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Call My Bluff

Page 38

by Elizabeth Knox

  I stood and looked at her, her soft skin and bright blue eyes shining back at me. I knew she wanted nothing but the best for me, but it was still hard to admit what had happened and how I handled the years following. Shame wasn’t a strong enough word for what I carried around.

  A hand snapped in front of my face, breaking me from the cycle I always sunk into when I thought about my family, my past, and the future I wanted more than anything. I looked up to find Maggie shaking her head and sadness pouring from her.

  “Please, Alex.” She whispered as she turned and silently left the room.

  Sinking back into the chair, I stared at the door, waiting for Gideon to enter. If he cared about me as much as he professed, I needed to tell him the whole truth and let him decide if he wanted to stick around or if he wanted to bail. I wouldn’t blame him. My ex-girlfriend did, but not for the reasons I feared he would. She left to give me a chance that wouldn’t happen if my parents were still alive. She left to give me a future. I feared Gideon would leave after seeing me the way I saw myself.

  Dirty. Worthless. Whore.

  A quick knock sounded into the room and I plastered my fake smile on as Gideon poked his head around the opening door with a huge smile on his face. His steps faltered slightly as he entered the room and closed the door, leaving us in privacy from the early starts to Perception. The dungeon masters, bartenders, waitstaff, and bouncers were arriving, and the noise was growing.

  Gideon walked to me and grasped my hands, pulling me from my chair into his strong arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck and stood on my tiptoes, kissing him with a deep need. Every second with him was electric and if he changed his mind after I told him my secrets, I needed every moment to count.

  He forced his tongue into my mouth and his hands slid down my back and gripped my ass, pulling me flush against his growing cock. I moaned, my pussy throbbing with desire. He pulled back and I panted, trying to catch my breath from the intense embrace.

  “Fuck, I’ve missed you.” He groaned, nipping against my neck as I leisurely ran my fingers through the back of his soft hair.

  “I’ve missed you.” I admitted and he pulled back, a huge smile on his face.

  “You ready to head home?”

  “Hell, yes. It’s been a long damn day.” I remarked as he let me go and followed me into my office.

  He linked his hand with mine and we walked to the parking lot as I got small acknowledgements from the staff, all with smiles on their faces. I expected him to kiss me goodbye, but he opened the passenger’s side door to a black sport utility vehicle with darkened windows. I turned with a quizzical look and he winked before picking me up and setting me inside.

  He jogged around the front and climbed in, starting the truck with the push of a button. Turning the radio down that started blasting loud rock music, he chuckled and turned to me. “Do you like it?”

  The leather seats were buttery soft and there were more gadgets than I could understand. It was a total guy's truck and nothing like I thought Gideon would buy. I expected another flashy sports car, but this truck looked like it could go for a good mud ride and be just fine.

  “I love it.” Running my hand across the leather dash, “When did you buy it?”

  “I ordered it a few months ago and they delivered it today to the casino. I thought I could drive you home and maybe cook dinner.”

  As he pulled onto the highway, I looked at him and brushed my hand down his cheek. His skin was soft, and he smiled as he reached up and linked his fingers with mine, bringing the back of my hand to his lips and placing a lingering kiss.

  “I thought you had to work tonight.” I reasoned as he got off the exit that took him to my gated community.

  “My general manager is handling everything. I wanted us to have a quiet night, just the two of us, before our lives get crazy for the next few months. With the grand opening the day after tomorrow and your construction set to start soon, I thought we deserved some alone time.”

  “I’d like that very much.”

  I decided that tonight was the night I told him about what brought me to Las Vegas. I would start with the small secret and if things went well, I would tell him the shameful truth about Mistress Alexandria. He stopped at the gate and I signed the form to allow his vehicle to enter without stopping and they issued him a gate pass.

  I enjoyed knowing he was the first and only person I gave unfettered access to me. He helped me from the tall vehicle and followed me into the house. I slid my shoes off and rubbed my sore feet against the soft carpet. My shoes were tighter than usual, but I chalked it up to nearing my period and the bloat that always came with it.

  Happy that I was off my feet for the night, I ran upstairs and changed into a pair of cotton shorts and a tank top. He loved when I didn’t wear a bra, remarking that my natural breasts bounced and swayed with each step, making me more beautiful. I disagreed and explained that my nipples poking through the material made them sensitive. He would fall to his knees and kiss them better, always delivering a toe-curling orgasm while he worshipped my tits.

  Walking into the kitchen, I saw him looking into the refrigerator, his jacket and tie gone, and his sleeves rolled up, revealing strong, tattooed forearms. He closed the door as I sat down at the island and he leaned against the counter, his arms crossed over his muscular chest. I had scrubbed my makeup off, needing to be myself tonight when I finally got the nerve to tell him the truth, no matter how painful it was.

  He smiled and with large strides, cut the distance between us and had me in his arms. Soft lips descended to mine and as he pushed his tongue against my lips, I opened, enjoying the gentleness of his embrace. Too often, we would get caught up in the passion of each other and it turned to frantic fucking. I was glad he was keeping his actions gentle and careful, almost like he knew I needed tender handling.

  Pulling back, he tucked a stray lock of hair behind my ear and I leaned into his caress. Smiling, he stepped back and took the seat next to me.

  “You need to place a grocery order.” With a smile he continued, “Let me order some takeout and we can settle into a movie or would you rather spend some time in the jacuzzi?”

  He knew how stressed I was, even if he didn’t fully understand all the worries I carried around and was generous with my time in the hot tub. I smiled at him, knowing a glass of wine, the bubbling hot water, and maybe a joint would relax me enough to talk.

  “That sounds perfect.”

  He pecked me on the lips and pulled the takeout folder from the drawer, thumbing through until he found the menu for my favorite pizza place. It was just down the road and they were always quick with the fresh-made pies. He called them and they gave us a thirty-minute window for delivery as I walked into my playroom and grabbed the small wooden box from my dresser.

  Stepping out into the still blazing afternoon sun, I grabbed a bottle of water from the mini fridge and sat down at the table with the large red umbrella. The temperature was still stifling hot but being out of the sun made it bearable. A few minutes later, Gideon exited the back of the house wearing a loose pair of cotton shorts and nothing else.

  His upper chest and arms were covered with intricate black tribal tattoos that led down washboard abs to those indentions in his hips that made my mouth water. I could see his cock brushing against his shorts as he grabbed a water and joined me at the table.

  With a wink, he leaned back and took the joint from my hands before lighting it and taking a deep draw. His eyes cut to mine as he passed it to me, and I couldn’t help but laugh. A friend of mine created this strain for me and it was smoother than anything you could buy at the premium shops in town.

  Drawing the sweet smoke deep into my lungs, I allowed the buzz to roll through my body as I exhaled into the sky. There was no cough associated with my strain, only a full body high that lasted for hours, all with a sweet fruity flavor. We took turns passing the joint until it was burned down to nothing.

  Gideon leaned back in his
chair and closed his eyes, a silly smile on his handsome face. This was the first time he had smoked with me and it was funny to see him so . . . relaxed. My phone chimed with an alert from the front gate and I stood to meet the driver. Gideon went to stand, and I placed my hand on his shoulder and kissed the top of his head, showing I would go. Sinking back into the chair, he propped his feet up and crossed his hands over his abs.

  Returning, we devoured the large pizza and sodas he had ordered. I placed the cheesecake in the fridge for us to enjoy later and returned to the back porch, just as the last rays of sun fell behind the horizon and the darkness of the desert crept into the edges. I moved to the couch and he lit the fireplace before he joined me, placing his strong arm around me and pulling me into his side.

  I rested my head on his shoulder and knew this was the time to talk. Staring into the grey sky, I let the words drift from me.

  “When I was sixteen, I got pregnant.”

  He stiffened next to me and I pulled away from him. Wrapping my arms around my stomach, I kept speaking, not wanting to see the disappointment in his eyes.

  “My parents were uber-conservative and couldn’t stand that their daughter would make them look bad in the eyes of their community or their church.” I scoffed and shook my head, the memories coming hard and fast. “They decided that I didn’t deserve to go to school and to be a bad influence on my classmates, so they made me miss a full year until I gave birth. They even refused to pay for homeschooling, and I had to close all my social media accounts.”

  His hand came up and he began to slowly rub my back. It was then I realized I was shaking as I spoke, and tears were falling fast and hot as I thought of every hateful word and painful fist I endured all those years.

  “My dad had a horrible temper and used his fists to get his way. My mom was subservient and took whatever he dealt out with sick pleasure. I swear she felt like the more she took, the more he loved her. She didn’t stand up for me when I told them about the baby and when I woke up the next morning, they had decided what would happen. I had no say in my own life or the life of my baby.”

  Placing both hands over my face, I bent at the waist and let the shaking sobs break free as I felt Gideon pull me into him.

  “Shh. It’s okay.” He whispered as I cried, placing gentle strokes of his hand against my hair.

  After a few minutes, I sat up and walked to the fireplace, a sudden chill running through me. Gideon walked up behind me, wrapping his arms around me and placing his warm chest against my back as I let the fire soothe me.

  “When Michael was born, my parents forced me to sign all my parental rights to my older sister and her husband. They forced me to watch as my sister raised my son, never giving me the chance to form any kind of bond beyond an aunt. I finished high school and enrolled in college, hoping to be the kind of daughter they insisted I become. That’s where I met Annalise, my ex. We were inseparable and it was with her, I embraced my bi-sexuality and my love for taking care of people.”

  “Why did you two break up? You speak so fondly of her.”

  “Her parents had died in a wreck that severely injured her brother a few years prior. Her grandparents who died right after she finished high school raised her. She inherited their house and offered me a place to live.” I sighed contently, remembering the way we took care of each other during those difficult times. “My parents said they wanted to see where we would live and found two women sharing a bed. It was awful. They yelled and screamed about how dirty and disgusting I was. They reminded me that a gay whore wouldn’t be allowed to see my nephew. Only he was my son and they dangled that piece of him over my head.”

  “Fucking assholes.” He muttered and I nodded my head, wiping the tears that flowed down my cheeks.

  “She let me go, hoping my parents would change. After a year, it only got worse, so I sold everything I owned but a single suitcase of clothes and hopped on the bus. Four long days later, I stepped into the Las Vegas sun and I’ve never looked back.”

  Smiling sadly, I felt him turn me in his arms. He used his finger to lift my head and I saw understanding shining down at me. He kissed me softly, no rush, no urgency, and I felt the weight begin to lift from my shoulders. He wasn’t running and maybe, with time, I can tell him the rest. For tonight, I had filleted myself open enough.

  Chapter Six


  After listening to Alex tell me how horrible her life had been back in Nashville, the pieces of the puzzle started to fit into place. I still didn’t fully understand her transformation to Mistress Alexandria, but I refused to question her tonight after she had bared her soul to me. The rest could come later. She had fallen asleep tucked under my arm, a soft blanket across her legs. I absently stroked her long black hair as she slept contently.

  Seeing her so vulnerable, so broken from the pain made me want to wrap my arms around her and protect her from the world. Realizing that at least a part of her Mistress side was where she found her strength, I vowed to give Alex all the love she could ever want. She stirred in my lap just as a cool breeze cut through the patio.

  With delicate movements, I stood from the couch and lifted her into my arms, trying not to wake her. She looked like a beautiful angel in my arms and she had never allowed herself to be this exposed with me. Carrying her up the staircase, we entered her bedroom and I gently laid her on the bed. The soft pinks and light grey a stark contrast to the ‘sex room’ she had downstairs.

  Sitting down on the edge, she stirred and blinked her soft brown eyes up at me as I gently stroked her cheek. Leaning in, I placed a gentle kiss on her pouty lips. She slowly reached her hand behind my neck and ran her hands through the back of my hair. With slow movements, I kissed across her jaw and down her neck.

  I settled between her spread legs and she sat up, removing her shirt and allowing her heavy breasts to be free. Taking one in both hands, I lavished her taut nipple with stinging nips and soft licks. Working between the two, I had her squirming against my thick length as she sought more from me.

  My tongue traced the intricate tattoo on her chest and my eyes caught her glistening gaze as I placed a gentle kiss over the wounded heart. Her wounded heart. She smiled at me and I pushed her tiny shorts down her legs and positioned myself between her knees, using my shoulders to expose her fully to me.

  “Gideon.” Her soft voice whispered into the room and I felt like a king.

  My name on her lips was pure heaven as I placed kisses on her inner thighs and slick lips. Moaning at her flavor, I licked up her center with a flat tongue, curling it against her swollen clit. Battering it gently, I leisurely worked her up. I didn’t want to rush tonight. I wanted to show her how I felt about her, even if I couldn’t say the words . . . yet.

  “You taste so good.” I growled into her pussy and pressed two fingers into her clenching channel.

  Alex arched back on the bed and clamped her legs around my head as I kissed her pussy, slurping, licking and sucking her wet center, needing her to cum. Running my eyes up her prone, naked body, I watched as she pinched her nipples and tossed her head back and forth. I pulled her clit into my mouth, pumping my fingers into her. With a gentle bite on her engorged button, she sat up, screaming her release into the room as her hand gripped the back of my head, forcing me to continue my ministrations.

  An army of men couldn’t pull me away from her perfect pussy.

  She fell back onto the bed, her breathing fast, making her tits shake and sway as she let the waves of pleasure flow from her. I slid my shorts down and kicked them to the floor before I settled between her legs. Grasping my hard cock, I ran it up her wet center before I pushed into her.

  “Oh!” She panted at the same time I moaned my pleasure into the air.

  Soft, wet heat surrounded me as I pulsed my hips, working deeper and deeper into her. Locking eyes with her, I leisurely pumped my hips, meeting her soft thrusts. Her legs were locked around my waist and I linked my hands with hers, pulling her arms over
her head as I made slow love to her.

  The tingles built in the base of my spine, and I needed her to cum with me. Licking my thumb, I brought it down and rubbed her clit in time with my thrusts. Sharp fingernails dug into my hand and she pushed her heavy tits against my chest as she squeezed the life out of my cock, her orgasm flowing from her and pulling me along.

  I filled her to overflowing with my seed, kissing her breathless as small aftershocks rocked both of us. I stayed in her arms, rolling onto my back and positioning her on top of me. Her head rested over my heart and I held her in my arms. Feeling tears on my chest, I encouraged her to sit up, my hard length still nestled inside her warmth. Reaching up, I stroked her cheek, holding her jaw as I smiled up at her.

  “Thank you for trusting me with your secret.” I said, needing her to understand how much it meant that she trusted me enough to tell me about her son.

  “Thank you for not running away.” She returned, her eyes cutting to the side table, not looking at anything.

  With a nudge, I regained her gaze and sat up. Wrapping an arm around her, pulling her closer to me, I kissed her, placing my forehead against hers. Pulling back, I stared deeply into her eyes as I explained. “There is nothing you can tell me that would make me run from you. All I’ve wanted to do since the moment I saw you sitting across the bar was to run to you.”

  She placed her small hands on both sides of my face and kissed me, her salty tears mixing with the embrace. We took a shower, taking turns washing each other, unable to stop touching. I carried her into bed and pulled her into my arms, her head on my chest and her arm wrapped around my waist.

  I slept with Alex tucked against me all night.

  I wasn’t sure if she loved me, but after hearing what her parents put her through, how much pain she survived, I knew that I was head over heels in love with her. I wanted to ask more about her son, but she had told me enough for the picture to grow more complete.


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