Julia Jones - The Teenage Years: Boxed Set - Books 2, 3 and 4

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Julia Jones - The Teenage Years: Boxed Set - Books 2, 3 and 4 Page 3

by Katrina Kahler

  It was then that I became aware of a piercing scream. It was a scream that seemed to continue on and on and on. Relentlessly, it cut through the night air as the ear-splitting sounds emanated with blood curdling intensity.

  I realized then, that he was furiously trying to prevent the sounds from escaping. Ironically though, the more I swung my head from side to side, trying to free my mouth from his struggling grasp, the louder the sounds became. I really don’t think I was aware of it at the time but those screams had poured out in an effortless and unstoppable motion from the depths of my throat and I’d been powerless to stop them.

  Looking back, I’m convinced that’s what actually saved me. His frantic attempts to silence me had proved to be useless against the adrenalin pumping through my body. Because without warning, he had leapt to his feet, raced around to the driver’s seat, floored the accelerator and sped off.

  Staring in disbelief, I watched the car disappear, the tires screeching loudly and a blast of gravel and dust from the dirt road filling the air. Then in a flash of recognition, I realized that I’d been given a second chance; my prayers had miraculously been answered. Glancing fearfully around, I attempted to fully comprehend what had just happened.

  Breathing heavily and still in shock at what felt like a terrifying movie, or a hideous crime scene that I had just witnessed from afar, I managed to quickly get to my feet and take off in the opposite direction. I had escaped in one piece, alive and breathing; the more I thought about it the more bizarre it all seemed.

  Oblivious to the thick brambles that scraped my flesh as I burst through the undergrowth, I had no idea in what direction I was headed. Blindly, I fled, concerned only with getting to safety. Then, in an instant, I found myself standing on the side of a busy road, horns honking as the cars flew past.

  “Hey, want a lift?”

  I watched anxiously as a dark colored car slowed to a halt and the window slid down. In full view was an unkempt and disfigured face staring back at me.

  Lowering my head, I ignored the taunting voice and kept walking, all the while gripping firmly to the bag that I still had hanging from my shoulder. Then, with immense relief, I watched the car speed away, a blast of obscenities pouring from the open window as the driver took off.

  I could feel the tears streaming down my cheeks. This sort of thing did not happen to me! It was something that I usually read about in the newspaper or watched on television. How did I, Julia Jones, come to be involved in something so unbelievable and so frightening?

  Sobbing quietly, I trudged along the road, trying to hide myself in the darkness of the bushes at my side whenever I heard the sound of an engine heading my way. I had no idea exactly where I was or how far I had to go. Meanwhile, thoughts of my phone, still sitting on the desk in my room, flashed through my mind.

  I had told my mom time and time again that I needed a new phone. It was her old one and was always going flat.

  “It just needs a new battery,” she had reminded me several times over.

  But of course, the battery still hadn’t been replaced and finding it uncharged before leaving for the party, I had decided there was no point in taking it with me.

  Then, unexpectedly, I saw a blinking neon Motel sign up ahead. I considered banging on the door in the hope that someone might be there to help me but as I drew closer, I realized the place was in full darkness and no one appeared to be around. Hoping for an after-hours bell or some way of alerting the owners, I searched the walls around the unlit door frame then peered through the darkened window, but the place appeared to be deserted.

  Just as I was about to give up and keep walking, I noticed a steep driveway leading to an open underground carpark and decided to make my way down into the depths, beyond the parked cars. Anything was better than trying to avoid the danger of walking alone on a darkened road late at night. Heading to a distant corner at the very back wall, I found a place where I could crouch, hidden by the darkness until the morning.

  I am sure that my memory of that night will never leave me! I remember being so intensely relieved to find myself only a few blocks from home when I emerged into the full daylight the following morning. It had all been so unfamiliar the night before and in my disoriented state, I’d had no idea where I was. And in actual fact, I had been previously unaware that the Motel even existed as I had never noticed it before.

  Making my way home, the nightmare that I had escaped from raged through my thoughts and, still in shock, I found it extremely difficult to believe that I had survived the night unscathed. Apart from exhaustion, and several scrapes on my arms and legs, I had managed to escape. Overcome with gratitude right then, at the miracle of that possibility, I took several deep breaths, all the while trying to settle the nervous panic I was still feeling.

  Thankfully, both Mum and Matt were asleep when I quietly let myself into the house a short time later. Sneaking up the stairs, I carefully avoided the squeaky step that was yet to be repaired by Barry. Endless repairs and renovations, it seemed to me. When would all the work finally be completed so I never had to see his ugly face again? It could not happen too soon.

  Those were my last thoughts as I climbed gratefully into bed and laid my head on the pillow. Sleep and rest were all I craved. I did not want to face anyone or anything. Then, just as I felt myself drift off into safe oblivion, an image of Blake’s face floated into my mind, his outstretched hand beckoning me towards him.


  I appeared back at school the following week, wearing jeans and a long sleeved shirt to hide the scratches that still covered my skin. I had decided not to mention the incident to my mother as I was fully aware of her reaction and was sure it would include outright anger at my stupidity. I could not bring myself to tell her. Apart from her though, I had no one else to talk to. However, when I saw Lisa, standing in the hallway waiting for the first bell, she was desperate to hear all the details.

  “OMG, he was so cute!” she said with a grin. “What happened when Joe drove you home the other night? Tell me everything!”

  Lisa was definitely not someone I’d think about sharing the events of that terrible night with. Along with the other girls, she was nice to me, but not a genuine friend, certainly not one I could trust my secrets with. Since returning to Carindale, I still hadn’t found anyone who fitted that description. Although, I was desperately hoping that when Millie finally returned home from her overseas trip, our friendship might simply fall back into place; the close friendship we had once shared for so long back in middle school.

  Lisa looked at me impatiently. “Come on, Julia. Tell me all! I bet he’s a really good kisser!!”

  “You’ve got to be joking! I wouldn’t know and I don’t want to know!” My abrupt retort was full of outright disgust; the memory of Friday night, still so clear in my mind.

  But then I backed off. Her shocked expression showed she had clearly not expected my response. However, her surprise was quickly replaced with curiosity, and I knew that she sensed I was hiding something.

  “That’s not what I heard, Julia,” a slow grin appearing on her face.

  “What do you mean?” I asked crossly. “What are you talking about?’

  “Well, apparently he told his friend, Jake, who is friends with my sister, Ronnie that you guys got up to a lot more than just kissing!”

  My look of horror stopped Lisa dead in her tracks. Contemplating my reaction, she blurted loudly, “It’s okay, Julia. I don’t mean to judge you. I’m just telling you what I heard. According to Ronnie, there’s a heap of stories going around about what went on after the party.”

  Noticing the curious glances of the people milling around us, Lisa lowered her voice. “I thought I should let you know, Julia. I’m just telling you want Ronnie said.”

  “Well Joe is lying, Lisa! Nothing happened. He was drunk and disgusting! And if you must know, I actually got out of his car and walked home. He’s a serious creep and I hope I never see him again!”

  Quickly babbling the words, I desperately hoped she believed me, all the while, my stomach filling with dread at the thought of whatever rumors were being spread.

  Her curious expression turned to one of scepticism. I could see that she wasn’t quite sure whether I was being honest or not. But it was his word against mine and for the hundredth time, I cursed myself for choosing to accept the lift in the first place.

  I was unable to believe what I’d just heard but I was not willing to share any other details. I was well aware that if I mentioned much more, the whole school would find out and that was the last thing I wanted. Sensing my distress, she decided to change the subject and focused the conversation on herself. Even though I had no interest whatsoever in what she was prattling on about, I pretended to show some enthusiasm, all the while, the sick feeling of nausea sitting heavily in the depths of my stomach.

  I really was not in the mood to hear about her night with some hot footballer who she’d met at the party; certainly not after my own experience. I knew deep down that I really should report what had happened to me, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. That seemed as frightening as the incident itself. And besides, it would be his word against mine. That was probably the biggest deterrent of all! That and the fact that I’d heard of similar cases where girls were interrogated by the police and accused of leading the guy on.

  “As if!” I thought to myself, the memory filling me with loathing.

  However, the real issue lay deeper than that. I was fully aware that in a way, I was the one to blame. Accepting a lift was such a dumb thing to do; especially with someone I hardly knew and who had been drinking all night. It was just plain stupid. So many times over the weekend, I’d gone through the entire scenario in my mind and had come to the conclusion that it if I hadn’t been so impulsive, the whole incident would never have eventuated.

  But after hearing what Lisa had said, maybe I made a mistake. Perhaps I should have reported what happened. Now it really was his word against my own.

  “Make wise choices, Julia!” I could hear my mother’s voice, as always, in the back of my head.

  It was as clear as a bell and I remembered rolling my eyes at her as I’d mimicked her words sarcastically under my breath. At the time, she’d been harassing me with one of her many lectures which I always found so annoying.

  “Perhaps I really should take more advice from my mother!” The thought flitted into my subconscious but was quickly shaken away when I remembered her persistent nagging just that morning.

  “Julia, have you cleaned your room? As soon as you get home today, I want it cleaned. It’s a disgrace! Barry still has to repair your wardrobe door and I’m embarrassed to let him even enter your room at the moment!”

  The mere mention of his name had been enough to set me off and I had immediately begun a screaming match with her, yelling at her to come to her senses about her sleazy friend, who called himself a tradesman. Well, that definitely provoked the reaction I’d been looking for and with a satisfied smirk, I’d thrown my dishes into the sink full of water, splashing soap suds and water all over the benchtop, the kitchen window and the floor. I then proceeded to storm out of the house ensuring I slammed the front door with the loudest bang that I could possibly muster.

  The truth of the matter was that I simply could not stand to be around her anymore. She constantly irritated me and I made a mental note to find someone at school who wanted to hang out at the mall later that afternoon. Anything was better than going home to face her!

  Thankfully, the bell for first period sounded loudly in the hallway and the image of my mother’s angry face faded away as everyone made their way to class. I remembered then that apart from Lisa’s warning, I also had other things to occupy my thoughts.

  We’d been informed the week before that our English teacher was leaving and a new teacher would be replacing her, so everyone was curious to see who she was. We’d all been terribly disappointed to hear that our original teacher, Miss Fitz, as we called her for short, had been transferred to another school. We considered her the coolest teacher ever and did not want her to leave. As well as being really young and very pretty, she always dressed in the most fashionable clothes. The girls were always commenting on her outfits and we had so much fun chatting with her after class about fashion and the latest styles that she wore. Most importantly though, the way she taught English made it so enjoyable, which was such a refreshing change from the boring lessons we’d all experienced in the past. Everyone looked forward to her classes and it seemed ridiculously unfair that she had to leave.

  As soon as I walked into English class that morning though, it was clearly evident that our new teacher, Miss Bromley was different in every way imaginable to our beloved Miss Fitz.

  In place of the beautiful young woman who had laughed with us and made English class a fun place to be, was a short, dumpy middle-aged woman with a screechy voice who quickly told everyone to take a seat as soon as they entered the room, because time was being wasted.

  What an introduction, I thought briefly, as I sat down and looked curiously in her direction. Everyone had barely taken their seats when we were directed to open our books and begin the exercises on page 104. The next instruction was to complete the ten pages that followed or, as we were then abruptly warned, those pages would be added to our homework for the night.

  “Is she serious?” I could hear the disbelief in the male voice behind me and when I glanced around, I could see that the expressions on just about every student in the class showed they felt the same way.

  “Yes, I am deadly serious!” was her sharp reply as she frowned in the direction of the boy who had spoken. “Another comment such as that and I will add an extra ten pages to your homework for tonight.”

  Her response was enough to immediately silence the class and as I glanced around once more, I could see that no one was prepared to argue. I think it was the quietest I had ever seen the group, and hardly a word was spoken during the entire double period until finally the bell sounded for morning recess and we were given permission to leave.

  “That totally sucks!”

  “I can’t believe SHE has replaced Miss Fitzsimmons!”

  “OMG! One lesson and already I can’t stand her!”

  The comments could be heard as soon as we were out of earshot of our new English teacher. It seemed so unfair to be stuck with a teacher such as her and I agreed wholeheartedly with the complaints coming from the others.

  Then just as we sat down in our usual spot for morning break, I spotted Sara, walking past, deep in conversation with the girl at her side. Quickly I looked away, hoping that she would not notice me. It was the first time I’d seen her since the incident where the voodoo doll had been hidden in my locker. And that memory was one I had done my best to put behind me.

  Unfortunately though, unable to help myself, I stole a fleeting glimpse in her direction; but it was too soon as just at that moment, she happened to gaze my way. My heart sank when, with eyes focused on me, I saw her open her mouth to speak; I was so worried about what she was going to say but instead, she appeared to think twice and rather than let fly with some vicious comment, she closed her mouth and chose to stare intensely towards me, an evil stare, vindictive and spiteful. Probably hoping to provoke a reaction, she continued to stare as she strolled past; it was a look that made my stomach turn and the air between us was thick with tension.

  I could feel my pulse quicken with anxiety at the evil look she was directing my way. The vivid blue of her eyes was the color that haunted my dreams.

  “What’s her problem?” Beth asked quietly, after Sara had finally moved away and was out of earshot.

  “Yeah! Did you see the look she gave you, Julia? What was that all about?” Lisa’s comment added to the sinking feeling of dismay that I felt creeping down my spine.

  “I have no idea!” I lied in response, desperately wishing I was any place but there, with Sara in my midst. Then abruptly, I change
d the subject, all the while trying to rid myself of the uncomfortable sensation that was winding its way through my senses.


  My shopping expedition after school proved to be more than I had bargained for. Although I could have just gone on my own, I knew it would be much more fun to hang out with one of the girls from school. Then as it turned out, Lisa had been the only one available that afternoon and when I suggested the idea to her, she eagerly agreed.

  “I have a heap of homework to do, but who cares!”

  It was evident from her keen response that she didn’t have to be persuaded and I was glad to have an excuse to avoid going straight home, myself.

  Then on the bus, heading towards the shopping mall, she told me of a brand new store that had recently opened and which stocked some really cool designer clothes.

  “We should go and check it out. You never know, they may have a sale on,” she said hopefully. “The clothes are gorgeous but it’s super expensive!”

  Her words showed her frustration. Although, I had originally thought Lisa received a fairly generous weekly allowance which explained all the lovely clothes she already owned, but I guessed that may not actually be the case.

  She was still determined we should have a browse though and with a little prompting on her part, we were soon in the change rooms, trying on a variety of really pretty tops, designer jeans and jackets and as well, some colorful knit sweaters. I quickly fell in love with the long sleeved shirt that she’d picked out for me and had convinced me to try on. It was black and fitted, with a cool design printed on the front. I knew that it would match perfectly with my new skirt but when I looked at the price tag, I could see that it was way beyond what I could afford to pay.


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