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Accidental Lies: An unputdownable, steamy, sexy contemporary romance novel

Page 12

by Mason, Dana

  “Oh, no, I’m not designing for them, just helping them find someone. I can’t do it on my own time, and my firm would charge them too much overhead. I’m just helping Emily out.”

  “Thanks for thinking of me.”

  He waves dismissively. “Are you kidding? I wouldn’t have called anyone else. You’re the best carpenter in town, and I know you can handle the design as well.”

  “Thank you, I’m looking forward to it.”

  “Let’s walk around back and go through the kitchen.” Grant leads me around to the rear of the house and into the manicured backyard. There’s a beautiful little picnic area on a covered patio and at the end, near the ally, is a small parking lot. We go up the stairs to the back door and onto a redwood deck, which has an assortment of potted plants and flowers. I examine the wood siding and the planks under my feet. It looks good and sturdy.

  “This deck has been replaced recently,” I say.

  He nods and looks at the wood under our feet. “Yes, I believe Emily said it’s only a couple of years old.”

  Every time he says the name Emily, my heart skips a beat. I’m trying to ignore it, but it’s hard. I rub my hand along the custom handrail. The detailed design is beautiful, and someone took the time to install lighting along the stairs. It’s not true to the era of the house, but it’s nicely done.

  When we enter the kitchen, we’re walking on what looks like original penny tile. It’s old but in pretty good shape. The cabinets haven’t been updated lately, and that surprises me considering the detail that has gone into the deck and the backyard.

  I chuckle and look up at Grant. “So, whoever owned the place put all their time and energy into the outdoor space and never got around to the inside.”

  “Exactly. The interior has had very few upgrades.” He points to the walls. “At least not since the seventies.”

  I start laughing. “Oh, yeah, that wallpaper is horrible.”

  “Yes, so now you see what we’re dealing with. Let’s head upstairs, and I’ll introduce you to the ladies.”

  I’m fascinated with the space as we wander through the kitchen, dining room, a drawing room, and to the stairs. After driving past this old place for so many years and admiring it, I’ve always wanted to see the inside. When we enter what used to be the drawing room, there’s a reception desk staffed by a young man.

  “Good morning. I’m Eddie, do let me know if you need anything while you’re here.” He points up the stairs. “There’s coffee and other refreshments in the lounge upstairs. Rebecca and Emily will be with you in a few moments.”

  We both head up to a landing that’s been turned into a seating area. Pastries, coffee, and water are displayed on an antique sideboard. It’s a nice space and works well as a waiting area between the two offices. It makes me wonder if they plan to expand by adding more attorneys to their practice.

  On either side of the room is a door. It looks like they used to lead to bedrooms, which have since been converted into offices. The door on the right is open, and the door on the left is closed.

  An attractive blonde woman about my age steps out of the open door and extends her hand. “Good morning, I’m Rebecca Baldwin. You must be the contractor Grant’s been bragging about the last couple of months.” She turns to Grant and gives him a big smile. “Grant, how are you? It’s good to see you.”

  “Rebecca.” He leans in and kisses her cheek. “You too. How are you?”

  “Oh, fine. Ready to get started on this remodel. Emily’s on the phone with a client, she’ll be with us in a few minutes. Come on in and get comfortable.”

  We enter her spacious office, and Rebecca says, “You look familiar, but I’m sorry, I didn’t get your name.”

  I shake my head. “I’m sorry, I’m being so rude… it’s just, I’ve admired this building for years and I’m excited at the prospect of working on it.”

  She raises her eyebrows, and that’s when I realize I still haven’t given her my name. “I’m Drew Whitney.”

  As this sentence escapes, I hear my name being repeated from the open door.

  I turn, and my eyes meet hers. “Emily!”



  When our eyes lock, I’m instantly light-headed, and I feel the blood drain from my face.


  He’s staring at me, his expression going from surprise to excitement to confusion.


  Rebecca approaches me, and I can see the concern on her face. I’m not sure if I’m going to pass out or vomit so I turn and walk to the bathroom. As I close the door behind me, I hear Rebecca say, “I’m sorry, Emily has been fighting a migraine all morning. Let’s give her a minute.”

  Migraine… if only, but I’m thankful for her quick thinking. I sit down on the toilet lid and bend forward, so my head is between my knees. Drew is here…in my office. If it weren’t for the fact that I feel so completely sick, I’d be thrilled. The thought makes my heart race. It’s Drew. It really is Drew, and he’s here, in my office. I’m not sure how long I sit like this before I hear a knock on the door.

  I hesitantly say, “Who is it?”

  The door creaks open, and Rebecca asks, “Are you okay?”

  “Holy shit, Bec. That’s Drew!” I whisper-shout, and my eyes must look like saucers.

  “Yeah, I figured that out. Again, are you okay?”

  I nod. “Nauseous, but I’m getting past it slowly. What’s happening?”

  “They’re exploring the rooms downstairs. They’re both super concerned about you, but, oddly, Drew also looks a bit angry. Any reason he’d be angry about seeing you?”

  “Grant probably told him we’re in a relationship. And I promised him in Maui I was completely unattached.”

  She drops her hands to her hips in aggravation. “Because you are completely unattached.”

  “Bec, what do I do?”

  She inhales deeply then exhales slowly. “Do you think you should tell him you suspect you’re pregnant?”

  “No!” I whisper. “I’m not even sure it’s true. I don’t want to tell him until I’m sure. Besides, we were careful.”

  Rebecca snickers. “I think you’re seriously in denial, but you’re right. There’s no point in telling him until you’re sure. Just hold off until Friday, then we’ll find out and figure out what to do.”

  “Until then.” Her eyes focus on mine, and in a strong, confident voice she says, “You’re going to stand up, exit this bathroom with your head held high, walk downstairs, and greet your guest as if you’re completely unshaken.” She reaches out for my hand and hauls me off the toilet. “You’re Emily freaking Thomas, get out there and act like it.”

  Jesus… This is why this woman is my partner. She’s absolutely right. I grip the bottom of my blazer and tug it into place, lift my chin, and move to exit the bathroom—but first, I stop to examine myself in the mirror. “Hold on… I gotta…” My hair is tightly knotted on my head, swoop bangs in place. Just enough cleavage to make men notice but not enough to keep them from looking into my eyes. I turn my face and check out my make-up… it’s also on point. I nod at my reflection. “I got this,” I mutter to myself as I pass Rebecca.

  “You’re fucking fabulous, and don’t you forget it.”

  This makes me grin, which is exactly the way I want to look. When I reach the bottom, Eddie points toward the back room. I walk down the hall and look at the two of them from behind. They’re absolutely nothing alike. Grant is dressed in an expensive grey suit and shiny shoes. He’s not as tall as Drew and even his blond, sleeked-back hair contrasts with Drew’s darker, messier style. Drew’s wearing jeans and I think it’s the first time I haven’t seen him in shorts. The jeans are well-fitting and I appreciate that, flattering him in all the right places. His polo shirt fits snugly around his broad shoulders and my mouth waters a little when I remember him shirtless and standing on the sunny beach, the ocean water glittering on his skin. I enter just as Grant turns to look fo
r me.

  “Emily, how are you feeling?” He leans down to kiss me, and I turn my head so his lips land on my cheek.

  Remembering that Rebecca said I was fighting a migraine, I push out a nervous laugh and say, “I’m sorry for my quick exit earlier. I’m fine now that the meds have kicked in.”

  I turn toward Drew and my smile widens. “Fancy meeting you here.” I reach for his hand and hold it in both of mine and squeeze. Warmth spreads through me and memories of Maui flood my mind. “Sacramento,” I say. “I can’t believe it.”

  A relieved look washes over his face. “It’s good to see you.” He tugs on my hand to pull me into a hug, and I’m so glad he does. I press against him. I can’t help it. I rest my head on his shoulder, and I want to stay there forever, but he withdraws too fast.

  “So…” Grant tosses a glance between the two of us. “You two know each other.”

  Drew says, “Yes, we’re… old friends, but I know her as Emily Thomas.”

  “I don’t understand, what other name would you…?” Then it occurs to me. I turn toward Grant and say, “My actual last name is Thomas. You know that, right?”

  He snaps his fingers. “Oh, right, your ex-husband’s name was Tucker.”

  That really makes me frown. My ex-husband?

  I hear Rebecca clear her throat behind me. “You mean her dead husband, right?”

  I glance at her with my see, he doesn’t listen expression on my face. “Sometimes it’s like talking to a wall,” I joke, but it doesn’t matter because Grant didn’t hear that either.

  He snaps again, then frowns. “I’m sorry. I don’t think I knew your ex died.”

  I roll my eyes and turn back toward Drew. How could he forget something like that? “Anyway, I take it you’re the recommended contractor who hopefully wants to work on our building.”

  He’s not smiling, and I’m having a hard time reading his expression. “I would love to work on this building. I’ve admired it for a very long time.”

  I tilt my head as I take in what he said, but before I can respond, Rebecca interrupts, “So has Emily. She’s loved this house for years.”

  I nod. “We’re lucky it was available.”

  “Excuse me? Luck had nothing to do with it.” She gestures toward me. “My girl here gets what she wants. She pursued the owner persistently until he had no choice but to sell to us. Emily isn’t great at taking no for an answer.”

  One side of Drew’s mouth tips up. “I believe it.”

  I rest my hands on my hips and say, “It’d been sitting empty for too long, neglected. I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t try.”

  Grant pulls the attention back to himself when he claps, then rubs his hands together. “I’m going to get out of the way and let you guys finish the tour.” He points to me. “Emily, lunch?”

  “Sorry, I’m not available.”

  He gives me a strange, almost disbelieving look, but I don’t care. “Okay, I’ll call you later.”

  I wave as he exits. “Yep, okay.”

  “Ah, I’m just… going to walk him out,” Rebecca says, leaving Drew and me alone together.

  When she’s gone, I turn toward Drew and I can’t fight the smile on my face. “I can’t believe you’re here. Did you know, or were you surprised to see me?”

  But he’s not smiling, and that’s disappointing. My heart sinks at the look on his face.

  “I’m completely surprised. Grant kept referring to Emily, which I questioned, but he said your name was Emily Tucker.”

  “Tucker was my husband’s last name, but it was also a nickname. His name was Charles Tucker.” I drop my gaze as I say, “When we got married, I never legally changed mine but I informally started using Thomas Tucker. The law firm is Thomas Tucker and Baldwin.”

  He looks me up and down, as if examining my suit. “Lawyer.”


  His eyes widen. “Not in the least. Impressed, actually.”

  I cross my arms over my chest and say, “You’re very perceptive. Have I told you that?”

  “I thought I was, but…” His eyebrows lift, and he lets his words trail off.

  Our eyes meet, and I’m waiting for him to finish his sentence, but then I realize what’s bothering him. “Grant! No, Drew, we’re not together.”

  “He thinks you are.”

  “No. I went to dinner with him twice before my vacation, but that’s it. I’m not in a relationship with him, and I don’t want to be. You saw him, he’s completely self-absorbed, and he doesn’t hear anything I say.”

  “So, your husband… He was your husband, not your ex-husband. You weren’t divorced?”

  I shake my head, and I’m fighting not to be hurt by the question. “I didn’t lie about my husband, Drew. Tucker and I were very much married.”

  “I’m sorry,” he says in a whisper.

  With a shake of my head, I try to brush off my feelings, but I can’t. I want Drew to hold me. I want him to be happy to see me. It bothers me that he didn’t trust what I told him to be true, and it makes me angry at Grant for misleading him.

  “I am sorry.” He reaches for me and the next thing I know, he’s got his arms around me. I don’t want to cry, but I can’t help it. In his embrace, the stress I’ve felt for the last three weeks hits a peak and then everything melts away. He just does that for me. I didn’t realize this before, but it wasn’t Hawaii that relaxed me, it was Drew. He’s like a drug, lulling me into a sense of calm.

  “Drew, I’m so sorry I was adamant about not exchanging information. I’m so stupid. The last few weeks have been miserable.”

  I feel his chest quake with his laugh. “It’s been difficult for me too.” He releases me and drops his hands to my waist. “When I saw you upstairs, I couldn’t believe it. I thought my heart was going to pound out of my chest. You looked so beautiful, but then when you saw me, you lost all your color, and I thought you weren’t happy to see me.”

  I shake my head vigorously, and when I do, tears drip down my face. “No! I really have been sick… I think I’m fighting some flu or virus.” And the reminder that I might be pregnant makes me tense up again. I pause and fight to push those thoughts away. “When I heard you say your name and then I saw you, I was shocked. Genuinely shocked. But I’m so happy you’re here.”

  He leans in for a kiss, and when his lips touch mine, they’re gentle at first but then possessive and firm. He grips my upper arms and he’s holding me against him. It feels so good. Natural and familiar. Then he wraps his arms around my shoulders. “Emily, damn, I missed you so much. So many days I suffered though believing I’d never see you again. I hated it.”

  When I hear Rebecca’s shoes click along the wood floor in the hall, I turn away and wipe my face clear of tears. She enters with a smirk on her face. “Well, Drew, thank you for saving me from paying that private investigator I hired to find you.” I laugh at that and flash a nervous glance at him.

  He chuckles too. “I never thought of hiring a PI. I’ll have to remember that next time I need to find someone who refuses to give me her number.”

  “Emily, I’ve asked Eddie to cancel all of your appointments today.” She gestures to the two of us. “Let’s finish this tour, and then you can get out of here.”

  “Oh, ah,” I stutter. “Thank you, but I have a few things I need to take care of first.”

  Rebecca focuses on me for a long moment. “You’re not feeling well. I really think you need to get some rest.”

  “Maybe we should postpone the walkthrough for a few days until you’re feeling better,” Drew offers.

  “No, no. I promised Bec we would get started on the remodel this week. We can’t put it off because I’m not feeling well.”

  He nods. “How about I’ll do a walkthrough on my own while you finish up what you need to do and then I’ll take you home?” He looks over at Rebecca. “I’ll make sure she gets some rest.”

  Rebecca relaxes and gives him a look of thanks. “That sounds
great. Thank you, Drew.”

  “We can regroup tomorrow, and I’ll share my impressions about the building, and you guys can then tell me what you want to do with the space.”

  “Perfect,” Rebecca replies, then she nods to me. “I’ll meet you upstairs.”

  As she retreats with the clicking of her heels on the hardwood, I turn to face Drew and say, “I’m going to go finish up. You don’t have to give up the rest of your day for me.”

  He laughs heartily. “You’re kidding, right?”

  “Drew, I’m sure you didn’t plan on dealing with me today. You must have things to do.”

  “You’re crazy if you think I’m letting you out of my sight.”



  After Emily leaves the room, I take a minute to get my bearings. I feel like I’ve been on an emotional roller coaster. First, the euphoria of finding her, but then the confusion over her relationship with Grant. Of course, I felt sheer helplessness when I watched her retreat from the room, white as a ghost. And I’m still not so sure about Grant. I know she said they’re not in a relationship, but he obviously doesn’t know that.

  I do a thorough walkthrough with a notepad, taking copious notes. After spending an hour or so on the downstairs, I head out onto the back deck and call Celia to check on the kids. Thankfully, they’re doing well. Celia’s the fourth nanny the kids have had, and so far, she’s the best. The kids love her, and my mom seems to really like her too, and if there’s ever a sign I’ve found the right person to help with my children, it’s their approval.

  Now that I’ve found Emily, I’m thankful the kids will be gone for a few days. That gives me time to make things right with her. I lied about them in Maui when the subject came up, and that doesn’t sit right with me. Am I afraid she won’t want to continue a relationship with me once she knows I have children? Yes, terrified, but I don’t have any control over her reaction. I can only control when, where, and how she finds out. I’m not a liar. It’s not who I am, and things won’t be right until we clear the air.


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