Hidden Secrets (Satan's Prophets MC)

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Hidden Secrets (Satan's Prophets MC) Page 16

by Jones, Jacqui Leigh

  “Two Buds and a shot of the usual for me,” JD answered.

  He was interrupted by Jasmine adding, “and a shot for me, also.”

  JD couldn’t help but tease her when he looked at her. “You sure, babe? I don’t feel like taking a fist to my jaw tonight.” He smiled when he saw her face flush a light pink. “Just teasin’ ya.” JD gave Jasmine a little squeeze. “Spokes, a shot for Jasmine here.”

  Striker was sitting at the end of the bar with Holly watching what was going down. Holly heard JD announce that Jasmine was his old lady and she was secretly thrilled. She hoped she and Jasmine would become friends. Holly didn’t have too many friends—only a few old ladies and they weren’t allowed in the club by their old men. That was so their old men could screw around with the club sluts. Holly hated seeing it, but one thing she learned early on was that you kept your mouth shut. She remembered one old lady telling another that her old man had banged a slut and the next day, she was sporting a black eye and a busted lip. Holly just hoped JD’s old lady was made of sterner stuff. She’d have to be if she wanted to survive in here, Holly thought.

  Striker wanted to talk to JD about his old lady and wanted to do it now.

  “Holly, I gotta talk to JD. When I take him on the side, sit with his old lady for a bit. You can talk about all that girly shit you’re always babbling to me about.” Holly was only too happy to talk to her. She didn’t let on to Striker because he liked to think he was the boss and order her around. “Sure, honey. I guess I could.”

  They walked over to JD. “Let Holly meet your old lady, bro.”

  JD knew Striker wanted to talk so he said to Jasmine, “This here’s Holly. She’ll keep you company for a little bit. She’s Striker’s old lady.”

  Jasmine knew she didn’t have much of a choice. She didn’t like this Striker’s attitude, but kept quiet. JD got up and Holly sat down. Jasmine felt anxious to be left alone and took a drink of her beer, trying to think of something to say.

  Holly didn’t have that problem and started right in, talking up a storm. She looked at Jasmine with a comforting smile. “What’s your name?”

  “Jasmine—or Jaz if you like,” Jasmine answered back in a shaky voice. She took a good look at Holly. She was really pretty, but looked kind of young to Striker’s more mature age. Jaz wondered how she ended up being an old lady to him…

  “Jaz, I like that name…so ask away,” Holly coaxed, “I can see the questions in your eyes.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t think I was so obvious,” Jaz smiled back, instantly liking Holly’s friendly vibes. “This is all new to me and I’m glad to meet someone friendly. I’m very nervous, you probably can tell.”

  “Nah, just because your coaster is shredded to bits, that doesn’t mean anything,” Holly joked. “I met Striker here in the club. I was hanging around with some friends, but truthfully, it was just a lark. I was bored with life in general and hated dating silly boys my age. So I set out for a little excitement—you know—something different. Sleeping around with the bros’ never interested me so I mostly just hung out to drink and dance. From time to time, I’d catch Striker watching me, like a predator sizing up his next meal,” Holly giggled.

  Jaz leaned in a little closer when Holly stopped talking. “Oh no, you don’t. You can’t stop now,” she urged Holly to continue.

  “Well, let’s just say he gobbled me up and here I am, his old lady with his kid.”

  Jaz didn’t know if she should voice her opinion but, “He seems kinda…”

  “Controlling,” Holly finished her sentence. “He is, with the club. Make no mistake, he can be a mean prick when he needs to be, but I know how to handle him,” she confided with a wink.

  Striker didn’t look too happy and JD knew what was coming. “Did she know anything about her father skimming from Carlo and his boys?”

  “No and she still doesn’t,” JD admitted.

  “When you gonna tell her? When Carlo is holding a fuckin’ knife to her neck?”

  Striker was pissed and JD knew he was right. Jasmine needed to be told, but he wanted to hear what Mick had to say first.

  “I’m gonna talk to Mick and see what the deal is with him. From the way he’s guarding her, he knows all about it—but first, I want to find out if he knows where that money is.”

  “You taking her for your old lady—that serious or you just want the club protecting her?” Striker was never one to beat around the bush.

  JD looked him straight in the eye. “I’m serious, bro. She is my old lady. I’d never drag the club in this mess if I wasn’t serious about her.”

  Striker nodded, satisfied with JD’s answer. “Take my advice, brother. Tell her and do it soon.” Striker’s voice was grim when he added, “She needs to know.”

  JD knew he had to tell Jasmine and soon, but he also knew he was going to shatter her world.

  Before Jasmine could comment back to Holly and ask her what her secret was to control these biker men, JD and Striker returned. If the deep, furrowed frowns on their faces were any indication, Jaz knew they’d had a serious conversation. So she did the only thing she could think of to settle her nervous stomach—she ordered another shot of Jack Daniels for her and one for Holly.

  Roach and Drifter happened to walk in and came right over. If they were surprised to see Jasmine sitting there with JD, they kept quiet. While the guys were talking amongst themselves, Jaz leaned over to Holly once again.

  “Are those other girls over there old ladies, too?”

  Holly knew she was referring to the club sluts hanging around and decided to be honest. “No, Jaz.” Holly sneered her lips in disgust. “They’re only here to service the brothers, if you know what I mean?”

  Jaz did know and now she knew why one was staring and practically licking her lips at JD. She wondered if JD and that chick were ever lovers. She didn’t have long to wait until she found out.

  Lila was sitting at a table with Sherry and some other girls when JD walked in. She hadn’t seen JD since the night she arrived at the clubhouse in bad shape. Almost fully recovered from the beating, Lila was back hanging at the clubhouse again. She was hoping to see JD and pick up where they had left off. She’d heard rumors that JD had beaten Thomas within an inch of his life and knew he did it for her. Now her blood was boiling. What the hell! Who was that bimbo with JD? She decided to find out and walked over to the bar.

  JD felt two arms slide around his chest. When he turned his head and saw it was Lila, he couldn’t believe she’d come over to him. Before he could tell her to get lost, she whispered loudly in his ear.

  “JD honey, I’m back.” Smiling a vengeful smile at Jasmine, she continued on in a sensual, purring voice. “Come, my lusty stallion, Lila knows how to please you best,” while running her tongue along his ear. JD was just about to push her away when a fist flew past his face and connected with Lila’s nose.

  Jasmine wasn’t putting up with this crap. She and JD were back together and no disgusting whore was going to mess with her man.

  Jasmine jumped off her stool. “Take your filthy paws off my old man, you skanky whore,” she demanded, getting right in Lila’s face. Lila swung and caught Jasmine on the side of her head. Jasmine was furious. Before Lila could walk away, Jasmine grabbed her by her hair and yanked her back.

  JD grabbed Jasmine, just as she was going to punch Lila again, while Roach grabbed a hold of Lila. Both girls were spitting fire and grabbing for each other. The bros’ were cheering their favorite on and placing bets. JD turned Jasmine around, bent down and threw her over his shoulder with her struggling to get free.

  “Come, my wild little hellcat. I have a better use for all that wild passion.” JD carried Jaz up the stairs (amid the hoots and hollers) to his room and threw her down on the bed. He quickly stripped off her clothes and straddled her to hold her down. JD lowered his body over hers and nibbled on her lips with hot, hungry kisses. Jasmine returned his kisses with a passion that took his breath away. JD nudged
her legs open wide and settled in between them. No words were needed as JD opened his zipper and slid his hard, throbbing cock into her hot, heated core. They were like two wild bucking stallions in their fierce lovemaking and it wasn’t long before they both reached their peaks of pleasure. JD rolled over and pulled Jasmine into his warm embrace. She fell asleep with a contented smile on her face while JD lay there wondering how the hell he was going tell Jasmine that the father she adored was nothing more than a petty thief.

  Downstairs, Holly was having a hard time containing her laughter. She was worried about the club hurting Jaz! Damn, she thought to herself, that girl is one bad-ass.

  Jaz was relaxing behind the office desk, polishing her finger nails with her favorite color of pink nail polish. Lori was due back soon from her morning job at The Den. Thankfully, cleaning motel rooms was a thing of the past. Now they had two women doing that job. She was on her last finger nail when she heard the bell attached to the door jingle. Jaz stood up, wanting to appear professional while sliding her nail polish bottle to the side.

  “Welcome. How can I help you?” She asked the tall, thin man who was walking toward her desk, scanning the office, taking it all in. He wasn’t a very attractive man. His nose was hawkish shaped and his lips had an anemic, pale tinge to them.

  “I need a room. The sign says you have vacancies,” he said in an emotionless tone of voice.

  “Yes, we do. Room number ten is very comfortable, if you’ll just sign here.” Jaz turned the book around and handed him a pen, “I’ll get the key for you.”

  He signed his name and Jaz turned the book back around and read John Smith. Thinking to herself, obviously a fake name, she had no choice but to hand him the key. He took it from her hand and walked out.

  Who was she to judge? We all have our little secrets. She pondered over the thought that maybe he was there for a clandestine meeting with a married woman. That must be it because she didn’t notice much luggage, only one small, black duffel bag. He made her a little uncomfortable and she forgot to ask him, how long he would be staying. Oh, well, she guessed she would find out tomorrow. When he entered the room and closed the door behind him, she stopped worrying about him and went back to finish her last finger nail.

  When Lori didn’t return home by twelve-thirty, Jaz was starting to worry. She always came straight back from doing the books at The Den, always no later than noon. She decided to give her a little more time, thinking maybe she ran into Danny and was talking to him. When the clock struck one and still no Lori, Jaz decided to take a ride over and see for herself if she was still there. Maybe she needed help with the books today.

  JD was coming over to take her for a ride on his bike soon so Jaz left a note on the door: telling him where she was, what time she left and saying she wouldn’t be gone long. Hopping in her car, she drove out to The Den.

  When Jaz got there, she saw Lori’s little green Volkswagen still parked by the back door. No other cars were around so Jaz figured Lori was buried in work. Now she really felt guilty about never offering to help. She opened the office door, just as a hand reached out to grab the front of her top and yank her inside. Shocked, she stared into the face of her worst nightmare. Joe was standing in front of her holding a gun, pointed right at her. She heard a muffled noise and turned to see Lori, gagged and tied to a chair. Lori’s eyes were wide with fright and she was babbling incoherently through the gag.

  “Shut up, you fucking bitch,” Joe started yelling at Lori. Waving the gun at Jaz, he told her to take a seat and be quiet or she’d be the first one to take a bullet. Jaz hurried over to a chair next to Lori and sat down. Joe kept the gun loosely trained on Jaz as he continued ripping through drawers full of files, obviously looking for something.

  Lori knew he was looking for the fake set of books that she’d found the other morning. She had planned on telling Danny or Mick about them, but never got the chance. Joe took her by complete surprise when he snuck into the office.

  Joe looked at Jaz with a devilish gleam in his eyes. “You and me? We’re gonna finish what we started that night before I kill you. Too bad Jaz, I really like you—but I like me better,” he joked with maniacal glee while still holding the gun aimed at her. “Ah, here it is.” He held up a thick file folder. “Just what I’ve been looking for. Those stupid bikers ever found out I was stealing from the bar, they’d hunt me down to the ends of the earth.”

  “Now, you start undressing and put on a good show for me and maybe I won’t kill you. Maybe I’ll take you with me, instead. Come on, start with your top. Take if off and let me see those tits.”

  Jaz started shaking violently. She knew Joe was going to kill Lori and her, regardless what she did. “Look, just take the files,” Jaz’s voice was trembling, “we won’t tell anyone you were even here.”

  “Oh, I’m taking the files—but first I’m taking you. Now get that blouse off.” He pointed the gun at her head. “You have three seconds.” Jaz was near hysterical as she unbuttoned her blouse and slid if off her shoulders.

  “Keep going or your friend here gets a bullet in her head,” Joe said, waving the gun erratically between the two of them.

  JD pulled up to the motel a little while after Jaz had left. He was late, but he knew Jasmine would understand. She knew when he had club business he had to deal with it.

  When he read the note, he decided to ride over to the bar and see what was so important that Jaz had to go there. JD took a shortcut through the back dirt roads to get there sooner. When he got close to the bar, he noticed an abandoned car parked off the road, half hidden in the trees. Thinking about Carlo made him very cautious.

  JD parked his bike and walked the distance to the bar, keeping alert for any sign of trouble. He reached the side of the building and peeked in the office window. JD froze for a second when he saw Joe inside. Joe had his back to the window, but JD could see he was waving a gun around erratically.

  Jaz was reaching behind her to unhook her bra when she caught sight of JD waving his hand in the window. He held up two fingers then made a fist hoping Jasmine would get his meaning. JD held up one finger and Jasmine got ready. At his second finger, Jaz fell to the floor just as a bullet shattered the glass window and slammed into the back of Joe’s head.

  Jaz screamed as the gun went off and Joe fell to the floor with a thud, in front of her. Looking at Joe’s dead, wide-opened eyes, Jaz kept screaming and couldn’t stop.

  JD came crashing in and checked on Joe to make sure he was dead. He knelt down by Jasmine and took her into his strong arms, holding her tight.

  “It’s okay baby—you’re okay,” JD repeated over and over until Jasmine finally realized it was him holding her. JD picked her up and carried her into the bar area wanting to get her away from that ugly scene.

  “Lori, we’ve got to help Lori,” she was frantically whispering. JD set Jasmine down in a chair and went back to untie Lori who was paralyzed with fear. He carried her out to sit next to Jasmine and got them both a shot of liquor.

  He handed a glass to each. “Here, drink this. You girls gonna be okay while I call for help?” Shaking their heads yes, JD went back into the office and made the call.

  Drifter, Roach and Spokes were playing strip poker with some girls in the clubhouse when the call came. Roach answered on the third ring. He listened to JD’s coded message that only club members understood. “You got it, bro. I’m on it.” Roach broke up the game when he demanded in a sharp voice, “All you girls get the hell out of here, now!” They scampered around picking up their discarded clothes and flew out the door.

  “Fuck, man—why’d ya have to do that?” Spokes complained. “We almost had Sherry naked here.”

  “Spokes,” Roach called out, “need the van at The Den for a pickup. Find Rebel and pick me and Drifter up on the way.” Roach was thinking fast, wanting to be prepared for anything. “Better make sure we got cleanup in the van.”

  When Spokes left to get the van, Drifter asked, “What’s going on

  “Not sure, but that was JD on the phone and it didn’t sound good, whatever it is.”

  JD walked back into the bar and sat with Jasmine and Lori, trying to keep them calm.

  Lori tried to talk even though her voice was raw and strained. “It was the second set of books he was after. I found them the other morning.”

  Drifter walked in and rushed over to Lori and held open his arms. “Ah, Lori—come here, baby.” Lori ran into his arms seeking the comfort and strength from his hard, masculine body. “Shhh, darling.’ He can’t hurt you now.”

  “He was going to kill us, Drifter. Me and Jaz, he was going to shoot us.” Lori was getting hysterical again.

  “Come on, let’s get them outta here.” JD knew shock was probably setting in and they needed to get the girls home and warmed up. They carried the girls to Jaz’s car and Drifter drove them to the motel while JD went to get his bike.

  Roach and Spokes were loading Joe’s body into the van while Rebel was bleaching out the blood from the tiled floor. “Fucker’s heavy. Good thing we got us some cinder blocks and chains in the van. A lot of bottomless lakes around here, he’ll never surface.” Roach paused long enough to ask JD, “Wonder if they’ll like his fat, hairy body? If we see dead fish floating in the lake, guess we’ll know they didn’t,” he laughed. Roach strained as he gave one last heave and shoved the body inside the van, closing the back doors.

  JD slapped Roach on the back, “Thanks, bro. I’m gonna go get my bike then I’ll be at the motel.”

  Jaz and Lori were wrapped in warm blankets, sipping cups of hot tea when Mick pulled into his usual parking spot in front of the motel. Seeing Jaz’s car, he walked in.

  “What’s going on?” Mick asked puzzled, wondering why JD and Drifter were there with the girls.

  JD felt like ripping Mick’s head off. “Where the fuck were you?” JD asked, pushing Mick out the door. “Why was Jasmine allowed to drive over to the bar by herself? What happened to you watching her?”


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