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The Game: A Dark Taboo Romance

Page 6

by LP Lovell

  Shamefully, that all too familiar pull ignites between my legs when I brush my finger over her pussy and slowly press a finger inside her.

  “Isn't she beautiful?” Preston asks. “How sweet she must taste.”

  I lean down with my finger still inside her, and I slowly swipe my tongue over her clit. She hisses out a breath. Her hips buck. Tobias and Preston round the bed, both stopping on either side of the headboard. I glance up, watching as they untie her wrists.

  “Don't stop,” she moans just before her now free hands fly to the back of my head. She grabs my face and forces my mouth over her. I lick and suck, all the while fucking her with my hand until she's moaning and screaming, her pussy clenching around my fingers.

  “Now,” Tobias says, untying Maria’s bound feet. “Your turn.”

  As soon as she’s freed, Maria sits up and forces me onto my back. The bead of her nipple brushes mine as she lays over me, kissing me before sinking between my legs. “Can I taste you, Ella?”

  I should say no. But I don’t want to. Her thumb rubs circles over my clit, the sensation catching my breath. I barely notice Tobias as he shifts beside me. “You want her to eat your pussy, don't you, Ella?”

  “You like the way she feels,” Preston adds, his hand trailing over my breast, tugging at my hardened nipple. But I don't answer. I can't answer.

  Her warm mouth hits me. Preston and Tobias grope and suck my breasts while her tongue licks over me.

  I moan, my hips bucking from the bed when her slender fingers sink inside me. Within seconds, I’m right on that edge, my nerves buzzing and humming. “Stop!” Tobias’s demand booms around the room and Maria freezes. It takes everything in me not to thrust up against her face in search of more friction. “Get dressed, little lamb.”

  He can’t be serious. My jaw tightens as my pussy throbs. Nothing about this makes sense. They wind me up, then fuck with my head. Tell me to fuck or kill the girl my ex cheated on me with, then wind me up some more.

  Maria slips off the bed and dresses while I lie here with my head spinning. Tobias passes my clothes to me then walks to the door with a smirk. “Nothing is as it seems.”

  After we’re dressed, the four of us descend the stairs. When we reach the bottom, Tobias grabs Maria's arm, escorting her to the back hallway.

  “Let's leave then, sweet Ella.” Preston leads me toward the front of the house.

  David and Nadia are nowhere to be seen, there's not even a trace of the butler. I want to ask where Tobias is taking Maria—where everyone has vanished to—but, again, I can't. So I simply leave the house in silence.

  As always, a car is waiting out front. And, as always, the driver opens the door for us. Once we’re inside the interior light dims, and that’s when the panic kicks in. Tobias took her. Just like he took that man from the bar. What if he kills her? Was it not convincing enough, because it sure felt like it.

  “Tell me he won't hurt her,” I whisper. “I held up my end of the game.”

  “That you did.” Preston’s fingertip sweeps over my cheek. His grin catches on the moonlight streaming in through the window. “But we can't have her talking, now can we?”

  My stomach rolls and I fight away the sick feeling eating through me like acid. Surely that was just a threat, a bargaining chip he used to make me bend to his whims? Would he kill her? I truly don't know what he and Preston are capable of. They are strangers, and if they could simply kill someone as part of a game, then I'm in way over my head.

  For the next ten minutes, I keep wondering what Tobias has done with her; how I can get out of this. If it’s even safe for me to try to get out of this...

  Finally, Tobias emerges from the front entrance, smiling as he makes his way toward the car.

  The second he slides in beside me and closes the door, the car screeches away. I eye him, looking for a drop of blood on his clean, white dress shirt, but the fine cotton is pristine.

  We weave through the empty streets and merge onto the interstate. I may have signed that contract, but murder... “I'm not a murderer,” I say.

  His gaze slowly drifts to me. “Little lamb, you are whatever the fuck I say you are.”

  Heat rattles my insides, stinging down into my bones. I should leave, but this isn't a choice any longer. This is survival, and without that money, I have no hope to survive.

  “Go easy on her, Tobias. She's had a rough day,” Preston laughs as he pulls me against him, pressing his palm to my cheek and cradling me to his shoulder like I’m a child. “You were such a good girl. You did so well. I'm proud of you. My sweet Ella.” The condescending tone makes my fists clench, my nails biting into my palm. Preston’s lips brush my hair, and a curious smile stretches over Tobias’s face.

  “Don't get attached, Preston. You know they never last past day three.” Something dangerous flares in Tobias’s green eyes as he sweeps his hand over my thigh; soft then rough until his fingers dig into my flesh. “Pretty things lose their luster after a while.”

  “But they don't lose their functionality.” Preston holds my head closer to his shoulder, skimming his lips across my forehead. “It’s been a while since I felt a pussy that tight.”

  The leather seat squeaks when Tobias leans in and places his lips against my ear. “It won't be that tight after we fuck her though.”

  I shove away from Preston, done being their source of amusement for the moment

  Preston drags a thumb over my lip. “If you're lucky, I'll make you squirt for me.”

  Heat flames my cheeks when Tobias smirks. “Oh, let's not, Preston. We're making our little lamb uncomfortable.” Without warning, Tobias yanks me into his lap, making me straddle him. And I hate myself because just like I’ve been drugged, I fall weak for him. I ache for his pleasure as he grabs my ass and forces me against him. “We shouldn't be so crude, but sometimes we can't help it.” His gaze drops to my lips on a low groan. “I want to do so many things to you, Ella. And frustration is a terrible way to try a man’s patience.”

  Then he kisses me with such reverence, such tenderness it momentarily melts away the hatred taking root in my heart for this man. It makes me feel as though he wants to love me, makes me feel cherished. And when the kiss ends, Tobias slowly pulls away, eyes still closed as though he’s savoring the taste of my lips. “So pretty,” he says. “So perfect. If I were able to keep you, I think I would.”

  Confusion swirls through my head, a violent tornado intent on wreaking havoc. He told Preston not to get attached, yet here he is saying he'd keep me if he could. One moment he's condescending, the next he's trying to woo me. And, at the base of it all, I feel as though every second that ticks by in their presence taints me. It eats away at my morals. Right and wrong—is there even such a thing with these two men? The whole of New York passes by the window, so unaware of the crisis I’m having.

  “What did you learn today?” Tobias asks. Learn? What did I learn? Is he serious? That I’d rather fuck the woman who ruined my life than kill her. I remain silent because I don't know how to answer that. “Ella,” he sings into my ear, his fingers dancing up my thigh.

  I search his eyes, hoping to see what it is he wants me to say, but Tobias gives nothing away. When I glance at Preston, Tobias takes my chin, turning my attention back to him. “Don't look at him for answers. Did you feel power today, my precious little lamb?”

  Power. I felt powerful when Maria's life was hinged upon my decision, when her mouth was on me, her face between my legs. I swallow at that acknowledgment. “Yes. Sex is power.”

  “Sex is currency, sweet Ella,” Preston adds. “I could tell you liked it.”

  I shift my gaze out the window, unable to look at either of them because I’m ashamed that I liked it. Especially considering the circumstance, but maybe— maybe that was just my mind trying to rationalize it all. Maybe that was a defense mechanism, something to help me forget why it was that Maria was between my legs, why it was that she begged me to touch her.

  I continue
to focus on the traffic passing by. I don’t want to think about this anymore. Then Tobias takes my chin in his hand. “Sometimes, once the chains of moral construct are removed, we surprise ourselves with what we are capable of.”

  “I'd hardly call anything to do with that situation removing the chains of moral construct,” I mumble.

  “Wouldn't you, though? I gave you no choice but to fuck her… Moral construct, gone.” He holds his hands up like a magician who's just done a card trick. Then he laughs before touching my forehead and smoothing his thumbs over the frown lines.

  “Tell me, Ella,” Preston says, drawing my gaze toward him as he adjusts himself. “Are you to the point where no matter how horrible you may think we are, all you can think about is having our cocks buried deep inside of you?”

  Right now, with Tobias’s hardening cock beneath me, the answer is yes. Wanting him is akin to begging for the devil, bartering your soul for something you can never keep. I subtly grind against Tobias, desperate for the friction, but he stops me. “Patience is a virtue, little lamb.” His hand creeps up my thigh, my skin igniting from his touch. “How quickly will you come for me? If I let you, that is.”

  The car bumps along the road as Preston runs his fingers down my back. “We picked you, Ella. Out of all the beautiful women, we chose you.”

  “How does that make you feel?” Tobias asks.

  “Does it make you feel special?” Preston whispers, twirling a piece of my hair around his finger.


  “Like something prized?”

  “Does it make you feel powerful, little lamb?” Tobias thrusts up against me, and I nearly lose it.

  The air is thick with a sin-tinged passion. There is no doubt they are alluring and charming. They promise so much, but at what cost? I want them to want me, to need me, because when men like them need breath hitches. I don't know that there is anything more addicting than the way these two men touching me feels. This is sex. Living, breathing sex. As the city passes by the window, these men sit here, touching me, kissing me, whispering how special I am to be theirs. And although I know I am free to leave at any point, I don't know that I could now. With these two, a woman could quickly become an addict. And this is one sick addiction there is no rehab for.


  I’m wound tight by the time the three of us reach the penthouse. Tobias places his hand on the small of my back when the elevator doors open and guides me through the apartment and straight into the massive, master bedroom. Preston closes the door and I close my eyes, wondering how much more of this teasing I can take. Tobias grips my jaw, pressing his lips to mine. His brutal kiss has my knees weakening while Preston steps behind me and nips at my neck. I slide one hand over Tobias's chest while the other hand glides around the back of Preston's neck to pull him closer. I'm barely aware of the things I'm doing or the sounds I'm making. I just want them—both of them—all of them.

  Preston slips the dress straps from my shoulders, one by one. The material falls to my hips. Tobias shoves it the rest of the way down until the material puddles around my feet. Cool air touches my skin, a contrast to the blazing heat each touch from these men creates.

  “So beautiful,” Tobias whispers, palming my breast. “So pliable.” He rolls and pinches one of my hard nipples between his fingers, and I drop my head back against Preston's shoulder on a moan.

  Preston’s arms come around me as he grabs Tobias's belt and yanks it open. I’m so wound up, pent up, in such desperate need. Preston’s strong body behind me is all that's holding me up right now. All I can think about is the way they're touching me, of how badly I want them when I shouldn’t. But they’ve spent the day building up this primal need until I feel as though I may go mad if they don’t grant me some release. “What do you want, little lamb?” Tobias breathes against my lips, swollen from his kiss.


  “Just me?”

  “Both of you…”

  I feel him smirk against my lips before he roughly spins me around to face Preston. “Take your panties off, Ella.” I slide the lace down my thighs and step out of them.

  Tobias moves against my back again. Instead of the soft material of his suit brushing against me, it’s his bare, hot skin. My stomach knots and kinks in lust-filled anticipation when his hard cock presses against my lower back.

  “Do you like to be fucked, Ella?” Preston’s fingers dance over my waist in a feather-light caress that has my skin burning up. “Do you want to be fucked rough and hard?” His hand drops lower, and then pauses just shy of my pussy while Tobias's lips work over my neck, every so often his teeth grazing my skin.

  “Yes…” I breathe, tilting my hips in search of his fingers. His touch just brushes my swollen clit before he moves his hand away and takes a step back. A ragged breath just short of a whimper slips from my lips in frustration.

  “Watch him.” Tobias grips my jaw, holding me in place as Preston strips free of his shirt. “Isn’t he beautiful, little lamb?”

  Preston removes his slacks, his cock springing free. These men are both everything I shouldn't want, and yet I hunger for them like an addict craving their next dose. Preston closes in on me until I’m pressed between two naked, beautiful men. My pulse thrums out a staccato beat against my eardrums. They take turns fisting my hair, kissing me, touching me everywhere but where I need. When the frustration begins to build to anger, Tobias tells me to get on my knees, and I too easily sink to the floor.

  “You look so beautiful down there,” Tobias says, fisting his cock before he brings it to my lips. “Now suck.”

  I wrap my fingers around his thick cock and slowly trail my tongue over the head. That pull between my legs keeps building, throbbing, driving me insane. They have managed to reduce me to nothing more than primitive need, driven me to the point I'd beg for sex on my knees if they asked. When I slip his dick between my lips, I find myself moaning and grinding my hips in a pathetic bid to find some pressure. Unable to take it any longer, I swallow him back as far as I can, then I slip a hand between my legs and circle my clit, gasping at the sudden relief.

  “Don't touch yourself!” My hand is quickly snatched away by Preston who has now moved to stand shoulder to shoulder with Tobias. “Don't be greedy, Tobias,” he says, then pushes his dick against my mouth—against Tobias's cock. And that sends my heart into overdrive.

  “Both hands, little lamb.” Tobias fists my hair. “One on me. One on him.” Tobias thrusts into my mouth again on a groan, and when he pulls out, I trail my tongue from the tip of his head to Preston's. I pump over Tobias while I take Preston back. I only swallow him back a few times before Tobias yanks me back to him and thrusts between my lips. Tobias groans. Preston groans. Both of them fist my hair, pushing and pulling me from one cock to the other. I’m so wet I can feel myself. So turned on I can’t think straight.

  Two men have me on my knees and at their mercy, and yet, I feel an insane amount of power. Enough to make me drunk—just like I felt with Maria.

  Tobias's movements grow faster, harder. Something feral taints the air between the three of us. He grabs Preston's hair, fisting it as a deep groan slips past his cruel lips seconds before he pulls his cock from my mouth and turns, shooting come over Preston's throbbing dick. I replace Tobias’s dick with Preston’s, swallowing back the salty taste of Tobias on Preston’s skin. I'm dripping between my legs, squeezing my thighs together to try and ease some of the painful want.

  “She’s good,” Tobias says, stepping closer to Preston to kiss over his neck. “Fuck her mouth, Preston.”

  And he does. Preston grabs my head and fucks my mouth, hard and fast. He drops his chin on a groan, and the salty taste of his come mixes with Tobias’s. And like the wanton whore I've become, I greedily gulp it down.

  “Good girl,” Preston pants as he pulls his cock from my mouth with a pop.

  I’m pulled to my feet and shoved down on the bed. Preston climbs across the sheets, taking both my wr
ists and pinning them above my head so Tobias can tie my arms to the headboard. Anticipation flutters through me but is quickly snuffed out as the two men kiss and lick their way down my body. Preston takes one leg in his hand and Tobias takes the other, spreading me wide. And both of them lean down between my legs. Both—at the same time—trace over me with their hot tongues. It’s heaven, it’s hell because it’s not enough. My back bows away from the bed, my wrists pulling at the restraints on a moan. Another swipe of their tongues and then...nothing.

  I open my eyes to find them both moving off the bed. “As much as we'd love to give into you, little lamb,” Tobias says with a smile that would make the devil proud. “That's not how the game is played.”

  Preston traces a finger over the silk bindings at my wrist. “And we can't trust you not to take matters into your own hands. Sweet dreams, my sweet Ella.” He kisses me before they both turn toward the door. The light cuts off, plunging me into darkness, and I scream out of frustration. I hate them.

  I lie here, tied to the bed, my body wound tight. Memories from the past few days flash through my head: Me signing that damned contract, the smirks, the touches, the tricks and illusions and confusion, and then my mind comes to a grinding halt. Maria. The image of Tobias walking to the back of the house with her replays. Anxiety churns my stomach because he returned alone. What did he do with her…To her? Did he keep his word, or did he kill her? They said they would, and I believe them, that they are capable of that. I recoil at the thought of how desperate I was moments ago for their touch, their release. I can’t help but question what’s becoming of me. The concept of reality seems so muddled now because I believe Tobias and Preston live in a different world than I do. And which is real?

  I want the money—no I desperately need that money—but this game, whatever it is, is sinister, twisted, and wrong. How far will they push me? On day two my choices were fuck the woman my boyfriend left me for or kill her. Murder my dignity or murder her. What if next time there is no choice?


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