick with a neediness she couldn’t control. She didn’t know where all this aching pleasure would lead, but it was building and building until she was bucking wildly and holding onto Mick fiercely. Passion like wildfire raged between them.

  Mick was pumping faster and faster giving Renee what she desperately needed. When Renee’s orgasm started, she screamed out her pleasure. “Mick—oh hell, Mick,”

  Mick came a few seconds later with a low, animal growl from deep in his throat. “You okay baby? I didn’t hurt you too much, did I?” He asked with a tenderness that almost brought tears to Renee’s eyes. She loved it and wanted to be honest.

  “I loved it, Mick. I’ve never, in all my life, felt anything as fantastic as that.” Mick had to contain his laughter, thinking now is not a good time for it.

  Renee was elated that she was no longer a virgin at twenty six. She also decided, she really liked this having sex thing. Looking up at Mick, she raised her lips for another kiss.

  “Whoa darling, you go there, we’ll be doing the nasty again,” he chuckled.

  “I want the nasty again. I really like the nasty,” she murmured as she tried to kiss him again.

  Suddenly Mick turned serious. “If we go there again, you’re gonna be pretty sore tomorrow. You sure?”

  Renee answered him by throwing her arms around his neck and pulling his head down to meet her lips.

  A little while later, when the rain had completely stopped, Mick told Renee it was time to go.

  Jaz stood in the open doorway of her room watching Mick park his bike. Relief showed clearly on her face. The sky was still dark and gray, but at least the wind and rain had stopped. She knew Mick was out riding when the storm hit and was very worried about him.

  “Mick, where were you all afternoon? I thought I was going to have to make up an excuse why you weren’t in work tonight.” Jaz scrutinized Mick closely. Something was up. She noticed he wasn’t in his usual up-beat mood.

  “Do you want to talk about anything, Mick? I mean, you are always here to listen to me and my problems, I’d like to be able to return the favor.”

  “Nah, nothing worth talking about. I got caught up in the storm and had to wait it out, that’s all.”

  “That was some storm, all right. I think we’d better drive my car to work tonight—not sure if it’ll rain again.”

  Mick kept on walking past Jaz without even sparing her a glance. “Okay, give me a few and I’ll be ready to go.”

  It was Jaz’s time to do her set on the stage. She wasn’t too nervous about dancing anymore and she decided she didn’t care what anyone thought of her. The money was fantastic and she needed it. When she was about mid-way through her set, she noticed JD walking in with some of his biker friends. Her legs got weak and she stopped dancing just for a moment. She looked down and concentrated on all the money that was thrown on the stage. That helped her regain her composure and she continued on dancing.

  When JD walked in and saw Jasmine dancing up on that stage, he nearly walked over and ripped her off of it. What the fuck did she think she was doing? And that jerk-off Mick that was looking out for her, what the hell was he thinking? The longer he stood there watching her dance, the more pissed off he was getting. He didn’t like the fact that all these men were seeing what only he had seen, but he knew he had to calm himself down and act rational if he wanted a chance to talk with her again.

  Roach was watching JD closely. He didn’t like the brooding, cold look on his face. Wanting to divert another scene in the bar, he slapped JD on his back. “Calm down bro.” He nodded at Jasmine with a low chuckle. “With what she’s wearing, I’m surprised she’s getting any tips at all.”

  JD had to agree with Roach. Her outfit wasn’t overly revealing and that calmed him down somewhat.

  Jaz was done dancing and had just walked off the stage when she heard his voice.


  His voice sliced through the noise of the crowd. Jaz stopped and stood with her back to JD. Suddenly, there was just the two of them—all alone in their own little world…total quiet, except for her heart that was beating a mile a minute.

  JD spoke to Jasmine’s back, not wanting to put his hands on her to turn her around. He was afraid she might get skittish and run off. He wanted her to hear what he needed to tell her and hopefully, she’d forgive him for being such an ass.

  “I’m sorry, babe. I’m sorry about that night. Hell, I’m sorry about a lot of things. Can we go somewhere to talk?”

  Jaz replied without turning around to look at him, afraid she would melt as soon as she looked into his eyes. “I don’t know. I don’t know if it will do any good,” she sighed, in a totally defeated voice.

  JD continued talking, hoping to change her mind. “You were right. I didn’t give you a chance to explain what happened. I should’ve had more faith in you.” When Jaz remained silent, JD knew he would have to bare his soul. He wanted her back and if that’s what it took, he would do what he had to. For the first time in his life, he felt helpless.

  “Please, baby? Talk to me?”

  Hearing JD plead made Jaz turn around and look at him. She knew it was probably the only time in his life that he had ever said the word please. She tried to be strong and walk away, but she just couldn’t. From the beseeching look in his eyes, Jaz knew JD was seriously feeling sorry. Maybe they should talk. Jaz wanted him to know her side of what happened with Joe. She figured if nothing else came of it at least she would get that off her chest.

  “All right. Let me go tell Mick I’m leaving.” JD’s temper started rising again at hearing Mick’s name, but he knew he had to let go of that anger, for now.

  Mick didn’t like the idea of Jaz taking off with that damn biker, but she was old enough to know her own mind. He also didn’t need any more confrontations with JD because the way he saw it, Jaz still had feelings for him.

  “I hope you know what the hell you’re doing, Jaz…” was all Mick had to say, shaking his head.

  Jaz walked back over to JD, wondering herself if she knew what the hell she was doing?

  Riding on the back of JD’s Harley again felt fantastic. She missed feeling his back against her chest with the pipes rumbling and the wind on her face. It was as if they were back in time, to happier days. Jaz clung to JD tightly, wondering where he was going when he left the small town of Fulton behind. About thirty minutes later, he turned off the main road onto a long gra
veled driveway. He stopped his bike and Jaz looked around. She was surprised to see a picturesque house nestled in between the trees—so isolated in the woods.

  “Who owns this house?” Jaz asked, as he was helping her off his bike.

  “I asked Roach for his key. This is his house, but he doesn’t come here too often.”

  It was a starry night with a full moon and somewhere, from deep in the woods, coyotes started howling in a crazed frenzy. Startled, Jaz grabbed onto JD’s hand.

  “They’re pretty far away, babe. We don’t need to worry, sounds like they just made a kill.” JD felt Jasmine’s hand trembling. “Come on, let’s get you inside.”

  JD got the key out of his back pocket and opened the door. Jasmine ran in fast. It was very awkward between them for a little while. Jasmine was slowly walking around the room looking at anything but him and JD just stood there, following her with his eyes. Walking closer to Jasmine, JD broke the silence first. Wanting to touch Jasmine but not trusting himself, JD stuck his hands in his pockets.

  “I came to The Den that night to talk to you, Jasmine. I was going to tell you that I wanted us to give it a go. I was going to ask you to become my old lady.”

  Jaz turned to JD and seeing the confused look on her face, he explained. “I’d be your old man and it would mean having a total commitment to each other. That’s what I wanted—I still do. Then seeing you on that fat prick’s lap, I don’t know. I just went totally off the wall crazy. I wanted to kill him with my bare hands, right then and there. I probably would have, too—if Drifter didn’t stop me.”

  Jaz didn’t know what to say. Hearing JD say that he wanted to commit and knowing that jerk of a Joe ruined it all, she wished she could shoot him herself and said it out loud.

  Choking on a sob, she said, “It’s all that bastard’s fault. Everything is ruined because of him. I wish I could shoot him dead myself.” Jaz was so mad she didn’t even realize what she was saying.

  “You don’t have to worry about that, babe—believe me. That prick will be taken care of, soon and by me.” The ominous tone to his voice made Jaz shiver.

  JD kept right on talking, “You were right. It was my big mistake riding out that night and not talking to you first. But with the crazy frame of mind I was in, who knows if I would have even listened. I have regretted that night over and over in my mind ever since. I messed up—big time. I can only say, how deeply sorry I am for not trusting you.”

  Jaz looked into JD’s eyes and spoke in a soft, trembling voice. “He drugged me. I don’t know if you will believe me or not, but it’s the truth. I swear it. I never would’ve gone anywhere with him otherwise.” Jasmine’s body started shaking from rehashing that awful ordeal. She hugged herself tightly wishing for some of JD’s warmth.

  “Deep down, I always knew it was something like that, but I was too stubborn to admit to myself I could be wrong. I did a lot of soul searching when we were apart and I never stopped wanting you, Jasmine. I want us to be together again. I want you to be my old lady. I love you, baby.”

  Jasmine couldn’t believe JD loved her. She needed to hear him say it again. She turned to JD with tears forming in her eyes. “What did you say?”

  “I love you, my Jazzie-girl. I need you to be mine—all mine.” When JD opened his arms wide, Jasmine flew in to them. She never thought JD would ever say those words to her.

  “I love you, too. I missed you so much.” Jasmine was clinging to JD like he was her lifeline. She never wanted to let go again.

  Neither of them knew who started it. Suddenly they were all hands, ripping off each other’s clothes with greedy need. JD picked up Jasmine and carried her into the bedroom and laid her down on the big, soft bed. Their kisses were frantic and desperate as their hands roamed over each other’s body. Jasmine welcomed the rush of blazing ecstasy consuming her and held him tightly, demanding more.

  “It’s been so long, baby. You feel so good, so very good,” JD was murmuring over and over. He couldn’t get enough of Jasmine. He broke off his kiss and lowered his head to feast on her breasts, then lower still to her stomach. JD had this great need to taste her.

  “I need to taste you, baby. I need some of that sweet pussy.” When he slid his tongue through her delicate folds, Jaz went wild. His tongue teased her sensitive nub of flesh then pressed into her soft, slick opening. JD feasted like a starving man. The taste of her was intoxicating.

  It had been a long while since Jasmine had been intimate with JD and when her orgasm hit, it was long and hard with an achingly sweet pleasure that had Jasmine close to passing out.

  Her voice was husky with passion when she surprised JD. “I need to taste you too, JD—please,” she begged him.

  “You sure, baby? You don’t have to.”

  “Yes—I need to,” Jaz replied, still in her passionate voice.

  When her lips touched the head of his cock, JD had to hold back the need to push her head down lower. Sure, he’d had plenty of blowjobs in the past, but Jaz’s innocent, untutored lips felt more erotic and pleasurable than he’d ever felt before. She kissed the head of his cock and then started raining kisses down to his balls and back up to its sensitive head. When she took his cock into her hot, warm mouth, JD felt like he would explode.

  “Better quit now, babe. You’re not used to swallowing yet,” JD advised Jasmine, but hoping she wouldn’t stop.

  But Jasmine wouldn’t quit. She wanted to give JD as much pleasure as he had given to her. She felt the small jerking of his cock and sucked it in deeper.

  “I’m going to blow, babe.” JD ground out in a low guttural voice. Jaz sucked harder. When JD shot his load, Jaz started gagging—but managed to swallow it down. Smiling, she looked up at JD.

  He pulled her up into his arms until she was draped partly over him—her chin on his chest, her legs entwined with his. He had a hand on the small of her back and was lazily stroking her flesh, right down to the full curve of one buttock.

  “I hope you told Mick not to expect you home tonight, baby. I have plans for us and it will take all night long before I’m done getting my fill of you,” JD whispered in her ear.

  It was mid-morning by the time JD and Jasmine pulled up in front of the motel. Both of them had slept late and were still tired after making love most of the night. The sun was shining brightly and it matched Jasmine’s mood. She was delirious with happiness. She was officially JD’s old lady now and she couldn’t wait to tell Lori all about it.

  Mick came walking out when he heard the motorcycle pull in. From the deep frown on his face—along with his lips pressed hard together—Jaz knew he wasn’t happy. She just hoped they wouldn’t fight again, the two men she loved. It would break her heart.

  “You could have at least called me, Jaz, and let me know you were all right. I was worried this guy abducted you or something. I see from the smile on your face that I shouldn’t have worried, though.”

  Oh no, this isn’t good. Not good at all. Jaz opened her mouth to say something, anything to diffuse the situation. That damn Mick! But before she could say a word, JD walked over to Mick and stood head to head with him.

  “You and me. We’re gonna talk. Jasmine, go inside.” JD waved his hand toward the motel door.

  Right. Like that’ll ever happen. “No way. You two want to talk, I’m right here, too.”

  JD shook his head exasperated. His mind was made up. He was going to find out just what the fuck Mick was really doing here and why he was stuck to Jasmine’s side like glue. JD was sure he knew the reason, but wanted to know where Mick fit in with the missing money.

  “We do need to talk.” Mick looked pointedly at Jaz, “but now is not the time or place.”

  JD knew what needed to be said was better said in private. He nodded his head agreeing, looking back over at Jasmine. “It better be soon,” was all he said to Mick before leaning over and kissing Jasmine. “Gonna take off now, babe. I’ll be back for ya later.”

  Jaz watched JD get back on his Harley an
d ride away and wondered what was going on now? But before she had a chance to ask Mick, he turned and walked away, too. “Great! Just fucking great!” Shocked by what came out of her mouth, she thought—damn, now they have me cursing.

  JD swung by the motel later that night to spend time with Jasmine. She wasn’t dancing so he was taking her to his clubhouse for a few drinks. He also wanted Jasmine to get used to being around his biker brothers. He knew being his old lady would be a big adjustment and he wanted to help ease her into his lifestyle slowly.

  Jasmine was very apprehensive when she got off JD’s bike outside of the clubhouse. She knew some of his brother bikers and they seemed okay, but she couldn’t help being nervous anyway. She really hoped Roach was around tonight. He was older than the others and seemed much more relaxed in his attitude about things. Plus, she was still in awe of the way he took care of Susanna when she was alone and desperate.

  JD swung his arm around Jasmine’s neck and whispered in her ear, “It’s gonna be all right, baby. Trust me to take care of you.” Jasmine just nodded, biting her lip.

  When they walked inside, JD saw it was pretty crowded. He took Jasmine over to the bar, sat her down on a stool and took the one next to her.

  Spokes was behind the bar and he came right over. “Well, lookee here. Who’s this, JD?” He spoke while eyeing Jasmine up lewdly, thinking she was a new club slut.

  JD saw Jasmine’s face go slightly pale. “This here’s my old lady, bro. So you might want to direct that look somewhere else,” JD stated in a cold, hard voice.

  Spokes tried to hide the shocked look that came over his face. JD was a major player with the club sluts. He wondered how the hell this came about—she didn’t even look his type. Snapping out of it, he apologized. “Sorry darling, my mistake. What’ll ya’s have to drink?”


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