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The Reindeer Gives Thanks (Reindeer Holidays Book 6)

Page 13

by E A Price

“Mal!” exclaimed Ariel. Her reindeer yipped excitedly.

  “Happy Thanksgiving,” he said with a vague smile.

  “I had no idea you’d be here. What are you doing here? Oh, you’re here for Thanksgiving, of course. But when did you get back? What did the council say? What’s happening now with Evans?”

  Ariel knew she was rambling and just couldn’t seem to stop herself. Mal just stood before her, as calm and unmoving as he always was, and when it finally looked like she had run out of questions, he answered a few of them.

  “Got back this morning. Had to tell the council what happened about twenty times; they’re still deciding on what to do with Evans. You okay?”

  Ariel nodded, a little afraid of what might spew out if she opened her mouth.

  His expression hardened slightly. “Hollis hasn’t been around, has he?”

  She shook her head. She doubted she would see him again; she just hoped that Mariska kept her temper and didn’t do anything drastic – like rip an arm off. She was starting to see a pattern with Hollis – about him chasing after women who were not interested in him in the least. She hoped he would eventually find someone suitable for himself – though what that would look like she had no idea.

  Amusement danced across his handsome face. “Did you make the pumpkin pecan pie?”

  Ariel blushed as she thought of their poker game, as she thought about what happened after the game…

  “What are you two doing loitering by the door?”

  Ariel jumped as her mom peeked her head into the hallway.

  “Nothing!” she squeaked as she flushed.

  Her mom frowned but didn’t dwell on it, unlike Ariel’s brothers who would have demanded to know what was happening. Instead, she smiled. “Hello, Mal. I’m so glad you could join us.”

  “Thanks, Martha.”

  “Everything’s ready, and we’re about to sit down.” Her mom cast a look of concern at her. “Ariel, you look rather flushed, dear, are you feeling okay?”

  Mal’s eyes twinkled mischievously, and that just made her fluster even more.

  “Fine, fine, it’s just a little warm in here,” she managed to get out.

  Her mom didn’t appear entirely convinced, but she was a coaxer, not a demander – like Ariel’s brothers – and she left it at that. She would probably try to coax it out of Ariel later, and what would she say? Oh, it’s nothing, Mom, just totally embarrassed remembering how I had sex a couple of days ago with the man of my dreams! You know him – he calls you Martha, and you made him a sweater last Christmas!

  Mal placed a hand on the small of her back. “After you.”

  She nodded and let him guide her down the hallway. She really didn’t trust herself to speak. In between her red-hot embarrassment, and the way her body quivered at having Mal’s hand on her, she really didn’t trust herself to say anything that wasn’t a moan or a groan.

  Mal held out a chair for her at the table and slipped into the seat next to her. It may have been her imagination, but he seemed to be leaning a little closer to her than necessary. He certainly wasn’t quite so close to Maris who was on his other side.

  “What is that?” rumbled Clay pointing at the centerpiece.

  “Oh, that was a gift from Sophie – from the youth group we took camping. She wanted to give me something for finding her locket.”

  Ariel glanced at Mal, and he smiled slightly.

  Maris scrunched her pretty nose. “Is that a urinal cake? And are those little bottles of shampoo?”

  “Yes,” chuckled Ariel. “The kids usually use pine cones and feathers, but given everything that happened, the kids didn’t have time to gather all the supplies, so they had to make do with what they found at the motel. Don’t worry; they got everything new from housekeeping – it’s not like they raided the bathroom.”

  “Yes, everything that happened,” grumbled Branch, giving Mal a sour look – it was a look that promised they would discuss it later. The phrase ‘went through the roof’ had been very apt when Branch found out what happened to Ariel on her camping trip.

  Mal returned his glare with a flat look – it was a look that said, sure they would discuss it, but he wasn’t about to cower in fear.

  “Well, I think it’s adorable,” declared Mira, always capable of easing her mate’s fury.

  “Honestly, it’s probably much more hygienic than using bird feathers,” added Carrie as Mikey gurgled.

  “The food all looks great, Mom,” said Harlan, picking a marshmallow off the sweet potatoes before his mom could slap his hand.

  “Yes, you’ve outdone yourself, Martha,” agreed his mate, Temp, who did manage to slap his hand as he went in for a second.

  Their mom flushed in pleasure. “Thank you, my darlings. Now, before we have the usual fight over who gets to cut the turkey,” – something Branch, Harlan and Clay all wanted to do but was usually done by Martha since she was the one who cooked it, and didn’t treat cutting it like she was hacking at a piece of ice, - “why don’t we all give thanks? I am sure it goes without saying that everyone here is thankful for our family and our friends, but let’s all go round the room anyway.” She turned to her brother. “Clay, why don’t you go first?”

  Clay smiled and squeezed the nape of Maris’ neck. “I’m thankful this year that Maris is now part of my life, and that soon we will have not one but two, sure to be beautiful babies…”

  “If they look like Maris,” taunted Harlan not entirely under his breath.

  Clay ignored him. “I’d be even more thankful if she would finally agree to mate me, rather than being stubbornly insistent that we wait.”

  “Oh, dear,” murmured Martha.

  It was an ongoing argument – Clay was eager to mate, but Maris didn’t want to rush.

  Maris narrowed her eyes. “What a lovely speech, sweetie. Oh, I wonder if I can top it?”

  “Probably best not to try,” tried Martha, to no avail.

  “I’m thankful that I have found happiness with the man I love – so much.”

  Maris cupped his cheek and gave him a loving look. Her mom relaxed a little, though Ariel knew that she really ought to wait a bit longer – there was no way that Maris was done.

  “I’m especially thankful that soon we will have two beautiful and completely spoiled babies,” she continued. “Also, I’m grateful that Clay realizes that just because we are now finally together, there is no sudden rush to jump into mating and that he respects my wishes that we wait until I am completely certain that we are both ready.”

  “I’m thankful that I am already ready,” retorted Clay.

  “I’m thankful that the man I love is patient.”

  “I’m thankful that the woman I love wants to be with me as much as I want to be with her.”

  “I’m thankful that the man I love can see that we will mate one day and not being mated does not mean I love him less.”

  Clay and Maris glared at one another – stalemate. It was a loving stalemate, but stalemate nonetheless.

  “Well, we appear to have reached an impasse,” said Martha brightly. “Mal, perhaps you ought to go next – neither party seems about to budge.”

  Mal cleared his throat. “Sure. I’m thankful for my sister and my nephew,” Carrie smiled, and Mikey tried to grab a dinner roll. “I’m thankful to be part of this herd.” That slightly mollified Branch. “I’m thankful that I met Ariel and I’d be thankful if she’d be my mate.”

  There was dead silence around the room.

  Ariel stared at him. Her reindeer stopped wallowing in embarrassment to hoot. Had she actually heard that right?

  “Are you – are you serious?” she stammered. She searched his expression for any cruelty or amusement, but none could be found. He just looked… happy.

  “Is he serious?” demanded Branch.

  “Yeah, I am,” murmured Mal. He took Ariel’s hands in his.

  Her heart hammered. “You’re not going back to the hunters?”

  “No, well,
maybe if you say no in front of your family – not sure I can live that down.”

  She smiled and felt her eyes moisten. Oh heck, she was going to cry!

  “Oh my goodness,” murmured her mom.

  “I knew it,” chuckled Carrie.

  “I thought that being a hunter was what you wanted,” said Ariel. Her hopes were rocketing up into space, but she was desperately trying not to get too excited – just in case… well, just in case.

  “It used to be. Hunting used to be all I ever wanted, but now, you’re all I want.”

  Mira and Temp let out matching awws; Harlan and Branch exhaled matching grunts.

  She let go of Mal’s hands, and he pulled her onto his lap. She cupped his cheek. “Why the sudden change of heart?”

  “I used to love hunting – used to get a thrill out of it. Used to think it was awesome when someone was trying to kill me.”

  “That doesn’t sound awesome to me,” commented Maris.

  “But when we were camping, and someone was coming after me, all I cared about was you.” His thumb caressed her cheek, and the love she saw in his expression was downright staggering. “And, see I’ve been waiting for you to mate, to find someone else, someone better than me, but you haven’t, so I reckon you’re gonna have to mate me now.”

  Oh, her hopes had left the solar system. “I am?”

  Mal shrugged. “Yeah, I mean, be practical about it – I love you and I’m pretty sure you love me. It’s only logical that we be together.”

  “What is happening?” gritted Branch – nobody paid attention.

  “That is true,” Ariel agreed eagerly. “I do love you – so much. And you love me, right? I mean I didn’t just imagine you saying that.”

  “I love you – have done since we first met and we first kissed.”

  “When was this?” groused Harlan, who was starting to reach Branch levels of irritation.

  Her reindeer was giddily jumping up and done. “You’ve made me so happy.”

  “Back at you, baby.”

  Ariel felt tears splash down her face, but as he pulled her in for a kiss, he didn’t seem to care. They laughed and kissed and everything was perfect.

  “Well, ah, does anybody want to go next?” asked Martha, in a slightly dazed voice.

  Branch damn near exploded. “What the hell is happening?”


  A few weeks later

  Mikey’s cries woke him, but rather than hopping out of bed for a morning workout – as he would have done a few weeks ago - Mal just cuddled a little closer to his mate. Ariel sighed and snuggled against him.

  Ariel pressed kisses along his jawline. “What time do you have to be at work?” she murmured sleepily.

  “Whenever. I’m watching you today.”

  He felt her grin. “Again?”

  “Perk of being the boss – I get to choose my own assignment.”

  “Suits me. I may just stay in bed all day. You’d have to stay and watch me all day.”

  Mal opened his eyes to find Ariel looking at him with a bewitchingly naughty expression. He ran his fingers along her arm. “Baby, we both know you couldn’t stay still long enough to spend all day in bed. How many things are on your to-do list for today? Thirty? Forty?” he teased.

  “Thirteen,” she pouted.

  Mal chuckled and rolled onto his back, bringing Ariel with him, so she sprawled on his chest. Ariel beamed at him and kissed his chest. Lazily, he lay back and tried not to feel too smug that the female of his dreams was not only his, but she was kissing his chest.

  Thanksgiving had been wonderful. Of course, Ariel’s brothers and uncle had been furious with him. Branch had socked him in the mouth, but given Ariel’s reaction, and Mira’s disapproval, he didn’t do it again. Mal didn’t take it personally. Hey, if it had been his sister, he’d want to take a pop at the guy too.

  Eventually, they had calmed down – it had just been a shock – and when they actually thought about it, they considered Mal was probably a suitable mate for Ariel. The last thing they wanted was for Ariel to mate outside the herd and leave, and by mating Ariel, it also meant they got to keep Mal as the head enforcer. While they knew in their hearts – as did Mal in spite of Ariel’s vociferous objections – that she was far too good for him, they considered that no male would ever be good enough, but Mal was better than most options.

  As far as being together was concerned, they didn’t want to wait any longer, and Ariel had moved into his and Carrie’s house. He had offered to move in with Ariel and her mom, but Ariel didn’t want to abandon Carrie and Mikey. Also, Ariel had a few doubts about having sex in her childhood bedroom, with her mother down the hall. So that definitely put the kybosh on moving in with Martha.

  “I’ll have you know,” she said in between kisses, “that on our honeymoon, I fully intend to spend every day in bed.”

  Officially, they were going to mate on Christmas Eve and would be leaving for a honeymoon the day after Christmas. They were going to a herd resort in the Caribbean.

  Mal tried not to smirk. “So that itinerary I found in your sock drawer with snorkeling, and dolphin watching, not to mention fishing for beginners on it – who was that for?”

  Ariel sat up on his stomach with a mildly guilty look. “Well, those are just options, we don’t have to do them. I just thought they’d be fun, and it’s not like we get to go to the Caribbean resort often, so it seemed wasteful not to enjoy all the activities they offer.”

  He grinned at his beautiful mate. What he had done to deserve her he had no idea – but he was not going to squander any more time, he was going to enjoy every single second with her.

  “They will be fun, baby, and I can’t wait.”

  She grinned and leaned down for a kiss. He slipped his arms around her, holding her close. She moaned against his lips as her alarm started beeping a ‘get up and go’ tune.

  “Mmm, time to get up,” she murmured as she pulled back. “Until tonight?”

  Mal looked at her quizzically. “Or until twenty seconds from now when we’re in the shower.”

  Ariel giggled. “I love you so much.”

  He grinned. Who knew that the kiss, all those years ago, standing outside his grandma’s garage would lead to this? But one thing was for sure - he was glad it did. The other hunters couldn’t fathom why he was choosing to leave and join a herd. They considered settling down in the same place day after day to be some kind of second prize, and yeah, maybe he’d thought that at one point too. But it was different now. Now, he had his herd, his job, his family and above all, he had Ariel.

  He dragged her out of bed and carried her to the shower, and they made love until there was no hot water left. It was something he would do tomorrow and the next day and every day after that. Ariel was his mate, now and forever, and he was damn thankful for her.

  The end


  Thank you for reading!

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  Best wishes


  Stories currently available to purchase (as of December 24th 2018) and more stories are coming soon!

  Grey Wolf Pack Romance

  The series is set in the fictional town of Rose and follows the members of the Grey pack of wolf shifters as they find their mates. Expect lots of growling and overuse of the word 'mine'!

  A Mate for the Beta

  The Alpha’s Mate

  The Librarian and the Wolf

  Into the Arms of the Wolf

  Wolves for the Bears

  The Witch, the Wolf and the Snowstorm

  Patient Mates

  The Omega’s Mate

  The Wolf and the Bobcat

  - Short Stories Collection One

  Mating the Red Wolf

  Valentine’s Wolf

  - Short Stories Collection Two

  The Tiger’s Mate

  The Reluctant Mate

  One Night with the Wolf

  Supernatural Bounty Hunters

  Set in the fictional city by the beach Playa Lunar, the series follows bounty hunters and their sometimes hapless attempts to catch their wily (or irritating) supernatural skips while inevitably meeting their mates.

  Foxy on the Run

  Dead Man Running

  To Catch a Snake

  Bears in Flight

  Flamingo Fugitive

  Gorilla in the Wind

  Supernatural Enforcers Agency

  Stories about the shifters, psychics, vampires (and zombies!) who work for the SEA - Supernatural Enforcers Agency, set in the fictional city of Los Lobos. Read about how they solve crime and meet their mates!

  Polar Bears are Forever

  For Your Paws Only

  You Only Live Nine Times

  Sealed With a Hiss

  4.5 Holiday Mates (short stories)

  The Bear and the Unicorn

  5.5 Scared to Death (novella)

  A Bite Before Dying

  Wolfman: The Lioness and the Wolf

  7.5 Valentine’s Mates (short stories)


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  When a Gargoyle Awakens

  When a Gargoyle Lives

  When a Gargoyle Flies

  When a Gargoyle Pretends to be Santa Claus

  When a Gargoyle Dreams

  When a Gargoyle Kidnaps

  When a Gargoyle Falls

  When a Gargoyle Investigates

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  Living on Honey Blossom Mountain, the Chavez Jaguar Leap keep to themselves except for when it comes to finding brides...

  Due to a lack of female jaguars, the tradition is for males to visit the nearby city of Los Lobos and bring their chosen brides back on Valentine's Day. However, things don't always run quite so smoothly.


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