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It Is S.A.D.- The Leftist Brain Exposed

Page 4

by Rooster Bradford

  LEFTIST MAKE BAD GENERALS AND COMMANDERS IN CHIEF: A good military commander has to have the good sense and ability to make the hard decision. Leftist fail to do so most of the time. Let’s examine our own History for the record. I have divided the wars of our country into big ones and little ones. By doing this you will see history tells us Leftists get us into big wars. In small ones Conservatives almost always win and Leftists lose. Whyzat?


  1864 Civil war.

  Started by Democrats in the South and finished by a Republican President

  625,000 dead.

  1889 Spanish American War:

  President McKinley, a Republican,

  resisted the war but the Democrats agitated for it. “Remember the Maine”. It is a little confusing about who declared it. Not important anymore because no one declares war. The point is that McKinley relied on his military leaders and the war was over within the year.

  U.S. dead 2,446

  1918 World War I

  Woodrow Wilson, a Democrat, resisted the war, but had to declare it after he allowed several of our ships to be sunk by German U Boats. He was sending supplies to England. This declared war took 2 years. His resulting dream of a League of Nations failed. The war defeated Germany, but failed peace.

  U.S. dead 116,114

  1941 World War II

  Franklin Roosevelt, a Democrat, like Wilson gave so much aid to Europe that we were in the middle of the war. Some say he teased the Japanese so much that they felt they had to keep us out of Asia….Hence Pearl Harbor. Others have said he knew the Japanese were going to attack and he allowed it to happen because the polls showed the American People did not want war. In any event we entered the biggest and second worst war counting the number of our dead. The war lasted about 4 years and devastated our way of life.

  U.S. lost 405,000.

  Truman, a Democrat, ordered the Atomic bombs, killing from 90,000 to 160,000 or so. A few historians say just the threat could have brought the war to an end. For example Truman could have just blown up an island to demonstrate why resistance was futile.

  1950 Korean War

  Harry Truman, a Liberal, ran this 3 year war, failing to follow the decisions of his Military Commanders. The war stalemated.

  U.S. lost 53,000.

  1961 Vietnam War

  Lyndon Johnson, Democrat liberal, started the war, because of what many historians believe was a faked attack on one of our naval vessels. He then injected politics into every aspect of the war. By the time Nixon, a Republican, became President the war was lost. He finished the loss.

  U.S. lost, 58,000.


  (Warlike, but with comparative less loss of time, lives and costs. I have not included Indian wars, and incidents)

  Bay of Pigs (1962) Jack Kennedy Democrat Loss

  Iran U.S. Embassy (1977) J. Carter Democrat Loss

  Grenada (1982) R. Reagan Republican Win

  Panama (1985) R. Reagan Republican Win

  Iraq First Gulf (1990) G. Bush Republican Win

  Somalia (1995) William Clinton Democrat Loss

  Kosovo (1998) William Clinton Democrat Loss

  Afghanistan (2001) G.W. Bush Republican W/L

  Iraq 2nd Gulf G.W. Bush Republican win

  Simply by knowing the history it is clear Liberals do badly in war. They generally interfere with the Military and prevent them from doing what has to be done to win. Conservatives listen to the Military and give them freedom to win. A Conservative politician knows his limitations and that he or she was not trained to kill, and has more empathy for the soldier, who was so trained.

  Today the war in Afghanistan is a prime example. President Obama has ordered the military not to kill civilians, when no one there knows the difference between a soldier or civilian. He restricted the use of air strikes for the same reason. All very dumb. Why do they do that?

  ENERGY: What is energy? It is oil, atomic, wind, solar, geothermal, coal, hydroelectric, and natural gas. Those are the major sources of energy in the United States. It is fair to say that on each of them, except Wind, Solar, and Geothermal the Leftists are against their development. They used to be split on hydroelectric but have turned more against it in favor of fish, and natural appearing land. Now in knowing Leftists on this issue, we have to view them as very active environmentalists. They either participate directly or aid and abet. It is difficult to separate the two terms. Not all Leftists really care about the environment, but all activists of the environment are Leftists. That is probably the best way to say it. Maybe a way to analyze their position is to look at the development of organic products. Organic is a big deal these days and is being regulated by Governments all over the world. It started in the early 60s, by anti-establishment hippies. To a man, women and child, they were Leftists and environmentalist. They were “one world” socialist/communist and favored communes. They are the ones who coined “Organic” as applying to foods and stuffs naturally produced. They hated oil. In a discussion with them during those tumultuous times, they always confessed they hated oil not because of its carbon footprint, but because of the large and dominating oil companies. The entire concern about carbon footprints came much later. Hydroelectric was ok because the operators were government like and some cases actual governmental agencies. Atomic has always been on the bad list because of the atomic bombs dropped in Japan. Logic, if applied at all, stopped there. Natural gas and coal followed the same logic as oil, but with somewhat of a lesser hate. Primarily because there are few Coal and natural gas stations down the street, to hate. Solar and Wind have always been considered green, as opposed to black. They, unlike Atomic, have been considered environmentally safe. Just this last week I saw pictures of a Wind machine blowing up with black smoke all over the landscape. When birds battle the blades, the wind machines win. I am certain, Leftists ignore all this.

  Now here comes the problem. All the energy sources mentioned cost money to develop and produce for peoples to use. None of it is free. Oh, yes the sunshine is free and wind is free, but not the machines and equipment necessary to obtain it. In fact, wind and solar recovery are so expensive people would not pay the price, if it sold for the costs of production. More than that, one can say the oil is free, the coal is free, and the atoms are free, but the equipment needed to obtain and distribute them is not. The short of it is that all energy we can use, costs us money to obtain. Solar and wind cannot presently produce economically balanced energy and all such productions are heavily subsidized by governments. Hydroelectric, natural gas, and oil can be produced in enough volume that the cost comes down to an affordable price. The same can be said of atomic energy plants; however, because of the emotion employed against them, it takes a very long time to recover the exaggerated production costs.

  Do Leftists accept the economics of these sources? No, they do not. Why is that? First, their Leftist governments hide the real disparity between so called green energy and the other. Every wind- mill to make electricity, every solar panel to produce electricity for a lot of people, every hybrid car, and every electric car is subsidized by the tax payers in general. Look in a mirror. That’s you Snow White. This means everyone is paying the difference so the energy produced by the wind mills and solar panels etc. will not substantially increase the citizens’ energy bills. By doing this the true costs are hidden. If the governments made it all pay for itself, commercial solar and wind would vanish in a heartbeat. Well vanish is the wrong word. A large windmill field in Hawaii sits rusting away---slowly. Leftist then force the government to promote non -economic energy. Also, the plain economic fact is that a hybrid or electric car would be too expensive without government contributions to their development and use. Obama’s government has now decreed that all new cars must get at least 35 mile per gallon. All this means is that we will be driving modified motorcycles. The rate of injury and death will be much higher. The comfort level will fall to the pavement, unless you like bumpy rides in cramped quarters. W
hile the American cars fail in foreign competition, get smaller and less in number, the German manufacturers are building big cars. They are selling like hot cakes. No big Cadillacs or Packards, or Lincoln Town Cars to compete because of governmental (leftists) interference.

  Doesn’t the logic seem warped here? If we can continue to use oil and gas, but more efficiently, at a cost the user can afford, isn’t that better? Not in the Leftist world, but certainly in the Conservative world. It is not that the Leftist is better at environmental matters. Conservatives are just as concerned about a clean and healthy environment. If it is not an environmental difference then what is it? It is control. Not just control, but control by Government, the Goddess of the Left. Kind of looks and sounds like Jabba the Hut in Star Wars.

  On this issue, let us look at oil. Even the Leftist has to agree we must use oil now and tomorrow or do a lot of walking and never get warm. Yet, the Leftist does not want the environment of his country blemished by oil wells, coal mines etc. He knows that if we buy it from someone else the profits go there. Not just the profits but all the jobs to obtain it will be someplace else. He also must know that in the present world most of the other places are in the hands of people who want to destroy us. This means the dollars we spend for oil in Venezuela, Brazil, all of the Middle East feeds the Jabba Huts of those lands. It is our loss. This is not logical. It makes no sense. Contrary to some studies there is enough oil in the lands of the United States to supply all our needs for a long time. Not today because, as I write this book, all significant drilling has been stopped, by the Obama Administration. Why? Is it simply because of the Gulf Gusher? Even before the gusher, no real development was possible because of blockades put in place by the Leftist government. Leftist demand that our production be curtailed and exploration be stopped, and we buy what we need from our enemies and lose jobs and industry to them. Does that make any sense at all? No, of course not. What drives the Leftist to such crazy things? Is it a passionate love for green space? Not really. Is it an emotional hate of big business? Not really. About the only response you get is that if the Government controls, it all will be better. I guess it is, as I said, all about control. The next question is to ask why.

  GLOBAL WARMING: This is an environmental issue, but treated here separately because it has grown its own wings. This issue like so many raised by the Leftist has its feet in quicksand and is not based on solid evidence. Conservatives do not necessarily deny Global Warming and concede that in the entire history of the world it has either been getting cooler or hotter with just a few years of stability. Further, the periods of stability are not a mean point. We are moving on the hot or cold side most of the time. There is no scientific or political consensus of what is ideal weather or where it can be found. If it gets warmer, think of the advantages. Palm trees can grow in Butte, Montana, and Inuit Indians in the Aleutians will be able to have vegetable gardens.

  The difference between Leftists and Conservatives is that leftists believe humans are a significant cause of global anything. Leftists not only believe humans are a major cause, but also that humans can reverse the warming. Their logic would seem to mean we can change the hurricane session, the tornado session, the flooding session, the earthquake happenings, the volcano happening and all other changes in the earth we do not like. Heavens to Betsy, we cannot even predict if it will rain next week, let alone a year from now. I might add such logic also means we can change the length of a day, the tilt of the Earth; in fact there is no limit to what we humans can do, in the lexicon of Leftist logic. Probably the core reason for the Leftist belief lies in their rabid dislike of oil. Again get real. It is not oil they hate; it is the private enterprise that obtains it. If we can just go green all will be good and the world will cool. Conservatives say no way. All you have to do is fly over the Earth and see how little of it we can affect. For example, if every human being stood tall and waved a very large fan, air movement would not be touched. Oh, the air right around the fan would move, but no place else. The jet streams, the weather, the evening breezes, the movement of hot and cool air off the land masses onto the oceans and back again would not change. Compared to Mother Nature, we are powerless. Now add to this fervent feeling of the Leftist, the facts that their scientific back up and support has been corrupted by their own, and you have fraud of immense size. They will not give the opposing viewpoints the time of day. They stand by Al Gore, (the sex poodle), and give him Peace awards and never once question the issue. They just accept it as a fact. Why do they do that? Isn’t good science the best measure? Not to them because it does not fit their view of world order, which is ultimately world control by a central stainless steel God (Government). It is part of the secular religion. Leftist complain of blind faith in religion and yet that is exactly what they have in large government. Why do they do that?

  EVOLUTION VS CREATIONISM: This is the age old question of whether Man evolved from another animal, was placed here by God, or placed here by folks from outer space. Now this is a subject I have studied long and hard. Many years ago I began a chronology of the origins of man. You can find the updated one in The Rooster Crows. Net. I have also put it into this book as the last chapter. Every time I found an article in any source about the origins of man, I placed it in the chronicle. What pushed me to do it was my belief, humans did not come out of Africa as many so called scientists claim. Nor did I believe there was a single mother in Africa from which we all sprung. It made no common sense based on what we know happened and what we have. I and most scientists do not trust DNA when it attempts to track back thousands of years. Just the time creates too many variables. My chronology is a listing of all printed scientific work on the subject. It demonstrates that there is no proof Homo sapiens evolved from apes. The Homo sapiens just seem to appear on Earth about 40,000 years ago. Our big brain gene is dated at around 37,000 years ago, at least as it exists in us. Oh there is evidence that Neanderthals were here about 350,000 years ago, but science does not list them as in line with us.

  Another purpose of my work was to demonstrate for one and all, that our children should be taught all three theories: 1- Man may have evolved. 2- Man may have been created by a God. Or 3- Man may have been placed here by aliens from another place in the Universe. Let the children decide for themselves. Here in lies the great divide between the Leftist approach to education and the Conservative. Conservatives love to be fair and balanced. Leftists demand indoctrination.

  Leftist to a man and woman become very emotional about any discussion of our arrival other than evolution. In fact, where they control, they demand children be taught only evolution. School books and curriculum are replete with this problem. In 2010 a major battle between the Leftist and Conservatives occurred in text book selection in the State of Texas. Conservatives won that day, but Leftist threatened to diminish the Texas selection in other States. Analyze their position. They demand that only evolution be taught, when any chronology is clear that Darwin’s theory is still just that….a theory. God’s creation is a theory. The Outer space story is a theory. They are all theories with no scientific fact. Leftists cannot stand this analysis. Why?

  I have a Leftist cousin who will no longer talk to me because he obtained a degree in college which he believes makes him smarter than me. He points out that upright walking ape like animals have been on Earth for some 4 million years and that is proof of evolution. I agreed with him that ape like animals have been on earth that long and some still are. When I said there was no proven connection between any of them and the Homo sapiens or the Neanderthal, he said, “F___ You” and hung up the phone. Now this is the typical type of response from a Leftist when faced with logic or evidence contrary to their pet belief. I sent him a nice note and a copy of my Chronology and he has never responded. I believe we will pass on without ever again passing by. It is S.A.D.

  Why is it a Leftist will not tolerate theories contrary to their own? Why do they explode in epithets as their last defense before they disappear into
their capsule of protection? What is it in or out of the Leftist brain which prevents open and clean debate?

  HUMOR: Humor, or the lack of all or part of it is also a good example of the differences between Leftists and Conservatives. My old Webster’s Dictionary defines humor as coming from the Latin word humere or umere (Moist or to be moist) It then lists a variety of meanings. One is,

  “ 2-a- a person’s disposition or temperament;

  b- a mood, state of mind. 3. Whim; fancy;

  caprice. 4- The quality that makes something

  seem funny, amusing, or ludicrous; comicality.”

  And finally “5-a- the ability to perceive, appreciate,

  or express what is funny, amusing, or ludicrous “

  Unfortunately Webster does not discuss what “quality” means or what the “ability to perceive” can be.

  My observation of Leftists clearly demonstrates they have a subdued sense of humor. They especially tend not to be able to laugh at themselves. Observe Leftists you know. Maybe it is you. It should become clear. In one way or another a leftist finds a belly laugh difficult. Most humor has some sort of parody on reality. Very often the parody is on some oddity of life For example there is the old comedy line…..Take my Wife…………..pleaaaassseee!! A good Leftist will find it sexists and the humor will be damped. A Conservative takes it without serious meaning. It is just a joke. Have a laugh. Find fun.


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