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Two Schools Out - Forever

Page 6

by James Patterson

  I breathed out in relief. "Thank you," I said quietly.

  Fang stood up and squeezed my shoulder. "You'll be okay," he said again. He leaned down and quickly kissed my forehead. "I promise."

  Then he was gone, and I was more confused than ever.


  "Bombs away!" the Gasman yelled, right over my head.

  I looked up, startled, and saw Gazzy flying low over the pond. He tucked his wings in, curled into a ball, and dropped, cackling maniacally. I winced as he crashed into the water, sending up a huge craterlike wave.

  Soon his blond head surfaced, a smile splitting his face. "Did you see that?" he crowed. "That was so awesome! I'm going to do it again!"

  "Okay," I said, grinning. "Don't hurt yourself."

  "And don't hurt me!" Nudge yelled, as Gazzy clambered out of the water. "Watch where you drop! You almost landed on me!"

  "Sorry," Gazzy said.

  I was glad that he and Nudge weren't letting their disappointment get to them too much. Fang and I had told them about our fruitless search for our parents in the city. It had been one more false lead.

  I typed in another command and shielded the screen so I could read it. Yes, this was the ticket, going wi-fi out by the private pond. I'd pulled over an Adirondack chair and borrowed Anne's laptop, and I had lemonade close at hand. It was a tough life, but someone had to live it.

  The search results popped up on the screen. I scanned them and frowned.

  Ten kids had gone missing in the DC area in the last four months. Had whitecoats taken them, as fodder for their experiments? I could only imagine what the families were going through. What had happened when we had gone missing? Our parents had cared, hadn't they? They'd missed us, right?

  Hmm. That was a thought. I typed in a new Google search.

  Angel's head popped out of the water. "Max!" She'd been under about ten minutes. Even though I knew about her ability to breathe under water, it still took all my self-control not to leap in after her when I didn't see her come up for a while.

  "Yeah, sweetie?"

  "What's the best way to catch a fish?"

  I thought. "Well, I guess it depends on the kind of fish," I began.

  "No, what's the best way to catch a fish?" Angel asked again.

  Oh. "I don't know?" I said warily.

  "Have someone throw it to you!" Angel laughed, I groaned, and, next to me, Total chuckled.

  "Good one," he said, and I rolled my eyes, looking around for the voice-throwing Gasman.

  Uh, but Gazzy was fifty feet in the air, dive-bombing the pond again.

  Total trotted off, sniffing for rabbits, and I looked at Angel.


  "Yeah?" She looked up, all blue-eyed innocence.

  I felt stupid, but... "Can Total, um, talk?"

  "Uh-huh," Angel said casually, squeezing water out of her hair.

  I stared at her. "He talks. Total talks, and you didn't tell me?"

  "Well..." Angel looked for him, saw he was pretty far away, and lowered her voice. "Don't tell him I said this, but he's actually not that interesting."

  I was nonplussed. My mouth was hanging open, and I shut it before I started catching flies. I turned to see the small dog trotting among the cattails and daylilies.

  "Total?" I called. He looked up alertly, then ran over to me, small pink tongue hanging out.

  "Total?" I said when he was close. "Can you talk?"

  He flopped down on the grass, panting slightly. "Yeah. So?"

  Jeezum. I mean, mutant weirdos are nothing new to me, you know? But a talking dog?

  "Why didn't you mention this before?" I asked him.

  "It's not like I lied about it," said Total, reaching up with a hind leg to scratch behind one ear. "Between you and me, I'm still trying to get used to the whole flying-kid thing."


  That night I was lying awake in "my" bed, watching the moonlight create shadows on "my" walls, so I heard the door open almost silently.

  "Max?" Angel's whisper barely disturbed the air.

  I sat up. "Yeah, sweetie?"

  "I can't sleep. Can I go fly around?" she asked.

  I glanced at the clock. Almost midnight. The house was quiet and still. Except for the soft footsteps padding down the hall.

  The Gasman put his head around my door.

  "Max? I can't sleep."

  "Okay, put your clothes on. Let's go take advantage of the wide-open spaces."

  In the end we all went, including Total.

  "I love flying!" he said, leaping into Iggy's arms. "Just don't drop me."

  It was glorious. Out here in the country, there were few lights, no planes, and, so far, no Erasers.

  The air was crisp and cool, near forty degrees, and felt like liquid oxygen in our lungs. I swooped in huge arcs, catching wind currents, coasting, feeling almost weightless. It was times like this that I felt the most calm, the most normal. As if I were just a normal part of the world and I actually fit into it.

  You do fit into it, Max, said the Voice. You're part of everything, and everything is part of you. Everything should flow together. The more you resist, the more pain you'll feel. The more you go with the flow, the more whole you'll be.

  I frowned. Was that a bumper sticker?

  Don't resist the flow, Max, said the Voice. Become one with the flow.

  Well, since I didn't have a single freaking clue about what that meant, I decided to go with the airflow right now and enjoy myself.

  "Look, bats!" said Nudge.


  As soon as I looked, I saw them, hundreds, if not thousands, of fluttering bats. They swept jerkily among the trees, odd little black quotation marks against the deep purple night sky. We'd flown with hawks before, but not bats.

  "Hey, they're mammals, like we are," I said. Were they more like us than birds? Well, not the whole eating-insects thing.

  "My ears hurt," Total complained.

  "It's their echolocation," I heard Iggy explain. "It's way cool. Now be quiet, I'm trying to concentrate."

  Total huffed and settled down.

  Nudge, Angel, and I swung into a circle, each keeping one wing tip touching the others', and flew around like feathered spokes on a wheel.

  Then Gazzy came up and whapped Nudge on the back with one wing. "You're it!" he cried, and darted away.

  Fang was up high, doing steep circling moves, banking, practicing the techniques he'd learned from the hawks out west. It was hard to see him-except when he passed in front of the moon.

  Then all at once I felt the all-too-familiar rush of heat flooding me, washing my face with fire. I began breathing fast, the adrenaline jump-starting my heart. Quickly I put my hand up to my face, hoping I didn't look like an Eraser now, in front of the others.

  The next thing I knew, I was streaking into the sky like a rocket, my hair streaming in back of me, wind stinging my eyes. I was going incredibly fast, and I could hardly feel my wings moving. Oh, my God, what is this? I thought, seeing the earth blur beneath me.

  The flock and I could keep up a steady pace of eighty miles an hour with no effort, and could sprint at a hundred and twenty. Dive-bombing, we'd hit speeds of a hundred and eighty.

  I was going way faster than that now, straight out, by myself.

  It so totally rocked.

  A giddy joy rose up in me, but my laugh was snatched away, left far behind me as I shot into the night. Eventually I came back to myself, felt myself slowing.

  I wasn't even breathing hard. Laughing again, I turned and headed back toward Anne's house. I figured I'd gone about... thirty miles.

  The flock was where I'd left them. I saw them long before they saw me.

  I slowed and coasted up to them. Five faces turned toward me, looking stunned. Six, if you count Total.

  The Gasman was the first to speak. "You have warp drive," he said faintly.

  "I want to ride with you," Total said, trying to escape Iggy's hold.

  I laughed and held
my arms out, and he leaped into them. In his excitement, he licked my neck, which I could have lived without, but whatever.

  "What was that, Max?" Angel asked, wide-eyed.

  "I think I just developed a new skill," I said, grinning big.


  Take! Crack. That! Crack. Max! Crack.

  So Max could fly at the speed of light, eh? Snarling, Ari leaped forward again, smashing the bo across his opponent's back. The heavy wooden stick, taller than he and as thick around as his wrist, made a dull, sickening thud.

  The Eraser dropped to the mat and lay there, groaning thinly.

  "Next!" Ari growled.

  Another member of his team morphed and sprang into the circle with him, his own bo at the ready. Ari went into attack mode, the blows of the heavy staff sending shock waves up his arms.

  He had clocked Max at more than two hundred miles an hour. He'd also seen the delight on her face, seen her hair whipping around her head like a halo.

  Jeb just kept giving the flock more gifts. And what had he given Ari? Unnatural, painful, heavy wings. He'd thought he wanted to fly, to be more like the flock. But having wings grafted onto an Eraser's body wasn't even close to what the flock had. Gall rose in Ari's throat, burning him, and with a roar, he smashed his bo down on the other Eraser's head.

  He would do that to Max, he thought. She was fourteen, and he was only seven, but he was three times as big as she was. He had huge muscles and a wolf's power-a wolf's nature too.

  Jeb had said it was necessary. Jeb had said to trust him. And look where that had gotten him. He had huge painful wings. And Max was still laughing at him. Well, those days were over.

  Soon he would be the golden boy, and Max would be a distant memory of an experiment gone bad.

  It had been approved by the higher-ups.

  It was a done deal.

  "Next victim!"


  The first two addresses in Washington hadn't panned out, but Fang's map code was still the only thing we'd been able to come up with. And we had found that photo of the Gasman at the second address. At least, I was pretty sure it was Gazzy. So maybe it hadn't been a complete waste.

  At any rate, we had two more addresses to check out. No information about me or my possible parents had turned up yet. I tried not to mind.

  "Wait, Total!" I said, as I pulled on my new jacket. It had big hidden slits for my wings, and I wondered where Anne had gotten it. Bird Kids "R" Us? Total kept trying to leap into my arms, determined not to be left behind.

  "Total? Maybe it would be better if you stayed home," I said, zipping up. "You know, maybe guard the house or something."

  Total stood still and looked at me. "That is so condescending," he said.

  Angel went and put her arms around him. "She just meant because, you know, you're so fierce and stuff, and have great hearing and those big teeth," she said soothingly.

  Inwardly I rolled my eyes. "Yeah-not just because you're a dog or anything."

  Total sat down, looking just as stubborn as Gazzy did sometimes. "I want to go with."

  Fang smirked at me over Total's head. I breathed out heavily.

  "Fine," I said tightly, and Total leaped into my arms and licked my cheek. I was gonna have to talk to him about that.

  Five minutes later we were airborne and headed to DC.

  "So, Angel?" I said, looking over at her. She was gliding through the night sky, her eight-foot white wings looking like a dove's. "Have you picked up anything from Anne, about anything? Anything off?"

  "Not really." Angel thought. "From what I can tell, she does work for the FBI. She does care about us and wants us to be happy. She thinks the boys are slobs."

  "I'm blind," Iggy said irritably. "How am I supposed to make everything all tidy?"

  "Yeah, because you're so handicapped," I said sarcastically. "Like-you can't build bombs or cook or win at Monopoly. You can't tell us all apart by the feel of our skin or feathers."

  Gazzy giggled next to Iggy, and Iggy frowned.

  I turned back to Angel. "Anything else?"

  "There is something she isn't telling us," Angel said slowly. "But I don't know what it is. It's not even clear in her mind. Just something that's going to happen."

  All my senses went on alert. "Like what? Is she going to turn us over to the whitecoats?"

  "I'm not sure she even knows what whitecoats are," said Angel. "I don't know that it's something bad. It could be, like-she's going to take us to the circus or something."

  "Wouldn't that be redundant?" Fang muttered.

  "Hmm. Well," I said. "I know how easy it's been to relax there, guys. But let's try to keep on guard, okay?"

  "Okay," Angel said.

  "I'm chilly," said Total.

  My eyes narrowed.

  Angel smiled at me.

  "You're wearing a fur coat," I pointed out.

  "It's chilly up here."

  I gritted my teeth, unzipped my coat, zipped Total into it, and tried to ignore how the boys were snickering. Total's little head peeped out at the neck of my jacket.

  "Much better," he said happily.

  "Yo-first address is down there," said Fang, pointing. "Showtime."


  "Maybe her dad was a barber?" Nudge said.

  I looked over at Fang. This was the address that had been closest to his name, the address where his mom had supposedly lived. We thought she'd been a single mom, a teenager, and that she'd given Fang up for adoption. But like the first two addresses, this was a bust-a barbershop in the shadow of an office building.

  Fang shrugged, looking unconcerned. But I knew him, and the stiff set of his jaw.

  "I'm sorry," I said softly. For just a moment, he met my gaze, and I saw his emotion. Then his eyes went flat again.

  "No big. Didn't think it would add up to anything anyway," he said. "It's probably more wasting of our time, but should we check out this last one?"

  "Yes," said Iggy. It was the address next to his name.

  "Okay, let's go," said Fang, and he took off, not turning to see if we were following.

  "He's really upset," Angel whispered to me, as Nudge and Gazzy leaped into the air.

  "I know, sweetie," I whispered back.

  "I don't care where I came from," Angel said earnestly, looking into my eyes. "Wherever I came from, I don't want to go back. Not if you can't come too."

  I kissed her forehead. "We'll deal with that if and when it happens," I said. "But right now, let's catch up to everyone else."

  "Hang on," said Total, trotting over to a fire hydrant. "Potty break."


  "Are there apartments on top of the stores?" Iggy asked, his feelings written all over his face.

  "No." I heaved a sigh. Iggy's coded address had turned out to be an Asian food store in a little strip mall.

  "What's across the street?" Iggy asked.

  "A used-car lot," I said. "I'm sorry, Ig."

  "It's my fault, guys," said Fang. "I thought I'd cracked the code, but obviously I was totally off my gourd."

  "Well, if you were wrong," Nudge said, "then we don't have to be disappointed, right? It just means we still don't know."

  "Yeah, that's right, Nudge," I said, thankful that she was taking it so well.

  "This sucks!" Iggy shouted suddenly, his voice echoing off the glass storefronts. He punched a telephone pole in front of him, hitting it accurately. He winced, and I saw the scraped skin and bloody knuckles.

  "I'm sorry, Ig-," I began.

  "I don't care if you're sorry!" Iggy shouted at me. "Everyone's sorry! That doesn't matter! What matters is that we find where we belong!" He walked angrily away from us, his boots kicking up stones in the parking lot. "I mean, I just can't take this anymore!" he yelled, waving his arms and heading back to us. "I need some answers! We can't just keep on wandering from place to place, always on the run, always hunted..." His voice broke, and we all looked at him in shock. Iggy hardly ever cried.

  I went over an
d tried to put my arms around him, but he pushed me away.

  "We all want answers, Iggy," I said. "We all feel lost sometimes. It's just-we have to stick together. We won't stop looking for your parents, I swear."

  "It's different for you," Iggy said, his voice quieter but bitter. "You don't know what it's like. Yeah, I make jokes, I'm the blind kid-but don't you see? Every time we move on, I'm lost all over again. You guys-it's so much easier for you. Even your lost isn't as bad as my lost, you know?"

  I'd never heard Iggy admit to feeling scared or vulnerable.

  "We're your eyes, Iggy," said the Gasman, sounding small and anxious. "You don't need to see when you've got us."

  "Yeah, but I won't always have you!" Iggy said, his voice rising till he was shouting again. "What happens if you get killed? Of course I need to see, you idiot! I remember seeing! I know what it's like! I don't have it anymore, and I won't ever have it again. And someday I'm going to lose you, lose all of you-and when that happens, I'll lose... myself."

  His face was contorted with rage, and he swept one hand down and picked up a chunk of asphalt. Whirling, he threw it hard against a storefront, where it shattered a big plate-glass window. Immediately alarms went off.

  "Uh-oh," Iggy muttered.

  "Let's split," Fang said. Angel, the Gasman, and Nudge took off. Total jumped up into my arms, and I zipped him into my jacket.

  "No," said Iggy, and I skidded to a halt.

  "What? Come on, Iggy," I said. "The alarm's going off."

  "I know. I'm not deaf too," Iggy said bitterly. "I don't care. Let them find me, take me now. It doesn't matter. Nothing matters."

  And, to my horror, he sat down on the curb. I heard police car sirens wailing toward us.

  "Iggy, let's go, get up," Fang said.

  "Give me one good reason," Iggy said, dropping his head into his hands.

  I tossed Total to Fang, and the dog yipped, startled, as Fang grabbed him. "You guys go," I ordered.


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