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The Somber Call (The Ariane Trilogy Book 2)

Page 14

by Michelle Dare

  “You have no idea how badly I needed to hear that,” he says, reading my mind.

  Our lips meet again. This time it's a passionate kiss. One that promises love and commitment; late nights curled up under the stars on a mountaintop. Rion has this ability to pull me from whatever darkness is residing inside me and make me see the light. All we could be if I opened myself up to it. And I am now. I'm not giving up. I'm not turning my back on him. What I am going to do is spend time with the guy who holds my heart in the palm of his hand. I need to include him in everything.

  Before I realize what I'm doing, I'm kneeling on the seat, too, trying to crawl over the center console to get to him. He halts me with his hands on my shoulders.

  “Not like this,” he pants out. “Believe me, I want to, but not here or now.” His forehead rests on mine. “You drive me wild.”

  “I want you with me, Rion. Always. I'm going to start doing a better job of including you in my life.”

  “I'd like that.”

  “I'm going to see Ford and Wake. I'm going to hang out with Paige and Bray. But I want you there, too. I want you to come with me.”

  We’re a couple. We need to do things together, outside of constantly fighting for our lives or the lives of those we love. And he and Ford need to get along.

  “I'm not sure how I'll be around Wake or Ford, for that matter,” he murmurs.

  “You're going to have to keep your wolf in check. They both need us, especially Wake. Maybe if you mend the bond between you two, the pack members who were on the fence will come around. Tomorrow, after school, I'm going to get Wake, and we're going to meet you in the clearing where you first shifted in front of me. I want you to see that he doesn't have feelings for me. I can read his mind. He cares for me as a friend, nothing more. He would never go behind your back like that.”

  Rion turns and drops his eyes. “I'm not sure that's a good idea.”

  “You're both hurting, and it's breaking me apart. There has to be a way for you to talk without wanting to rip each other into pieces.”

  His eyes lift to mine again. “That would make you happy? If I agreed to talk to him?”

  “Yes. However, this isn't about me. It's about the two of you and getting back to where you once were.”

  “I'm not sure that will ever happen.”

  “You won't know until you try.”

  We keep going around and around every time we talk about Wake and the pack. There’s this deep part of my soul that knows this can be mended, but it’s going to take time. Rion being able to get along with him again is a big step. One the rest of the pack will definitely notice.

  Leaning back in the seat, I pull the keys from the ignition and reach behind the seat to grab my bag before opening the door.

  “Where are you going?” he asks.

  “We're going inside. I want you to have dinner with us and stay until my parents make me kick you out. I meant it when I said I always want you around. My parents are going to have to get used to you being here. The more you are, I think the more they'll come around and realize how amazing you truly are. There's a way to bring all of you together in my life, and I'm going to figure it out. It won't happen overnight, but all of us are going to be a tight-knit group if it's the last thing I do. I can't lose a single one of you and refuse to without a fight. You might not get along all the time, but I'm going to do my best so everyone at least tries.”

  Sometimes you have these amazing thoughts about how you're going to proceed with your life. This is one of those moments. If I can make this happen, I'm hoping everyone will be happier. Of course, I can't tell my parents about what Rion really is, but I can hope they'll fall in love with him, too.

  A lot is going to change. Not just with this new plan I have. The war is still on the horizon. Every day, Travis recruits more and more paranormals. It’s about time I do the same. I want to help the Avynwood Pack; not become a hindrance. Now, to find some allies.

  Rion walks around the front of my car and takes my hand in his. I never tire of the sparks his touch creates. “You’re not going in search of paranormals,” he states.

  “Do you remember how well it's gone the other times you’ve tried to tell me what to do?” He gives me a hard look. “Keep doing that and see how well it works out for you. Even when we’re finally mated, I will not be one of those women who heeds every one of her partner's commands. I'm my own person and always will be.”

  He sighs in defeat. “Maybe I should ask Kiara to bite me and give me super strength. I'm going to need it to fend off all the paranormals who fall in love with you.”

  “One, no female vampire is biting you.” He cocks an eyebrow. “I don't want to hear about it being a double standard. And two, no one else will be falling for me. If anything, I'll probably drive them away with my mouth and attitude.” It’s true. I’ve gotten lucky so far. Most can’t tolerate me on a good day.

  He reaches up to brush a stray lock of my hair back. “You'll have them all wrapped around your finger, little mouse. Your attitude is one of your best features.” He skims his thumb over my bottom lip, causing me to let out a breathy sigh. “And don't get me started on this mouth of yours. It takes everything in me not to kiss you nonstop.” Dipping his head down, he brushes his lips over mine. “So irresistible. So beautiful,” he murmurs. “So mine.”

  “All yours.”

  He's about to kiss me again when he cocks his head to the side. “Your mom is up. Let's go inside before she catches us out here kissing.”

  “She's lucky that's all we're doing,” I mutter.

  Rion laughs. “When did you turn dirty?”

  “When those sinful lips of yours touched mine for the first time.” I step around him, walking toward the door while muttering, “Wicked wolf and his wickedly hot body.”

  “What's that, Ari?”

  “Don't pretend like you didn't hear me.”

  He chuckles behind me as I open the door.


  Luckily, my parents were very receptive to having Rion over for dinner. Well, until I went to take him up to my room. I thought my dad was going to self-combust and my mom would certainly follow. I sent Rion up to my room while I stayed downstairs to talk to them. I’m eighteen and will be graduating very soon. Also, I'm not one to mess around with guys—ever. I didn't want to have to go into detail about what I meant, and luckily, they didn't ask me to. Instead, they conceded as long as I kept my bedroom door open. That was an easy compromise.

  Rion stayed upstairs with me until Mom came up saying they were heading to bed, so he had to leave. I walked him out and said goodnight. The Jag roared to life as he drove down the street, only to park nearby and return as a wolf. An hour later, I teleported out back and brought him into my room. We lay in bed together, talking and kissing until we both drifted off to sleep, Rion with his arms around me, and me with my head on his chest. Fortunately, I set my alarm for an hour before Mom and Dad got up so I could get Rion out of the house before he was discovered. I might have to make that a nightly ritual. Sure I’m playing with fire, but I love having him near. He gives me this peacefulness I can’t get anywhere else.

  This is what I think about when I should be paying attention in my last class of the day. The way Rion dresses. How his shirt clings to his muscular arms. The way his jeans ride low on his hips. His predatory stride. But mostly, it's the way he looks at me. Not with lust. But with adoration and love. He cherishes me, and I haven't been treating him fairly.

  It's been a constant push and pull with him, Ford, and Wake. I couldn't pay attention to all three of them at once, so I'd mostly leave Rion behind to handle things with Ford or Wake, which was far from fair. I realize that now, and it’s going to stop. I have to put Rion first, and that means where I go, he goes. Plus, if he continues to sleep in my bed every night, then he doesn't have to worry about going home to sleep.

  “And I'm enjoying every minute of being your personal guard while you're in school,” he says in my mind, br
eaking through my thoughts.

  “I hope no one sees you out there. We don’t need any wolf drama.”

  “I’m well sheltered but also in a spot where I can hear and smell everything.”

  We keep talking until the final bell rings. Outside, I'm surprised to find Ford standing beside Rion. They aren't fighting or glowering at one another. They aren’t ten feet apart. No, they’re both casually leaning on the Benz as girl after girl walks by and checks them out from head to toe. You’d think by now everyone would be used to seeing these two. Now, if more of the pack showed up, that’d be a different story.

  Reaching them both, I don't say anything, but I simply turn and lean against the SUV, right between them. So many girls look them over. Some try to act casual and blush when I notice them. Others openly assess the men beside me. Those have me crossing my arms and cocking an eyebrow at them in challenge. None stop to say anything, not that I think they’d be bold enough.

  Then there are the guys who, while they’ve given up on asking me out, still stare at me like I’m a freak on display. Plain, ordinary Ari with two model worthy guys beside me. Well, Rion technically is a model, but Ford isn't.

  “That you know of,” Ford whispers in my ear.

  “You flexing in front of a mirror doesn’t count.”

  He falters back, gripping his chest as if someone shot him. “You wound me so, princess.”

  “Ha. Ha. Ha.”

  Turning my attention back to the throng of people leaving school, I notice groups off to each side of the walkway. Huddles of teenage girls are talking and ogling my guys. They seriously need to give it a rest. Although, I’m the one standing here doing nothing but people watching. I’m kind of inviting the looks at this point.

  “Your guys?” Ford asks.

  “Until you find your one true love, you're mine. Someone has to keep you under control.”

  He barks out a laugh. “No one can control me, princess. Plus, don't you think you’re going to scare women away?”

  “If someone loved you and wanted to be with you, no one would stand in their way. Also, I'm not going to let you turn into a manwhore and test-drive women.”

  Ford laughs while Rion threads his fingers through mine, silently staking his claim over me.

  “How long are we going to stand here?” Rion asks.

  “We can go. I just wanted to challenge any girl who thought they were better than me and could lure either one of you away.”

  “I'm not going to lie,” Ford states. “I like this possessive side of you.”

  “I bet you do,” Rion grumbles.

  Holding my free hand up in front of Ford, I say, “Don't. We're all going to be one big, happy family by the time I'm done. We have enough to deal with outside of our little issues. Let's all get along and focus on taking Travis down.”

  Reaching for the passenger side door, I turn to open it when Rion gently tugs me toward the back. We both slide in the back seat and then I notice why. Wake is up front.

  “Why didn't you get out and say hi?” I ask, leaning toward him. And how did I miss him up there? My observation skills are obviously at an all-time high.

  “And deal with all those high school girls?” Wake asks. “No thanks.”

  “None of them appeal to you, huh?”

  He shakes his head.

  Ford starts the SUV and we begin the drive to the clearing. Sure, we could teleport, but this gives us time to bond and learn to get along.

  Ford’s eyes find mine every now and then in the rearview mirror. Rion must notice it as well, because he pulls me tighter to his side. All three of their thoughts float to me. I’m not intentionally trying to read any of them.

  Wake is worried about what's going to happen this afternoon. He wants things to work out with Rion. This could be the first step to getting back with the pack.

  Ford is angry it's Rion's arm around me and not his own. While he's aware of the connection I share with Rion and knows he can’t compete with it, he can’t help the way he feels. I wish he would only think of me as a friend. Things would be smoother if he did.

  “What about your jealousy?” Ford asks, hearing my thoughts. I can’t deny I was jealous of him with another woman.

  “I can't control it any more than you can. But mine isn't the same as yours. I selfishly want you as my friend and not out there losing yourself in women who mean nothing to you.”

  “It's more than that, and you know it.”

  I turn to look out the window, avoiding Ford and Rion, watching the scenery go by as we travel along the highway. “This isn't the time or the place,” I tell Ford.

  “Then, when?”

  “You know I love you. What else do you want from me?”

  “You. I want you, Ari. I want you to love me like you love Orion.”

  The other two in the car are oblivious to our conversation. I've shielded my mind from them. However, Rion can still feel my emotions.

  “We have to find a way to all be together without it being like this,” I add.

  “Like what? Truthful?”

  “I'm selfish, okay?” I scream in my mind. “Ever since I got immersed into this world, you've been there—you and Rion. To lose you would be like losing a part of myself.”

  “You can't have it both ways.”

  Whipping my head back to the front, I send him, “I'm not asking you to date me while I'm with Rion. I'm not asking you to sneak around with me and be my guy on the side. I only want your friendship. We can’t be more than that.”

  He swerves the Benz sharply to the shoulder of the highway and slams on the brakes, causing Wake, Rion, and me to lurch forward. Shifting it in park, Ford turns around to face me. “I would do all of those things!” he yells for everyone to hear. “You're so blind to it! I would do it all for you!”

  My bottom lip trembles as I fight the tears from falling. My first instinct is to teleport far away. Alone. But they would find me. Ford would follow me. Rion would shift and chase me. Poor Wake wouldn't know what to do. However, I'm not going to run this time. No, I'm going to face this head on with everyone in here. If I truly want us all to work as friends, I'm going to air how I feel.

  “I love you, Ford!” I yell. “I don't know what you want from me, though! I can't be with you. I won't. I don't feel for you like I do Rion, but I can't help the jealousy I have when you're with someone else. I'm a horrible person; I know this. But I'm so tired of trying to defend my feelings. I get it. I hear your thoughts clear as day, but we're at a standstill. I love every single one of you in here, but in different ways.”

  Turning, I come face-to-face with Rion. His jaw is tense, a muscle there twitching. I reach for his hand. “The love I have for you is immeasurable. You are the other half of my soul. The love of my life. And the person I want to spend forever with.”

  He smiles, relaxing slightly. “Ditto.”

  Next, I face Wake, who is watching me with open curiosity. “Wake, I love you so much. My soul aches for yours. For everything you've lost. I'm here for you, and I'm going to do everything in my power to make you happy again. You're lost and need to be found. If nothing else, you'll always have me. And with me, comes Rion, whether he likes it or not. We'll get through this together. You have a big heart and kindness I've not seen in most others.”

  Lastly, I face Ford. He’s the one I have to be careful with. The one I don’t want to hurt but know I am. Because at the end of the day, I’m not going to ever be able to give him what he wants.

  “Now, you and me,” I start, “we fight too much. It's a screaming match that needs to end.”

  “Here I was waiting to hear your sweet words about how you feel about me. Instead, I get your attitude.”

  “Zip it, vampy, I'm talking.” I take a moment to steady my breathing. “There is no way for me to put into words all of the emotions I have toward you. But I'm going to try. You frustrate me. Every time I think we're taking a step forward, you say or do something to make me wild with rage. I teeter be
tween wanting to hug you and wanting to punch your smug face. I'm completely devastated every time you tell me you love me, because I can't love you back the same way.

  “We already talked about my jealousy. I'm going to work on that. I like to keep my friends close, and when I hear of others sniffing around who's mine, I get protective. But it's more than that. I do love you. If I'm brutally honest, I love you as more than a friend, but not on the same level as Rion. What you and I have can't be explained. Our souls are joined. When I'm in trouble, you've got my back. When I'm hurting, you're there to comfort me. You’re a constant presence who I'd be lost without.

  “But this between us can't continue the way it is. You love me; I love you. We’ll never be more than we are. Rion is my mate, and every day that goes by brings us closer together. Maybe once we're fully mated, things will be different. I'm not sure how any of it works and am barely treading water most days.

  “I could shut you out. Never see you, but I don't want to do that. Although, if you choose never to see me again, I'll respect that. This isn't easy on you. You're in pain. I can hear it in your thoughts. I can see it on your face. Others might not notice it, but I do because I know you. And you know me. Is it worth it for you? If it isn't, I'll understand. One day someone is going to come along who is worthy of you. When that happens, I'm going to cry at the loss of my constant friend but rejoice in the fact that you're finally getting the love you deserve.”

  Cars zip past us on the highway, each one rocking the SUV slightly. Ford's eyes remain on mine as I openly let him read my mind, seeking the truth within my words.

  “I haven't handled any of this well,” I state. “This whole thing has been a learning process. I went from not having any guy give me the time of day to two of the most handsome men I've ever met wanting my attention. On top of that, I learn that wolves and vampires are real. That I'm a dream watcher. I now have all these other amazing powers. I'm going to make mistakes. I'm going to handle things the way others wouldn't. I'm flawed, and I’m sorry.”


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