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Soldiers of Pearl 6: A Touch of Fear (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 12

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Say good-bye to your old life. It’s just the two of us, forever.”

  * * * *

  “That last fucking hour on that plane killed me,” Breaker stated as they walked off the plane and through the terminal.

  “You’re not kidding, and I can’t get any fucking service on this cell phone,” Logan said, and then Stack stopped short ahead of them.

  “Oh, fuck.” They all stopped.

  “What is it?” Bandit asked, and they listened to the sounds of their cell phones, buzzing as texts they hadn’t received on the plane came piling in.

  “A 911 emergency text from Wyatt,” Stack stated.

  “Oh God, are you reading this?” Breaker asked.

  “Maggie is missing. What the fuck,” Bandit said aloud.

  Before Logan could call anyone, he heard someone call out his name. They all looked up to see Perkins and Sunny standing behind the security gates.

  The four of them hurried to them and went through the exit.

  “What the fuck is going on?” Logan asked.

  “We tried contacting you. Maggie’s gone missing. The police in Fort Worth believe she was abducted,” Perkins told them.

  “I don’t believe this. Do they have any leads?” Logan asked as they all walked out of the terminal together.

  “Howard said that the guy who has been secretly purchasing her artwork made arrangements to meet her in the gallery. That was the last time he spoke to Maggie,” Sunny informed them.

  “The detectives found her purse and cell phone at the gallery in the garbage bin. The last text was from you guys after the phone call from Howard. No one saw a fucking thing,” Perkins added.

  “Surveillance cameras?” Breaker asked as they began heading to awaiting vehicles.

  “They were tampered with prior to the time Maggie went into the room alone at the gallery.”

  “I don’t believe this. Who is in charge? Where are they with the investigation?” Bandit asked them.

  “We need to get to Fort Worth. She’s been missing for twenty-four hours,” Sunny told them, and Logan felt his chest tighten and sickness fill his gut.

  He couldn’t believe this was happening. Their woman was abducted. Too much time had passed without a clue as to who could have taken her. Every investigator, tracker, hunter knew that the first twenty-four hours were key in finding someone who’d been abducted. She could already be dead depending on why she’d been taken and who had done it.

  * * * *

  “What do you have for us?” Breaker asked his government contact over the phone.

  They had all gone through the gallery in Fort Worth and the hotel room Maggie was staying in and then they questioned Howard again. He informed them about the guy he’d met and how he knew the man who had purchased her paintings.

  Breaker and Stack stood in front of the portrait of the young woman in the dress showing her bare back. The expression in her eyes was haunting to him. Whoever had taken Maggie had wanted her to see this picture. Her bracelet was on the floor in front of the portrait. Her purse had been found in the garbage by the elevator near the doors leading from here.

  Breaker went over it in his head, and then Stack began to think aloud.

  “She looks scared, as if she is embarrassed at posing for the portrait with her skin exposed.”

  “It’s like whomever is making her do it scares her.” As he said the words and tried to find a connection, he turned to the right to look at Stack.

  “Oh God, do you think the man from her past, the one who tried to molest her, took her?”

  Stack’s eyes widened, and then he turned toward the others.

  “We need the name of a man from Maggie’s childhood. A guy who knew her family and hung out with them all the time. Do we have any contact information on her parents or family that we can ask about this guy?” Stack asked them.

  “I’ve got something.” Bandit came running into the gallery with a laptop.

  “What is it?” Logan asked.

  “Here’s the fucking guy right here. The cameras behind the exhibit didn’t give a clear view, but our buddies in Vegas used their computer skills and got this asshole pretty fucking clearly.”

  “Holy shit, Bandit. Can they get a name?” Logan asked as they all looked at the older man in the picture.

  Bandit’s cell rang, and he took a seat on the floor, held the laptop on his lap, and answered.

  “Okay, I want everything you got. Yeah, a better picture. Perfect. Hurry.” He disconnected the call and then typed on his laptop.

  “Here’s the asshole who took our woman,” Bandit stated and turned the picture around to face them.

  Breaker stared at his face. He was a big man, with dark hair and streaks of gray on the sides. He had a mean expression and looked wealthy in his three-piece suit.

  “What else do they have on him? A home address, anything he’s connected to, like a business or something?” Breaker asked.

  “I have the name of his business firm in Dallas, a home address, and anything else we need to nail this bastard.”

  “That’s the guy who hurt her years ago. The man who tried molesting a teenage girl and made her life hell,” Stack said aloud.

  “What?” Bandit asked. They explained about the portrait, but all Stack could do was focus on the man’s face and think what he was going to do when he found him.

  “You’re a dead man, Corbin York. A dead man.”

  * * * *

  Maggie had tried to pretend that she was asleep, but Corbin didn’t buy it. He made her use the rest room and then made her sit in her panties and bra with her hands tied behind her back to the dining chair as he ate. She wasn’t going to eat anything. She would rather die.

  He talked to her non-stop about all the things he expected from her. He had at least two men working in the cabin, taking care of meals and cleaning things up.

  She wouldn’t respond to Corbin’s words, so he punished her. He tied her hands above her head to some kind of pulley in the ceiling in the basement of the cabin. Her knees barely touched the cold, concrete floor, making her arms burn as she hung there. Her only saving grace was that he hadn’t tried forcing himself on her. In his sick head, he wanted her to submit to him and accept him as her master. She didn’t really understand it, and as she hung there wondering not only when but also how she was going to die, she thought about her men. She had no idea where she was, how long she had been there, and whether or not Breaker, Logan, Stack, and Bandit were looking for her. She just knew that she loved them, and she would rather die than let Corbin rape her.

  She was exhausted from crying, and the pain in her arms had turned to numbness. She was so scared, especially as she looked around the dark room at all the things he had set up. There was a long hard wooden table with shackles on it. There were whips, sticks, paddles, and other things with spikes on the end. She wasn’t stupid. She knew that he intended to use those things on her and that it was just a matter of when. She was shaking because she was so cold. The door opened, and she heard the footsteps as her heart raced a little faster.

  She glanced to the right and saw one of the men, a helper to Corbin. He was easing the line so she could kneel fully on the floor. She moaned from the pain and stiffness in her arms.

  “Please help me. He’s going to kill me. I don’t want to be here. Please,” she begged for his help, and he walked closer.

  “Stay kneeling and bow your head when he comes in.” He started to walk away.

  “No, don’t go. Please help me.”

  Corbin appeared in the doorway, wearing no shirt and holding some kind of stick in his hand.

  “Leave us,” he ordered, and then the man closed the door behind him.

  Maggie watched him, and his breathing grew rapid.

  He lifted the stick with the strips of hard material hanging from the edges. He let them slide along his palm.

  “You’re stubborn, Maggie, but I’m a very patient man. I’ve trained for years, for hours upo

n hours, for this time with you.”

  “I don’t want this. I don’t want you,” she said to him, and he struck her hard across the mouth.

  “Oh.” She gasped as she felt the pain in her jaw, and her lips swelled instantly.

  He slapped the stick down to the floor. “You are mine. You just need to submit.”

  “Never,” she said, teeth clenched. “Never.” She then jerked as the stick smacked against her ass and lower back. She felt her skin tear from one hit as she cried out in pain.

  “Years I’ve waited to have you, possess you, and make you all mine. Your beauty and innocence belongs to me. I’m the one who gets your virgin body. My touch, my control, will be the only things you’ll feel from now on.”

  He slapped the stick against her back again, and she cried out in anger.

  “I’m sorry to tell you that your waiting failed. I’m not a virgin anymore. You won’t be the only man to touch me and own this body.”

  He was on her in a flash. He grabbed her hard, lifted her higher by one wrist, and twisted it. She cried out in pain.

  “You are mine. None of the past matters. None of the men you fucked matter. Only I do.”

  She shook her head at him. She wasn’t going to let him break her down. She would rather die than let him have her body.

  “That’s not true. My relationship with them isn’t over. They’re mine, and I’m theirs. You mean nothing. You are nothing but a sick bastard, and I hate—“

  She screamed as he twisted her arm and broke it, then grabbed her throat and covered her mouth with his. She was crying and kicking and screaming for help. She kicked him in the balls, and he grunted and became more enraged. She spit at him and bit into his cheek in desperation then head-butted him in the nose when the line gave and she crashed to the floor. Her head hit the concrete, stunning her and her back ached in pain on the concrete flooring. He swatted at her body, her ribs and belly with the whip, and she cried out until she had no voice, and then he struck her. She fell back, losing the fight. Everything went black.

  * * * *

  “She could be dead already. To think about what those workers at his home told us, the abuse, that dungeon in the basement and the suggestion that Corbin may have killed some women, makes this a very dangerous and intense situation. If he has a hold of Maggie right now, we have to be careful how we confront him,” Bandit whispered into the wrist mic.

  “She’s not fucking dead. She’s in there, and she’s alive. We’ve got satellite heat images of four individuals inside the cabin. Six outside security men. Don’t focus on the reports and the information our friends discovered. Focus on saving Maggie and bringing her home,” Logan said to his men.

  They were all uptight and pissed off and sick from having to use their professional abilities to track down this asshole who’s taken their woman. The more they learned about Corbin York, the more they felt he didn’t deserve prison but rather death. The files they read and the secrets that were revealed when their connections began to question people from Maggie’s family and neighborhood was crazy. Corbin had molested multiple children and more recently had raped and murdered at least three women who he forced to be his submissive prisoners, if what his house employees told the investigators were true. There was evidence to gather, witnesses to question, but none of that mattered to them. What mattered was saving Maggie before this madman killed her. Corbin was into sick, demeaning, abusive methods, and he had Maggie as his prisoner for three days. Three whole days since she was abducted at the gallery. Three days and two nights of no sleep as they hunted Corbin down and had their friends pool their resources to find out all they could about Corbin York. With each detail and accusation about the man, their desperation to find Maggie and rescue her increased. Corbin would suffer for what he did.

  “Team One is moving in in two minutes.”

  He heard the warning in his ear mic and looked at his team.

  “Whatever we find in there, we need to be prepared for the worse,” Logan whispered to them.

  “I can’t make the separation this time. I can’t, knowing that it’s our woman in there possibly being raped and tortured by this sick fuck,” Breaker said through clenched teeth.

  “We need to keep our cool. They’re moving in. Just remember that her life depends on our swift, controlled, professional action. Let’s do this. Let’s bring Maggie home,” Logan said, and they prepared to move in once Team One took out the perimeter security patrols.

  * * * *

  Maggie moaned as pain radiated over her entire body. She blinked her eyes open, feeling the shooting ache to her temple and her arm. She saw Corbin, nose bleeding, cheek cut open, and then she saw the long, sharp knife he held in his hand.

  “I’ve waited long enough.”

  She felt the blade move along her hip and groin, and then he jerked it upward and her panties ripped. She gasped and tried moving, but he rammed his forearm over her throat as he held to blade to her collarbone and shoulder.

  “I’ll fucking kill you. You’re nothing but a worthless whore. I tried being nice and taking my time, but you’ve pushed my limits.”

  She could hardly focus. She was so weak and felt sick, and she couldn’t move her left arm at all.

  He struggled to undo his pants, and she knew this was it. He was going to rape her.

  “No! I hate you. I hate you!” she screamed at the top of her lungs, and he pressed the knife to her shoulder and cut the skin.

  She screamed and cried when suddenly the door burst open and light filled the dark room, and he pressed the knife deeper into her skin. She screamed until she no longer had a voice and heard the shots. One, two, three echoed through the room, and Corbin rolled to the side, pulling the knife from her flesh as he fell.

  “Oh Jesus. Holy God no. Baby, please stay with us. Stay with me,” Bandit yelled, and she cried as he pulled something from his pocket. She heard radio chatter and then saw bursts of lights fill the room and a multitude of people enter.

  Stack was on his knees on her other side. “Maggie. Oh God, baby, we’re so sorry we left you. If we hadn’t left you…”

  He carried on, and she was losing her ability to remain conscious.

  “Corbin?” she asked, teeth chattering.

  “Dead,” Stack stated firmly.

  “The paramedics are coming down the hallway now. Helicopter is in the clearing ready to get her to General,” one of their friends who’d assisted in the raid told them.

  “You saved me. I love you,” she whispered and then closed her eyes and heard the echo of their voices as her men pleaded for her to live.

  Chapter 9

  “No, no, please,” she cried out, and Breaker hugged her tightly.

  “It’s okay, baby. You’re safe. He can’t hurt you. We’ve got you.”

  He listened to her gasp for air as he caressed her waist and kissed her neck. She moved the cast and calmed her breathing then turned to look at him.

  Every day and night, they had each taken turns sleeping with her in their arms. They wouldn’t leave her side, not ever again, as they all tried to recover from her abduction and what they’d walked in on. It hadn’t helped that Corbin had recorded all his abuse of her and that of his other victims. The only positives to finding those recordings was that it was evidence that helped justify the invasion into his cabin and rescuing Maggie before she was killed.

  “I’m sorry, Breaker,” she whispered, and he held her gaze and shook his head.

  “What did we tell you about apologizing? It isn’t your fault. We’re here for you and always will be.”

  She reached up with her good hand and placed it against his cheek.

  “I love you so much.”

  “I love you, too.”

  “Did you have a good nap?” Stack asked as he, Bandit, and Logan entered the bedroom.

  She looked at Breaker and then nodded. They knew she more than likely had awoken in a scare. They’d each experienced the terror she felt, and they would do an
ything to make it go away and help her to heal and forget.

  * * * *

  Maggie reached her casted hand and arm out to Stack.

  “Come snuggle with me,” she said to him.

  He kicked off his shoes and joined her on the bed, pulled her close, and kissed her.

  As she moved, she cringed a little, her shoulder very sore from the stitches that had just been removed this morning.

  “Take it easy, baby. Remember what the doctor said,” Logan stated firmly as he and Bandit took a seat on the bed.

  “He said I can start to resume regular activity, and that, next week, I can get this cast off.”

  “But we say you need more time to heal,” Bandit stated.

  “I know exactly what I need to heal,” She whispered and then looked at her four sexy men, knowing that making love to them would be perfect.

  But they were being cautious, and they worried about her fearing their touch and maybe the intimacy because of what Corbin had tried with her. But that was silly because their touch was loving, and she craved it like nothing else in her life. That bond and closeness was powerful indeed.

  “Do you now?” Breaker asked.

  She took Stack’s hand and slowly brought it under the waist of her shorts and straight to her mound. “I sure do. Making love to my four sexy soldiers will definitely help to heal me.”

  Stack’s fingers grazed her pussy lips, and she held his gaze.

  “Are you sure, Maggie?” he asked cautiously.

  “Don’t you love me anymore?” she asked.

  ‘Oh brother,” Logan said, and they chuckled low.

  “Ah, hell, baby. Get ready. Six weeks of no sex with our woman has been torture,” Stack told her and pressed closer to kiss her lips.

  Bandit slowly pulled down her shorts and panties, tossed them over his head and then fell between her thighs. She felt his tongue instantly lick her pussy and then he feasted on it. She moaned and shook then watched the others remove their clothing and prepare to make love to her.


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