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Dive In Deep

Page 28

by Parker, Ali

  “Movers. I might be a little crazy, but I’m not stupid. I’m not about to try and move furniture up and down the stairs.”

  I burst into laughter. “You thought of everything.”

  He nodded. “Your place isn’t going to be able to handle an influx of furniture. I rented a storage unit near your condo to put her stuff in. I’ll call the movers and have them meet us there to unload this thing.”

  I shook my head. “You are seriously too good to be true.”

  “I’m true, and I’m yours,” he said, dropping another kiss on my lips.

  Fortunately, Khloe didn’t have much. The truck was loaded within thirty minutes, and we were back on our way, with Khloe following behind us in her car.

  “Thank you again,” I said, probably for the tenth time.

  “You’re welcome. Can you text Khloe and ask her if she minds if we stop for an early dinner? I’m famished.”


  We pulled off the highway at a diner that was more suited to long-haul truckers. I sat beside Trent with Khloe on the other side of the table.

  “Are you sure you don’t have a brother?” Khloe asked Trent again.

  He smiled and shook his head. “I don’t.”

  “Dammit. Sade, I think you should dump him or move to Sweden.”

  I scowled. “What? Why would I do that?”

  “Because I want him,” she said with a playful grin.

  “Khloe, I’m going to go out there and cut up all your shit after I cut you,” I growled.

  “Ladies, ladies, I’m flattered, but Sade has my heart,” he said, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

  I shot a playful glare at Khloe. “Yeah, so back off, woman.”

  She burst into laughter. “I cannot thank you enough,” she said, looking at Trent. “You are truly my knight in shining armor. I’m so, so happy she met you.”

  “You’re very welcome,” he said graciously. “Now, we need to get a move on.”

  We climbed back into the vehicles and headed down the highway. I kept looking over at him and smiling. I loved that I had a boyfriend that every woman would be jealous of. He was truly something special, and I was never going to take him for granted. Ever.

  It was evening when we pulled into town. We drove straight to the storage unit, where two more young guys met us at the gate. Trent, Khloe, and I stood back and watched them unload the truck, leaving a few of the boxes to take to my place.

  When we got to the condo, I insisted Trent sit down. I had noticed the limp becoming more pronounced as the day stretched on and knew he was hurting.

  “Sit,” I ordered. “It’s only a few boxes.”

  “Sade, I’m okay.”

  “No,” Khloe said, backing me up. “Rest.”

  “I need to take the truck back to the lot,” he insisted.

  “You can after we’ve unloaded the boxes,” I said, going to the kitchen to grab him a cold bottle of water.

  We left him on the couch and headed downstairs.

  “I am really happy for you,” Khloe said when we climbed into the truck. “I hope you know that.”

  “I do know that.”

  “I hope you don’t take it seriously when I joke around about stealing him from you. I would never do that. He’s just too perfect, and you two are good together. He only has eyes for you.”

  I smiled. “I know and I don’t mind. I wasn’t kidding. I will fight you for him.”

  She laughed. “I believe it. Any woman would fight for that man.”

  “He bought a house today,” I blurted out.

  “He bought a house?” she repeated.

  I nodded. “Yep. We looked at a few and found the most perfect house ever. He is paying cash for it and hopes to be living here full time in a couple of weeks.”

  “Oh my god! That is awesome. Wait. Are you moving in with him?”

  I shook my head. “He hasn’t asked. I think it’s better if we wait a bit.”

  “Why? Why wait? He’s perfect. You’re madly in love with him and him with you.”

  “I don’t know if we’re in love, but we are both crazy about each other. Living with someone is a big first step. I haven’t even told my parents I have a boyfriend, let alone move in with the man. It will be nice to date though, since we’ve not really had the chance to do that.”

  “He’s going to want you to move in.”

  I shrugged. “Maybe.”

  “Does that mean I get your condo?”

  I laughed. “You have to take over the lease.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “That is going to throw off my plans to be a mooch. I was hoping you would support me.”

  I slapped her shoulder. “Get a job!”

  We each grabbed a couple of boxes and carried them into the condo. Trent was on the phone again. He got up to take the boxes I was carrying.

  “Someone is meeting me at the lot so I can return the truck,” he announced.

  “We just have a few more things, and it will be ready to go,” I said.

  The three of us went back to clear out the truck. Khloe went inside, leaving me and Trent alone outside. I hugged him again. I was a little bummed we didn’t get to spend a leisurely day together, but I was hoping we could make up for it later.

  “Thank you again for all you did,” I told him.

  “It wasn’t that much.”

  “It was everything to her and to me. She was having a crisis, and you saved the day. I wouldn’t have been able to get the truck or hire movers or do any of that. You helped out in a big way.”

  “I’m glad I was here to help.”

  “I wish you could stay tonight,” I told him, really wanting to extend our weekend.

  “You have to work in the morning,” he answered.

  “So, do you.”

  “I’ll take the truck back and let you guys get settled. I’ll pick up some dinner.”

  “You don’t have to do that,” I told him, feeling guilty for accepting so much from him.

  “I don’t have to, but I want to. I’ve got to go. I’ll be back within an hour.”

  I gave him another kiss and watched him pull away. It was kind of funny to see the sexy billionaire driving a U-Haul truck. He was so humble. I sighed before picking up the last box and carrying it inside. I was truly fortunate to have a man like him.

  He saved the day. When it came to a crisis like the one we’d just had, I liked that he had the money it took to make things happen in a hurry. I hadn’t been lying when I told him I couldn’t have done what he managed to pull off. Khloe would still be in her apartment, freaking out, and I would be stuck in my condo, stressing out because of my inability to help her.

  I walked in and carried the box into the guest room. Khloe was already hanging things in the closet. I was happy to have my roommate back.

  “How are you feeling?” I asked her.

  She turned around. “I’m not going to lie and say I’m good, but I am okay. Thank you. Thank you for giving up your day with him and coming to save me. I promise, I’m going to get a job and be out of your hair as quickly as I can.”

  “You’re not in my hair. I’m glad you’re here. I was going to end up with a dog if I didn’t get some company. Now I have you.”

  She laughed. “Great. I’m one step above a dog.”

  I grimaced. “I didn’t say you were a step above.”

  Her mouth dropped open. “You are mean!”

  “I love you,” I said and dashed out of the way to avoid being hit by a pair of jeans coming my way.

  Chapter 46


  My leg was throbbing, but I would not let Sade know that. She would feel guilty. I knew she was already feeling guilty. The woman did not like charity or to be seen as needy. I didn’t think that about her, not in the least, but I had to tread lightly with her. I didn’t want her to think I was trying to buy her affection.

  If she caught on to the pain in my leg, she would insist I sit down for the rest of my days. Th
e truth of the matter was the leg would hurt regardless of what I did. I didn’t mind the pain. Not really. It was an annoyance at times, and I missed being able to do some of the things I used to, but it was part of my life. The pain was a reminder of how lucky I was to still have the leg.

  I knew a lot of the other guys I had served with would pay to feel my pain. Pain was temporary, I reminded myself. It would subside, and I would be good to go in a day or two. I could fake it until I was back on the chopper and headed back to my place.

  I rubbed the knee and took a few deep breaths before climbing out of the cab. I reached over to grab the bags of Chinese I had picked up and heard another car door shut. I turned to see a man climbing out of another cab. I didn’t think anything of it and shook out my leg, trying to get the blood flowing after riding in the cramped backseat of the car.

  I heard the man tell the cabbie, “Thank you,” and I froze. I recognized that voice. I would recognize it anywhere. Hell, it was a voice I often heard in my dreams—or nightmares, depending on the night. I turned to confirm what I already knew to be true.

  “Holy shit,” I murmured under my breath.

  The man stepped onto the sidewalk, the glow of the setting sun providing enough light to see his face. He hadn’t changed much since the last time I had seen him in the hospital in Germany when he’d come to check on me. It was the same stern features. He had the same buzz cut that was almost all gray now. I closed my eyes and shook my head in total disbelief he was standing ten feet away from me.

  This was turning out to be a hell of a day. To think Sade and I had thought we were going to spend a perfectly boring day doing nothing except kissing and loving on each other? I debated whether I should get right back in the cab and head to the airport. Sade would understand. I would send her a quick text. Hell, she would probably thank me for sparing her a very awkward conversation.

  It was too late. I saw the second he saw me and quickly looked down at my feet, pretending interest in my shoes.

  “Gilroy?” Justin Jones called out.

  The urge to run was strong. I pushed it away. He was only a man. I didn’t run from anyone. I sucked in a breath and steeled myself for the awkward confrontation.

  I hid the grimace and pretended I only just saw him. “Captain Jones!” I said with enthusiasm, pasting on a bright smile.

  I had no idea what to do next. I knew Sade hadn’t told her father about us and wasn’t ready to do that. My cab pulled away, taking away the option of just getting in and leaving. The only thing I could do was roll with the situation.

  “It’s good to see you,” he said, moving over to where I was standing like a deer caught in the headlights. “How’ve you been?”

  “Good, good. You?”

  He shrugged. “I’m trying this retirement thing and sucking at it.”

  I laughed. “You need a hobby, preferably one that involves barking orders at guys.”

  “I think you’re right. I’m thinking about offering my services as a Little League coach.”

  I hid my wince. “That sounds like it would be perfect for you.”

  “How’s life been treating you since you got out?” he asked, looking down at my leg.

  “It’s good. The leg is fine. I can walk and get around just fine. I can’t say I was happy to be sent home, but things have been looking up for me.”

  He nodded. “I heard you bought a hotel or something.”

  I smiled. I hated to brag about my wealth and success. “I did. It’s doing very well.”

  “Did you win the lottery?” he teased.

  I winked. “I found one of the best investment brokers in the country. All that time overseas, I was dumping it into stocks, and he was buying up the right stocks for me. It went well for me.”

  “Shit, I guess so. I wish I would have done something like that. I always thought you were too smart to be schlepping around in the sand.”

  I laughed. “I’m not smart. My guy was smart.”

  “Sure, sure. I heard you’re filthy rich these days.”

  I laughed again. “I’m doing okay.”

  We talked a bit more, catching up on some of the other guys that were in our unit. Some had never made it home. Others had made it home only to end up going back or deciding to give up on life.

  “Well, it was good to see you,” he said, clapping one firm hand on my shoulder. “I’m glad you landed on your feet—both feet.”

  “Me too. It was good to see you and catch up.”

  This was the part where it was going to get very awkward. There was no way around it. I had to go through it, and now was as good a time as any. In my mind, I was thinking, ready or not, here we come.

  We both turned and started toward Sade’s condo. He gave me a funny look but didn’t say anything. He was carrying a small suitcase. Poor Sade. Her world was about to get rocked. A surprise visit from her father was going to be plenty, but having me and Khloe there was really going to spice things up.

  I stopped in front of Sade’s door. He came to stand beside me. I grinned. “I can explain,” I said.

  I turned the door handle and pushed it open. Her father was staring at me with obvious shock.

  “Babe, is that you?” Sade called out.

  I turned to look over my shoulder to judge his reaction. It wasn’t one of happiness. “It’s me, baby. You have a guest.”

  I heard her laugh. “You’re not a guest,” she called and came into the living room from the bedroom she’d been in. Her mouth dropped open when she saw her father.

  “Your dad’s here,” I said, stating the obvious.

  Her face paled. I glanced over my shoulder to see the scowl on her father’s face. He closed the door behind him and dropped his suitcase. He folded his arms over his chest and stared at me, then her.

  “Did he bring dinner?” Khloe shouted from the room. “He better have brought dinner, or I’m going to have to rethink my plans to steal your boyfriend.” Khloe came out of the room and stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Mr. Jones in the living room.

  “Oh shit,” she murmured.

  “Sade?” her father’s voice boomed.

  “Dad, I can explain,” Sade said, walking toward him.

  The tension in the room was ridiculous. I didn’t want to make the situation any worse by trying to explain my presence. This was between Sade and her father. I wouldn’t interfere and butt my nose into the situation.

  “I’m going to help Khloe unpack,” I said and quickly made my escape.

  Khloe looked relieved to have a reason to leave the room as well. I followed her into the bedroom and closed the door behind me. I leaned against it, the bags of Chinese still in my hand and suddenly very pungent in the small space.

  “Holy shit,” Khloe said on an exhale.

  “What the hell is he doing here?” I hissed.

  She shook her head. “I have no idea, but I don’t think this is how Sade wanted him to find out about the two of you.”

  “Do you think it’s going to be bad?” I asked.

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. He’s not exactly an easy guy to read. I don’t think he’s ever really cared for me. At least, I never got the feeling he did.”

  “Great. Double whammy for her.”

  “She’ll be okay. She’s daddy’s little girl.”

  “Did you see the look on her face?”

  She nodded. “I did.”

  I put the bags on the floor. There wasn’t any other furniture in the room except the bed and the small nightstand.

  “I think we’re trapped in here for a while. Do you need some help unpacking?”

  She looked around at the numerous boxes that were all opened with contents spilling out. She was definitely not the same kind of packer as Sade. Her packing method seemed to follow along the lines of chaos and haphazard tossing of things into any available box.

  “I suppose you could help,” she said.

  There was a low murmur coming from the living room. I couldn’t hear t
he exact words, but judging by the look on the man’s face, I didn’t think he was all that happy.

  “Shit, what if he thinks I live here?” I asked aloud.

  “That would be bad.”

  “Fuck. I should go out there and help her explain.”

  “No. Don’t. I think that will just make it worse. She knows her dad. Let her handle this.”

  “Dad, it isn’t like that,” I heard Sade say.

  I knew I shouldn’t eavesdrop, but I was dying to know what was happening in the living room. I knew how reluctant she had been to tell him about me. She was reluctant for a reason. Several reasons actually. I didn’t want to cause her any problems.

  “Come on,” Khloe said, tossing a dress at me. “Help me unpack and don’t worry about her.”

  “I should have just gotten back in the cab,” I mumbled.

  “He was bound to find out,” she reasoned. “This could be good for you guys.”

  “How so?”

  She shrugged. “Because now you guys can really start thinking about your future together, like living together and all that. She wasn’t going to do that unless her dad knew about you. Now he does. Problem solved.”

  I scoffed. “I think you mean problem created.”

  “Relax. Sade is a lot stronger than she looks. She’s a daddy’s girl, but she is so into you—nothing is going to come between you and her, not even the sour Mr. Jones.”

  I nodded. I wanted to believe her, but I knew him pretty well. He was the guy that guys feared. He had a look about him that demanded obedience. I didn’t know him to be a violent man, but he was always so serious. He was intimidating. Hell, he even intimidated me a little.

  I tried to stay focused on the unpacking and ignore what was happening beyond the bedroom door. Sade was a strong woman. She could handle herself pretty well. If things got ugly, I would absolutely step in and defend her.

  For now, it was something she had to do on her own. I just prayed her dad didn’t decide I wasn’t good enough for her. I didn’t want her to have to decide between making her dad happy and being with me.

  If Mr. Jones was that serious about me not being with her, I would have to think about cutting ties with her. I wouldn’t let her lose her dad.


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