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Sci Spanks

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by Anastasia Vitsky, Eve Langlais Anne Ferrer Odom, MarenSmith, Kate Richards, Cathy Pegau, Sue Lyndon, Natasha Knight, Eva Lefoy, Erzabet Bishop, Louisa Bacio, Leigh Ellwood, Olivia Starke, Carole Cummings

  In front of my face, his massive cock bobbed.

  “I am rather large for you.”

  “Let me try anyway.” This was just the kind of spur of the moment research I liked best. Grinning, I sent him a hopeful look.

  “All right. If you desire.”

  One look at his cock still damp from our combined juices and I desired very much. Opening my mouth, I waited for his next move.

  He tugged at the collar and my lips met his slit.

  I licked it, savoring a flavor not unlike spicy chocolate. Stunned, I pulled back to ask about it and received a smack on my ass. When I didn’t immediately respond, he whipped me again. The sensation went right to my pussy, drenching my folds. So, Oo’ir wanted to play, did he? Smiling, I took more of him into my mouth and sucked. The bulb seemed to grow in my mouth, emitting more of the yummy pre-cum. I sighed happily.

  “Bad girl?” He asked.

  I nodded around his cock, silently hoping for another turn with the whip.

  Oo’ir didn’t disappoint. He alternately whipped and then tugged on the leash, forcing my mouth down his shaft inch by inch. He was too big to fit down my throat, but each time he thrashed me and then slammed into the back of my throat, my cunt contracted and I moaned. Impossibly, I swallowed a little bit more of him as our session progressed.

  “Earthling,” Oo’ir breathed. He sounded close. Very close.

  I hummed around his shaft, eager for my own release and not sure how I would get it. He landed another whack on my backside and then roared. His hips jutted forward, and he held the tension on the leash so taut that I had no choice but to relax and let his cock force my jaw open wider. Then he shuddered, and his warm juices pumped down my throat. As he screamed his release I hung there on the end of his cock, trembling with need. Just when I thought I’d die from want, he reached down and slid two thick fingers across my clit.

  My release started at his touch and then sped up as he raked his digits over my nub in a see-saw fashion. Mouth still around his green flesh, I yelped, creaming his fingers as the intensity crashed over me. Stars shot out my eyes. But then he released the leash and cupped the back of my head, pulling out so that his round bulb tickled my lips. He continued to rub me as my lust ratcheted down, saying, “Shh, shh, shh,” as I licked the tasty fluid from his shaft. Good grief, the man could make a fortune selling this stuff. At last I quit panting and he bent to release me from my shackles and helped me stand.

  “Punishment good?”

  “Good.” I nodded, more words failing me. I didn’t think I’d ever experienced anything quite like it. Standing here in his big green arms I felt protected, understood. I knew I’d miss it.

  “Excellent. Then you will stay?”

  I shook my head. “I still have to go.”

  “Too bad.” Emitting a heavy sigh, he called for the transporter and in seconds we were back in the throne room.

  I picked scraps of my clothing off the floor. When Oo’ir saw its tattered state, he called for a guard to bring me a robe. He didn’t bother blocking my nakedness with his body when the guard entered, even though he was male. Apparently nudity wasn’t a big thing here on Utai. Interesting.

  He stepped into his pants and drew that small object he’d been playing with before out of his pocket. “Here. Take this. If the guards give you any trouble, show it to them and they’ll make every effort to help you.”

  The Emperor’s seal felt heavy in my hands. Part gemstone and part plasti-metal, it shimmered like a 3-D fancy coin. I felt like I’d been given the key to the palace. “Thank you.”

  “No, it is I who should thank you.” He gave me a kiss on the cheek and with his arm around my shoulders, walked me to the door. “Remember to return soon, yes?”

  I nodded, smiling. Oh yes. Someday. But for now, other new planets called for my research. I swept out the door and into the hushed tones of the flower viewing room, my gaze searching the crowd for signs of hidden kinkiness in the green faces so unfamiliar, yet with one of their innermost secrets now totally unmasked. They are a lot like me, I thought, feeling quite at home.

  Like so many places in the universe, this undiscovered little planet offered plenty to the adventurous traveler. Taking out my holo-pad, I scribbled copious notes on my way to the loading platform. Utai had been a stop for the record books. Where else could one spank the emperor?

  As I descended into my seat and was harnessed in by the flight attendants, I resolved to find out. As soon as my ass stopped hurting. But I knew Utai would always hold a special place in my heart…

  The end.

  Or is it?

  Author Bio

  Eva Lefoy writes and reads all kinds of romance, and is a certified Trekkie. She’s also terribly addicted to chocolate, tea, and hiking. One of these days, she’ll figure out the meaning of life, quit her job, and go travel the galaxy. Until then, she’s writing down all her dirty thoughts for the sake of future explorers.





  Red Moon Rising


  Erzabet Bishop

  Bare branches of the tree line dotted the twilight sky. A brisk autumn breeze blew past and Kendall shivered. She huddled next to her car for warmth, but it wasn’t helping. The acrid smell of burning leaves tickled her nose. Mischief ran freely in the air tonight. She could sense it. Not much longer till Samhain. Just another month or so. Time enough before the Witch’s Ball for her to make a bit of cash to get her costume in order.

  The park lay silent, save for the chirp of an occasional cricket and animals running in the brush. A refreshing change after her hectic day at the needlework shop. The pre-holiday sale had gone a little too well, and Kendall was exhausted. Endless hours winding skeins of yarn and teaching women to wield crochet hooks and knitting needles tended to fray her nerves. Especially the gaggle of stitchers that always seemed to show up on Wednesday mornings. They brought their samplers but for the last three weeks she swore not one x got crossed or one needle actually got run. Clueless the lot of them. She’d never seen a bunch of women take hours to accomplish absolutely nothing. Well, except make her miserable and drink the shop out of iced tea.

  “Unbelievable.” She muttered to herself. Her nerves were still smarting after one of them had complained to Astrid, her boss, that she had given them attitude. Astrid had rolled her eyes and dealt with the woman but she was pretty certain the discussion wasn’t over. Talk about the last freaking thing she needed. What was it with busy body women anyway? Her mother and Astrid were in the same coven. She was more than capable at setting up her own curses, thank you very much. She didn’t need help. The bitch had better watch her step the next time she came into the shop. Spit might not be the only thing she needed to worry about being in her tea.

  Kendall let out a throaty laugh that echoed in the silent parking lot. “Okay. This isn’t a serial killer special here. WTF? Dude I have to go.” She stomped her foot and checked her phone for the time. She wanted to get this meeting over with. Her girlfriend Cybelle waited for her. They planned on looking though the costume shop site once she got paid. After weeks of nothing, a bite on her ad came through. She texted the client shewould meet him after her shift at Cast Two Stitches.

  Things were lean and she needed the cash. Spell work for hire. Pretty straight forward. A love spell. A banishing or two. No biggie. What she didn’t like was meeting random weirdoes in the city park after dark.

  Astrid would kill her if she knew. So would her mom for that matter. The coven kept harping about not going out alone. Get real. It was the city. She was within earshot of practically everyone. If something happened, she could scream, and somebody would come running.

  The news reported another murder a few days ago. Kendall wasn’t worried. She
felt around in her pocket, palming the pepper spray she kept on her for just these occasions. Her stomach growled and she flipped her black hair out of her eyes impatiently. He had kept her here twenty minutes already. She should have stopped by the drive in on her way but she wanted to get Chinese take-out with Cybelle. The wind cut through her thin outfit, and she let out a curse.

  “Damn, I should have brought a coat.” Kendall ground out. Her long black dress and clunky shoes did little to stave off the chill. She rubbed her hands along her arms to try and gather some warmth. If she got back in her car, the guy might miss her and leave.

  “Okay. Anytime now.” Kendall’s eyes scanned the growing darkness. So beautiful. So quiet. She missed coming here. It’s not like the park was in the country or something. It was only a few blocks away from the store. The timing was pretty much right on with her needing costume money. At least it would have been if the guy had been on time and she wasn’t starving. The moon hung full and low in the sky and she sensed the pull deep in her bones.

  In the darkness to her left a light flickered. Kendall turned her gaze and found a dark form bounding out of the tree line right toward her at breakneck speed.

  “Jeez buddy. Are you okay?” Kendall took a step back as the guy rushed closer. “Holy shit buddy. Stop! Stooooppp! Noooooo!” The wolfen face was twisted, the eyes manic as the jaws opened and snapped against her face.

  The creature knocked her against the car. The fetid breath blew warm into her face. Kendall reached for her spell bag, but the beast came upon her too quickly. Grabbing a hold of the strap, he tore it from her. A bottle of potion burst, letting loose a spell of confusion. The creature slipped and fell to the side, allowing her a brief window of escape. Kendall darted off into the woods, running like the hounds of Hell were after her.

  Branches and twigs snapped as she burst through the trees. No trail visible to her hurried glance, her eyes strained to see in the darkness. Clouds covered the moon. Another light twinkled in the distance. She ran toward it. Someone was there. Maybe they could help. Her feet bounded against the earth, her breath hard and fast in her ears. Behind her she heard the wolf making progress. The source of the light came from a small clearing. Kendall burst through the trees, her breath labored. Her chest burned. A form stood in the center of a crudely drawn out pentagram gouged into the earth.

  “You.” Kendall rasped. “Why?”

  “Why ever not?” A flash of silver emerged from the woman’s robes.

  Kendall swung around to run. The beast countered her movements, blocking her way. Its yellow eyes glowed in the darkness. She never felt the blade enter. Only the sensation of falling as the ground rose up to meet her face.


  Detective Devi Watson pressed the mask against her face and sighed. The changing room at The Blue Minx was quiet and for the moment deserted. Time enough to get her identity hidden behind the black velvet and sequins. She scooped her brown hair up into a messy up do and un capped a tube of blood red lipstick. She stared at the brilliant shade, her mind traveling back to when Astrid first gave her the silver tube. Astrid. Goddess she missed her. It had been three years. Yeah. And whose fault was that?

  “You look sexy in that shade of red.” Astrid came out of her bedroom with a small object in her hand. The florescent glow of the bathroom lights brought out the silvery blue in her eyes and the inky black waves of her hair. All ready to hit the club, Astrid was a knockout in her blue micro skirt and black corset. It was their place. No one from the coven went there and they could be themselves. Not a witch or a cop, but a couple.

  “Thanks.” Devi zipped up the side panel on the dress and adjusted her cleavage. Her breasts filled out the top portion of the vintage pinup outfit to a tee. Her hair was styled in old fashioned large curls parted down the middle, letting her long brown hair flow in waves down her back. One glance at her girl and her pulse pounded in her throat. “Are you sure we have to go? You’re good enough to eat.”

  Astrid laughed, her lips curling up into a smile. “You’re just afraid one of your cop friends is going to see you.”

  Devi’s eyes met Astrid’s in the mirror. She’d hit home and Astrid immediately frowned. Cops and witches didn’t get along. It was well known Devi’s family were hereditary witches and it had taken her a long time to help them see her as a cop, not a supernatural freak they had to worry about.

  “I’m sorry Devi. Your mom is still really pissed at you quitting the coven. Now I hardly ever see you anymore.” Astrid wrapped her arms around Devi and kissed her on the cheek. “I thought going to the club was good for us. You love to be adventurous.”

  “I love the club. But tonight I just wanted it to be us. Here. Together.” Devi protested, moving out of Astrid’s embrace to find her earrings. If Astrid wanted to go, then she would, but with great misgivings.

  “If you want…only I sort of reserved us one of the special rooms. It is our anniversary after all.” Astrid’s lips quirked into a flirty smile.

  “My mother knows full well why I left.” A slow burn of anger began to simmer in her gut. Her mother found ways to ruin everything. First her coven family and now her time with her girlfriend. She jerked the back off the earring and fastened it, repeating the action with the other ear. Two diamonds sparkled back at her in the glass.

  She could never tell Astrid why she’d left. Only that she didn’t want to be in the family business. Witches…great. Fine. Whatever. She looked at the tell-tale scars along the fleshy part of her arm. What she would not be was a monster.

  “Are you ever going to tell me what happened?” Astrid put her hand on her arm.

  “No. Just drop it okay?” Devi sighed. “I want to enjoy the night.”

  “So let’s get out of here.” Astrid looped her arms around her and held out a small silver tube. “This is for you.”

  “What is it?”

  “Can’t you guess?” Astrid purred, running a finger down between her breasts.

  “Oh you are naughty tonight. I ought to take you over my knee and give you a swat for teasing me.”

  “Is that a threat or a promise?” Astrid taunted, turning around and wiggling her very sexy derriere at Devi.

  Devi caught her by the hand and swung her around into her arms. “I’m going to paddle your backside until you won’t be able to twitch that sassy ass for a week.”

  “Oh really?”

  “Yes really.”

  “Prove it.” Astrid reached up and planted a kiss on Devi’s lips.

  All the anger at her mother leached out of her in that second. The only thing was the warm and caring woman in her arms. Astrid ground her lips against Devi’s, urging them to open wide. Her tongue slipped inside and mated with Devi’s, making her weak in the knees. Then Astrid reached up and pinched Devi on the backside.

  “Come here you wicked girl.” Devi ground out. She led her to the bed and sat down. Careful not to wrinkle the vintage costume, she pointed to her lap.

  “Over my knees, saucy wench.”

  “Well whatever for?” Astrid lowered her lashes and tried to look demure. Her long black hair framed her face, making her appear like a child playing dress up. A very adult dress up.

  “Three swats for that pinch, missy. Then we’ll see.”

  Magic sparked in Astrid’s eyes, making the blue swirl bright purple. “You think I’m going to make it easy for you?”

  Devi smiled her own brand of wicked smile. It was only the two of them and she could be herself. If she was careful. Harnessing the element of air, she reached up and snapped her fingers. Astrid hurtled toward her, Devi catching her mid-flight.

  “Never think I’ve given up on being a witch. I just choose how and why.” She whispered in Astrid’s ear.


  “Now. I want you to count with me.”

  Devi raised her hand and lifted up the flounce of the micro skirt. Her hand struck Astrid’s ass and she smiled.

  Read mor
e this summer in: Red Moon Rising part of the Elemental Passions line.

  Author Bio

  Erzabet Bishop has been crafting stories since she could pound keys on her parents’ old typewriter. She has only just learned that it is a whole lot more fun writing naughty books. She is a contributing author to the Silk Words website with her Fetish Fair choose your own romantic adventure stories, Potnia, A Christmas To Remember, Taboo II, Forbidden Fruit, Club Rook: The Series, Sweat, Bossy, When the Clock Strikes Thirteen, Unbound Box, Milk & Cookies & Handcuffs, Holidays in Hell, Corset Magazine: Sex Around the World Issue and Man vs. Machine: The Sex Toy Issue, Smut by the Sea Volume 2, Hell Whore Volume 2, Can’t Get Enough, Slave Girls, The Big Book of Submission, Hungry for More (upcoming Cleis), Gratis II, Anything She Wants, Dirty Little Numbers, Kink-E magazine, Eternal Haunted Summer,Coming Together: Girl on Girl, Shifters and Coming Together: Hungry for Love among others. She is the author of Lipstick (upcoming), Dinner Date, Tethered, Red Moon Rising, Sigil Fire, The Erotic Pagans Series: Beltane Fires, Samhain Shadows and Yuletide Temptation. Erzabet is a finalist for the GCLS 2014 awards in two separate categories. She lives in Texas with her husband, furry children and can often be found lurking in local bookstores. She loves to bake, make naughty crochet projects and watch monster movies. When she isn’t writing, she loves to review music and books.

  Follow her reviews and posts on Twitter @erzabetbishop.



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  Louisa Bacio


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