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The Somber Call (The Ariane Trilogy Book 2)

Page 5

by Michelle Dare

  Sneaking up to the back of my house, I peer into the window, looking for my mom. No one is in the kitchen. As quietly as possible, I slide the door open, slipping inside. Rummaging through the fridge, I find a package of ground beef. If Mom asks what happened to it, I'll lie and say I cooked it up after school for Rion and me. Made us burgers or something.

  I'm back outside and rushing toward the woods, no one the wiser. Wake is where I left him. I tear open the package and drop the meat onto the ground for him. He sniffs it then stares at me.

  “Eat it, Wake. It’s the best I can do. If you don't, so help me, I will shove it into your mouth and hold your snout shut. I don't care if it's not what you normally eat or that you didn't hunt to catch it. You’re a wolf, and you're not dying on my watch. Now eat it.”

  He bends his head down again and takes a tentative lick. His instincts must take over because he eats the pound and a half clump of fresh ground beef in under thirty seconds.

  “Do you feel better now?”

  He sneezes an answer in wolf; whatever that means. Then he's back in human form. I rush to him, throwing my arms around his neck, slamming into him with my body. Tears I didn't realize I had fall down my cheeks. Relief washes over me. He's going to be okay. Maybe not great, but okay.

  “Don't ever do that to me again,” I cry.

  His shaking arms hold me tight. “I'm sorry, Ari. I didn't--I didn't think anyone cared.”

  I pull back to look into his eyes. “How could you think that? I care. You matter to me.”


  “Because you risked your life for mine. Because no matter what you've done in the past, today is a new day and you get to start over. That's what I want you to do. I want you to start fresh today. Grieve. Cry. Whatever you need to do to let the past go, do it. But don't you dare give up.”


  “Ford doesn't get a say, and he knows I'm angry. Don't rely on him for everything. If he kicks you out, I'll find you a place to stay. Just don't starve yourself again. I'm going to bring you back to Ford’s house. I want you to buy food tonight. Do you have money?”

  He smirks. “If you had any idea how much money I have, you'd probably faint.”

  “Probably.” The amount of money these wolves have is unbelievable. I’m sure Aries and Cassandra set Wake up for life. Even though they kicked him out, they wouldn’t have left him with nothing. It makes me wonder what Aries did with his life before he met Lealla. What kind of jobs he held to earn money. “Let's go.”

  With another snap, I'm back at Ford's, stomping toward him. Even Rion knows better than to get in my way. He backs up, giving me a wide berth.

  Stopping a few inches from Ford, I point my finger into his chest. “You listen to me, and you listen good, Ford Verascue. I have enough to worry about without adding another dead wolf to my list. Wake needs to eat. I don't care what you have going on in your life. Unless you are saving someone from imminent death, make sure he eats.”

  His eyes soften as he sends me a message. “You’re so sexy when you yell, princess.”

  I slam my foot down onto the floor and send him a message of my own. “Don't mess with me, vampire. I mean it. If I lose one more person…” My words fall away as fresh tears blur my vision. My voice cracks inside my head, full of emotion. “I can't lose anyone else. Got it? Not Rion. Not Wake. And not you. I need all of you.”

  “You’re just friends with me for my powers.” Is he joking?

  “Do you think that's really why I'm friends with you? That I come around, care about you, talk to you, only because of what you can do for me?” He shrugs. I use both of my palms to shove his chest. He doesn't even move. Not an inch. Not even a slight sway. Stupid vampire and his stupid super strength. “Your powers mean nothing to me. You do—the person staring at me right now like I’m making it all up. Get that through your thick, undead head! I care about you!”

  “I think I just fell more in love with you.”

  “Ugh!” I scream. “You're all making me insane! Every last one of you!” I storm over and take Rion's hand in mine. Before we leave, I say, “Next time I come back here, Wake better have eaten multiple meals, and neither of you better be dead!”

  The next second, we're back in Rion’s car, hightailing it to my house. At this point, I have no idea how long we've been gone and don't care. Wake is alive, back in human form, and Ford is his normal, annoying self. That's all I can ask for at the moment.

  We're in the front door as Mom is putting plates down on the table. Not as late as I thought we might be. Hooray for the small things.

  Dinner went better than I hoped. Neither of my parents grilled Rion with a thousand questions, which was good. Conversation was kept light and flowed well through dinner. Half the time my mind was on Wake, though. I hope he listened to what I said and went to the store to buy some food. I don't want anyone else dying. Not a single one.

  Rion laces his fingers with mine, causing the familiar zap of our connection to course through me as we go for a walk down the street. It's a gorgeous night. The air filters through my lungs, giving me renewed energy. Maybe I need it to clear my head.

  Not many are outside as we stroll by house after house. He lets me walk in silence as my mind races over everything that's happened. Good or bad, ever since I met him, things have changed.

  “I want to hear about the good,” he says, leaning in, bumping his side into mine.

  “You're in my head again.”

  “When you don't shield your thoughts, it's kind of hard not to be. You remain a mystery to me in so many ways.” I have to get used to the idea that Rion can hear my thoughts. I must have let the block fall away. I don’t mind him knowing how much I care for him, but if he found out about Ford’s feelings for me… I’m not sure what would happen.

  “Okay, so the good,” I say, getting my mind back on track. “Well, you. You're the best thing that has happened to me in a very long time.”

  “I like being number one.”

  I smile. “I'm sure you do. What else?” I think for a moment. “Oh! Meeting Lealla and finding out that her books are actually the pack's history. That's fascinating. Ford and Wake are also part of the good, even though there are times Ford makes me want to punch him in the face.”

  “I think everyone wants to do that.”

  I laugh. “He certainly has a way of getting under people’s skin.”

  “Yes, but he does that to you for another reason.”

  Looking up at him, I ask, “What do you know?”

  “Nothing surprising. It's obvious how he feels about you, though he hasn't said anything to me.” So much for me having to keep my thoughts quiet about Ford’s feelings. I hope this doesn’t mean they’re going to be fighting more often. It’s bad enough Rion and Wake were earlier.

  I sigh and face forward again. “He told me, but he knows how I feel about you.”

  “What about Paige?” None of Ford’s thoughts have revealed any interest in Paige. Then again, he could be keeping them from me.

  “He doesn’t have feelings for her that I know of. Hey, did you know he went to her house last night? He knew she was still having trouble dealing with everything that happened, so he went to talk to her. That's why she's like a whole new person today.” I leave off the part of Ford sinking his fangs into my friend’s neck.

  “It’s understandable for her to be having trouble. A lot happened. Maybe she's not showing it. However, I’m sure she’s still hurting on the inside. Some scars don't go away, and I imagine being kidnapped by a pack of wolves is one of them.” I wonder how long Ford’s fang voodoo lasts. It’s not a forever kind of feeling. It goes away pretty quickly after the bite. Unless he added something extra when he bit her.

  “I need to talk to her.”

  “She might not want to discuss it.”

  “Yeah.” He's right. Some people like to handle things on their own. They keep it inside and deal with it how they think is best. However, I want her to kno
w I'm here for her if she ever wants to talk.

  I'm glancing up at Rion again, loving having him near, even if my mind isn’t settled on what I’m doing yet. I love Rion. If it were as simple as committing myself to him, and us having a normal life, then there would be no decision to be made. But that’s not the case. There are lives at stake.

  My brain is throwing every possible scenario at me, when something in my peripheral catches my eye. I turn my head to see what it is. At the same time, Rion jumps in front of me, effectively blocking me with his body.

  “Calm down. If I wanted to kill you both, I could,” Ford states casually.

  I walk around Rion to find Ford leaning against a pickup truck parked against the curb. “What's going on? Did Wake finally eat?”

  “Yes, if you must know. He was inhaling a barely cooked steak before I left.” His hands are thrust into the front pockets of his jeans as his hair blows in the gentle breeze.

  Crossing my arms, I decide not to let his attitude slide by unnoticed. “Is there a reason you're copping an attitude with me? You interrupted our walk, not the other way around.”

  His thoughts float freely to me—ones I don’t think he means for me to hear. She should be with me, not him. If she were, she wouldn't be in the middle of this pack war; I could whisk her away to Paris with my family. She would be safe, not always in harm's way. I would protect her with my life.

  “I was visiting Paige and thought you should know something,” he says, pulling me from his thoughts.

  “What are you doing spending time with her? You better not be up to no good.”

  “What I do with my time is my business, princess. Anyway, while I was there, your boy, Brayden, showed up with a new fox.”

  I cock my head. “Like a pet? Who keeps foxes for pets?”

  “Not a pet. A shifter.” Oh, come on! All I wanted to do was take a walk with Rion. Of course something else would happen. This is my life. A revolving door of mayhem. And yet, I’m pressed against the glass, unable to leave.

  I shake my head, trying to get back to the situation at hand. “Do you know her?”

  “I've never seen her before.”

  “How do you know she’s a fox? Did she shift in front of you?” I’m sure he knows, but I’m hoping she’s just an average girl.

  “I'm a vampire, Ari. A natural predator. She must have sensed it because her eyes flashed amethyst. If I had blinked, I would've missed it. She's definitely a fox.” That’s one for my mental manual on paranormals. Foxes eyes flash amethyst. I should probably read Lealla’s series on her foxes again. I forgot so much of it.

  “What's she doing with Bray?” I pull out my phone to text him, but Rion's hand on mine stops me.

  “Never show your hand, little mouse. You're protective over your friend, which is good, but we’re not sure if she knows about you. If she does, then we have to find out what her angle is by being with him. We have to set her up. I want you to text Paige and ask her to arrange a triple date. This fox won't reveal herself to Brayden. At least, I don't think she will. You'll be able to read her mind, even if she has a strong block up.” It’s a good idea. I have to find Paige someone to go with, though.

  “Make that a quadruple date,” Ford interjects.

  “No way,” I tell him. “If I show up with you, then she'll know something's up. Rion's right. She might see me and think I'm an ordinary human and that this wolf is taking advantage of poor, innocent me. Let's find out how much she knows first.”

  “You're sucking the fun out of my life, princess.”

  I grin. “And it brings me much joy to do so.”


  With the triple date details set up last night, I spend all day at school following Bray around, trying to get more information about this girl he's seeing. I have so many questions; he dodges every single one. After I annoyed him enough, he broke down and told me she's new in town, doesn't know anybody, and already graduated from high school. He said he met her at the grocery store when he was out picking something up for his mom. That's all he'd give me. Nothing more. Paige tried, too, and didn’t get any more than I did.

  At first, I wasn't sure who to have Paige date, but Wake isn't doing anything but lying around Ford’s house, so I texted him. He agreed on the condition that he refuses to touch Paige or any other girl. After what happened between him and Dalia, he doesn't want another mate. His true mate could be out there, but he'll never know because he's not willing to look for her. Sure, he'll touch me, put his arm around me, or whatever, but I'm fated to be with his cousin. I'm safe in his eyes. I warned Paige that she couldn't lay a hand on him or he'd leave. She better play by the rules so we don't screw this up tonight.

  The six of us are going to a local diner for dinner. If only this stupid school day would go faster. It's like every minute is taking three times longer than it should. I want to meet this shifter and find out what her deal is. I also want to make sure she doesn’t hurt Bray. I’ll kill her if she does.

  “Calm down, princess. You'll meet her soon,” Ford says in my head.

  “Why are you in here? I’m at school, and you’re probably home in Duck.”

  “I told you that when you’re angry, scared, or have any other strong emotional reaction, it’s like you unconsciously reach out to me. I can’t explain it.” I don’t want to analyze this right now, so I don’t. Then a thought occurs to me.

  “Why didn't you read her mind when you met her?”

  “At first, I was taken off guard. On the whole, I try to avoid others’ thoughts. Like you’ve experienced, it can quickly become too much. Once I realized she was a shifter, I tried, but she threw a block up. I couldn't get a read on her.”

  “Interesting.” Not really. None of this is interesting. It’s infuriating, however, and another hurdle I have to cross. I mean, why not? It’s not like I have anything else to do. For example, figuring out if I even want to be part of this paranormal world.

  Back to the fox. This girl knows Paige has a vampire friend but is probably also aware of the fact that Brayden has no clue what Ford is. We can’t have him at the diner with us. That would instantly put fox girl on the defense. Not that the two shifters Paige and I are bringing won't, but I'm going to act like I don't have a clue Rion is a wolf. This is one of those times where Eloise Verascue’s gift of superb mind reading will come in handy. That fox won’t be able to block me out.

  “Only two hours, eleven minutes, and forty-three seconds left to go,” Ford states.

  “Thank you for that accurate clock impersonation,” I droll. “Why are you still listening to me anyway?”

  “I'm not trying to. Your thoughts are so loud, I can't get you out of my head.”

  “Awww, I'm touched knowing you spend so much time thinking about me.”

  “That's not what I said,” he replies.

  “Isn't it?”

  Ford growls in response. I can’t help but laugh.

  “Nice wolf imitation,” I tease him. “Thinking of trying out for the pack?”

  “That's it.” He throws up a block so he can’t hear me, but thanks to our connection and my nifty power, I can easily knock it down.

  “I’m still here,” I singsong.

  “Is this how you're going to waste the rest of your school day? Irritating me?”

  “Guess so. It’s pretty fun.” Plus, it’s keeping me from staring at the clock, watching the seconds tick by.

  “Let me make this easier for you.”

  “What's that supposed to mean?” Oh, no. What’s he going to do? If he suddenly teleports into my classroom, I’m going to lose it.

  “Look to your left.” I scan the room, finding nothing. “Outside.” I look out the window. Ford’s leaning against a tree, just beyond my classroom window. He gives me a little wave.

  “You better hope no one sees you,” I seethe.

  “Don't care.” He smiles. “This is way more fun than you torturing me from afar. Now I get to see your face and how red it is. Anger isn�
��t a good look on you, princess.” It takes everything in me not to teleport outside and strangle him.

  For the next two hours and however many minutes, Ford follows me from class to class until the final bell rings. I grab my bag, shoving my books into it, and practically run from the building as if it were on fire.

  Rion rushes toward me, panic clearly written all over his handsome face. “What's wrong? Are you okay? I've been trying to talk to you for over an hour. You never answered. I was ready to storm the school.”

  “Blame the vampire,” I say through clenched teeth. I wasn’t even aware I was blocking Rion out. “All afternoon he's been in my head.” I tap my temple repeatedly to get my point across. “He’s been outside my classes, standing just out of sight, driving me to the brink of insanity while he tells me about his teenage years. Do you know what that’s like? I know far more about Ford than I ever wanted to.”

  Rion chuckles. “At least he's keeping you busy.”

  “You think this is funny?”

  “I think it's a good thing you're distracted.” What's he talking about?

  A grey Mercedes AMG G 65 pulls up. Freaking vampire.

  I stomp over to him as he exits the vehicle, getting right in his face. “How did you drive here so fast?”

  “I leave this here. It's stored in town.”


  He grins. “Nope. Just smart. I have a car at home, an SUV here, and a truck at Lealla's.”

  “How does you leaving your SUV here, in my town, not qualify you as a stalker?”

  “I told you. I’m smart. You’d do well to remember that.” I want to punch him so badly right now. He smiles, hearing my thoughts.

  “If you pull what you did today one more time, I'm going to murder you in front of the entire school!” I yell.

  “Oh goodie, a challenge.” So help me…

  “You infuriating, cocky, make me want to rip out my hair, vampire!” I send him.

  “You're so kind to me, Ari. It makes me wonder if you love me more than your mate.”


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