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It Is S.A.D.- The Leftist Brain Exposed

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by Rooster Bradford






  Why Conservatives and Leftists Think so


  Published by Rooster Bradford.

  Copyright with United States Office of Copyrights. All common law copy rights are reserved to the author.



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  For: Sally B. O’Layne

  I want to dedicate this book to my Mother, the first Leftist in my life. Without her, I would not have made a lifelong quest to find out why Leftists and Conservatives think so differently about Government.


  “With a little help from my friends.”

  Thomas Cooper who helped create the Cover

  My wife, for her help in proof reading and formatting the book.

  C. Lawrence, who also proof read and helped in our self-publishing of this book.

  My friends, who have shared a thought or two on the subject.

  My sincere “thank you” for all you have done.


  Who what and when: My name is Rooster Bradford. I am one of the few who knows where he was conceived. Knowing where one is born is common, but the moment of conception is seldom known. My assemblage began on a beach in Carpinteria, California. I know, most of you wonder why in the world such a happening is important. My Mother is the reason for this book. She had to tell me where I was conceived. She was a Leftist and knowing her very well was the catalyst for my life time search for an answer to the question: What is the reason or reasons a Leftist and a Conservative think so different?

  Purpose of the book: In this book I will examine the obvious differences between Leftist and Conservative thinking. From these we will study examples of the differences; note the logical inconsistencies; recognize the most important difference, and then begin drawing conclusions. In the final analysis, you will learn why I believe the Leftist brain suffers a sincere disability. They have an impaired ability to use common sense. This stands alone as the distinguishing feature of difference. How that occurs, is our quest.

  My Background: I am not a licensed specialist in Psychology or in the medical sciences. I am, however, inquisitive and a good student of many fields of professional expertise. As an active trial attorney for over 34 years, I examined, cross examined and studied just about every recognized profession. For several years I specialized in defending and litigating in the medical profession. To be a good trial attorney one has to develop a rapid ability to act and react to the personalities in a court room. Of course the witnesses and parties are extremely important, but so are the clerks, bailiffs, other attorneys and certainly the Judge and Jury. I became very good at it and this talent has assisted me greatly in this quest. My other life experiences have also helped. In making the decisions and conclusions found in this book, I was not handicapped by being a psychologist or Psychiatric specialist. Those professions, like all, become mired down in categories and names peculiar to them. I had no such limitation. Here is a short overview of why I believe I can give you an adequate explanation on the subject.

  I received a History and Political Science Degree at Stanford University, and earned an ROTC commission as an officer. I then did 2 plus years as an Armored Officer at Fort Knox, Kentucky and Fulda, Germany. In Germany I helped guard the then East/West Border separating the country.

  Upon returning to civilian life, I finished Law School at the University Of Southern California (USC). During this time, on a dare, I obtained a commission as a Naval Intelligence officer and to this very day have good friends I met in that service. I stayed with it until I was riffed with the Vietnam wind down.

  My hobbies have been surfing, sailing, model building, car restoration, music playing, jass history, collection of all matter of things, an avid reader and student of history, father and coach of little league and soccer. Every day I try to play the piano, practice some brass instruments and play the Scottish Pipes. At one time I was the host of a TV show talk show. For some 16 years I hosted a Jass show on Radio, called “Jassdom Hall”. Currently I have a Conservative talk show. I call it, “”, a wakeup call.

  In all of varied interests, I am provided help and support by my wonderful wife Susan.

  Thinking about politics and political beliefs hit me early on. Mother was always in one cause or another. My parents divorced when I was 6. Father was your typical boot straps business man who felt government was in his way. He was Conservative. Neither ever took part in politics, as far as I know.

  I was never one of those kids who knew what he wanted to do. Being a lawyer seemed ok and kind of fit my view of history and life. My father wanted to pay for it and so it was. My earliest thoughts on politics and political beliefs were Conservative. I used to puzzle at my Mothers way, and found that she and I simply could not discuss the subject without problems. Neither parent, nor any teacher I had, helped me become a Conservative. I was born one. My first political thoughts were conservative. Kind of hit the decks a running as a Conservative. I have never wavered.

  As the years went along, I was a successful prosecutor, defense attorney, business counselor, farmer, and business owner. In law I was always a trial attorney. During the legal part of my life, I became a strong supporter of the United States Constitution and a firm believer that freedom and liberty absolutely depend on a government that is fractured, and filled with checks and balances. The founders and I share the belief that consolidated political power is sinister. I also took every opportunity to debate these issues and thoughts with liberals. I can recall many years of defending a Conservative organization called “The John Birch Society”. I believe Birch was a soldier in the Korean War. I never was a member but did study it. Liberals were absolutely “mad dogs” about this Society and we could get into some real sweaty debates, which I loved. Liberals had a terrible fear of this Society. Why?...was the question. To this day I do not know of one example of terror, aggression, or bad conduct by it or its members. The Society was a great subject for debate, and I used it for that. You can see the same fear and sometimes fright in a liberal when they hiccup at the thought of the “Tea Party People”. They have a genuine fear. Why? and for what reasons? To date I do not know of any bad conduct on the part of the so called Tea Parties. Both are collections of Conservatives and therein lay the foundation of Leftist fear.

  Over these years I have become painfully aware of the significant differences between Conservatives and Liberals. Of course, there are many variables and each of us are different and not the same politically. However, in the pure sense of it all, a Leftist cannot be a Conservative and vice versa. It is simply an undeniable cerebral difference. Moreover the difference is seldom acquired. It is naturally occurring. One can be lead astray, but not for life. I have never met a recovering conservative, but have met hundreds of liberals who suddenly see the light, and convert, never to return.

  After years and years of study, debate, and work with both sides, I finally have determined the cause. Politics is the issue most contentious. About Sex, the
French have always said, “Viva la difference”. It is not the same with politics. Here much damage, destruction, and actual war can be caused by this difference. For most of us our right hand is dominate and dependable. Our left is less so. In politics it is much the same. Fear the left, not the right. For that reason, more than any other, I would love to have everyone think like me. This is not going to happen. Political difference will always be dangerous. The difference has always, until now, escaped close scrutiny. When this book is published we can expect severe attacks and blasphemy upon my soul. The matter must be addressed and blown open for view. At my advanced years I have nothing to lose and maybe our world will be improved by what I write in this book.

  Finally, I do believe I understand why one boy, like me, would hit the decks a Conservative and the kid across the street would also hit the same deck as a Liberal. That is the purpose of this book---to explain the difference and try to answer the question: Why?























  A Conservative in Profile












  (Capitulo 1--Spanish)

  Above the Pyramid on U.S. Dollars


  “God has favored our Undertaking.”


  THEME: This book will discuss some weighty thoughts. They are provocative. The discussion will range from simple observations of the differences between the Leftist brain and the Conservative brain, into deep psychosocial analysis of their different thought patterns and thought disabilities. The purpose is to offer an explanation of why so many Conservatives observe that Leftists seem to have no common sense. The author has spent a lifetime studying this subject. He was educated at Stanford University and the University of Southern California, His B.A. degrees were in History and Political science. He obtained a Doctorate of Law from USC. Later he took every agriculture course available, entitling him to an AA in the subject of agriculture. He does not have a traditional PHD in psychology nor is he a Physician Surgeon with a specialty in Psychiatry. His background is better suited to this task, since he is freer to explore and postulate. As you think about it, because he is not bound up with categories, names and pigeon holes, he is better able to see the problem in a fresh light.

  KNOWING THE AUTHOR: I am Rooster Bradford. It is important for you to know my bias and prejudices. I tend to be brief and this book was written that way. Who I am and what I believe is important as you read my analysis of the pivotal difference between the Conservative mind and the Liberal mind. To borrow a phrase, I should be transparent. I am opening up new doors and windows to provide us all a better view. Why do liberals and Conservatives think so differently about so many important things in life? I will mostly use the term Leftist rather than Liberal since the latter is so vague.

  The terms Conservative and Leftist have been coined to help us define general views on the nature of politics. The basic difference between a person who is Conservative and one who is a Leftist has to do with their thought process. That affects many things. In this book, however, we will focus on their political views.

  Finding the answer has been a life time interest and study for me. As with most children, I was not political. As a child I did not see the differences, but I am certain they were present with the children I played with.

  This difference is not an American problem. It includes each and every human being in the world. To remind you of the scope, I will add different languages to the Chapter numbers. Just keep in mind the differences have always been with us and always will be.

  Very early on I began to listen to and understand the world of political differences. My Mother was a full blown liberal and in those days a follower of Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Democrat party. FDR could do no wrong in her eyes. My Father was a remote person in my life. When I did see him, it was mostly for short times, and I never recall him discussing politics with me. Like a good boy, I followed the admonition that a child was to be seen, not heard. Clearly from what I did hear I could understand why he and my mother were divorced. Intellectually they were on different planets.

  I did not become a Conservative. I was born that way. Certainly the disagreement with my Mother’s thoughts was more important than any comments by my Father. Neither was active in day to day politics or seemed to participate in political parties. From the get-go, I always took the Conservative view when considering any issue which was politically important. In other words it was not instilled in me. I was born that way. I lived apart from my Mother and Father for many of my formative years. In my 6th year, I was placed in Burbank Military School and then with the advent of World War II, I was placed in Page Military School. Both were in the Los Angeles greater area. In those days and in those places, political indoctrination was minimal. With the war there was patriotism. Both liberal and Conservative were patriotic. In my ninth year I was taken by my Aunt Dorothy and Uncle Don and lived with them for another couple of years. Neither was political. During these years I know I thought as a Conservative. In the 6th grade my Mother reentered the picture and I lived with her. She was then married to a soldier serving in WW II. He was away. As I think about it there is no question she and I did not agree on politics. Now as a child you listen and keep your mouth shut, but the brain was saying ---Hey What!! She loved to discuss the political scene and attempted to convince me of the liberal mind set. There was no chance. I held my ground. I was not buying. Now why was that? I loved both my parents. They were not the kind who flooded me with love and affection, but were fair and interested in what I did, and less interested in what I thought, which is normal. I continued to live with my Mother until I went to Stanford University. If indoctrination was going to have a chance, that was the time. It did not. I remained Conservative. As the years rolled on, my Mother lived with me for the last 10 years of her long life and in the last few years confessed to me she then believed she had been politically wrong. Never a Conservative, but she went out doubting her Leftists beliefs.

  Trying to analyze why I was Conservative and others were not took up a lot of my thought. Why on earth did God or evolution cause this wonderful opportunity to disagree and sometimes get violent about it? If God did it ---- Why? If evolution did it, how come? While we were evolving for some 40 thousand years, this destructive attitude persisted. Wouldn’t evolution have removed these rough edges? Wouldn’t selection and family, make getting along a high priority item? I guess not. Clearly I was born running on a Conservative deck. No significant environmental or social force made me do it. It has been my observation that most Leftists appear to pop up the same way, rather than be molded into the mindset.

  Because of a broken home, I was put with a multitude of adults, especially in schools. I went to so many grammar schools I have lost track. They were varied, from a one room school to mega ones of immense proportions. In all of these no teacher stands out as a mentor. In the 30s, 40s, and early 50s teachers did not indoctrinate much. High school was neutral. I do not recall any political lineups. The only event that stands out wa
s in a Spanish Class. We were discussing the politics of Spain and its Civil war of the 30s. In that war communism lost to a dictator, Franco. Someone asked Mr. Lisbon (our teacher) what socialism was and he described it as follows. Our class room was on the second floor. From where we (students) sat, you would see, on the left windows, and to the right a wall. Mr. Lisbon was at the front and the back wall served as a place to hook up clothes and things. There were about 7 lines of desks. He spoke along these lines. He said; let’s suppose that everyone here was a socialist. We would believe in a common good and sharing the values of the land. We would believe that everyone was fair and would be tolerant of others. Now in this room the only real thing of value we can share are grades. The desks and room belong to the government. So let us suppose I give an exam and I grade it A, B, C, D and F on a curve. (Whatever happened to the E) He continued; “Now I seat you all by grades. Over on the window we have As and on the far side, by the wall, we have all the Fs, The Bs are next to the As, then the Cs and then the Ds would be placed next to the Fs. Now in Capitalism that is the way it stays. In Socialism we cannot have such inequality and unfairness. We will have to take from the A’s to give to the F’s and so on until everyone has a C+.” For whatever reason, I knew immediately where he was going. When he got there, the class sat in silence. He had a time getting a discussion going. Finally, it began and clearly none of the talkers liked it. The fairness and tolerance did not appear. Jealousy and envy seemed to rule the day. I doubt any student in that class ever loved Socialism, and maybe there was some indoctrination by his example, but Mr. Lisbon simply gave the facts and we had to decide the merits. Indoctrination---maybe, but I think not. My point is that Mr. Lisbon did not influence me. What he said simply reinforced what I already knew. The light bulb for me was how many students had no idea. If there was someone who liked the idea they stayed quiet. It was an omen of the future.


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