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At the Billionaire's Pleasure (Billionaire Brothers Series 1)

Page 3

by M. G. Morgan

  We travelled in silence. There was so much that I wanted to ask him but couldn’t. My brain wouldn’t allow my mouth to form the words and I was afraid that if I did open my mouth gibberish would come out.

  I watched the scenery scroll by and tried to keep my nerves under control. Sitting in the back of the car in such close proximity to the man who had just recently been inside me made my tummy squirm. Just thinking about what he had done to me made my breath catch in my throat and I fought to regain control of my lungs.

  “Relax, Carrie. You’ll do fine.” He squeezed my thigh reassuringly and my breathing very slowly returned to normal. I couldn’t help but wonder if he knew what he did to me. Did he realise that simply from thinking about the pleasure he had brought me mere moments ago was enough to make me forget how to breathe?

  The car slowed to a stop in front of a tall dark building. From the outside I couldn’t see anything to indicate that there was anything inside. My curiosity got the better of me and I stepped out of the car quickly. It seemed whatever went on here was kept very quiet.

  David followed me and whispered something to the driver. He returned his attention to me and placed his hand on the small of my back, guiding me towards the large dark doors.

  A security pad sat on the wall and David swiftly entered a code. A small beep emitted from it and the door popped open. He never said a word to me as he ushered me inside and down the stairs that lay directly in front of the door. I looked up to my right and another staircase caught my eye. It wound upwards into the building but to what I did not know.

  “Where does that staircase go?” I asked, pointing to the one off to the side.

  “To the play rooms and some bedrooms. Some people like to share their submissives, others simply want an audience.”

  I swallowed hard. Sex with David was one thing, letting him share me with his friends was a different matter altogether.

  “David, I’m not sure this is a good idea...”

  My words were cut off as he grabbed my wrist and spun me against the wall. The brick was cold against my exposed flesh but it reminded me of what he had done to me earlier and I grew wet.

  “When you’re with me it is not your job to decide what is a good idea and what isn’t. I decide what happens. I’m the one in control, Carrie. You won’t come to any harm, I promise you that. But you must learn to trust me.”

  He wrapped his large hand around my throat and squeezed gently. I knew that if he wanted to he could keep tightening his grip until all the air left my lungs and I passed out. He let his other hand wander down to the slit in the leather skirt. Once there he slipped his hand beneath the material and traced his fingers against my wet pussy.

  I was turned on. I couldn’t deny it. The fact that he was far more powerful than me, that he controlled me, dominated me, made my knees weak and my cunt wet. In that moment I knew that whatever he asked of me I would do it.

  My senses returned to me then. What was I doing? Had I lost all of my mind? As though he could sense my indecision, David released me. He strode away from me down the stairs without a backwards glance leaving me alone in the dark hall.

  “I won’t force you, Carrie. Either you want all that I offer or you don’t. Your choice.” His words bounced back up to me. I listened as a door opened and music poured out onto the staircase. Once it clicked shut, silence crawled back around me and I was left alone with my thoughts.

  Did I want what he could offer me? What exactly was it that he was offering me, anyway? Doubt reared its ugly head and I did my best to crush it down inside. I took one step back up the stairs and paused. I had come this far, shouldn’t I at least see what David was offering?

  Squaring my shoulders, I started down the stairs. My heart thumped so loudly in my chest I was sure it would break through my ribcage and flop down the stairs in front of me. Reaching the heavy looking black doors I tried to calm my nerves. It was now or never. If I didn’t go in now I would leave and never come back. Part of me wanted to turn and run back up the stairs. But when had I become so afraid? When had I become a coward? The thought spurred me on and I flung open the door.

  The music washed over me and sucked me in. The heavy beat reminded me of the way David had felt as he thrust into me, with our heavy breathing, moans of ecstasy, and tangled limbs as he fucked me senseless. Music had always evoked such strong emotions within me. But this was much more than just a feeling. Arousal trickled down the inside of my legs as I scanned the crowd.

  My body trembled as I searched for the one man who could make everything alright. If I could just find him then he would set me at ease. This was his scene, not mine.

  Handsome men in expensive suits populated the room. I could almost smell the money. Women in various states of undress sat on or beside the men. David hadn’t been lying when he had said I would be wearing the most clothes.

  A man sat on a large chair nearest to me. A young woman was draped across his lap. She appeared to be naked, except for the silver chain that was loped over her waist and dipped down between the curve of her ass. The man was deep in conversation with another man but his fingers were idly playing and tugging at the silver chain. Every so often she would lift her head and cry out as the man slapped her arse hard enough to leave finger marks. He would then tug on the silver chain and the woman’s expression would once again dissolve back into contented bliss.

  My inexperienced mind was in turmoil as I took in the scene before me. With mounting desperation I scanned the room harder trying to catch sight of David. My eyes finally found him, only to discover that he was staring at me. He had watched me take in the club and the couples surrounding me. Knowing he had watched every emotion flit across my face made my stomach do summersaults. Why was this man always two steps ahead of me? Richard had never been like this. Safe and predicable Dick. I giggled a little as I thought of his shortened name.

  The sight of a young, slender red head leaning in towards David and whispering in his ear caused my stomach to clench uncomfortably. She gestured towards the man who had stepped up to grip her elbow. For a moment I thought she was simply going to leave with the other man. And then something changed.

  David turned from me. The look of disgust on his face as he pulled his gaze away from me was enough to make me feel sick. Something I had done, clearly upset him. Had he seen something on my face that had caused him to change his mind?

  Tears burned the back of my eyes and throat as he wrapped his arm around the red-head’s waist and towed her towards a dark corner in the back of the club. David had chosen and I repulsed him.

  The feel of a man’s large hand on the back of my neck made me jump.

  “No collar and no escort? What’s a tasty piece like you doing here all alone?” Normally the sound of the man’s deep growling voice would have caused my knees to weaken. But not tonight. Tonight I felt as though someone had punched me in the gut. Tears threatened to course down my cheeks as I turned and fled.

  Slamming into the heavy black door I tried to push it open. I needed to escape. Mortification ate at me as I dashed up the stairs. My ankle twisted beneath me as I slipped on the stairs and collapsed onto my knees. I had been so naive and stupid.

  “Are you alright?” The strange man’s voice crawled down my spine as I attempted to dash the tears from my face with the back of my hand.

  “I’m fine. Just leave me alone,” I snapped, anger bubbling to the surface. Yes I was angry at David, but I was furious with myself for behaving like a complete idiot. No doubt he was laughing at how ridiculous I looked with his little red haired beauty.

  “Look, you’re upset. Let me help you. I promise no funny business.” I turned to look up at the handsome blond man. The small grin that quirked his lips gave him a boyish charm. He was the complete opposite of David in every way. He reached down and took my hand, helping me to my feet. When he touched my hand I felt nothing. Although he was handsome, tall, broad shouldered, with green eyes that twinkled with mischief, I felt noth
ing towards him. My head was filled with thoughts of David.

  “Who were you here with?”

  I sucked in a deep breath in an attempt to compose myself. I had made enough of a fool of myself tonight, there was no need to continue on in that vein. Lifting my chin I tossed my dark hair back over my shoulder.

  “Who says I was here with anyone?”

  The mysterious stranger smiled once more and shook his head. “I say so. Private members’ club, Doms are the only ones allowed to hold a membership. And as lovely as you are, you are not a Dom. I can see it in the way you hold yourself, you’re a sub. Therefore, you came here with someone.” He leaned in against me as he spoke and the scent of his aftershave overwhelmed my senses. It was spicy and overly showy, I tried not to sneeze. He really was nothing like David. It was in that moment that I realised the feelings I was beginning to have for Ashcroft.

  It was impossible. The world didn’t work like that. Only Mills and Boons had people falling in love as quickly as they dropped their knickers. No, I wasn’t in love with David but I certainly felt something towards him and it frightened me.

  “Look, I’ll get you a cab. You look as though you’ve had enough for the night.” He wrapped his hand around my waist as he helped me hobble up the stairs. My mind was a million miles away as he helped me outside and flagged down a car. At this point all I wanted to do was go home and curl up in bed. I figured I was entitled to a little self-pity.

  “He’s an ass to let you go. If he upsets you this much he doesn’t deserve you.”

  I smiled gratefully and sat into the cab. “Thanks. I’m sorry I took you away from the club. You’ve been very sweet.”

  He grinned at me again, flashing the boyish charm once more. “Ah the dreaded ‘sweet’ category. Here was I thinking I was being chivalrous but alas I’m little more than sweet.” He threw some money into the front of the cab and closed the door.

  “I didn’t mean...”

  He cut me off with a wave of his hand and stepped away from the car. I reeled off the address to the driver and the car pulled away. I turned to watch back at the club. Seconds before the car rounded the corner, David stepped out the door. I watched him speak to the blond stranger and then turn to watch the cab drive away.

  With a sigh of relief I settled back against the seat. A lucky escape. The last thing I wanted to do after witnessing him in the club with the red head was talk to him about the situation.

  No I would go home and spend the weekend licking my wounds and mentally preparing myself for Monday. A new job was on the cards. There was no way I could work for Ashcroft after this. My mother had always told me to never mix business and pleasure and she was right.

  I swallowed back the tears as I rode home in the back of a taxi for the second time that day. Never again would I allow myself to lose control of myself around a man. Ashcroft with his dominance and strength had seduced me but I was wiser now. The next time I was tempted I would remember what happened the first time. Closing my eyes I settled back against the seat. Only one image haunted me. The way David had pressed his body against mine as he had pinned me beneath his strength. The press of his lips against my neck and the way his eyes burned into mine. With a sigh I opened my eyes and stared out of the window. It would take some time to shake the memory of David Ashcroft.


  Making it back to my apartment building, I wearily climbed the stairs to my own front door. Finding it unlocked sent shivers down my spine. Standing outside the door I fought with myself over the best course of action. I pulled the leather boots off and held one in front of me. The spiked heel was the perfect weapon for whatever intruder lay inside. Opening the door I crept into the hall.

  My eyes wandered across the broken glass and spilled wine from earlier. A warm feeling spread through my belly as I remembered David’s touch. With a shake of my head I cleared my mind of all thoughts of him. He wasn’t here now. Someone else was. The sound of a bottle hitting the counter in the kitchen drew my attention.

  As quietly as I could I made my way to the kitchen door and peeked through the gap. The man standing at the counter almost made me drop the stiletto I held. Banging the kitchen door open I watched him jump and it gave me a certain level of satisfaction.

  Richard spun around to face me. I could tell from the moment I looked at him that he was drunk, or at least well on the way.

  “What are you doing here?” I tried to make my voice sound as icy as possible. I wanted him to know that he wasn’t welcome here. Clearly he had not returned his key like I had asked him to.

  He focused his attention on me, his eyes travelling down over my attire. A sneer filled with lust lit his face and unconsciously I took a step back. Several times in the past Richard had tried to “rough up” our sex life. It was not something I had ever been interested in but I had gone along with it.

  “Where were you?” There was a slight slur on his words. “I let myself in.” His eyes lingered on my barely contained breasts before sliding down to the slit in my skirt. He licked his lips when he realised just how far up my thigh it revealed. “You never dressed like that when we were together. If you had... Well, I might have reconsidered my hasty decision.”

  “Grow up, Richard. I’m none of your business anymore. I don’t want you here. Leave your key and get out.” I was beyond angry. How dare he look at me like that. He had made his choice. The blonde in the coffee shop told me that.

  I turned and stalked away down the hall. The kitchen door flopped open as Richard followed me. He grabbed my arm and turned me to face him once more. The smell of alcohol on his breath turned my stomach. What had I ever seen in him? He couldn’t compare to David.

  “Let me go.” I shook free of his grip and faced off against him. He was thin, he certainly didn’t hit the gym the way Ashcroft clearly did. However, I knew Richard was strong in a wiry kind of way.

  “Come on, baby. For old times’ sake. Looking at you all dressed up like that has me all hot and bothered.” He grabbed my hand and pressed it against his crotch. The feel of his small erection made me sick.

  “Why don’t you just go back to your little blonde bombshell? I’m sure she would be more than happy to help you.” I yanked my hand away as I spat the words into his face. For a second he seemed confused and then realisation dawned.

  “Libby, wants to take it slow. She’s a lady and I understand that. But a man has needs you know? You, Carrie, you were never a lady. I guess I never realised how much of a slut you really could be.”

  Without thinking I drew out and slapped him hard. The sound echoed in the hall. “Get out!” My hand shook as I pointed to the door.

  “You want to play? Let’s play then. I don’t mind a bit of rough.” Richard reached out towards me as though he hadn’t heard my command for him to get out. I dodged out of his grasping grip and ran down the hall towards my bedroom. If I could just get into the room I could lock the door and call the cops. I skidded across the wooden floor and into the room. I slammed the door but Richard reached it before I could get the lock in place.

  With one quick push he heaved the door open, knocking me backwards onto the floor. I hauled myself upright but the leather skirt slowed me down and tangled around my legs.

  “I love when you run from me, Carrie.” Richard wrapped his hand in my hair and dragged me kicking and struggling towards the bed. Pushing me onto the mattress he flipped me easily onto my stomach and pressed my face down into the rumpled sheets. The smell of sex and David’s musky scent invaded my nostrils.

  “No panties... I like it.” Richard declared as he pushed the leather skirt up to reveal my naked ass.

  “No!” I screamed and struggled as I heard the sound of him unbuckling his belt. And then he was gone. I was free. I dragged myself across the bed as the sound of cracking wood and a strangled cry of pain met my ears. Tears ran in rivulets down my cheeks as I turned to the scene of chaos.

  Richard lay in a heap, pieces of broken dresser lay aroun
d him.

  David stood over him. Anger rolled off him like waves of stormy water crashing onto the shore.

  “Don’t you ever touch her again. If you come near her, I will kill you. Do you understand?”

  “Who the fuck are you?” Richard swore as he attempted to pull himself up from the wooden wreckage.

  David pressed the toe of his highly polished black shoe into the middle of Richard’s chest and pushed. Richard sprawled back onto the floor and winced.

  “Seriously, this is none of your business. What I do with her doesn’t concern you.”

  David laughed then and I shrunk back against the head board. I watched as he crouched down beside Richard.

  “It concerns me when you try and harm what is mine. She doesn’t want you. She has found someone who knows how to treat a beautiful woman. Now get the hell out of here.”

  Richard scrambled up off the floor and headed for the door. The look he threw at me over his shoulder made me grateful that David was in the room. I sat quiet and still until I heard the sound of the front door slamming.


  The soft warm tone of his voice made tears spill down my face. I drew my knees up to my chin and sobbed. David wrapped his strong arms around me and cradled me against his chest.

  “How did you get in?” I looked up into his blue eyes.

  “The front door was open. I followed you from the club. I’m just sorry I didn’t get here sooner. Why did you leave?”

  Shock was beginning to numb my mind but at the mention of the club it brought back all my feelings of embarrassment from earlier.

  “I saw you come into the club. I know you followed me down. But then you left before I had the opportunity to come over to you. Why? Did you get a better offer?”

  Anger flared in my stomach and chased away my upset. “A better offer? The only one with a better offer was you! I saw her. Did you really expect me to hang around while you enjoyed yourself with her? I mean I know I don’t compare to her but I thought you wanted me?” I climbed off the bed as I spoke. I didn’t want his arms around me. They only clouded my judgement.


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