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Call My Bluff

Page 24

by Elizabeth Knox

  “Want me to have a word with him?” I ask standing behind her. I rest my hands on her shoulders massaging them again.

  “As much as I’d love you too, no. There is no changing his mind. I just have to work twice as hard.” Kyanna leans into my hands and tips her head back to look at me. “Don’t you have to meet Ace at the gym?”

  I check the time, “Fuck. Yeah, I do. But I don’t want to leave you.”

  “I’ll be fine. I’m staying right here and getting some paperwork done. If I finish before you do, I’ll come down to the gym. I need a workout too.” She settles her hand on mine and squeezes. “I know you’re worried Spencer, but I’m fine, really.”

  “It’s been three weeks, Kyanna. Why haven’t we heard anything yet?”

  “Because the Vegas system is so overwhelmed with criminals, it takes a while. Don’t worry, Keith is sitting right where he needs to be. And if something changes, I’ll know as soon as it happens.”

  “How though?”

  “I have contacts on the inside. People who will look out for my safety,” Kyanna turns her head back and picks up the papers on her desk.

  “I’ll trust you on this, but the moment it changes, I’m going to trust you to tell me.”

  “Don’t worry, you’ll be the first to know. Now go and meet Ace before you’re late and he hands you your ass.” She smirks.

  “I’ll see you in a little while.” I lean down and give her a kiss to remember me by. By the time I pull away, Kyanna’s eyes are hooded with desire and my cock is throbbing against my jeans.

  I walk out of her office and quietly close the door behind me. We had security set up where the door automatically locks and the only way to get in is through a code that only the two of us know. I hear the tumblers click in place, giving me comfort she’s safe behind that door. Because I have a feeling deep in my gut, she’s going to need it. I don’t know how or when, but we haven’t seen the last of Keith.

  Chapter Seven


  This is it. This is the moment I’ve been waiting for. The buzz from the arena vibrates the walls in the dressing room and penetrates my bones. Adrenaline is sneaking its way through my veins, making me edgy and ready for this fight. I shadowbox, keeping my muscles warm and ready to go.

  Jeff never showed up to the workout yesterday with me and that doesn’t settle in my gut very well. He’s up to something, but I don’t know what yet.

  My dressing room door opens and Kyanna enters with Ace and Kayne right behind her. She’s wearing a pair of black leather pants that hug her curvaceous ass, a blood-red tank top and red heels. She has her straight long dark hair pulled up in her signature ponytail. Her lips are painted a dark red and her eyes are smoky. Going for the whole bad girl sex appeal and she has my attention. Probably along with all the other hot-blooded males out there too. She smiles at me, but it doesn’t reach her eyes. Something is up.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask grabbing her hands with mine.

  “Nothing. Why would you think something's wrong?” Kyanna questions raising an eyebrow.

  “Ky, I’ve known you for a while. I can read the signs. What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t want to bother you with it. Whatever it is can wait until after your match.”

  “Bullshit, Kyanna Jade. You tell me now or I won’t be able to concentrate.” I growl.

  “Fine. Keith’s out. The judge let him go this afternoon and my guys lost him.” She whispers the last part, hoping I didn’t catch it.

  My world falls away at my feet. My ears ring with rage. I turn to Ace and Kayne, “Call the fucking fight. I’m not going out there.”

  “Spencer, you have to.” Kyanna pleads with me.

  “I’m not fucking doing it. Not when this motherfucker is out there somewhere. You’re not leaving my sight.” I shake my head back and forth pacing the length of the dressing room. Rage is consuming my mind, body and soul. “You’re more important to me than a fucking fight.”

  “Spence,” Ace grips my shoulders turning me to face him. “We’ve got her. She will be protected by the whole Club.”

  Kayne steps forward, “Brother, we have her. She won’t be protected any better than by us.”

  “Are you sure?” I question.

  “Positive,” Ace confirms.

  I release a deep sigh and stare at the ceiling counting down from ten. “Fine. But the moment it looks like trouble, we’re fucking out of there. I refuse to put Kyanna in a harmful situation.”

  Ace and Kayne agree and Kyanna crosses her arms over her chest. “I can't just leave. This is my responsibility.”

  I approach Kyanna and pull her into my chest. I know how to get her to agree. She doesn’t like the fact that I can control her body, but I do it anyway.

  “Kyanna,” I lean in close enough where her breath is mingled with my own. “Let’s not talk about it right now.” I kiss her hard and she melts against me. “If Kayne and Ace say to move, you need to move.”

  I cup her face with my hands and kiss her again, long, slow and torturous. By the time I pull back, Kyanna’s face is flushed with want. Her eyes are hooded with desire. “Do we have a deal?”

  “Deal,” Kyanna pants against my lips. I smirk and she narrows her eyes when she realizes what I’ve done. “You asshole.” She grumbles.

  Not one to go back on her word, she continues to shoot daggers at me, “I’ll make it up to you later.”

  “You better, asshole.” Kyanna steps back and I nod my head to Kayne and Ace.

  “Keep a good eye on her, please.”

  “You got it, bro. She’s not leaving our sight.” Ace reassures me.

  They all walk out the door, leaving me alone. Alone to contemplate what I’m going to do to this motherfucker who’s been after Kyanna. How I will rip his beating heart from his chest and shove it down his throat for hurting her. How I’ll tear his limbs off one by one. Starting with the hands that have left bruises on her beautiful body out of jealousy. Then I’ll move onto his feet. I’ll cut those fuckers off with a dull blade and make it as painful for him as it was for her each time he kicked or stomped on something so fragile. Then I’ll shatter his kneecaps with a claw hammer. I’ll swing the blade into his kneecaps and stomach. One for every time he touched her. By the time I finish with him, his mama won’t be able to recognize the face of the man who slid out of her cunt.

  A loud pounding on the door has me up and ready. I slide my robe over my shoulders, throw the hood up hiding my face and open it. I step into the hallway and look left, then right. No one is out here. That’s fucking weird. Normally one of the ring escorts walks out with me. What the fuck’s going on? I walk down the hallway, toward the ring, following the base of the music. It’s cranked up to deafening levels. Suddenly a large hand comes down onto my shoulder, halting me in place. I try to spin around but they strong-arm me from behind and throw a cloth over my mouth and nose. The sickly-sweet taste enters my mouth and my body starts to fall into unconsciousness. My legs give out and I hit the concrete floor hard, smacking my head. Dizziness takes over and vomit works its way up my throat. I swallow hard, fighting off the darkness trying to take over.

  “Give it to him again. Motherfucker is a fighter.” A pair of black dress shoes stand in front of me. I move my head back and forth pushing it back and connect with the person trying to hold the rag over my face. I feel bones crunch under my head and warm wetness trickle down my back. I stand up on shaky legs and stare eye to eye with the one asshole who’ve I’ve been itching to get my hands on. Fucking Keith is leering at me waiting for me to strike. And strike I do. I hit him so fast with a jab to the throat, he didn’t even see it coming. He wheezes and clutches his throat with his hands.

  “Get him,” Keith croaks.

  “Come on motherfuckers, try it.” I turn to fight off the men coming at me, but there are too many for me to handle on my own. They cage me in, jabbing me in the sides with sharp canes. “You fucking pussies can’t fight me without a weapon?” I
tease and taunt. If I piss them off enough, they’ll get sloppy and give me a fighting chance.

  One throws his weapon off to the side and comes at me. I jab kick him in the chest and send him flying across the room. He slumps against the wall not moving.

  “Get his ass,” Keith wheezes. They surround me but I don’t go down without a fight. I kick and punch anyone I can find. One grabs me from behind while another comes at me from the front. The one from behind pins my arms to my sides and the other four take turns hitting me in the stomach, chest and face. I feel a crack in my ribs, blood coating my face, arms and chest.

  “Enough! We don’t want him dead, yet.” Jeff comes into view. The motherfucking traitor. “Drug and gag him. We need him alive long enough to get her.”

  “Jeff, what the fuck?” I slur through my swollen jaw.

  “I’m sorry Spencer, but you need to forfeit this fight and Kyanna needs to find you. I warned you she will end your career before it gets started.”

  “You’re not sorry. You’re a worthless piece of shit.” The same rag is thrown over my face and I’m too weak to fight them off this time. Darkness takes hold of the edge of my vision before I fall face first onto the ground. I’m out cold in a matter of seconds.

  Chapter Eight


  Sitting ringside, I’m nervous as hell. I keep looking over my shoulder wondering if Keith will show up and snatch me without anyone even realizing what’s happening. My stomach is in knots, waiting for the other shoe to drop. I’m sitting between Poison and Siren. Kayne is on the left of Poison, Blayde is sitting on the right of Siren. Ace is next to Blayde near the aisle. Stryker, Holly, and the rest of the Savage Saints are sitting behind me, watching my back.

  The amateur MMA fight before Spencer’s isn’t holding my attention. My eyes keep darting all around, looking for a threat. I know I should feel safe with these bikers, but they don’t know what Keith is capable of. They don’t know what I’ve endured over the last couple of years. How he went from my bodyguard hired by my father to my live-in stalker. How he manipulated everyone around him, including me. The beatings, belittling and threats I lived with on a daily basis. Hiding them from everyone and plastering a smile on my face and a badass attitude to go with it.

  A warm hand settles on my knee causing me to jump in my seat. “Kyanna, it’ll be fine. These guys know what they’re doing.” Poison soothes.

  “I’m sorry, but I can’t shake this feeling,” my foot taps on the concrete floor. “My gut is telling me something is off. We shouldn’t have left Spencer alone. Someone should’ve been with him.”

  “There’s security all over this place, right?” Kayne speaks up, shouting over the cheering crowd.

  “Yes,” I yell back. The MMA fighters are taking too long in this match. It should’ve been done with or close to it.

  “Then he’s good.” Kayne leans over Poison, resting his arm behind her seat. “If security is tight, then you have nothing to worry about. Spencer will be out anytime and you’ll see.”

  Kayne’s words should soothe me, but they don’t. I lean over to Ace, “I need to check on him, please.” Ace must see the worry written across my face because he nods his head and stands up.

  “We’ll be back,” Ace says to Kayne.

  “Take Knuckles with you,” Kayne agrees. A big burly man covered in tattoos stands up and shuffles his way out to the end of the seats. He looks around before letting me and Ace leave. We rush down the entrance ramp before a security guard stops us.

  “Ms. Del Marco, is something wrong?”

  “No. I just want to check on the fighters before their match. These two are with me.” He nods his head and lets us pass. We walk down the long corridor, the fluorescent lights above us are glowing and my gut is churning with each step we take. The sounds of the cheering crowd fade the further we walk. Once we reach Spencer’s door, Ace shoves me behind him. The door is open and Ace steps inside with his gun drawn.

  “He’s not here,” Ace shakes his head.

  The floor falls away at my feet. If something happened to Spencer, I’ll never forgive myself. I look left, then right trying to figure out where he went. Suddenly the lights flicker and I know it’s Keith. He’s here and he has Spencer.

  I take off in a dead sprint down the corridor we just came from, my feet slapping the concrete creating an echo. Ace and Knuckles are right behind me, their boots echoing. The hall lights flicker again and I stop at a fork. Straight ahead leads to the arena, to the right leads to the hotel and the left leads to the basement. Turning left, I slip and almost land on my ass, catching myself at the last second.

  “Shit, Kyanna are you ok?” Ace asks.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” I look at what I slipped in and its blood. “Son of a bitch. He’s been here.” Ace, Knuckles and I follow the drops of blood down the hallway. They stop at the door leading to the basement. I push my way through the heavy metal door, tired of waiting. I know what Keith is capable of and I won’t sit back and let it happen to Spencer.

  The dark stairwell sends a chill down my spine. I take them two at a time until I reach the bottom. My heart is pounding hard against my chest, my hands are shaking with adrenaline. I inhale a deep breath, steadying my racing heart. I reach up to push the door when Ace stops me.

  “Wait,” Ace whispers into the darkness. He leans forward and quietly pushes the door open and slips inside. I quickly follow with Knuckles on my heels. We’re in the boiler room and the heat is making sweat bead on my skin. We quietly follow the maze of boilers and pipes until we hear muffled voices. The closer we creep, the better we can hear.

  “Where is she?” Keith’s psychotic voice echoes around us. Ace, Knuckles and I hide behind a set of boilers and listen.

  “I don’t know. She disappeared.” Another voice answers. One I don’t recognize.

  “Find that stupid whore so she can watch what I’m going to do to her lover. She wants to spread her legs for this piece of shit, I’ll make him watch as I choke her to death, while fucking her.” Keith’s foot connects to something solid and an umph follows.

  I try to step forward but Ace shakes his head at me. He holds one finger up in a wait motion. Heavy footsteps pass us quickly and I watch as three men hurry down the direction we were just in. Ace pulls out his phone and sends a text to someone. It buzzes back a few seconds later. He nods to Knuckles and I’m left out of the biker loop.

  Ace sneaks around the left side of the boiler and I follow. Knuckles heads the other way and we circle around Keith. Spencer is bound and gagged in the middle of the room. His hands are tied behind his back, his feet are bound and a gag covers his mouth. Spencer is glaring at Keith with revenge in his eyes. Beside Keith is a man I vaguely remember from Jed’s Blackjack game. He’s leaning against a railing surrounding the three of them.

  “What are we waiting for?” the man asks Keith.

  “I’m waiting for that bitch to realize Spencer isn’t showing up to his fight. Don’t worry, Jeff. If you finish this, your debt with me is done with.” So, this is Spencer’s trainer. What debt does he owe and why would Keith care? He’s not a bookie.

  “Don’t fucking remind me. Had I known owing Jed this money, I never would’ve bet it. Now my career is over.” Regret laces Jeff’s voice. He pushes off the railing and stands closer to Ace and me.

  “Suck it up, asshole. Jed only called me to collect because he knows I want Kyanna. We both do. Do what the fuck I say or I’ll kill him now and you’ll still owe Jed.” Keith sneers.

  Jeff looks at Spencer with pity, “I’m really sorry, bro. This wasn’t supposed to happen.” He pulls a revolver out of the waistband of his jeans and points it at Spencer’s head.

  “NO!” I scream and leap over the railing lunging for Jeff. He turns around at the last second. I grab the gun at the same time I use my body weight and send us flying away from Spencer. The gun goes off and Jeff’s limp body pins me to the ground. I can’t move. Blood seeps into my clothes. Grunts and br
utal pounding of bones on flesh echo around me. I can’t see what’s happening until Jeff’s dead body is thrown off me. I kick and scream afraid it’s Keith coming after me.

  “Kyanna, it’s me, Spencer.” Spencer wraps me up in a tight hug. “It’s OK. It’s over.” He brushes the hair out of my face and I cling to him burying my face in his hard chest. He grunts a little but doesn’t release his hold on me. “I thought I lost you.”

  “I thought I lost you too. Don’t ever leave me, please.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.” He lifts my face so I’m looking into his eyes, “As long as you’ll have me, I’ll stay by your side.”

  Emotions swirl in my stomach and butterflies take flight, “I’ll have you forever.” Spencer closes the distance and kisses me hard. His tongue sweeps into my mouth capturing my breath in a soul-stealing kiss. One full of love and raw emotions. I kiss him back. We might not have said those three little words that impact a person’s life, but it’s all poured out between the two of us in this kiss.

  “We good, brother?” Ace asks. I release Spencer’s lips and look around the room. Knuckles is standing over an unmoving Keith. Ace is standing over us with concern in his dark eyes.

  “Yes, we’re good. Thanks, man. I owe you one.” Spencer responds. Ace extends a bloody hand and Spencer accepts. He winces in pain as Ace helps him stand.

  “Spencer, you’re hurt,” I run my fingers over his ribs bruising by the minute.

  “I’ll be fine,” he wheezes. “Just a few cracked ribs. I’ve dealt with this before.”

  The door to the boiler room opens and boots stomp down the maze until they reach us. Kayne, Blayde and Stryker come into view and look around.

  “Did you catch them?” Ace asks.

  Kayne nods his blonde head, “Aye, they ran right into us. They’re currently tied and subdued upstairs.” An evil smile spreads across his face I don’t want to know about.


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