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The Imposter

Page 13

by Jenna Stone

  The tenderness of this gesture struck me to the core. Although we had been forced into this marriage, Devon was allowing me a choice. He was asking for my willingness to be his wife, before we consummated out marriage.

  “Thank you,” I uttered with sincerity.

  With that, he grabbed a blanket from the bed and began making himself a bed upon the floor.

  Chapter Nine

  I awoke startled, instantly aware that I was not alone in the chamber. Instinctively, I clutched the sheets around me and I felt Devon’s presence in the chair next to the fire, felt his eyes studying me from across the room.

  “Good morning, sleepy head,” he smiled from across the room.

  He rose from the chair and walked over to the bed. He wore only his kilt and I was again struck by how gracefully he moved and also by the beauty of his well muscled, smooth chest and his narrow waist.

  He is mine now. This thought sent shivers trailing up my spine. This beautiful man is my husband.

  I mustered what I could of a smile in return, and grumbled, “good morning,” as I raked a hand through my tangled hair. I was embarrassed, thinking that I must look frightful.

  Devon flopped on the bed and settled next to me as I relaxed back against the pillows, still clutching the sheets across my breasts. He lay on his side, head propped up with one arm, elbow resting on the bed. His hair was unbound and a night’s growth of beard lent him a handsome, rugged look as his eyes took me in.

  “No a morning person, I see?” he smiled, examining me with his green cat’s eyes.

  “Mmghm,” I grumbled in response, causing him to chuckle.

  “Would tea help?” he offered, rising from the bed before I had a chance to answer. He padded barefoot over to the table by the door, poured two cups of the steaming liquid and returned to the bed. He handed me a cup of tea and settled himself back onto the bed, this time sitting next to me.

  “I’ll take it that you are a morning person?” I said, sitting up in the massive bed and running my fingers through my hair to make my appearance more presentable.

  “Kate, doona fuss with yer hair. Ye look beautiful” he said as if reading my mind. He looked directly into my eyes, his look was desirous, hungry. The intensity of his gaze caused me to break away. I felt the burn of color flushing my face. “Yer beautiful and ye were meant to be marrit to the Laird. Up until yesterday, ye were the most eligible, most sought after lass in the keep. And now yer mine,” he said, possessiveness heavy in his voice.

  I released my grip on the sheet and settled both hands around the warm, soothing cup that he offered, eyebrows raised as he awaited my response. Devon’s statement sped up my pulse, and I felt my body stir in response to his open statement of possession. He was lying half naked on my bed. I wanted him to touch me.

  I studied him over the rim of my tea cup, my blue eyes meeting his green. There was a peculiar look in his eyes as he watched me.

  “What?” I asked, my voice sounding harsher than I had intended.

  Devon chuckled and then raked his hand through his tousled hair. “I was just thinking of how this is a first for me,” he said, eyes blazing, something close to amusement in his expression.

  “What is a first?” I asked, perplexed by his statement.

  “Allowing a woman to sleep in my bed.”

  “Have you had many women in your bed, Devon?” I asked emboldened stinging feelings of jealousy. He had not said that women had not been in his bed, he had only said that they were not allowed to sleep there.

  “No, not many,” Devon said calmly, the topic leaving him unfazed. “I’ll no lie tae ye and tell ye that there have no been others before ye,” he said, eyes steely and intense.

  Jealousy burned hot within me. I did not like thinking of Devon with other women.

  “I liked having ye in my bed,” Devon confessed, eyes hungry as he watched me. “I liked waking up tae find ye still sleeping beside me.”

  I bit my lower lip in response to his blatant approval of me occupying his massive bed.

  “What are ye sae afraid of, Kate,” he asked, voice now serious.

  Terror struck suddenly. What was he talking about?

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I lied coolly, casting my eyes away from his intense stare. The truth was that I was afraid of so many things.

  “Ye had a nightmare last night. Ye were talking in yer sleep, almost screaming at times.”

  Oh my God! What had I said?

  I fought to remain composed and twisted my fingers in the sheets. My thoughts were frantic as I tried to recall my dreams. Nothing stuck in my memory. My heart was beating an erratic rhythm, my blood singing in my veins. I tried not to panic.

  “What was I talking about?” I asked, terrified of his answer.

  “I’m not exactly sure, but it seemed as if someone was chasin’ ye,” he said, looking worried now as he studied me from across the bed. “Ye called out for me twice, and I thought that ye might have awoken and been scared, but when I came tae ye in the bed, ye were still asleep.”

  I wanted to die from embarrassment and I felt color burning my cheeks. I had called out for him in my dreams. Had my voice carried a hint of how I wanted him, how attractive I found him? It could have been much, much worse, I reminded myself.

  “I’d planned tae be a most respectable gentleman and sleep on the floor, but when I came tae ye in the bed and wrapped my arms about ye tae quiet yer nightmare, ye fell silent.”

  “Oh,” I responded, shocked. Devon’s embrace did have a calming effect on me, but I was shocked to realize that he had held me while I had slept and that I had not awoken.

  “And as I told ye before, it was a first for me tae allow a woman tae sleep in my bed. In fact, I thought that I wouldna be able tae sleep at all while ye were in my room.”

  “Did you?” I asked, worried that he had spent the whole night listening to me spill my secrets as I talked in my sleep.

  “Aye, I slept like the dead holding ye against me, keeping ye safe,” he whispered huskily. “And I thank ye for that, lass. I canna recall the last time I slept through the night. In fact, I rarely sleep at all. I’m a man who had a lot to worry about, a lot tae keep me awake at night,” he said, caution heavy in his tone.


  “Gotcha!” Devon exclaimed as he stalked up behind me and pulled me behind the stables and into his embrace.

  My heart nearly stopped beating from the thrill of his surprise attack.

  His lips were one mine, playful yet demanding as he pressed my body against the length of his own. I opened my mouth for him and kissed him passionately, having missed him since this morning.

  “Where are ye headed Mrs. McClain?” he whispered huskily, stubble tickling my cheek as he playfully nipped at my ear.

  I struggled to find words, having been so unnerved by his kisses and his arousing touch.

  “I was hoping to find you,” I confessed, smiling up at him and pushing his disheveled hair behind his ear.

  I messed up your hair. I had done that to him, I thought naughtily.

  “And find me ye did,” he smiled devilishly as he trailed kisses down my throat, robbing me of all rational thought. “What will ye do with me now that ye’ve found me?”

  “I quite like what you’re doing to me now,” I said haughtily, goosebumps breaking out on my skin as his fingers skimmed beneath the neckline of my gown.

  “Do ye now?” he questioned, eyes mischievous. “Because I quite like it too,” he said as he traced the line of my lower lip with his thumb and then ever so gently kissed me on the lips.

  Liquid fire shot through my veins at his light, tender touch.

  “I have something for ye,” he said, pulling away from me and digging roughly through his sporran. His eyes sparkled with excitement as he found what he had been searching for and hid it in his enclosed fist. His lips curled into a delicious playful smile.

  “No peeking! Close yer eyes and give me yer hand.”

  I did as he asked, unable to quell the idiot’s smile that had spread across my face. Seeing Devon so excited to give me a present made me giddy.

  He slipped something onto my finger and cursed under his breath as he tugged at it and secured it into place.

  It was hard to contain my smile and keep my eyes shut. I wanted to see him like this, flustered and unnerved with concentration. He was always so composed and I exalted in the rare times when I forced him to lose his precious control.

  He raised my hand to his lips and I giggled as I felt his stubble tickle my knuckles. His lips were warm when they came down on my ring finger, and as he kissed my finger, he whispered, “Alright, open yer eyes.”

  My blue eyes met his green as he looked up at me, eyes intense as he kissed the ring that he had placed on my finger. He looked so ruggedly handsome, eyes blazing as his lips lingered above my ring finger. My stomach did a summersault in response to him.

  “It’s no much, but I wanted ye tae wear something,” he said still holding my hand as I examined the braided red twine ring that he had carefully tied to my ring finger.

  “I love it, Devon. Thank you,” I said, beaming from ear to ear as I reached up and kissed him at the corner of his mouth.

  “I made it myself,” he said sheepishly. “I’ll get ye something more proper as soon as I may.”

  “I love it,” I said firmly, speaking the truth.

  “Good,” he said smiling dashingly and raking his hand through his hair. “I wanted tae make sure that everyone kens that yer mine,” he said huskily, possessiveness heavy in his tone.

  His breath came raggedly now and my heartbeat thundered. Devon pulled me against him and twisted my hair around his hand at the base of my neck, using it to leverage my chin up so that he could capture my lips in a hungry, possessive kiss.

  He tasted divine, all masculine scent and Devon. I raked my fingers over his chest and melted into him, opening my mouth so that our tongues could deepen the kiss. This elicited a growl of satisfaction deep in Devon’s throat. He cupped my face with both of his palms and continued to kiss me senseless.

  When he pulled away, I could barely find the strength to stand. Seeing how affected I had been by his kiss, Devon chuckled slightly and supported me until he was sure that I wouldn’t topple to the ground.

  “Will ye come watch me drill the soldiers?” he asked hopefully, nuzzling my neck and biting my ear, sending tingles all the way down to my toes.

  “Mmmhmm,” I mumbled, still to shaken to find words.

  I felt him smile against my neck. He was pleased with himself for making me speechless. He placed a light kiss at the base of my ear.

  “Ye can see what I do all day, and I’ll be able tae show ye off,” he whispered, pulling away and kissing the tip of my nose.

  Devon took my hand and raised it to his lips once more, placing a kiss on top of the red thread that symbolized our marriage. We walked hand in hand towards the lists and he settled me into the grass on the hill where I would have a good view of the drills.

  “Until later Mrs. McClain,” he whispered, kissing me lightly on the lips and patting me playfully on the bottom. He jogged down the hill towards his men as I sat watching him, mouth pen, heart hammering and hungry for more of Devon McClain.


  Devon’s prowess at military drill was extraordinary, just as I knew that it would be. I bit my lower lip as I watched him instruct his clansmen. He was so masculine and so at ease when he was in charge. I watched hungrily as his muscles rippled beneath his white linen shirt and I wished that it were my fingers and not his that raked through his unruly chestnut hair.

  He effortlessly wielded his sword, practicing with his men, teaching them as they modeled his skillful display.

  Damn he was attractive.

  He’s mine!

  I was as giddy as a young girl who had received an unexpected gift. Devon was the most unexpected gift of my life. My fingers ached to touch him and my lips tingled in anticipation of kissing his lips.

  I toyed absentmindedly with the red twine ring on my finger. The tiny thread had such a huge meaning. I loved that Devon had made this for me and my heart fluttered because he had wanted the whole clan to see this ring as a reminder of his claim on me.

  The sun loomed heavy in the autumn sky.

  How long had I sat here contently watching him?

  I hugged my arms about myself, noticing the chill that hung heavily in the air.

  Devon’s eyes locked with mine and he sheathed his sword, then jogged easily up the hill towards me.

  “Hi,” he said shyly, settling down next to me and draping his arm casually around my shoulders.

  “Hi,” I whispered, snuggling into his warmth and smiling like an idiot. He smelled heavenly.

  “Were you showing off for me, Devon McClain?” I teased as I nestled against him.

  His chest shook with laughter. “Ye noticed?”

  I couldn’t see his face, but I knew that he was smiling.

  “I didna want ye tae think that ye married a weakling,” he chuckled.

  “Now I know for sure that I married that best catch of the bunch,” I said smiling up at him and kissing him soundly on the cheek.

  “I thank ye for that, Kate,” he said, clearly pleased. “I doona think that I’ll ever tire of showing of for ye,” he said, smiling shyly now.

  “It was most impressive, most stimulating,” I said boldly, raising my lips to his.

  He took my invitation and kissed me softly, stroking my cheek with the back of his hand.

  “I canna start something that I canna finish right now, Kate,” he whispered longingly, his mouth almost touching mine. “I’ve got tae go finish up with drills. We’ve got a bit of daylight left,” he said, reluctance heavy in his eyes as he glanced at his men in the field below.

  I squeezed his bicep in acknowledgement that he had to go and he kissed me softly on the lips, sending my blood rushing with only his slightest touch.

  “I canna wait tae get home tae ye,” he said tenderly as he stood and pulled me to my feet. “Head on home and I promise ye that we’ll take up where we left off when I get home later.”

  “Hurry home,” I said smiling giddily as he jogged back down the hill to meet his men.

  Chapter Ten

  My heart soared when I heard Devon outside of our chamber. I heard his voice, weary from a hard day’s work arguing with a very similar voice. Collin. Their words were sharp and muffled. I couldn’t make out the details of their argument, but my eyebrows knit together in worry because I could tell that they were fighting.

  Devon stepped into our room and bolted the door behind himself as he exhaled sharply. Whatever had transpired with Collin had troubled him greatly. His eyes met mine and a genuine smile spread slowly across his lips. I was relieved.

  “I have a surprise for you, husband,” I smiled sweetly, hiding my surprise behind my back. I wanted to life Devon’s spirits and make him forget about his fight with his brother.

  “Do ye now?” he said, eyes sparkling as a boyish grin spread across his face.

  I was relieved that happy, mischievous Devon was back. Seeing his face so troubled by his argument with Collin had scared me.

  “Close your eyes,” I ordered, anticipation building within me. I so hoped that he would like my surprise.

  He did as I asked and I delighted in openly appraising him without the danger of him watching. His eyes were closed, his thick black lashes resting on his cheeks. He fought to control the playful smile that had spread over his face, and his dimple had been revealed in the process.

  How did I get lucky enough to call this perfect man my husband?

  I reached for his left hand, so solid and work hardened against my own. He had beautiful masculine hands. I tied my gift onto his finger and my eyes flashed up to his, gauging his reaction. He had not been able to contain his smile, which now spread openly across his handsome face.

  He approves!

finished tying the red thread ring onto his finger and then raised his hand to my lips, kissing the ring as he had done to my own ring earlier.

  “Open your eyes,” I whispered, smiling broadly.

  His green eyes locked with mine, and I drank in his delicious, approving smile.

  “I wanted all of the women to know that you belong to me,” I said boldly, mirroring his earlier statement.

  Devon chuckled and swept me into his arms for a thoroughly ravishing kiss.

  “I love it. Thank ye, Kate.”

  “Mine,” I whispered, unable to suppress my smile. I was thrilled that he had accepted my gift so warmly.

  “Yours,” he whispered in response as he let loose what could only be classified as a giggle. “Ye never cease tae amaze me, woman.”

  Devon hugged me to his chest and stroked my hair. His muscles were tense and I could tell that despite my efforts to raise his spirits, something was troubling him.

  “I canna stay, Kate,” he said as if reading my thoughts. “I need tae go finish something with my brother,” he said pulling away and kissing me on the forehead before walking briskly from our chamber and leaving me alone again.


  My husband returned hours later with a weight on his mind. He looked so tired and I suspected that his meeting with Collin was to blame for whatever was burdening him. He had changed his clothes and washed up after the day’s drills. Immediately upon entering our chamber and bolting the door behind him, he rucked his white shirt up over his head and tossed it on the bed. He looked exhausted, but he smiled softly at me.

  He walked towards me, clad only in low slung linen pants that hung just below his hips. I admired him openly; desire to touch his muscled chest boiling within me. He was so comfortable in his skin. I had no doubt that he was unaware of just how beautiful, how refined his body was.

  “Is that what yer wearing tae bed?” he whispered, coming up behind me and enveloping me in his arms. He brushed my hair aside and nuzzled my neck. “Ye smell sae good,” he said, nuzzling his nose into my unbound hair.


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