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Dark Fae: Legacy of Magic Book Two

Page 2

by Dyan Chick

  I grabbed the card off of the nightstand and handed it to him. Any other person would have persisted in asking me about the guy; Joe knew better. He understood that there were some things we just didn't want to re-live by speaking about them. I bit down on the inside of my cheek as I tried to push the thoughts of the Ringmaster away. How long would he come back to haunt my thoughts? We hardly even knew each other. I shouldn't be thinking about him so often.

  Setting the coffee cup down, I stepped off of the bed. "I'm going to the bathroom."

  Joe looked up from the metallic card. "There's clothes in the dresser, towels under the sink. Use whatever you want."

  I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Thanks."

  As I walked toward the bathroom, I wondered why I was never attracted to the good guys. Joe and I had been friends for years, but there was nothing between us beyond that.

  Hot water ran over me and I tried to rinse away the memories of the Rose Circus and Brenon's touch. Why had I let him in? I'd worked so hard for so many years to keep people out. I'd avoided most romantic relationships during college. Why Brenon? I scrubbed myself with soap and a washcloth until my skin was pink and hurting. I had been stupid. Keeping people away made everything easier. If you didn't let yourself get attached, you didn't get hurt. This whole mess came down to protecting the one person in this world I would die for. The more people I felt the need to protect, the more vulnerable I was.

  I sat down in the tub, eyes closed, letting the water run over my face. Coming here had been a mistake. Aside from my brother, Joe was my closest friend. I'd put him in danger and if any of the Fae followed me, they could use him against me.

  Jumping up off of the floor, I turned off the water and got out of the shower. My heart was racing. They'd used my brother against me once already, what was to say they wouldn't do it again. Grabbing a towel, I wrapped it around me and ran out into the living area, soaking wet.

  Joe dropped the card and ran over to me. "What is it?"

  I must have looked entirely wild at that moment. Eyes wide, hair dripping wet. "I have to call Ryder. I have to make sure he's safe."

  Joe picked up the cordless phone and handed it to me without speaking.

  I dialed the number and waited.

  "Hello?" When Ryder's voice greeted me on the other end, a wave of relief washed over me.

  "Hey, it's me," I said.

  "AB! Thank god. I was starting to worry. Are they treating you well?" Ryder asked.

  I squeezed my fingers around the edge of the towel, wondering what I should tell him. I'd learned the hard way that lies come back to bite you. "Um, no. They let me go. Debt all taken care of."

  "You talked them out of it?" he asked.

  "I think they just realized how terrible I was at circus performing." I laughed.

  "Did they make you perform?"

  "I did the trapeze once," I said.

  "No way!" Ryder said.

  I heard some muffled noises and other voices in the background. "Ryder?"

  "Yeah, that's my roommates. Hey, can I call you back later? Wait, where are you?"

  "I'm at Joe's. Going to stay here for a bit and figure some things out," I said.

  There was a pause from Ryder. "You doing okay, AB?"

  I tried to sound as happy as possible. "Yes. Don't worry about me; I'm the one who is supposed to worry about you. Go, have fun with your friends."

  "Okay, talk later."

  The phone went silent. I pushed the red button to turn it off and handed it back to Joe. He took it from me and returned it to the charger. "Feel better?"

  I nodded and looked down at the puddle I'd made on his threadbare carpet. "Sorry about that."

  "Don't worry," Joe said. "Find something to wear, will ya? I think I figured out this card and we've got a drive ahead of us."

  "Really?" I grabbed the card from him and turned it back and forth, looking at the inscription in the metal.

  Joe took the card back from me. "Clothes first."

  Chapter 3

  "Kansas?" I asked again as Joe's old Toyota accelerated onto the on-ramp. "You sure?"

  "You saw those numbers. They match the latitude and longitude for Dodge City, Kansas. What else could those numbers be?" He flipped down the visor and glanced at me. "Worst case scenario, we get to go on a road trip, and you get to be harder to find."

  "I'm sorry I involved you in all of this," I said.

  "Are you kidding? My life is all cushy office and phone calls. I could use some excitement for a change," Joe said.

  In the whirlwind of my arrival and the quick decision to drive to Kansas, I hadn't spent much time asking about how he was doing. "I'm a terrible friend. You got an office?"

  We spent the next few hours talking about Joe's job and getting caught up on his life. The conversation was so normal, it helped me to take my mind off of the weirdness my life had become.

  "You hungry?" Joe asked.

  "I could eat," I said.

  We stopped at a diner in the small town we were driving through and stretched our legs in the parking lot. A dozen motorcycles were parked outside the building letting us know it was a popular place.

  As soon as we stepped through the door, I had to stop and stare at the walls. Harley-Davidson memorabilia hung on every wall. Classic rock played from a jukebox in the corner, and the floor was dusty from peanut shells that customers tossed from the tables and the bar top.

  A blonde woman in a black tee-shirt and shorts waved to us from behind the bar. "Have a seat wherever."

  We found a table in the corner opposite the jukebox and grabbed the menus from behind the napkin holder. The food was mostly burgers and fries.

  "Hey, they have a veggie burger!" Joe pointed to the menu.

  "Sounds perfect." I set the menu down and looked around at the decor. Framed photos of groups of people in matching leather vests and old motorcycles hung on the wall.

  A long wooden bar lined almost the entire wall. Bottles and glasses were stacked neatly behind it. Men and women in leather sat on stools drinking beer and having conversations. More people in leather sat at a few of the other tables. Nobody seemed even to notice we were there, which was just fine with me. I relaxed a bit, feeling like we'd chosen the right place to grab some food.

  I found the sign for the restroom and stood. "Hey, order me that veggie burger. I'll be back."

  I passed several tables on my way to the bathroom. One of the groups of people made me stop in my tracks. The table had a man and a woman sitting at it, and they were both glowing. The same glow I had seen from the magical creatures at the Circus parties. These people weren't human. Could they see me the same way I saw them? Were they here to find me? Did they work for Terra?

  Realizing that I had stopped to stare, I forced myself to move forward to the bathroom. The man and woman at the table had seemed too engaged in their conversation to notice me. I was probably just being paranoid. I knew there were a lot of different types of magical creatures that lived in our world. They weren't all connected to Terra or Brenon, right?

  A chill ran through me as I washed my hands. What if they worked for Tristan? Or another Fae I didn't know? I took a deep breath. There was no reason to assume that any of these people here were after me. And if they were, I was counting on the magic I had inside me to protect me again. Then my thoughts turned to Joe. He couldn't protect himself.

  I ran out of the bathroom, heart racing. I let out a breath when I saw him sitting at the table where I'd left him, drumming his fingers on the table to the beat of the music. Glancing over, I noticed that the table with the glowing people was now empty. They must have finished and left. I ran a hand through my hair. It was probably good that we were looking for Gia. Hopefully, she'd be able to help me figure out how to navigate this new world.

  Joe and I ate our food with little conversation. We were only a few hours away from our destination and didn't have any ideas about what we'd do when we got there.

  "Maybe fi
nd a room for the night?" Joe suggested.

  "Probably. It'll be late when we arrive. We could spend tomorrow looking around." I was feeling nervous and excited about finding Gia. Would she know I was there? Did I let off some kind of signal the way the other magical creatures glowed? I would have to ask her about that; along with the other hundred or so questions floating around in my mind.

  We paid for our food and headed out of the restaurant. It was dark now, and the parking lot was nearly empty. I guess things shut down early in this little town.

  I walked to the passenger door and could hear the jingle of Joe's keys as he turned them to unlock the car. Just as he reached across to unlock my door, somebody grabbed me and pulled me away.

  Joe yelled, the sound muffled by the car. I looked over at him and saw a figure standing at his door as if trying to keep him in there. In the dark parking lot, I couldn't tell who it was, but I had a feeling it was one of the people who had been sitting at the table inside. One of the creatures that had been glowing.

  From the angle I was being held, I couldn't make out the face of my attacker. I twisted and grunted, kicked my legs and yelled. "Let go of me."

  "Stop moving," a woman's voice sounded in my ears. Then she pushed me to the ground, throwing her body on top of me.

  I lifted my knee to her chest, and twisted, hoping to maneuver my way out from under her.

  She was one of the strongest women I'd ever encountered. It didn't even seem to take any effort for her to keep me pinned down. "I'm trying to help you."

  I stopped struggling for a moment as I processed her words. "Help me? You attacked me and pinned me down." I managed to get one of my hands free and swiped at her face.

  Grabbing my wrist with ease, she held it away from her. "I'm going to let you go, but if you run, Terra's wolves will grab you. If you come with me, I can help you."

  "How do I know you're not working for Terra?"

  "You don't. But you're a Sayge, start using your damn powers and check your intuition. I don't care if you live or die, but for some reason, someone powerful wants you alive." She let go of my arm and lifted herself off of me.

  I stayed there, sprawled out on the ground for a moment staring at the woman. She was tall and muscular with black hair and a fierce expression. She wasn't somebody to mess with. Sitting up, I narrowed my eyes as I studied her. So far, most of the people I'd trusted in my life had let me down or died. Why would I trust her? "Who sent you?"

  "I'm not allowed to tell you that, but I can tell you they hold no love for Terra." She reached her hand down to help me up.

  I took it and stood. "Brenon?"

  She smirked. "I heard about you and him. Five hundred years and he's still chasing women." She shook her head. "No, I wouldn't work for him. Dude gives me the creeps."

  I rubbed the back of my head, feeling a lump already rising from where my head had hit the pavement. Who else would be interested in me? Who even knew I was around?

  "Look, I was paid to get you to safety. If you don't let me help you, I won't get paid. Just let me get you there, okay?" She opened the passenger door to the car.

  I looked inside to see Joe passed out in the back seat. Anger rose inside me and I lunged at the woman. "What did you do to him?" I pushed her with both hands and she barely even moved.

  "Seriously, you need to calm down. He's asleep. Humans are so easy to control." She nodded to the man standing near the driver side door. I had forgotten he was there.

  "What the hell are you people?" I said.

  "Name's Maggie." She inclined her head to the man. "This here's Adam. We're Sayges, like you."

  "What?" I stared at Adam.

  He smiled and lifted his chin. "Sup, Ara."

  "How do you..." I didn't get to finish the sentence before the sound of growling came from behind me.

  "Damn it. We talked too long." Maggie grabbed me and shoved me into the front seat of the car. "Adam, get her out of here, now."

  She slammed the door. Adam climbed into the driver's seat. "Seatbelt."

  The car tore out of the parking lot. I turned to see Maggie facing down a pack of wolves. "What about Maggie?"

  "Just another Tuesday for her," Adam said. The car slammed to a stop and I flew forward, bracing myself against the dash. In front of us was a huge wolf. It was standing on top of the hood of the car, yellow eyes staring down at me. It snarled, revealing its fangs.

  "Seatbelt," Adam said.

  I slid back into the seat and strapped the belt across me. A baseball bat swung at the wolf's head and it flew from the car. Maggie was standing next to us, breathing heavy, bat in hand.

  "Here we go." Adam hit the gas again and we took off, leaving Maggie to fight the wolves on her own.

  Chapter 4

  As the car sped away, I turned to peer at Joe. His chest was rising and falling. Whatever they'd done, they hadn't killed him. My jaw tensed, and I looked over at Adam. "What did you do to my friend?"

  "Don't worry. I just made him take a nap." Adam stared straight ahead. It seemed all of this was just another Tuesday for him, too.

  I crossed my arms over my chest. "Tell me what's going on."

  Adam glanced at me, then looked back to the road. "You're welcome."

  My cheeks burned. He had saved me from Terra's wolves. "Thank you. I appreciate what you did to help get me out of there, but please, I need to know what's going on."

  "Maggie and I were sent to get you. Clearly, Terra sent her wolves to get you, too." Adam spoke like it wasn't any big deal. Like people were saved from a pack of wolves controlled by an angry Fae queen on a regular basis.

  "Who sent you and where are we going?" I asked.

  "Can't tell you, but we'll be there in a few hours."

  I was getting so tired of being the last to know everything. "Did Maggie say that you're a Sayge?"

  "Yep, you're not the only one, you know," Adam said.

  "Then why does Terra care so much? Why not just find some other Sayge to do her dirty work?" I asked.

  "Because you're different. Us Sayges, there aren't many of us left. And most of us have been so diluted with the human population that we can't even use magic. Your family tree has some of the purest Sayge blood of any of them. Surprising you didn't find out sooner. One of your parents had to have been pretty powerful," he said.

  "I was adopted," I said.


  We sat in silence for a few moments as I thought about what Adam had said. He was taking me somewhere, and I still wasn't sure if it was a good idea to let him. But I had to admit, I was curious to see who had given the order to save me from Terra's wolves.

  "What the hell happened?" A groggy Joe said from the back seat. "Ara?"

  I turned in my seat, letting out a sigh of relief at seeing Joe moving around. "Somebody just saved us from a pack of Terra's wolves."

  "You told him about us?" Adam said from the driver seat.

  "He's my best friend, what was I supposed to do, lie to him?" I snapped.

  Adam shrugged. "Well, that's usually what we do. We don't need humans knowing our business."

  "I've had enough lies from your kind already," I said.

  "Hey, in case you forgot, little miss judgy, you are my kind. You have more in common with me than you do with Frankenstein in the back seat."

  "Stop the car, right now." I was fuming. I couldn't stand it when people picked on Joe or anyone else based on how they looked. Especially when I knew that the scars that covered his body were one of the reasons Joe went spiraling down in the first place. "How dare you insult my friend? You ass. You don't even know him."

  "Ara," Joe called out from the back seat. "I don't give a shit what he calls me. I just want someone to tell me what the fuck is happening here."

  "He shouldn't have insulted you like that, Joe." I took a deep breath and glared at Adam. He was only the second Sayge I'd ever met and I wanted to ask questions, but he wasn't leaving a good impression on me.

  "Sorry, dude,"
Adam said, sounding surprisingly sincere. "Joe, is it? I'm Adam."

  "Um, nice to meet you, Adam. But now can you tell me why you're driving my car?" Joe was maintaining a very calm demeanor for someone who had been knocked out and tossed in the back seat of his car. I was impressed and proud. And glad I had told him the truth. What would I have done if I was in this by myself right now? Knowing that he was here with me made me feel more confident. However, there was a part of me that was feeling guilty for dragging him into this in the first place.

  "I know it looks bad," Adam said. "But like I was telling your girlfriend, I was sent to help you guys."

  "She's not my girlfriend," Joe said.

  "Got it, your girl who is a friend, then." Adam laughed at his attempt to joke.

  "Can you just tell us where we're going?" I asked again. "It's not going to change anything. I gotta tell you, honestly I'm trying to decide between going with you or running from you when we stop to get gas."

  "You could run if you want, I won't stop you," Adam said. "Like Maggie said, we were asked to get you somewhere. I didn't want to get involved in the war. We've managed to stay neutral for a century, and if it were up to me, it'd stay that way."

  "You're talking about the curse and all that?" I asked.

  "You got it, sweetheart," Adam said. "Until you showed up in the middle of it, we were pretty content to let them duke it out for a few more centuries. As long as they wanted to kill each other, and they were leaving the humans out of it, we ignored them."

  "How does them trying to break a curse and go home effect humans? Wouldn't it be better just to help them leave?" I asked.

  "They really did a good job of hiding the truth from you, didn't they?" Adam said.

  "Seriously, I just found out magic even existed a few days ago. Give me a break," I said. There was a lot to take in with all of this. I felt like I needed a whole semester of history classes on this feud to get it all straight.

  "Sorry, I forget how much is kept from normals," he said. "It's like this, Terra wants Brenon's power so she can open the portal by herself. Then she can control the portal and have access to both worlds. The woman has a god-complex. She wants to rule. And not just her realm, she wants to rule all realms. Brenon staying cursed is the only thing that keeps her from getting out of control. When you entered the picture, she found a way to force him to break the curse. Without you, Brenon has to choose to break it."


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