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Hidden Secrets (Satan's Prophets MC)

Page 19

by Jones, Jacqui Leigh

  JD knew he had to do something. He told Mick to go to his clubhouse and see Roach. “Tell him I need something to calm Jasmine down.” When she started to scream at Mick again, JD clipped her on the chin with his fist. She went out cold. He caught her as she was falling and carried her back to her room.

  Mick returned just as Jasmine was coming around. He handed JD a baggie with white pills in it. JD dumped one into his hand and turned to Jasmine. “Here, take one of these.”

  Shooting a pissed off look at JD and rubbing her chin, she turned her back to him, refusing to take one.

  “Sorry, I had to hit you, babe. You were out of control.”

  “I want to talk to Mick.”

  Mick walked over slowly, keeping his eyes on Jasmine.

  She leveled a hard, derisive stare back at him. “I have a feeling there’s more to this story. I want you to tell me everything and I want to hear it all. No sugar coating it, either.” She sat there, still as a statue, listening to every word he said.

  “So because of Nick’s greed and stupidity, my mother is dead. My mother—who only wanted to make him happy and he got her killed for it. And now, I’m probably next to die.” Jasmine started shaking again.

  JD picker her up and sat down, holding Jasmine on his lap. “No, baby—don’t even think it. They’ll have to go through me first.”

  Mick walked over to where they sat. “And me too, Jaz.”

  JD rubbed circles over Jasmine’s back. “And my club too, babe. We’re all gonna protect you. Those scumbags aren’t getting anywhere near you.”

  Jasmine couldn’t stop shivering. She looked up at JD. “I want to learn to shoot a gun…if this gang comes here…oh, no!” She jumped off JD’s lap and turned to face him and Mick. “He’s here. One’s here already.”

  JD stood up. “Calm down, babe. Now tell me nice and slow what you’re talking about.”

  “Yesterday, before I went to The Den. He came in and wanted a room. He gave me the creeps. I knew there was something about him! He signed the register John Smith and he looked like a gangster.” Jasmine’s imagination was running away with her. “He was dressed in all black and his eyes were scanning the room, like he was getting ready to do something evil.”

  “Was he by himself?” JD wanted to know.

  “Yes, and he didn’t talk much either.”

  “What room is he in?” JD asked, checking the rounds in his gun.

  “I put him in room ten. I didn’t want him close to Lori and me.”

  “Lock the door after us, babe and don’t open it, regardless what you hear. Got me?” Jasmine shook her head yes.

  JD and Mick walked with their backs to the wall of the motel until they got to room number ten. Wanting to take him by surprise, JD kicked in the door and Mick followed with his gun drawn. A female scream rent the air and JD looked on in shock. Jasmine’s big, bad man was crawling on the floor, naked except for the collar around his neck. The woman was dressed in a black leather corset with her big breasts, bulging over the top. Her lower body was covered with tiny, black leather shorts. She also had on spike heeled, black leather boots, that went up over her thighs. In one hand, she held the leash connected to the man’s collar and her other hand held a whip, posed mid-air to strike.

  JD was speechless. Not knowing what to say, he backed out of the door followed by Mick, who was laughing out loud.

  “What the fuck!” JD looked at Mick, totally dumbstruck.

  Jasmine stopped pacing when they returned. ”Well, did you get him?”

  “Kinda,” JD found his voice, now that the shock wore off.

  “And? Did you see? Was I right?” Jasmine walked up to JD and hugged him tight, needing the security of his arms.

  “He isn’t a threat to you, Jasmine. It was a little tryst he was here for. In fact, he’s probably packing up now to leave.”

  “Good. I hope he never comes back here.” Just as Jasmine finished saying that, they heard a car start. Mick looked out the window to see it pulling away.

  “Looks like he’s gone.” Mick was trying not to laugh again.

  “I still want to learn to shoot a gun.”

  “Here.” JD handed Jasmine a valium and a glass of water. This time she swallowed it.

  “Come on, babe.” JD led Jasmine over to the couch and she laid down. “Don’t leave me,” she cried out as JD moved away.

  “Not leaving you, just putting this glass on the table.” He grabbed a chair and pulled it next to the couch. ”I’m staying right here. Try to get some rest.”

  Jasmine closed her eyes. It wasn’t too long before the valium did its job and she fell asleep.

  Mick walked out of the motel in a very somber mood. Jaz blaming him for her parents’ deaths, really ripped him up inside. He heard a bike coming down the road and was surprised to see it was Drifter.

  “I just came over to check on Lori. What’s up, Mick? You look like you just lost your best friend.”

  “You can say that. JD just told Jaz the whole sordid tale about her step-dad. She’s blaming me for it all.”

  “Damn, that’s a tough one to swallow. Let me go tell Lori I was by and then I’m heading over to the clubhouse. Why not come with me and hang for a while? It’ll get your mind off all this shit.” Drifter had no problem with Mick. He actually liked him.

  Renee happened to walk out in time to hear Drifter invite Mick to the clubhouse. “Go with him, Mick. I’ll tell Lori you were here, Drifter. I’m staying the night and we’ll be fine. JD is here, too.”

  Mick looked relieved at the thought of getting out of there. “Sure, why not? I got nothin’ else to do.” They fired up their bikes and took off.

  Jasmine slept through the night and woke up to the smell of coffee brewing in the small kitchen. She walked in and sat down at the table. JD brought her over a cup and poured some coffee in it.

  “How ya doin, babe?” JD asked, as he sat down across from her. “I have more pills if you need one.”

  “No, I really don’t like taking stuff like that. It only clouds my mind and I need to think straight and figure all this out. I know Nick wasn’t the best provider as a step-dad, but he really did love me and my mom. It just hurts so much.” Jasmine slumped back into her seat. “Why did he get mixed up in drugs? I’ll never understand why.”

  “Money. People do stupid things for money all the time.” JD didn’t know what to say to console her. He wanted to get her out of the motel and take her mind off all of it so he offered, “You really want to learn how to shoot a gun?”

  “Yes, I don’t like feeling so helpless. If anyone manages to find me, I need to be able to protect myself.” Jasmine had a determined look on her face when she stood up and waited for JD.

  “They’ll have to go through me to get to you, Jasmine and I’m not letting anyone get by me. I’ve got my club working on it and we’ve got plenty of backup if we need it. Try not to worry so much.”

  Jasmine couldn’t help worrying and being afraid. She didn’t want JD killed protecting her. She put on a brave face and attempted a smile.

  “Let’s go, babe. We’ll practice out behind the clubhouse where there’s plenty of open space and no one in town will hear the shots.”

  Jasmine wasn’t too good at shooting his gun and JD was getting discouraged. Every time she would fire the gun, she would jump back a step.

  “That’s okay, babe. I think you need a smaller caliber gun. We’ll keep practicing every day, you’ll get the hang of it.” JD wasn’t sure she ever would. She was too afraid of handling the gun, but he wanted her to keep trying. At least it would give her a feeling of self-preservation. And when she turned, holding the gun pointed at his belly, JD had enough for the day. “Enough for today, Jasmine. Let’s go inside.” Together they walked inside the clubhouse.

  When she saw Mick slumped over in a chair with his hair all messed up and his face unshaven, she realized he must have been there all night. And she also realized why. She felt very ashamed of herself. She knew h
e only did what he thought was best for her and she loved him for it. Calmly, she walked over to where he was sitting and sat down.

  “Mick, I’m sorry. I know you did it to shield me from the bitter truth. I don’t blame you for anything. It is all on Nick’s head, all of it.”

  Mick looked at her through bloodshot eyes. “It’s okay Jaz, I screwed up. I should’ve told you.”

  “Shh…” she put her fingers over his lips, “it wouldn’t have made a difference. I love you, Mick—and I’m sorry for taking my anger out on you.”

  “I love you too, Jaz. I’m going to stay here and see this through. No one’s gonna hurt you, ever.”

  Jaz got up, kissed Mick on his cheek and walked back over to where JD sat watching. He didn’t like seeing Jasmine kiss Mick, but he reigned in his temper. JD needed to control his jealousy and decided he was going to try.

  Roach and Striker were talking by the bar. They motioned JD to join them. “I need to have a few words with Striker, you okay here, by yourself?”

  “Sure, I see Drifter heading this way. Go.”

  “How’s the shooting coming along, darlin?” Drifter asked, as he approached Jaz.

  “It’s coming along slowly, but truthfully, I don’t think I’m cut out for it. Maybe I’ll have to think of some other way to protect myself, like fighting or something.”

  Drifter was trying hard not to grin. “Maybe fighting is more your thing. Seems to me you did okay when you clocked JD in the face that night. I’d say ya got a mean right hook on ya,” he joked.

  Jaz burst out giggling, “Yeah, when I’m drunk I can be a mean bitch.”

  “How’s Lori doin? She okay?” Drifter tried to sound nonchalant with his questions.

  “She’s okay, I guess. Why not come over some time and see for yourself?” Jaz wondered what the hell was going on with these two. Drifter really seemed to dig Lori and she knew Lori liked him a lot, but someone or something had a wall up between them. She hoped in time they could work it out.

  “Heard Mick made a kill out there on the road. Roach and I were talking and we think he’d be a good asset to the club. He knows how to handle himself and he’s already working for us at The Den. What do ya think?”

  Striker didn’t know what to expect JD’s answer to be and was surprised when he replied, “Good idea. He didn’t hesitate to kill that fucker before he could fire off a shot at me and my old lady. I owe him for that. But maybe he won’t be interested. Jasmine thinks he doesn’t have any plans to stay, once things are settled here.”

  “Only one way to find out, just wanted to run it by you first.” Striker walked over to Mick and sat down.

  “You don’t have to ask me to leave. I’m going soon,” Mick informed Striker.

  “If I wanted you out of here, you’d be gone, long before now,” Striker reassured him, “In fact, just the opposite. How would you feel about becoming a member of our club?”

  Mick was speechless. He’d never even considered joining the club, but now that Striker was asking, he kinda liked the idea. He had nowhere he had to be, no home or family left to care for—except Jaz. Maybe it’s not such a bad idea, he thought.

  “You won’t even have to prospect. You killed a guy to protect a club member, that gets you right in, that is if you want it.” Striker studied Mick’s face and saw his indecision. He pushed harder. “You’ll have a place to live here at the club if you need it, and you’ll be close to that girl over there that you care so much about.” Striker knew he had Mick hooked when he mentioned the girl.

  “Sounds good to me,” Mick stated. “But I’ll continue living at the motel so no problem there. What would my place be in the club? I need a job, gotta make some money.”

  “Your job would be the same as you’re already doing, tending bar at The Den, but I want you to manage it, too. Think you can handle that?”

  “That sounds great to me. I can handle it. You can trust me,” Mick promised.

  Striker stood and looked down at Mick. “We don’t need to vote on it, just gotta get your patches and shit. Get yourself a denim jacket and cut the sleeves off and we’ll patch you in.” Striker fist bumped Mick and told him to get back to work at the bar, the next night. Mick nodded his answer.

  Mick got up and went over to join Jaz at the bar. “Well, looks like I’ll be staying here, I just got accepted into the club.”

  Jaz was so happy! She jumped up and down and hugged Mick, both of them ignoring JD’s sulky scowl.

  Mick was still in an upbeat mood when he walked out of the clubhouse. He decided to take a ride over to the store where Renee worked. He wanted to check up on her and see how she was doing, after what went down the day before. Mick wished he had never got her involved in that mess but on the other hand, he was glad he was there to help JD and Jaz. Renee was definitely a timid, little thing and he was worried about her. He didn’t know where he was going with this attraction between them, but he’d like to see her again. Maybe he’d ask her out on a real date and take her someplace nice to eat. Plus, there was a movie theatre in town. Maybe they could grab a show.

  When Mick walked into the store, he saw Susanna waiting on a customer. He walked around looking at some clothes to kill some time. Susanna came right over as soon as the customer left.

  “Hi, Mick. How are you doing?” Susanna was so cheerful that Mick had to smile back at her. “Are you here shopping or to see someone?” she asked with a knowing grin.

  “I’m doing okay and yes, I’m here to see Renee. Where is she?”

  “She should be here soon. In fact, she’s a little late.” Susanna’s expression shifted from happy to uncomfortable. “Renee didn’t get much sleep last night and had nightmares. When she finally did fall asleep, I had to keep watch over her and wake her up every time she would cry out. I don’t know all the details of what happened yesterday, but whatever it was, it did a job on her. I love Renee. She is one of the sweetest girls I’ve ever known. You know, she took me in. I was accepted by her and her dad when they knew so little about me. I feel as though we are true sisters and I want what’s best for her. And frankly, I don’t think she fits into your world,” Susanna sighed. “But she is a grown woman and has her own mind. Just be careful with her. She’s fragile. Renee grew up surrounded by love and good things. She didn’t have the tough life that I had and she knows little of men and their baser needs.”

  “Yeah—I get that, Susanna. I don’t know where it’s going between us, but I would like to see her again. I’d never hurt her intentionally.” He thought to himself, Renee knows of men’s baser needs, hell, he’d taught her himself.

  Renee walked in and saw Mick talking with Susanna. She called out and Mick walked over to her.

  “Hey, darlin.’ I was wondering how you were doing today?” Mick studied her face and noticed the dark circles under her eyes. “Are you okay?”

  “We need to talk, Mick.” Renee took his hand and led him outside. “Thank you for stopping by to check on me. No, I’m not okay.”

  Mick couldn’t help but hear the tiny, little quivers in her voice.

  “I can’t see you anymore, Mick. We need to stop now before it goes any further. I loved being with you—well, up until yesterday that is. If that’s what your life is about—guns and violence—it doesn’t fit into my life. I really can’t handle that stuff, it just isn’t me. Yesterday, I thought we were going to die. That opened up my eyes and made me wonder what the hell I was doing. I need a solid family life with the while picket fence and a man who I know will come home to me every night, safe and sound.” She looked up at Mick with eyes full of sadness. “That’s my world. That’s what I need.”

  Mick wanted to tell her that life isn’t full of guarantees—that even men who live behind white, picket fences can be bad. But he didn’t want to be the one to burst her bubble. “I get ya darlin’ and I understand. I really do. Hey, no need to look so sad, we can still be friends.” Mick felt conflicted. He’d like to offer her all that and more, but he knew
it wasn’t possible. He was a member of Satan’s Prophets MC now and knew Renee could never adjust to club life. He lifted Renee’s hand up to his mouth and placed a bittersweet, soft good-bye kiss on her palm. He forced an easy going, boyish grin on his face and walked away.

  Renee felt her throat choking up, and her eyes misting with tears as she watched him walk away. She knew it was for the best, but why did she feel so shattered and empty inside now?

  Susanna was waiting for Renee when she walked back into the store. She could guess from Renee’s misty eyes what took place. Throwing an arm around her shoulders, “It’s for the best honey, trust me. I’ve been down that road and it’s not for either of us.” That made Susanna think of Roach and her feelings for him. Those thoughts only made her sad so she pushed them away and hugged Renee tighter.

  JD had to make a run today, along with Drifter and Spokes, over to Forked Springs. Someone was infringing on their territory and offering a cheaper plan of protection to the town businesses. Things like that needed to be nipped in the bud before an all-out war ensued. JD knew he wouldn’t make it back home tonight so he had to check with Mick and make sure he could stay with Jasmine. He hated leaving her, especially with Mick, but club business always came first. When he broke the news to Jasmine, she wasn’t happy about him going, but she also knew he had no choice.

  Mick was sitting outside his motel room, in a gloomy mood after seeing Renee. He debated going for a ride on his Harley, but didn’t want to leave town, in case there was trouble. When he saw JD walking towards him, Mick thought, what the fuck now? He wasn’t in the mood for JD’s petty bullshit today.

  “I just want to welcome you to the club, bro.” JD slapped Mick on the back.

  Mick was caught totally off guard by JD’s friendly gesture. “Thanks. I didn’t think you’d be so cool with it.”

  “Hell, I’m good with it. You proved yourself to me. I need a favor, though. I’m riding out soon with some of the bro’s and I need to know someone will be watching over Jasmine. We won’t be back until tomorrow so will you be around?”


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