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For You I Do

Page 13

by Angie Daniels

  “Hey, beautiful. You look nice.”

  She smiled and stepped back as London entered and closed the door behind him. Clearing her throat, she pretended not to be affected by his presence, then gave up because she was only lying to herself. “Thank you. Let me grab my purse,” she said, and turned to walk away, but London gently grabbed her by the arm and stopped her.

  “Is that how you greet your fiancé?”

  She gave a nervous laugh but when she looked up in his eyes, her laughter stopped. The intensity in his gaze caused her to gasp, just as he swooped in and captured her mouth with his.

  Every cell in her body sang in uncontrollable response. Bianca wrapped her arms around his middle and released a sigh of pleasure. It had only been four days, but with him holding her in his arms, she realized just how much she missed him. London 124

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  was starting to become important to her and that thought had her heart beating heavily in her chest. London parted her lips with his tongue and slipped inside, and she met his strokes with her own. The kiss didn’t end until they both were out of breath.

  “Now that’s how you greet your man,” he said, struggling to catch his breath. “Grab your purse. Time for me to officially meet your parents.” He had met her parents years ago, but this meeting would be nothing like that. This evening she would be introducing London Brown as her fiancé.

  This was not a good idea, Bianca realized, hesitating in front of the entrance to the country club.

  As though London sensed her reluctance, he stepped forward and took hold of her arm so that she had no choice but to enter the club alongside him.

  She glanced over at London and felt proud with him on her arm.

  He was dressed in a brown linen suit and a collarless cream shirt.

  She admired how well he fit in with all the other men in the room.

  He could have been mistaken for one of her parents’ friends.

  Bianca was aware of the stares the minute she and London stepped through the doors of Delaware’s most exclusive country club. Her mother had suggested they meet there in hopes of avoiding nosy townspeople. Bianca was glad to take the fifteen-minute drive to Rehoboth Beach. As they moved across the gleaming marble floor, Bianca wasn’t surprised when female patrons looked long and hard at London as he strolled across the dining room, holding her hand. He was definitely eye candy.

  “Nervous?” he asked.

  Bianca gave him a tight smile. “Very. I’m just glad you’re here.” Very glad. There was no way she could have met with her parents alone. She hadn’t seen her parents in two weeks, since she had announced to her mother after dinner that she was engaged to London. And she felt guilty for breaking family tradition by purposely avoiding them. She had no idea how her father had reacted to the news. With each step she prayed for strength.

  To her surprise, Jessica and Roger Beaumont greeted them warmly once the hostess delivered Bianca and London to their table. They had chosen a spot at the very back of the restaurant, Angie Daniels


  as if they’d hoped for privacy. Her father rose the way he always did when a lady approached. A smile touched Bianca’s lips as she took in the dark black suit that draped his medium build the way it was intended, compliments of a fabulous tailor in town.

  From the look of her father’s salt-and-pepper hair, he hadn’t missed his weekly appointment with his barber. His naturally wavy hair was cut low and faded on the side. When their eyes met, he returned her smile and her shoulders relaxed. Maybe this won’t be as bad at I feared, Bianca thought as she grew nearer.

  After all, she was a daddy’s girl. Bianca moved into her father’s strong, outstretched arms and returned his giant hug, then kissed her mother on the cheek. London dropped a peck on her mother’s cheek before shaking her father’s hand.

  “Dear, you look lovely tonight,” her mother replied. She knew her mother well enough to know that the moment she spotted her daughter walking across the room she had been inspecting her attire to ensure that it met with her approval. Bianca was relieved to hear that it had.

  “Thanks, Mother, so do you,” Bianca replied. As always, Jessica Beaumont looked as though she’d just walked down a fashion runway. She was beautifully dressed in a mauve suit with diamond accessories. Her mother wore style and grace as if she had invented them herself.

  London helped Bianca into the seat across from her mother, then took the one beside her. The waiter came to the table, handed them menus and took their drink orders. Her parents were already sipping white wine. She and London ordered fresh-squeezed lemonade, and their waiter hurried away to fill the order.

  “It’s about time our daughter told us who she was engaged to,” Roger scolded gently. “I’ve known your father all his life and I know that he is a good and honest man.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  Her father gave him a dismissive wave. “Please, London, call me Roger. After all, we’re going to be family.”

  Her mother took a sip from a long flute. “Imagine my surprise when Bianca told me she was engaged to you! I was so relieved.

  Shame on Bianca for leading us to believe that she was marrying a man in the air force.”


  For You I Do

  Bianca looked over at London. Their gazes met as she tried to figure out what he was thinking.

  “I am in the air force,” he began with his eyes still glued to her, then he winked and centered his attention on her parents and smiled. “I’m in the National Guard, instead of on active duty. I left Germany two years ago, after my father had his heart attack.”

  Jessica reached over and patted his hand. “How is your father doing?”

  “Ma’am, he’s doing quite well, thank you.”

  Her mother pursed her lips. “I agree with my husband. They’ll be none of that Ma’am stuff. Please, call me Jessica.”

  They made small talk until their food arrived.

  They were halfway through the meal when London suddenly put down his fork and stared intensely around the table. “Sir, if I may say so, I would like to apologize.”

  Roger’s brow rose. “Apologize for what?”

  “For not asking your permission to marry your daughter.”

  Bianca choked on a roll.

  “Sweetheart, are you okay?” her mother asked.

  She nodded and reached for her glass.

  “Mrs. and Mrs. Beaumont, I love Bianca and plan to spend the rest of my life showing her just how much,” he said.

  Bianca was speechless. He turned in his seat and pressed his lips to her cheek and her skin tingled. She stared up at him in awe. The impact of his look caused her mouth to go dry. His eyes were bubbling over with passionate intensity, and something else she couldn’t describe. It was as if he truly loved her. And her insides quivered. She couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to have a man who truly loved her. To have a man look at her the way he was staring at her and really mean it. She shook the ridiculous thought away. London didn’t love her, she reminded herself, nor did she want him to. This was only a show for her parents.

  “Bianca, dear, quit staring at that man before you run him off,”

  her mother scolded, chuckling.

  “I agree,” her father chimed in. “This is the best one you’ve brought home yet.”

  Bianca shook her head and focused her attention on her salad.

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  The way her stomach was churning she couldn’t handle much more than that.

  Her father was obviously pleased that London knew how to show respect. Roger rose and offered him his hand. “London, son, we would be more than happy to have you join our family.”

  Bianca watched as the two shook hands. Even her mother had tears in her eyes. All along she had thought her parents would disapprove of her marrying a man outside their social class.

  Instead, they genuinely looked pleased.

  Who are these people a
nd what have they done with my parents?

  Her mother folded her hands in her lap and Bianca could already see the wheels turning in her head. “Well, we definitely need to plan a wedding. How about September, or a winter wedding like the one Jabarie and Brenna had?”

  London’s gaze confronted Bianca’s. She opened her mouth to speak when he reached for her hand underneath the table and laced his fingers with hers. “Mrs. Beaumont, we were thinking more of getting married right away.”

  She looked from one to the other, frowning. “Why so soon?

  If you want a nice wedding, I need time to plan.”

  Bianca took a deep breath.

  “Mother, Dad…I’m pregnant.”

  “Preg—” Jessica’s voice trailed off as Bianca’s words sank in. Surprise registered on her mother’s face a split second before she concealed it and shot her husband a warning look. Despite her attempt to smile, her lips thinned.

  “We haven’t decided on a date yet,” Bianca said quickly, trying to think of something. “Mother, I was hoping you could help with that.”

  Her father cleared his throat. “I agree. Considering the circumstances, I think the sooner you two get married the better.”

  In other words, before she started showing.

  Her mother’s eyes fell to her stomach.

  “I’m fifteen weeks’ pregnant,” Bianca replied to her silent question.

  “Then that doesn’t leave us much time.”

  London squeezed her hand and she was thankful for his support. “I would agree,” he said.


  For You I Do

  “Good.” Jessica looked pleased by London’s answer. “What date do you have in mind?”

  Bianca swallowed. “The weekend before Memorial Day.”

  Her mother mistook the saddened look on her face for something else. “Sweetheart, time is of the essence considering…”

  She purposely allowed her voice to trail off and at the look on her face she tossed a hand in the air. “Don’t worry. I’ll make all the arrangements,” she announced.

  “Nothing fancy,” Bianca warned. She knew her mother too well.

  “Okay,” she said with a sigh of despair. “I’ll keep it simple.”

  Leaning back in the chair, she rested her hands on her stomach. “I want to get married at home in the garden.”

  Her mother smiled, pleased by her request. “That sounds like a wonderful idea.”

  Bianca glanced over at London for confirmation and he nodded. She was relieved. She had always dreamed of being married in a church, but there was no way she could do that when she knew her marriage was a fake.

  Her father reached across the table and patted her hand. “Well, then, it’s settled. You and your mother have a wedding to plan.”

  “Do you mind if we stop at the bookstore?” London asked after they left the country club and made their way to his car. He walked around to the passenger side and opened the car door.

  “My sister’s birthday is this weekend and I know she’s been waiting for this new romance novel to come out.”

  Bianca nodded as she pulled the seat belt across her body and secured it.

  London waited until he pulled away from the parking lot, then asked, “How do you think things went in there with your parents?”

  “I think you won them over. Mother is easy. Just knowing that I’m getting married and not running around having illegiti-mate children is enough to ease her mind. All she ever cares about is looking good in front of people and planning the social event of the year.”

  He frowned. “You’re being kind of hard on her.”

  “Oh, really? Here,” she began as she shoved her cell phone in front of his face. “Call my mother and inform her that Angie Daniels


  Clarence’s Infamous Chicken & Fish House is catering the reception dinner.”

  He looked from the stubborn tilt of her chin down to her phone and back again. “I see your point.” He hadn’t been gone that long that he didn’t remember her mother’s need for only the finest things in life.

  “I’m surprised she thinks I’m good enough for you.”

  “I’m pregnant. Of course she’s going to accept you.” He made a turn at the corner. Bianca stared out the window and gave a simple shrug. “Now, my father is another different story. Five years ago, he would have had you thrown out of the country club and had you up on rape charges. But ever since Jabarie and Brenna got married and gave birth to Arianna, he has done a total 360-degree turn around.”

  “That’s a good thing. Jaden used to mention all the time that his father worked too hard and never spent much time with the four of you.”

  “That’s true. Now he calls so much that sometimes I wonder which is worse,” she replied with a chuckle. “Sheyna mentioned that sometimes she and Jace are in the middle of getting it on and here comes Daddy pulling up in the driveway.”

  London shared a laugh. “I see what you mean.” Then he reached over and grabbed her hand. “I guess that while I’m busy making love to my wife I can expect her father to magically appear.”

  His words caused her to shift on her seat and stare up at him.

  When London called her his wife, it sounded so right, so natural.

  Obeying the twenty-five-mile-an-hour speed limit, London pulled onto Main Street. Bianca’s eyes traveled along the wide cobblestone street. He pulled up at the bookstore, came around to her side and helped her out.

  “Thank you.”

  “Hey, look at me.” He tilted her chin and she raised her eyes and met the serious expression on his face. “It’s going to be okay. You’ll see.” He lowered his mouth to hers, planted a quick kiss on her mouth and released her. Quick or not, she felt the sensation down to her toes.

  They moved across the sidewalk and London opened the door and stepped into the quaint little bookstore behind her. They had 130

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  barely entered the building when Brenna came rushing over to greet them.

  “Bianca!” Her big hazel eyes lit up with excitement as they met. “Jabarie told me the news.”

  “Jabarie told me your good news. Twins! I’m so happy for you.” Bianca gave her sister-in-law a kiss on the cheek. “Okay, I need your bathroom.” She scooted off, leaving her sister-in-law and her fiancé together.

  “London, you get over here right now and give me a hug!”

  Her grin was as welcoming as a cool breeze on a sweltering summer night.

  Before London had a chance to prepare himself, Brenna had reached over and pulled him to her. When she finally released him, London stepped back and looked down at her smiling face.

  Her eyes were sparkling with excitement.

  “Oh, my goodness! You and Bianca are getting married,”

  she went on, not giving him a chance to speak. “I’m so happy for you both.”

  London gave her a slight nod and a grin. “Thanks” was all he could manage to say. He and Bianca still had a lot to discuss and he wasn’t sure what he should be saying.

  “What brings the two of you to my little store?”

  “I need to pick up a book for my sister, Mona.” London told Brenna what book he was looking for.

  “Oh, yeah, she is one of our most popular romance authors.

  Follow me.” He went with her to the romance section.

  “Wonderful. You’re going to make my sister very happy.”

  She plucked the book from the shelf and they were moving over to the counter when Brianna, Brenna’s ten-month-old daughter came into view. The child had been sitting quietly in a playpen.

  The next thing he knew, Brianna was holding her arms up in the air, wanting to be picked up. Automatically, he bent down and picked her up. She placed her hands on his cheeks and kissed him on the lips.

  London kissed her back. “Thanks, sunshine.”

  Bianca came around the corner and smiled when she saw the two of them together. “My niece is already a flirt. Wait un
til I tell her daddy.”

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  “Don’t even go there,” Brenna warned as she rang up the purchase. “Jabarie’s already staring down every little boy at day care. He laid down the law—no boys at her birthday party.”

  They laughed. Brianna held out her arms for her aunt, and Bianca took her and kissed the baby on the top of her head.

  London stared intently at the two of them together.

  Bianca looked his way and he swallowed. She had a life growing inside her and he was going to play a major part in that child’s life. He couldn’t begin to explain the overwhelming feeling that swelled up inside him.

  “Look at you two lovebirds staring at each other! Everybody is talking about your news. It is going to be the event of the year.

  I am so excited,” Brenna remarked, taking her daughter and kissing her cheek. Their resemblance was uncanny. They had the same hazel eyes, light brown hair and small nose. Brianna was going to be a heartbreaker, London thought.

  “Thanks,” he muttered, as he studied Brianna’s smiling face.

  As he looked at the baby, he thought about Bianca. She could be carrying a little girl. His heart jumped at the thought.

  “To tell you the truth, I thought something was going on between the two of you,” Brenna commented, interrupting his thoughts.

  London’s head whipped around and his eyes connected with hers. “What?” he couldn’t possibly have heard right. What would have made Brenna think that?

  “Oh, come on, you two,” she told him, a teasing smile on her lips. “I’ve seen the two of you out together before, trying to act like you were just friends when all along something else was going on. Boy, you sure had me fooled at first, but the way I saw the two of you looking at each other at Jace’s wedding, I knew there was more to the story.”

  He met Bianca’s raised eyebrows and couldn’t pull his eyes away. Had there really been something more going on back then that he wasn’t aware of? Sure, he had been attracted to her, but maybe in the back of his mind he always knew that beneath the surface he wanted to explore the possibilities of a relationship with her.


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