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Sharing His Bride

Page 4

by Faye Avalon

  Even as she tried to reason it out, to make sense of it, she was wondering what it would be like. How it would feel to have two men at the same time. Which was absurd. She loved Declan. She only wanted him.

  Yet when Lisa had mentioned that ménage, she couldn’t help feeling envious of her friend’s escapade. Hadn’t she gone home a little heated up by the mere thought of it, wishing Declan were there to take advantage of her carnal thoughts?

  Mollie looked at Declan. He wanted this? Wanted another man to touch her? Even though he stood rock solid and his expression unfathomable, she knew he wouldn’t have set this up if he didn’t.

  The gut-wrenching realization that Declan wanted this bore witness to all her fears about their relationship. If he wanted to spice things up between them two short weeks before their wedding, that meant he was already looking for more. Last night had confirmed that.

  He’d loved that she’d been more adventurous. She’d loved it too. But...

  “Declan. This is... I’m....”

  James seemed to take that as his cue to give them privacy and disappeared into the bathroom.

  Declan ran his hands down her arms, the warmth beneath his palms offsetting a little of the chill. “I heard you, Mol. Talking to Lisa.”

  For a moment, Mollie’s mind went blank, then she stepped back and thumped a palm to her chest.

  “You said you regretted not experimenting before you met me, not trying a threesome.”

  “Oh, God, Declan. I was drunk, I didn’t know what I was saying.”

  “You said you wanted to try new things? Anything and everything. I want you to be happy, Mol. I don’t want anything coming between us.”

  “Neither do I, but this—”

  “It’s pretty out there,” he agreed. “But if you want to experiment, to try stuff, then I want it to be with me, Mol.”

  Her laugh was full of nerves. “Bloody hell, Declan.”

  “I know.” He smiled, and rubbed his thumb across her cheek. “Let’s take this adventure. Together.”

  “I don’t know, it’s—” Mollie swallowed; she couldn’t believe she was feeling hot and bothered. And turned on. Damp heat burned between her legs. “I’m nervous.”

  “It’ll be good. Trust me.” He didn’t look convinced, but she allowed him to slip the buttons of her blouse and tug the waistband from her skirt. “Do you know how much I love getting you naked, Mol?” He unzipped her skirt and it fell to the ground. “Especially when I know you’re wearing these lacy little scraps of underwear.”

  She’d bought the red lacy bra and thong for their honeymoon in Bermuda, but hadn’t been able to resist wearing it as soon as she’d gotten it home.

  He threw her blouse onto a nearby chair then drew her close. He kissed her, slow and deep, making her already weakened knees lose the plot completely.

  She heard the bathroom door open and close and knew James was back in the room. When her stomach went into freefall, she broke the kiss and stepped away.

  “I just need to... I need a minute...”

  She hurried across the room, flew into the bathroom and slammed the door shut. Leaning back against the door, Mollie sucked in air. Her whole body was on fire, and she welcomed the gentle hum of cool air whispering over her semi-naked flesh.

  This was all so surreal. Like something out of one of those dreams where everything was bitty and mixed up. Except it was real. She was wide awake, hot and bothered, and so damn excited. She was scared too. Excited and scared.

  She forced in a breath and let it out on a long exhale. Pushing away from the door, she went to the mirror. Her face was flushed, her breasts all but bulging from the top of her balcony bra, her nipples evident from beneath the lacy panel. She looked down at the thong, saw the damp triangle between her legs.

  Oh, she was excited all right. But was she brave enough to act on it?

  This was a chance to prove something to herself, to both of them, and a way for her to reconcile all her worries about her lack of experience.

  Plus, she was curious. And curiosity was a powerful emotion, because even beneath her doubts she knew she wanted to try this. She really wanted to try this.

  A threesome...with the man she loved right there with her to keep her safe. Wasn’t it every woman’s fantasy? It was fast becoming hers.

  Decided, Mollie took another deep breath and went back into the bedroom. Both men were where she’d left them, seemingly not having moved an inch. They stood there nursing their drinks and both looked over as she came back.

  Mollie stood in front of Declan. “A little adventure,” she whispered, repeating his words and offering him a shaky smile. “Before our wedding.”

  He smiled back, and ran a finger down her cheek. “That’s right, babe. For both of us. Just you and me.”

  Mollie angled her head toward James. “And him.”

  “I’m only here at your man’s request,” James said, coming to stand beside them. “This is all about you, Mollie.”

  She glanced at the man. He was impressive. A little taller than Declan, although not as broad-shouldered, and beneath that impeccable suit she imagined he was built.

  “He won’t do anything you don’t want, Mollie,” Declan said, bringing her attention back to him. “You only need to say and he’ll stop immediately.”

  Her stomach clenched almost painfully, but the moisture between her legs was building. She slid her hands down Declan’s arms and up again, feeling the comforting strength beneath.

  “How will it work?” she asked, her voice catching.

  He tilted her chin, making her focus on him. “We’ll just go with it, okay?”

  When she nodded, he levered her away from him and stood back.

  James, obviously taking the unspoken cue, stood in front of Mollie. “Beautiful,” he said as his gaze lowered slowly down her body before rising as slowly up again. “Very beautiful.”

  His eyes gleamed deep terracotta and, watching her, he slid off his tie and undid the buttons of his shirt. She tried to keep her eyes on his, but couldn’t resist a glance at his muscled chest.

  Bloody hell, but her pussy felt hot and wet. Surely it wasn’t normal to be having this reaction to another man, but then the situation was hardly normal. Maybe all bets were off when you indulged in a ménage.

  It took her a moment to realize that Declan had taken up residence in the easy chair beside the bed.


  “It’s okay,” he said, and smiled at her. “Just go with it, Mol. I’m right here.”

  He intended to watch?

  Every nerve jangled, and doubt nudged at the periphery of her skittering thoughts. Her body was reacting insanely, so that when James touched her arm it was like an electric shock assaulted her system.

  Part of her wanted to step away, to put distance between her and this stranger, but she was rooted to the spot. Enthralled. Captivated. Aroused. Her legs didn’t feel like they belonged to her and she could only watch as he took her hand and raised it to his lips.

  His eyes on hers, he pressed a kiss to her knuckles, then did the same with the other hand.

  Mollie shot a glance at Declan, but she couldn’t really bring him into focus. Her head swam a little, her vision blurred. It felt like she’d downed half a bottle of that champagne chilling on the table. She wished she had.

  “I... I think I’d just like champagne, please.”

  James smiled. Heck, but he was handsome as sin. He reached for her glass and offered it to her. “Why don’t you sit on the bed, Mollie?”

  Yes. Why didn’t she? She could barely feel her legs anyway. James stood in front of her as she sipped her drink, blocking her view of Declan. Was that deliberate?

  He removed his shirt and tossed it away. Boy, oh boy. The man was certainly built.

  Fascinated, she stared at the Celtic cross tattoo across his left pectoral. It seemed unsuited to a man so impeccably tailored and well-groomed.

  “What’s that?”

nbsp; He glanced down, raised his eyebrows. “A relic from my youth. The result of one drunken, and very much regretted, night.”

  He took Mollie’s glass, popped it on the nightstand, then gently nudged her knees apart. He moved between them, but Mollie just kept staring at that tattoo. It mesmerized her, but more than that it kept her rooted. Right then she needed a focus, and since she still couldn’t see Declan, that damned tattoo was the closest thing to an anchor she could find.

  James tilted Mollie’s chin, forcing her to look up at him. Those warm brown eyes settled her, until he ran his fingers over her jaw, down her throat and along her cleavage.

  A thrill arrowed from her breasts to her core, but she had no time to savor it because James dropped to his knees in front of her. “You have beautiful breasts, Mollie,” he murmured. “Just right for a man’s hands, his mouth.”

  Mollie swallowed, unable to glance at Declan, who was now in her eye line. It didn’t seem right to look at him while another man fondled her breasts.

  James unfastened her bra. Slowly he drew the fabric away and tossed it in the direction he’d hauled his shirt. His eyes glittered. “Much better.” He flicked his thumbs across her hardened nipples. “Lie back.”

  She wanted him to keep doing that with his thumbs, but his tone didn’t exactly signal a request, so she shifted until she was lying down.

  Now she did look at Declan, noted that he was taking another swig of whisky, his gaze fixed on her naked breasts. James leaned over her and hooked his fingers into the sides of her thong.

  Slowly, excruciatingly slowly, he drew the thong down. He licked his lips. “Wet,” he said, his voice grating a little. “Is your hot little pussy already anticipating my fingers, my dick?”

  Bloody hell. It was true. Just last night she’d given herself permission to enjoy Declan’s graphic language, and already she was beginning to crave it. It...turned her on.

  A real lady doesn’t let a man do what he pleases.

  She doesn’t allow him to treat her as a sexual object, a whore.

  Remember that, my girl.

  She had, for most of her adult life. But no more. She wanted to enjoy sex, she wanted to experience outrageous pleasure, to explore her own needs and desires, and not feel guilty for them. She wanted to hear and enjoy every dirty word her man—and this stranger—said to her.

  “Open your legs for me.”

  Mollie did exactly that. Her nerves were gone now. It was as if some mental switch had been thrown and she felt free.

  Turning her head, she looked at Declan, intending to convey to him that she was okay, and that she was a willing participant in this adventure.

  He looked so serious, and she supposed he was pretty turned on himself right then, seeing her naked and being touched by another man. Which was what he’d wanted, after all. As well as being a fantasy for women, wasn’t it a fantasy for men too?

  She forced her gaze back to James, and caught the feral look in his eye before he lowered his head. The first touch of his tongue to her pussy made her jerk, her stomach muscles quivering with anticipation. She curled her fingers into the sheet beneath her and held on.

  James knelt between her legs, his hands sliding up the insides of her thighs. He pressed his thumbs into the sensitive flesh there, holding her erotically open for him. The tip of his tongue touched her heated flesh, shooting violent quivers of need right through to her core.

  His hot mouth pressed, his tongue explored. He sucked gently, taking care to avoid that place where she most wanted pressure. Mollie arched up, grabbing at the sheets.

  She closed her eyes, some deep place inside her recognizing that this was a pivotal moment in the way she viewed herself. And in the way Declan saw her.

  Turning to look at him again, she saw his fierce gaze fixed on what James was doing, his jaw still tight, his hands clenched around his glass. A shiver of unease passed through her. Declan didn’t look like a man enjoying the show.

  Going on instinct, she reached out her hand. He looked at her, his gaze no less severe, but then he put down his glass. He took the hand she offered, wrapping his fingers tightly around hers. While his kiss was gentle, there was no mistaking the demand beneath it.

  Despite what James was doing, and the rabid heat firing between her legs, Mollie wanted Declan’s mouth claiming hers like this. She reveled in his possession, in the command of his touch. So much that when his free hand moved to cup her breast, she moaned softly, encouraging him to do more.

  She pushed her breast against his hand, arching her back.

  While Declan’s thumb brushed roughly over her nipple, James’s tongue pushed deeper, harder inside her.


  In response, Declan’s kiss became almost brutal, as if wanting to make sure she focused on him and not on the more erotic things that James was doing.

  Mollie pushed her hands into Declan’s hair, encouraging him to kiss her and not to stop anytime soon. She was on the verge of climax and wanted Declan’s mouth on hers. She wanted to scream his name, breathe his air, feel his skin.

  Desperate, she clawed at his jacket, grabbed his shirt. “Off,” she pleaded. “I need to feel you against me.”

  Declan eased back only a little. “Later. I want you to let go, Mol. I’ll be here, watching you. Wanting you.”

  With that he resumed his seated position.

  Mollie arched from the bed as the orgasm screamed. She couldn’t seem to say anything, do anything. All she could do was go with it.

  It washed through her. Wave after wave of sensation making her whole body throb.

  Declan’s image flashed beneath her closed eyelids and she fought not to cry out his name. It didn’t seem right, seeing as it was this stranger who gave her the earth-shattering orgasm.

  Tension flowed from her muscles and she collapsed back down. She opened her eyes, but for some reason couldn’t look at Declan. Heat burned her cheeks, and now that the moment had passed she felt desperately self-conscious.

  Not that she had time to dwell on that, because James moved up and over her. He kissed along her jaw line, down her throat, her collarbone. His mouth closed over her breast, his tongue teasing and manipulating the peak.

  His hand slid down over her belly, palm flat against her flesh and his index finger finding her slit. Soon she was barreling upward again and her whole focus was on the sensation of being expertly coaxed to another orgasm.

  Her breathing came fast, the room spinning as James continued to push her ever higher.

  He knelt up, working his finger inside her. He looked at Declan, and an unspoken agreement seemed to pass between the two men. James stood, divested himself of his remaining clothes until he was completely naked.

  Mollie swallowed and looked at Declan.

  “Lie back,” Declan instructed, and Mollie realized she was half sitting.

  He looked at James, who waited for a signal to proceed. After the almost imperceptible nod he received, James started rolling on the condom.

  Mollie swallowed again. Her throat was ridiculously dry and she felt horribly out of her comfort zone. But pushing past her comfort zone was exactly what she wanted. And what had she expected anyway? That the man was just here to perform the preliminaries?

  He was going to fuck her. Declan was going to let him. And she couldn’t stop the anticipatory shiver that ran down her spine, the throb of awareness between her legs.

  She watched, mesmerized, as James sheathed himself. He didn’t seem as large as Declan, but maybe a little broader.

  Nerves battled with excitement, but Mollie was determined to go through with this. It was exactly the sort of experience she’d craved. The sort that would destroy all her limitations and leave her and Declan free to enjoy a no-holds-barred relationship.

  James nudged her legs apart and eased down between them. “Relax,” he whispered. “Let me fuck you, Mollie.”

  Oh, bloody hell. It was all so sinfully erotic. And she was really starting t
o love dirty talk.

  He nudged her entrance, and she had a moment of panic. Would this change her relationship with Declan in a negative way? He’d instigated it, but right then she needed his reassurance.

  “Wait.” She held off James and looked at Declan. “This is really what you want?” she asked. “You really want this to happen?”

  He rose from his chair and took her chin between his thumb and forefinger. The look in his eyes was soft and searching. “This is for us, Mollie. You and me. I want you to enjoy it, savor it, remember it. But, fuck it to hell, I want you to think of me while it’s happening.”

  That’s what she wanted too. If Declan wanted to watch her have sex with another man, she wouldn’t deny him. And he was right, it was for them.

  She released her hold on James’s shoulders.

  He pressed forward.

  Mollie looked up at James, met his gaze. There was determination there, but there was also detachment. It seemed to make the whole experience even more bizarre, but since this whole thing was just a sexual adventure for her and Declan, she supposed everything was as it should be.

  Mollie held her breath as James entered her. She’d been right, he didn’t have Declan’s length, but he was broader. He filled her differently. Moved differently too. Maybe that was because she couldn’t seem to relax and her muscles contracted hard around him, making it difficult for him to move.

  He pushed slowly, determinedly. It felt so surreal having another man inside her, all the way inside now, moving steadily in and out.

  The sound of heavy breathing filled the otherwise silent room. Hers. James’s and... Declan’s.

  Was he turned on by this? Really turned on? She was, and it meant she couldn’t bring herself to look at Declan again, so she squeezed her eyes shut and simply gave in to the sensations rocketing through her.

  Declan wanted this. He’d told her, assured her. She wanted this. For her. For them. For their future.

  She simply went with it. Enjoyed it. Savored it.

  She loved Declan. He loved her.

  But right then she was living a fantasy. They were living a fantasy. Another man was inside her, giving her carnal pleasure. The whole thing was sinfully erotic, one man screwing her, while another watched. Those two men entirely focused on her. Wasn’t it most women’s dirty secret?


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