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Wicked Innocence

Page 8

by Missy Johnson

  I tilted my head slightly, letting my hair fall over my shoulder. He let out a growl and leaned forward. His hand slipped around the back of my neck. I jumped, the feel of his warm skin against mine electric.

  “I think I want you to kiss me,” I whispered, pressing my lips together.

  He pulled my face toward his. My heart pounded as his mouth met mine, his soft lips melting into my kiss. I let out a moan as his tongue flicked against mine, his hands caressing my neck.

  Oh God, this is heaven. Everything about him left me feeling frazzled. And then it was over. He pulled away, his forehead creased in frustration.

  “Fuck,” he cursed, running his hand through his dark hair. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.”

  “I’m glad you did,” I whispered, hardly believing I had let yet another dangerous admission escape my brain and take on a life of their own.

  He looked at me, surprised. “Micah…” he hesitated, and I knew what was coming.

  I stood up suddenly, flashing him a smile. “I better get to bed,” I said brightly. I had no intention of going to sleep just yet, but I knew I had to avoid this conversation.

  He nodded, giving me a small smile. “Sleep well.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  Why the fuck had I kissed her? Of all the stupid things I’d done, this was up there at the top of the list. I’d thought with my dick. We couldn’t get involved. I shifted the van into fourth, slamming my foot down on the clutch. I glanced in the mirror at Micah, who was sitting with Liam, staring out the window. Any other time she would’ve jumped in the front with me, but I’d obviously embarrassed her. Either that or she was avoiding the conversation she knew was coming.

  Fuck. Harry, who sat next to me, raised his eyebrows.

  “Don’t even start, man,” I muttered.

  “I didn’t say a word,” he replied, amused. Fucking idiot. The last thing I needed right now was his fucking arrogant attitude. “So, you and Micah have been spending a bit of time together.”

  “Yeah? Could say the same about you,” I replied.

  “Hey, no need to be so defensive, cuz. I’m just trying to be friendly. You know, make conversation. Being civil and all that.”

  Bullshit. With Harry, he always had an agenda—one that usually involved winding me up.

  I didn’t reply, refusing to fall into whatever trap he was trying to set for me. Instead, I reached for the radio and turned it up. I kept my eyes on the road, ignoring his chuckling. My hands clenched the wheel as I struggled to contain the anger that was bubbling inside me. Harry wasn’t helping, but it was myself I was pissed at.

  See, it wasn’t just the management thing with Micah. In fact, that probably had little to do with it. She was four years younger than me. That was huge. I didn’t do girlfriends. I’d never had a serious relationship in my life, and she was so young and impressionable. But there was something different about her. I woke up thinking about her. She was the last thing I thought about when I closed my eyes at night.

  When she sang, it was like she was singing only for me. Watching the words leave her lips drove me crazy, because all I could think about was how they would taste, how they would feel.

  And all kissing her had done was make me want her even more.


  Less than two hours later, we pulled into a small motel a hundred miles from Vegas in a pissy little town called Pinson Creek. We had two shows there, so we’d decided to fork out the cash for a few rooms. I was looking forward to sleeping in a real bed and having a shower—considering I hadn’t had one for two days.

  Besides, I needed time to think about shit and I couldn’t do that with her around. I couldn’t think straight at all when she was in the same room as me.

  “Gotta be at the bar by nine, so do your own thing and meet me out here at eight thirty,” I muttered.

  “Are you going to let us know who’s bunking with who? I don’t mind sharing with Micah,” Harry said. He grinned at me as his arm threaded around her shoulder.

  She shifted uncomfortably, shooting me a look.

  “You four will share. Micah will have her own room and so will I.”

  “Why do we have to share while you two get your own rooms?” Harry argued.

  “Because she’s the only fucking female and I’m your fucking manager,” I growled. I stalked off before he could respond. The bell above the door rang as I walked into the tiny office, alerting the attendant sitting behind the desk to my presence.

  He didn’t look up. I stood there for two minutes. Still nothing. He continued to flip through his magazine.

  “Sorry—if you’re too busy we can go elsewhere,” I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

  “No you won’t. We’re the only motel in a hundred miles.”

  Fucking little shit.

  “Look, I’ve had a hell of a day. All I want to do is pay for three fucking rooms, take a shower, and not have to put up with any more shit. Is that too much to ask?”

  He glanced up, his expression disinterested.

  Well, at least I have his attention.

  “ID and registration details. And we only have two rooms available.”

  “Fine,” I said, gritting my teeth. Looks like I’ll be sleeping in the van. Digging through my wallet, I slapped my ID down on the counter. So much for a long, hot shower and a good night’s sleep.

  I walked back over to where the guys were standing around waiting for me. I threw a key at Harry, and the other at Micah. Turning around, I opened the door of the van.

  “What are you doing?” asked Micah. The guys had wandered off, leaving us alone. She stared at me, her brow furrowed. “You’re staying in there?”

  “They only had two rooms,” I muttered. “It’s fine. I’m good in here.”

  “For God’s sake, Sax. I think we are both grown up enough to handle sleeping in the same room.”

  She might be. I’m not.

  “At least come and get a shower,” she added, cutting into my silence.

  A shower does sound good.

  Sighing, I nodded. Slamming the door of the van shut, I followed her over to her room. My eyes wandered over her ass as she stood in front of me, fiddling with the lock. My cock twitched at the sight of her creamy white thighs.

  God, those shorts are fucking short.

  “You can shower first. I have to email my friend,” she said, walking over to the bed furthest from the door. Twin beds. No, bad, bad idea.

  I walked into the bathroom and locked the door. The shower was over a bath and rusty as hell, but the water was hot and that was all I really needed. As steam filled the stuffy little room, I stripped out of my clothes and stepped into the tub.

  God, yes. Just like that, all my frustration melted away. It was amazing what a hot shower could do for a foul mood. I reached for the bottle of body wash and squeezed a generous amount into my hand, soaping my body up into a lather.

  Thank God there were only a few days left on this damn tour, because I was just about at my breaking point with Micah. Seeing her every second of the day was killing me. I couldn’t believe I’d done something as stupid as kissing her—especially in a situation such as this, where we couldn’t get away from each other.

  But that kiss had been fucking amazing. I felt my cock harden against my hand as I soaped myself up. Resting my arm against the wall of the shower, I wrapped my fingers around my shaft and began to milk it up and down. Closing my eyes, I stifled a groan as I pictured her sitting out there on the bed in those tiny little shorts. She had no fucking idea how badly I wanted to tug them down and feel myself inside her.

  “Fuck, yeah,” I muttered as my rhythm sped up. How good would her mouth feel wrapped around my cock? Would she suck hard, or move nice and slow, building up the tension inside of me until I couldn’t take it anymore?

  My fingers pressed against the tiles as my body began to tense. I was close. So fucking close. My fingers moved furiously over my throbbing shaft
. With every pump I was sure it would be the last until I finally released. I gasped, my muscles clenching as the last of the orgasm surged through me.

  I washed myself again, not sure whether I should be feeling ashamed or relieved about what I’d just done. She was sitting no more than ten feet away from me with only a wall separating us, and had no idea that I’d just jacked myself off while thinking about her.

  Think about her all you want so long as you don’t go there.

  After I had dressed, I walked back into the room. I couldn’t look her in the eye—not without risking another hard-on. “Thanks,” I mumbled, heading for the door.

  “For God’s sake, Sax, just stay in the damn room or I swear I’ll sleep outside on the footpath.” She shook her head, frustrated. “It’s not like we have to share a bed this time. And don’t worry, I’m pretty sure I can control myself.”

  But I’m not sure I can. Especially when you look at me like that.

  “Fine,” I said, gritting my teeth.


  We arrived at the Crimson Bar just before nine. The guys weren’t due to start until nine thirty, but the extra half hour was always needed to set up, run sound tests, and get a feel for the crowd. I glanced around the deserted parking lot. Not that it looked like we had that much of a crowd to worry about.

  I went inside as the guys unloaded the equipment. My contact there was a guy named Ben. After asking a few people, I was directed to a man who looked to be in his fifties, standing behind the bar.

  “You’re from the band,” he said, as I walked over.

  I nodded. “Saxon Waite. I’m the manager for Resurrection.” I glanced around the empty bar as he let out an embarrassed laugh.

  “We’ve had some issues with the health and safety department. They’ve closed us down for tonight. It’s just a fuckload of bullshit, but I can’t open this place until I get through the red tape.”

  Fucking great.

  “Well, that sucks,” I muttered. I rubbed my jaw, trying to think of our next move. We had two nights booked at this dive. If this guy couldn’t guarantee us a show for tomorrow night and the next at least, should we stay, or just head on to Vegas early?

  “Look, I’ll cover the costs of the show as promised if you wouldn’t mind sticking it out until I get this sorted. You guys have quite the following here, and I’ll have some very pissed off customers if I can’t deliver.”

  I nodded slowly. “We’re staying at the motel just outside of town. If you can cover our costs, then we’re even, okay?”

  He nodded and slapped my hand into a shake. “Deal. You might as well go out and enjoy our little town.”

  I nodded. “You have my number. Keep me updated?”

  “Sure. Thanks for being so understanding, Saxon.”

  “No problem,” I said.

  I walked toward the exit, wondering what the fuck I was going to tell the guys. Pushing my way outside, I saw they had all the equipment unpacked already. “Pack it back up. Place has been closed by health and safety.”

  “What the fuck, Sax?” Harry cried, jumping in my face. “You booked us two shows here, dude. That’s the whole weekend gone.”

  “Yeah, because it’s my fault the place got closed? Settle the fuck down. Our accommodation’s are covered, and he’s trying to get the place back open for tomorrow night.”

  “And what do we do in the meantime?” he grumbled, kicking at the gravel with his shoe.

  I let out a laugh. He was like a fucking five-year-old sometimes. “Do whatever you want. Enjoy all the wonders of Pinson Creek. It’s Friday night. Live it up.”

  “I think I saw a strip club just down the road,” piped up Kam. “Who’s in?” He clapped his hands together, a smile spreading across his face.

  I scowled at him. Did he have no clue?

  “What?” he said, a confused expression crossing his face.

  I nudged my head toward Micah.

  “Oh…” his voice trailed off.

  Enter awkward silence.

  “Hey, if you guys want to leer over naked women, don’t let me stop you,” Micah said with a shrug. “I could use a drink. Where is this place?”

  “Yeah!” Kam said, nodding with enthusiasm as he high-fived her. “I knew you were a cool chick.”

  What the fuck? There was no way she was going to a strip club—or any of us, for that matter.

  “Let’s just go back to the motel and chill,” I suggested, my voice weary.

  “What’s the matter, Sax? You’d never have passed up the chance to have naked women rubbing all over you in the past,” Harry challenged.

  Micah raised her eyebrows, shifting her body so she didn’t have to look at me.

  Fuck you, Harry.

  My past was just that: the past. Yes, the old Sax would’ve been down at that club faster than you could ask. Hell, he would’ve had one of the strippers bent over his car out back—never mind the no touching policy.

  But things were different now. I was different. I’d learned the hard way that your life can fuck up pretty damn quickly. And nobody knew that better than Harry.

  “Fine,” I muttered. I didn’t care anymore. I had no interest in going, but I’d be fucked if I was leaving Micah alone—in a strip club—with these guys.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I’d never been to a strip club before.

  Walking inside, my heart pounded as the security guy checked my ID. He nodded, and gave me a wink. What the hell was I doing? All this just to prove some kind of stupid point to Sax?

  I got the feeling class wasn’t high on the list at this establishment. Don’t get me wrong— it was clean and all that, but I felt like I’d just walked onto a seventies porn set.

  Lining the center of the room we little podiums, each with their own pole. Small lights surrounded the bases of the podiums. The main stage was up the front, with a short runway extending down into the seating area. What really hit the spot were the thick, red velvet curtains hanging behind the stage and the painted-on tassels decorating the red walls.

  Throw in the deep red carpet, and the place was very . . . red.

  Dancers were rubbing against the poles, wearing little more than tiny G-strings. I glanced at Sax and let out a giggle. The poor guy looked mortified, like he didn’t know where to look.

  “You’re finding this very awkward, aren’t you?” I said with a chuckle.

  He shot daggers at me. “And you’re fucking loving it,” he growled. He was right—I was enjoying his discomfort immensely. “Can we go over there and get a drink or something?” he asked, nodding toward the bar.

  I giggled and nodded.

  Everywhere I looked were breasts and, in some cases, everything was on show. Despite the little I knew about strip clubs, I got the feeling this wasn’t the finest establishment in the world.

  Some of the girls looked young and fresh—not much older than me. Others? Well, let’s just say I admired their confidence and leave it at that.

  I slipped onto the seat next to Sax. The barmaid—who was topless—walked up to us, and I giggled as Sax sighed loudly. He hated this. I love that he was so uncomfortable with me being there. As childish as it was, I felt like it was payback for the way he reacted after our kiss.

  “Do you want something to drink?” he asked. I wanted to laugh. He still couldn’t look at me?

  “A soda,” I replied. “With vodka,” I added. Hell, I felt like being bad. I crossed my arms over my chest as he ordered our drinks. “We’re really not even looking at each other now?” I finally asked.

  “I’m sorry, Micah. I don’t want things to be weird, it’s just…I don’t know what to say. I shouldn’t have kissed you and I feel like a royal asshole for not having more resolve.”

  “It’s fine. I get it.”

  He reached out and grabbed my arm. “I don’t think you do. I like you, but I have to put the band first—and then there’s your age.”

  Right. He was my manager and he was ‘
too old’ for me. I let out a laugh. Imagine if he knew I was actually four years younger than what he thought I was.

  I reached for the drink the barmaid had set in front of me. “It’s all good. We’ll pretend it never happened.” I stood up and gave him a smile. I could be civil and act like there was nothing between us, but I didn’t have to like it.

  “Where are you going?” he asked, a twinge of annoyance in his voice.

  “What business is it of yours?” I shot back. “I don’t see you hounding after the others.”

  “That’s different,” he growled. He stood up, his lips only inches from mine. “You’re my responsibility while we’re on tour.”

  “Fine, but that doesn’t mean I have to sit with you. I don’t need a babysitter.” I stormed off, walking over to the edge of the stage where the other guys were sitting, drinking and laughing as some chick performed a rather impressive routine with a pole.

  I plonked down on the seat next to Liam and sighed. Who the fuck does he think he is? He infuriated me. And I knew the only reason for that was because I liked him.

  Out of the corner of my eye I could see Sax moving in our direction. I groaned internally. Was it too much to ask for a little space from the guy? Just as he reached us, a busty blonde wearing only a sparkly G-string approached us.

  She smiled playfully, curling a strand of her hair around her index finger.

  “Can I interest any of you in a lap dance?” she purred, eyeing up the guys.

  I stood up. “I’ll take one.”

  Sax’s eyes widened in shock as the blonde led me away. The rest of the guys cheered. I had no idea what I was doing—all I knew was I needed to not be in the same space as him for five fucking minutes.

  She pushed me into a booth and sat me down in a red velvet armchair and proceeded to try and mount me.

  I giggled, embarrassed. “You don’t, uh, need to do this. I was just trying to make someone jealous,” I said, blushing.

  She rolled her eyes as she fondled her breasts. “Honey, I’m on camera. If I don’t perform I don’t get paid, so you might as well sit back and relax. Who knows? Maybe you’ll enjoy it,” she smirked. She turned around and stuck her ass in the air, flipping her hair back and forth as she slowly removed her G-string.


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