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It Is S.A.D.- The Leftist Brain Exposed

Page 14

by Rooster Bradford

  5- (a) Having the 4 adults decide is the fastest and since they are in charge it is their responsibility.

  6- (d) Since the ring contains the key, this will be the fastest and surest way.

  7- (a) As the person in charge, the best interests of the people is part of your task. Setting up a savings account may in fact work, and all the time it exists it offers them hope.

  8- (c) In both (a) and (b) there is no way to be certain of getting there or certain of how much time will be lost.

  9- (c) You want to go South. The train is there. The staff want to obtain more money for the trip so they no doubt will help you along.

  10- (d) Reconnaissance is vital to the lives of all troops. Making certain those soldiers are at their best, means keeping their spirit up. Taking away the variations will reduce and maybe destroy their spirit. Don’t take the chance unless the spirit of all units is affected by it.




  Definitions: Hominids (Hominid) I use this general term to define all the animal species that walk bipedal, have a thumb, and have significant brains and kind of look like you and me. These mammals appear on earth some 4 plus million years ago and many varieties have been found and are still a part of the animal world today.

  Homo sapiens: is the term to describe us. I use Human and man as synonyms. It is the general consensus that a brain size of approximately 1350 cc and a lighter skeleton define a Homo sapiens as distinct from all other Hominids. Although no one can say for certain, Homo sapiens appear, as defined, a geological, short time ago. About 70,000 years ago there was a dramatic reduction of all mammalian life including Hominids. This was caused by either volcanic eruptions, or a polar cap shift. In any event the world entered a dramatic Ice age. All findings of evidence of Homo sapiens are after this time. Clear findings are about 40,000 years ago; in the form scientists have labeled Cro-Magnon. Keep in mind the Neanderthal, not Homo sapiens, seems to have been on earth from around 516,000. Certainly they were in Europe by 270,000 years ago.

  THE PURPOSE: This research is to understand the proven Origins of Man. The dominant theory is that modern Homo sapiens came out of Africa. Common sense and logic cast doubt. No one has ever found a linkup between Homo erectus, Cro-Magnon, Neanderthal, and or Modern Humans. None of the research has ever found pieces of a Cro-Magnon, or Neanderthal in middle or lower Africa. There is a good argument that modern human did not come from Africa, but developed differently in different places from a common source such as Homo Erectus (Ancient types that walked, had modern type hands but a small brain), or as some say, we were planted here from another planet or, or as some say placed here by a God The point is the evolutionary hypothesis is little more than speculation, complicated with doubtful DNA studies.(The problem is the use of unreal and arbitrary assumptions) (See #1 at end.) In other words the “Theory of Evolution” is simply a theory, which has yet to be backed by hard evidence.

  ` We do know that many erect walking animals that kind-a looked like us appeared on earth over 4 million years ago. We do know we have identified many varieties. We do know they appeared to be on the main continent housing Europe, the Middle East, Far East and Africa. We do know none appeared in Australia, North or South America until the Homo sapiens began swaggering from place to place. The best guess-- it was in the temperate band through Europe and Asia that was home to our ancestors. For you out of Africa blank owners, this includes North Africa.

  Another analysis of the same information causes considerable speculation of the “Out of Africa” belief as well. This is the disparity between, and lack of connection between, the stages leading to modern Human development. The anthropologists and paleontologists are checking bone pits and, way--la--- We just seem to appear.

  TIME PERIODS: [To help focus the search.]

  Ediacaran Period: Development of Sea life and its extinction, by Volcanic Eruptions, we think.

  790- to 630 Million years ago: Cryogenian Period Major Ice age.

  540 Million years ago: Cambrian Period: We see the very beginning of today’s life forms.

  488 to 444 million years ago: Ordovician Period. First land plants appeared.

  395 million years ago. Some rocks in Poland reveal foot prints of ancient tetra pods. Science news. 1/30/10

  359- 299 Million years ago: Carboniferous Period. Forests, swamps, and many insects appear. Oldest ID'd tree, the eospermatopteres . 6 meters tall, and 1.3 trunk diameter.

  251- Million Years ago: End of Permian Period. Mass Extinctions of sea and land life.

  251-65 million years ago: Mesozoic Period (Triassic) Plants with seeds appear and Reptiles show up. (Jurassic) Dinasaoaurs roam. (Cretaceous) end of Dinosaurs and a mass extinction.

  200 Million years ago the Mangea continent tore apart.

  130 Million years ago the first flowers appeared.

  65 Million Years ago. The Mass extinction, out of Yucatan and the beginning of Mammals. The Mass extinction was caused by a comet striking The Yucatan peninsula of what we call Mexico. Some say the effects of the Comet earth cover was added to by considerable volcanic activities on what we call the Indian Plate.

  About Mammal development;

  1. It took about 3,500,000 years to go from first ape like man to the Stone Age. (4 mill to 700,000). Present evidence tells us the Australopithecus Africanus (kind of looking like us) are of this time period.

  2. The archeological studies of the Neanderthal indicate it was on earth some 380,000 years. It was separate and distinct, from all the other varieties. The best evidence is that its brain size was comparable to Humans, but its body was not built for speed. Its torso was shorter and squarer. The face was much flattened at the forehead. It had reddish hair, which covered the body much more than humans. We do not know if this hominid had language, but it did leave some art in the form of stone tools and cave drawings.

  3. Archeological findings place the first evidence of Look-a-likes somewhere between 200,000 and 150,000 years ago. These finds are of a smaller brained kind, non-beer drinker. Probably 45 hp vs. our 540 hp. They could have had language, but who knows.

  4. Modern Human, with its many variants (Caucasian, Negroid, Asian, and lesser in numbers such as Indian, Australian native etc.) has been identified as here for approximately 40,000 years. The term Homo sapiens (or Modern Human—wise man) is keyed to the finding of a larger brain size (1350 cc) in a lighter built body. This seemed to be faster and could endure hardships easier. During the approximate 40,000 years, there have been scant modifications. The most impressive is size. Certainly we can point to better health and ease of living to greater body size, but why can’t we do the same for brain size. Maybe we can, you and I, however how do you explain its leveling out at around 1350 cc.

  5. Simply there has not been enough time, or findings, to explain the major variants in the races, in a mere 40,000 years. If we all came from “out of Africa” as some claim, through doubtful DNA studies, how do we explain such significant differences in race? Scientists don’t and today are hampered by Political correctness. Another factor which has been little studied is the coloring of hair, eyes and skin. How did we get such variances in a mere 1, 600 generations? (Divide 40,000 by the common number of 25 for a generation)

  6. In fact the color differences really are left to raw speculation. About the only evidence left would be paintings and drawings in caves and blond ink was hard to come by. Most Homo sapiens on earth have very dark hair, dark eyes, and skin from yellow, brown, to black. Where did the blond blue-eyed people come from? My speculation is based on common sense and logic, only. With the lifting of the last ice age some 15,000 years ago Europe became a garden. No longer was Great Britain covered by an ice cap. The cap that had covered northern Europe began to retreat. Common sense tells us no one lived on top or underneath these caps. Homo sapiens began to fill in. From, where? Not just from Africa because we had a mixing of people. If you use the genetic explosion
into blond, red, and light skin and eye colors. Logic tells you the people contributing to this genetic diversity had to come from different sources, and from different places. (Cannot logically explain genetic differences without a cause.) This new population began to crowd the Neanderthal who had already been there for a long time. The Neanderthal was not built for speed or quickness of limb. He was built for ruggedness and the ability to withstand cold. Northern Europe is the only place in the world where people begin to produce light colors. The blonds probably were the first to be discriminated against if a genetically mixed tribe suddenly produced a blond blue eyed child the natural tendency would have been to boycott the child and mother. The only place these discriminated against people could go would have been north, as the caps receded. New lands. The Mediterranean stopped any direct southward movement. People still pushing in from the East would have made that difficult, and to the West-- Water. This may explain why this color became dominate in only one place on earth, northern Europe and Scandinavia. In turn that is because of genetic diversity which occurred there and nowhere else.




  7 to 6 Million Years ago a “maybe” upright apelike creature, called Orrorin Tugenensis (another was Oreopithecus found on an island near Italy—long arms) was discovered (See attached work.) Several discoveries with different names for this time period but the finds are of small samples.

  Much speculation

  5.6 Million Years ago the Atlantic poured into the Mediterranean basin lowering the ocean levels by as much as 9.5 meters.

  5.3 to 1.8 million years ago called the Pliocene Epoch.

  4.5 million years ago. It is guessed that the asteroid belt began to form up.

  4 Million Years Ago. Generally considered the beginnings of something less ape like and more human like. The lone significant change is up right walking. The name Homo Australopithecines was penned to describe this animal. It had the smaller brain. A most recent find, named Ardi, fits this place. The find was in Ethiopia (North West Africa, across the Red Sea from Yemen). The find was of a female weighing approximately 110 lbs. and 4‘ tall. My readings did not find any comparison to Australopithecines.

  3.2 Million Years Ago. Australopithecus Afrarensis found in Ethiopia. “Lucy” was the name given to the skeleton first found in Ethiopia. Current thinking is that she was chimp like and her type was a dead end. That means we guess she was not in direct line with Homo sapiens. . Ethiopia is in the Horn of Africa. From a latitude position it is roughly on the same one that runs, north of the Equator, through southern India, into the Philippines and in the Americas where Costa Rico is located.

  2.5 Million Years Ago. More Archeological finds of Australopithecus.

  2 Million Years Ago... Findings of Homo erectus generally dated about this time. Same time period an Australopithecus sdeiba found in South Africa. Supposed to have more human like legs than most apes. AP article 4/9/10

  1.77 Million Years Ago. Homo erectus found in Asia and dated to this time.

  1.6 Million Years ago. Stone tools found in Eastern and Southern Africa/ Science news 1/31/09

  1.5 Million years ago. Homo Erectus Foot prints found in Kenya. This shows a foot shape much like Hominess, i.e.: large toe closed up with the others and an arch.

  1.200,000 Million Years Ago. This is the dating of a Jawbone of an Australopithecus (southern ape) found in a cave in Northern Spain.

  Science news 3/29/08

  800,000 Homo Species (unclassified) (Maybe Homo Antecessor) which is thought ( a guess) to be a predecessor of the Neanderthal found in Spain First findings of a Hominids which look more like Homo Sapiens. This was in Europe. This sample is very poor, and scientists are not in agreement.

  Homo heidelbergensis is discovered, in Israel and with it the finding of a camp site divided into functions. For example a place for sleeping, food prep tool making etc. Not humans.

  790,000 Findings of Fire being kept by Hominids.

  780,000 Earliest dating of Peking Man. Homo erectus-Asia.

  700,000 Dated stone age tools found in S.E. England

  516,000 to 270,000 Neanderthal shows up from findings in Europe.

  450,000 to 180,000 The time period it took the British Islands to separate from the European Continent. Separation at Dover.

  250,000 Clearly Neanderthal is populating Europe

  Homo Erectus Skeleton found in China

  200,000 to 150,000 Early Homo types found in Africa. DNA disciples claim this was the first Human. Their brain size was smaller than modern man, and bone structure was heavier.

  164,000 South Africa cave discloses early shell fishing and use of pigments.

  160,000 Hominids remains found in Ethiopia, North Western Africa.

  These findings show a brain configuration comparable to modern Homo sapiens, but it was smaller. Not Homo sapiens

  These finds, plus DNA tracing, triggered the “Out of Africa” theory of the development of modern humans, but there is no scientific connection. Again much guessing. North Africa H characteristics similar to Modern Humans.

  Another view is that there was parallel development towards modern human in Asia, Africa, and Europe, which started before 200,000

  135,000 Early beads found in South Africa. Stone age types.

  130,000 Stone axes found in Crete suggesting early stone age activity there.

  100,000 to 80,000 Neanderthal teeth found in a Poland Cave, establishing that they lived in that part of Europe as well.

  100,000 to 17,000 A finding that florescence’s “The hobbit” (small person) is found to have lived in the Indonesia Island of Flores. Most now believe these little Hominids were a separate genesis that upsets the “Out of Africa” theory. Their brain size was like a Chimpanzee. They used stone tools. Might have microsphalec possibilities.

  82,000 early beads found in Morocco, Africa.

  76,000 TO 60,000 Years: Glacier period when a Glacier cap covered the northern hemisphere.

  72,000 In coastal South Africa there was finding of heated stones probably used to make better tools

  70,000 (Maybe beginning in 80,000) there was a dramatic reduction of the Hominid population in the world. It is believed to have been caused either by volcanic eruptions or polar shift. We endured into a commonalty called “Ice Age”.

  For certain Yosemite had a good blow and another super Volcano, Toba, in Indonesia had a good blow adding to the Wintering of the world.

  50,000 Early hominids populate Australia. Article did not discuss type.

  Neanderthal still found to be in Europe.

  45,000 Woolly Mammoths still roam the earth. Hominids migrated through the Middle East. Folks in Asia. Modern Human skull found in Borneo in 1958.

  A Neanderthal flute found in a Slovenian Cave. Considered oldest flute ever found. “Making Music 2009”

  41,000 Carbon dating find of Neanderthal bones located in Germany.

  40,000 Homo Sapiens in the form of Cro-Magnon man appear in Europe. Presumed from Asia.

  Earliest bead findings in Europe.

  In 2001 ancient skeleton of a Hominid type found in a cave near Beijing. The Chinese say the bones (incomplete Skeleton) show some traits of Modern human and ancient types. Maybe interbreeding.

  Neanderthal tooth found in Southern Greece in 2002, at a seaside excavation.

  Findings in Spanish Cave of Shells with holes indicates Neanderthal had ornaments, and other shells indicate he used paint or cosmetics. The Week Jan 2010.

  38,000 Neanderthal bone-female- found in a cave in Croatia

  37,000 Large brain genes appear in Humans. This is the result of Genetic and DNA work.

  36,000 Studies of animal tusks, in Alaska demonstrate a large die off,
probably because of a large meteorite. It caused a new Cold cycle.

  35.000 Generally considered the beginning of the last Ice Age. Which covered most of England, Germany etc.

  Appears to be in northern hemisphere only. Some place its start around 25,000. It began to abate around 15,000. Certainly no human types lived on or under the caps.


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