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by Chris Owen

  Deviations: Discipline


  An imprint of Torquere Press Publishers

  Copyright 2006 © by Chris Owen and Jodi Payne

  Chapter 1

  "Your young man called me again," Mrs. Miller said with a broad smile as she walked into Tobias' office at the farm house. "Is he as polite to you as he is to me?"

  Tobias looked up from his desk and tried not to smirk. One did not smirk at Mrs. Miller; at eighty-three years of age, his housekeeper was still a formidable force. "Usually, yes," he conceded. "He does, of course, have his moments."

  Her smile grew. "I bet he does. So, is his cooking as good as my sweetie pie's?"

  Tobias put down his pen and closed the file he was working on. "It is," he said. "Noah is a wonderful cook, thank you. His friend Allison has taught him technique, and he tells me that you've given him wonderful advice, not to mention a pile of recipes." He smiled as she sat down in the easy chair. "He tries very hard." He couldn't resist mentioning the point; she'd invited it, comparing Noah to Phantom, Tobias' former lover and forever Mrs. Miller's "sweetie-pie." Of course, she’d claimed Noah as her "darling," so it was a pretty even playing field, all told.

  She nodded and sat back with a sigh. "You're very lucky, Doctor," she said, keeping to her habit of using Tobias' title. She swore she’d worked just as hard on his veterinary degree as he had, and she would use the title over his name in celebration. Tobias didn't mind. "Having someone learn to cook just to please you is a great gift."

  "I know," he said simply. He'd occasionally wondered just how much Mrs. Miller knew about his relationships; in his more honest moments, he allowed that she likely knew the important parts, if not the actual details. That she seemed not to mind the nature of his tastes didn't make it any easier to contemplate.

  She could hardly be oblivious, he knew. There were the stables behind the house that he never permitted anyone to enter and the lovers who cleaned and cooked and did chores; it was hardly subtle.

  She looked around the office and sighed contentedly. "It's good to be home, you know."

  Tobias smiled. "I have often found that my two favorite parts of travel were the day of arrival there and the day of arrival home. Tell me you enjoyed the trip, though. You're breaking my heart," he teased.

  "It was--"

  "Astounding," a voice said from the door and Tobias turned to smile at Robert, Mrs. Miller's son.

  "Very," Mrs. Miller agreed. She looked up and nodded her head. "Astounding is exactly right."

  Tobias gestured to a chair, inviting Robert to join them. He had no issue at all with Robert simply walking into the house; the two men had known each other almost all of Tobias' life, and the house was practically a second home to Robert since Mrs. Miller had moved in after Mr. Miller had passed away. But for some reason, Robert had always hesitated to go into the office without Tobias' leave. The kitchen and living room were fair game, though.

  "So you had a good time?" Tobias asked as Robert settled in the chair. "I'm glad."

  "It was a great trip," Robert said. "A great gift. Thank you, Tobias."

  Tobias inclined his head. "It was the least I could do; I wasn't about to send her to Italy alone -- she'd have adopted the country and caused an international incident without you there to keep her in line," he teased.

  Mrs. Miller snorted, but Robert laughed. "Too true. As it was we had to send her to bed a few times -- do you have any idea how much walking she wanted to do?"

  Grinning, Tobias nodded. "I thought you'd lost a few pounds."

  Robert laughed. "Right. You're looking fitter, too. Is Noah slipping you low fat milk in your coffee?"

  "Just getting lots of exercise," Tobias said with a wink.

  "That's it," Mrs. Miller said, standing up. She was clearly trying not to laugh and working on looking disgusted. "No respect for an old lady; you two should be ashamed of yourselves."

  Tobias and Robert grinned at each other. "You should have seen Mom and a certain man who was in the same hotel."

  Tobias raised an eyebrow. "Do tell."

  "You'll do no such thing, Robert," Mrs. Miller said, pointing to her son. "Now, if you will excuse me, I have things to do for Noah in the kitchen; he was asking about desserts. Lord knows why; you don't deserve any." With that, she turned on her heel and left the room.

  Robert was still grinning. "She had a great time, Tobias; it was really the best gift you could have given her."

  "She deserved it," Tobias said easily. "It was the least I could do, really. She's taken care of me for so long, I wanted to do something nice for her -- for you all."

  Robert waved it off. "Family. Been far too long to pretend otherwise. You and I might not be as close as brothers, but that's pretty much just down to me being ten years older."

  "Twelve," Tobias said with a wink. "Or are you getting younger as I get older?"

  "Smart ass," Robert said standing up. "And let's just keep pretending that sending Mom to Italy for three weeks didn't let you and Noah have some extended peace here."

  "Yes, let's pretend that," Tobias said, grinning.

  "I like him," Robert said suddenly. "Well, I like what I know, anyway. Mom was worried about you being alone after Phantom, you know."

  "Everyone was," Tobias said, also standing. He followed Robert out and added, "Bunch of worrywarts."

  Robert nodded and headed to the kitchen. "You know it."

  "I do indeed."

  "Just have to live with it, I guess."

  "I know that, too. Wouldn't have it any other way, really."

  Robert laughed and nodded, and Tobias found himself smiling. All was right in his world.

  Chapter 2

  Tobias cursed as he came across yet another torn up intersection. Traffic was a mess all through the downtown core, and his frustration level was rising with every one-way street he had to navigate. He was going in a circle, he just knew it, and Lincoln Avenue was always just out of reach.

  The trouble, he decided, wasn't so much the damn construction as the sheer idiocy of the drivers who simply wouldn't get out of his way and let him get home. "It's not even close to rush hour," he muttered, talking out loud in uncharacteristic frustration and trying to ease around yet another truck offloading dirt or equipment or something. He hit the gas and then the brakes as a woman in a PT Cruiser cut him off and gave him the finger.

  "And you would think," he added, "that with all this crap going on... I could at least lose this fucking erection." An incredibly persistent one at that, one that had been with him to varying degrees since he'd woken up from a morning dream about Noah and new leather wrist cuffs that had complex and intriguing chains dangling from them. He'd been hard off and on since then, and his body was definitely settling on full hardness at the moment.

  He took another breath and looked around at the traffic as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his irritation growing. "But no. Not today. Today, I'm cursed with an iron dick, a schedule that's opened up, a submissive at work, and endless traffic. God damn it!" He slammed his hand down on the steering wheel and a miracle happened: the road in front of his car emptied.

  So he hit the gas and took off, heading for home. The sudden siren and flashing lights in his rearview mirror made him glance down at the speedometer in dismay. "Ah, shit." With a sigh he pulled over and undid his seatbelt.

  A chest in uniform appeared at the driver's side window. A knuckle tapped on the glass, and Tobias rolled down the window, stifling another sigh. The cop had one hand on his gun. As if Tobias could make a bid for freedom in this traffic.

  "License and registration, please," a voice requested in an official tone, and Tobias dutifully reached for the glove compartment. "Wait a minute." The cop rested an arm
on the door and ducked to see better into the car. "Do you have any idea how fast you were going, sir?"

  "Jesus Christ," Tobias groaned, his head falling back on the seat. "Yes. Too fast. Would you like to know why, Noah?"

  "That's 'Officer Dolan,' sir, and, yes. Yes, I would." Noah grinned widely.

  Tobias rolled his eyes. "Well, you see, Officer Dolan, I have a smart-mouthed lover whom I can't get out of my head." He pointed to his lap. "I was in rather a rush to call him. Or at least think about him in private."

  "Tsk. That's no excuse to break the law." Noah was having fun with this, damn him. Tobias frowned as he heard a car door slam.

  "Everything all right, Dolan?" came a woman's voice.

  "Oh, uh..." Noah gave Tobias a wicked grin. "Actually, you know, I think this guy might be drunk, Carol. He's definitely disorderly." Noah stepped back from the car.

  "Right. Out of the car, sir," Carol ordered.

  Tobias stared at Noah. "You are in so much trouble," he hissed. He opened the door slowly and got out of the car, unfolding himself carefully and willing his erection to go away. Sadly, it seemed to like the excitement of seeing Noah at work and the promise of all the spankings his boy was building up. He wished for a longer coat.

  "Hands on the roof of the car, legs spread," she continued with the orders. "License and registration?"

  Tobias looked at his hands and sighed. "My registration is in the glove compartment. My license is in my wallet, which is in my back pocket. Shall I get it for you, or shall I place my hands on the roof as you requested?"

  "On the roof. Dolan?"

  "I got it." Noah tugged Tobias' wallet out of his pocket and pulled out his license, then ducked into the car and got his registration. He handed both to Carol, leaving the wallet on the roof.

  "I'll run these, you got him?"

  "I've got my eye on him," Noah said with a grin, and Carol disappeared into the car. "I really just wanted an excuse to touch you," Noah breathed in Tobias' ear as he patted him down.

  "Do you have any concept of what your weekend has just become?" Tobias demanded.

  "Some," Noah answered with a nod. "But I know you have a sense of humor, and this isn't your time after all. It's mine."

  "I don't..." Tobias stopped dead, unable to actually utter the words "don’t humiliate you," because... well. "Noah," he tried again. "This isn't funny. I just wanted to get home. I'll pay the damn fine, all right?"

  Noah laughed. "Oh, please. I'm not going to fine you, sir."

  "Noah!" Carol snorted at him as she got out of the car. "You little shit. He's your lover!" She hurried over and landed a solid punch in Noah's arm.

  "Ow! He is," Noah admitted, stepping away from Tobias. "Dr. Tobias Vincent, meet my partner, Carol Thompson. Carol, Tobias."

  Tobias let go of the roof of his car and offered his hand. "Officer Thompson. It's a pleasure." He even managed to make it sound mostly sincere, he thought.

  Carol shook her head. "It's a pleasure to meet you, too. Noah's told me a lot about you. You're a vet?"

  Tobias nodded and turned his body as discreetly as he could. It seemed that even small talk wasn't going to kill this hard-on. "Yes. Large animal, so I'm usually out of the city. Today was clinics, though, so I got to actually face the monster that is city construction."

  "Ugh, it's a mess, isn't it?" She looked at Noah. "I can't believe you."

  "It was a joke!" Noah protested.

  "Best way out of here is to take this to Fifth and head west a few blocks," Carol told Tobias, ignoring Noah.

  "Thank you," he said, trying not to sound like an utter bore. He really had to get out of there, and soon. He glanced at his watch and then at Noah. "Are you off at four?"

  "Yes, sir." Noah glanced sidelong at Tobias. He obviously knew what was coming. "Four o'clock."

  "Oh, good." Tobias allowed himself a broad smile. "I'll expect you at my apartment right after, then. Don't bother to change, I think I like this look. We'll have a chat about authority." He turned to Carol, his smile growing. "He's a naughty boy, don't you think?" he asked brightly.

  Carol grinned knowingly and winked. "He certainly needs a handler," she replied, laughing. "Nice meeting you, Dr. Vincent. Noah, I'll be in the car." She turned and headed off.

  Noah was blushing. "See you at four, sir," he offered almost pitifully.

  "Mm-hmm. And I suggest you plan your pleading now, pet. It'll be an interesting evening." Still smiling, Tobias slipped his license back in his wallet. "Your ass is so mine." He pulled open the car door and used it to shield himself as he adjusted his erection. "Go back to work, officer."

  "Will do. And, uh, good luck with that, Dr. Vincent." Noah grinned and touched his fingers to the brim of his hat before heading back to his squad car.

  Tobias snorted. He didn't need luck. He needed a paddle, lube, and a certain officer. In uniform. Over his knee.

  With a moan, he started the car and prayed he'd get home soon.


  Tobias was pacing back and forth in the hallway when Noah got there. As soon as the buzzer went off, he flung the door open and said, "Living room. Now."

  Noah headed for the living room. Quickly, he pulled his sidearm from its holster. Everything else he left in place. He set his gun on a side table and then he went right to his knees.

  Tobias circled him like he was prey, which was pretty accurate. "So, where shall we begin, pet?" he purred.

  "With me apologizing for my joke this afternoon, sir," Noah said quickly. "Honestly, I was just having fun. Carol keeps saying she wants to meet you, so I thought..."

  "So you thought that a sobriety test would be an appropriate way to introduce us?" Tobias asked acidly, trying his hardest not to laugh. Noah had been right, he did possess a sense of humor, and, an hour removed from the situation, it was funny; there was no need to let Noah know that, however.

  "I... it's not that I thought it would be appropriate, sir, I thought it would be..." Noah stammered and then stopped himself, apparently deciding better of making excuses. He sighed. "No, sir. It was a bad idea. I'm sorry, sir."

  "It wasn't your best idea ever, no," Tobias agreed, walking around him again. "But you had some fun with it, didn't you?"

  "Yes, sir." Tobias saw Noah try to hide a slight smile. "I did think it was funny at the time. And I got to run my hands over my Master in the middle of my work day, which was quite a pleasure. Oh, Carol said you were very handsome, by the way." Noah bit his lip, effectively stopping the flow of words.

  "I'd thank her, but I doubt she asked you to pass that along." Tobias stopped in front of Noah, knowing full well that he was getting an eyeful. "And did you think it amusing to display me like that?" he asked softly.

  "I didn't think about it that way, sir. I was thinking more about... just detaining you for a bit. But, yes," Noah sighed. "I did think it was funny at the time. Again, I'm sorry."

  Tobias decided to relent a little on his pissed off routine. "Did you like touching me?" he asked, just as softly.

  "Yes, sir. I always do."

  "Did you have any idea of what you were doing to me? Touching me in public, with your uniform on?" Tobias began to rub himself through his trousers right in front of Noah's eyes. "Did you realize that I was speeding because I was so hard from wanting you, I ached?"

  Noah's breath caught as he was about to speak. He seemed delightfully distracted by the way Tobias was fondling himself and licked his lips before continuing. "No, I didn't realize the full extent of your... discomfort, sir. I'd forgotten how much you liked my uniform." Noah seemed to struggle to get the words out before clearing his throat.

  "I was like this before I even saw you, boy." Tobias undid his button and eased the zipper down. "I would have come if you weren't being such an utter shit."

  "I only meant it as a joke, sir. Truly, I'm sorry!" Noah sounded almost desperately contrite. "Please let me make it up to you? I'll take stripes, I know I deserve them... only, don't be angry with me, I only meant it
in fun."

  "You'll take what I give you," Tobias said, pulling his cock out and stroking it. "A nice spanking, I think, for being a naughty boy. But right now I think I'd rather have a uniformed officer of the law sucking me off."

  "My pleasure, sir," Noah answered, his grin returning. He reached forward and took Tobias' cock firmly in his fingers, pushing Tobias' hand out of the way. He moved closer on his knees and smoothed his tongue over the head. "It is my duty, after all, to serve the occupants of the city," he told Tobias. How he managed to say it with a straight face, Tobias would never know. He didn't have much chance to contemplate it, however, as serve Noah did, swallowing Tobias' aching shaft into his throat.

  Tobias didn't bother holding back a moan; he'd been waiting far too long. Noah's mouth was wet and hot, his throat welcoming. "God, yes," Tobias whispered, his hips rocking slightly. "So good, pet. Suck me."

  Noah reached up and removed his hat, setting it beside him on the floor. He took hold of Tobias' hips and sucked eagerly, his gun belt squeaking as he moved. He made enthusiastic sounds, and his tongue was doing wonderfully creative things to Tobias' shaft.

  Tobias let himself look down at his submissive, on his knees in his uniform, lips swelling. His prick throbbed and he watched Noah lap a drop of fluid from the head. "Not going to last long, I'm afraid," he said with real regret.

  Noah slid his fingers down Tobias' cock and circled the base of his shaft tightly with finger and thumb, effectively ringing him. Then he opened his mouth wider and took Tobias deep into his throat, followed by several shallow strokes before swallowing him deep again.

  "Oh, God!" Tobias gasped and thrust, not really able to stop himself. He watched his cock slide between Noah's lips, felt the head slip into Noah's throat, and shuddered. "Yes," he hissed.

  Noah repeated the pattern -- deep, then shallow, shallow, then deep -- only this time, he let go of the hold he had on Tobias' cock and continued taking him deep until Tobias shuddered.

  "Sweetheart," Tobias whispered. His balls throbbed and he let go, shoving himself into Noah's mouth as he came in long pulses. "Oh, God, pet." He shook, his legs unsteady, as Noah sucked him and licked him clean. "I need to sit," he admitted, dizzy with the release.


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