Destined - The Austin Series Prequel

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Destined - The Austin Series Prequel Page 3

by C. J. Fallowfield

‘Shit,’ I groaned as she closed her fist around it and started stroking me. Christ, feeling someone else doing it was so much hotter than wanking yourself off. She smiled and moved her mouth towards mine and kissed me. I had no idea what I was doing, but it felt good, so I followed her lead and kissed her back. Before long our mouths were mashing together and she started thrusting her tongue in my mouth, in time with her strokes and my cock swelled even harder.

  ‘Gabe you’re a natural,’ she mumbled into my mouth. Christ, Doug was going to go crazy when I told him about this later, he was still a virgin too and we’d placed bets on who’d lose it first. We didn’t get much chance to meet girls at our all boys boarding school and both of us had resisted the frequent advances of some of the other male boarders. No way was I touching or sucking another guy’s cock, or letting any of them anywhere near mine.

  ‘Shit … shit,’ I moaned as I tensed up. I was going to come. Damn it. I’d read women liked guys who could hold off coming, but being touched by someone else for the first time was too much. She suddenly pulled back and dropped to her knees, before I knew it my burning cock was in her hot wet mouth and she was sucking me like a Chupa Chup. I tipped my head back and let out a strangled groan. Christ that felt good, so much better than a hand job. I looked down, but all of her red hair was in the way as she bobbed up and down. I grabbed it, pulling it back to make her tilt her head, and when she looked up at me with those big green eyes that did me in. I felt all of my muscles tense up as my balls contracted and watched as she hollowed her cheeks and sucked even harder. ‘Fuck,’ I yelled, as a hot torrent of come spewed out of me into her mouth. I shuddered again and again and grabbed the back of her head and yanked her harder onto me, as I thrust my hips forward and emptied the rest of my load down the back of her throat. I collapsed back on the wall as she pulled her mouth off me, spluttering and licking her lips, before wiping her mouth on her sleeve. Damn that was erotic to watch, so much better than the odd porno I’d seen.

  ‘O God Gabe, you taste so good. I can’t wait to have you inside me, filling me with all that hot come,’ she groaned. I felt myself twitching and she grinned up at me. ‘I love younger guys, they have so much stamina. Right, my turn.’ She licked me clean before standing and kissing me and I grimaced. I didn’t want to taste my own come on her lips, that was just gross. She leaned back on the wall and hitched up her skirt and I nearly convulsed. I was looking at my first real life pussy and it was bald. She parted her legs, took my right hand and pushed it up between them. She felt silky smooth, hot and sodden.

  ‘You’re so wet,’ I observed.

  ‘The wetter a woman the better a job you’re doing, Gabe. Right, feel this hard lump here?’

  ‘Yeah,’ I nodded.

  ‘That’s my clit. It’s super sensitive and really gets a woman going when a guy rubs it with his fingers or licks it with his tongue. Gently,’ she gasped as I started rubbing it vigorously. I slowed down and she smiled and nodded as her eyes started to glaze over. ‘Yes … yes like that, circle it and tease me by going faster, then slower, pressing then rubbing, so I don’t know what’s coming next.’

  I did as I was told and she started to wriggle her hips and pant. Her eyes went wide as we heard the bathroom door open. Shit, I was going to get into so much trouble if I got caught, from the look on her face so would she, but it was extra hot knowing someone was in here with us. I clamped my free hand over her mouth to muffle her cries as I carried on playing with her clit, pleased to see how much bigger her eyes got as she gazed wildly back at me. My cock started swelling again and I liked the feeling that I was making her this wet for me, I felt all powerful and manly. I heard the toilet flush and rubbed her faster, moisture seeping all over my fingers. The taps turned on, then the dryer started and with the noise of it I dropped to my knees and flicked my tongue out, like she’d said, and licked her clit. She let out a squeal before covering her own mouth quickly and I pushed her legs apart and groaned as the musky smell of her sex hit my nostrils. Damn that was so arousing. I pushed my face between her legs and licked, lapped and sucked. As the dryer noise stopped and the door opened and closed, she grasped my head and her body tensed, then she started shuddering.

  ‘Gabe … o my God, Gabe,’ she cried. I loved the sound of my name on her lips at that high pitched tone, I felt needed and wanted and the look of happiness in her eyes said I’d done well. I think I’d just made a girl come. I had a feeling that this girl would be at my beck and call if I wanted. I’d be like a drug to her and anytime I wanted to get off I could call her and she’d come running. That was seriously hot, Doug was going to be so jealous. She reached into a pocket in her skirt and pulled out a square foil packet. It was a condom, I’d seen them in sex ed lessons in school. She ripped it open and held my cock again as she rolled it down my thick shaft. I winced, it was really tight. She sat me down on the toilet and straddled my thighs, holding me in place with one hand as she lowered herself onto me. Shit, this was it, I was actually inside a girl, I was having fucking sex. I wanted to do a celebratory fist pump in the air, but as she sank down my shaft she grabbed my hands and put them on her hips.

  ‘Fucking hell,’ I uttered. It was even better than her mouth. I could feel her hot flesh surrounding my rubber cloaked cock, and when she started to rise and fall I groaned at the sensation it gave me.

  ‘O yes Gabe, God you’re so big, your cock feels amazing inside me. Does it feel good for you?’ she asked. I nodded, speechless, bent my head and took one of her nipples in my mouth again. Damn it, I was going to come again any minute if she carried on grinding like that. I thrust my hips up and down as she moved on me, which made her squeal even louder. Screw this, I didn’t want a woman controlling me, I was the man. I grabbed her arse, stood up and started walking her back towards the wall, still inside her. She gasped as I rammed her up against it, gripped her hips and started thrusting into her hard. God that felt good, she had tears rolling down her cheeks as I fucked her faster and faster. As I felt her nails dig into the back of my shirt and her body tense up, so did mine. I came at the same time she did, and she buried her neck in my shoulder as she panted.

  ‘I really like sex.’ I uttered as I came down from the best high of my life to date. It was even better than the feeling I got from winning my races. She lifted her head and laughed before kissing me quickly.

  ‘You’re very good at sex, Gabe. Are you sure you were a virgin?’

  ‘Yes,’ I nodded proudly.

  ‘Wow, imagine how much better you’re going to be when I teach you everything else. How come you’re not at college today?’ she asked as I pulled out of her. I peeled the tacky condom off my cock while she adjusted her skirt.

  ‘College?’ I looked at her surprised.

  ‘Yes, do you have a free period?’

  ‘I’m not in college,’ I laughed as she grabbed her bra while I tucked myself back in. She looked at me and her face went a bit pale as she slid the black straps over her shoulders.

  ‘What do you mean you’re not in college?’

  ‘I’m at boarding school, but I got suspended for fighting today. I’m not old enough to have started college yet.’

  ‘O my God,’ she gasped as she shrugged her shirt back on. ‘How old are you?’

  ‘Why does it matter?’ I frowned, I had a horrible feeling that she wasn’t going to be happy when she found out.

  ‘Gabe, how old?’ she demanded.

  ‘Thirteen,’ I shrugged. She took a big gulp, staggered back and plonked herself down on the loo.

  ‘Shit. Shit. You’re only thirteen?’ She looked up at me horrified, her fingers clasping the sides of her head.

  ‘Yeah, what’s the problem?’

  ‘What’s the problem?’ She almost sounded hysterical. ‘The problem is that I just effectively committed rape, Gabe. It’s illegal to have sex with someone under sixteen. I thought you were about seventeen, like me. You’re so tall and you’re built like … like … that … you’re a big lad.’r />
  ‘I swim a lot,’ I shrugged. My body was a hell of a lot bigger and more defined than most thirteen year olds. Damn I’d seriously just had sex with a 17 year old? Did that qualify as sex with a cougar? Doug was going to be so impressed.

  ‘You can’t tell your dad about this, he’ll have me fired, or worse. Don’t tell anyone. You’d better get out of here, quickly.’

  ‘When can we do that again?’ I asked.

  ‘We’re not doing that again, Gabe.’ She shook her head as she stood back up and started to button her shirt with trembling fingers. ‘Not now I know how old you are.’

  ‘Seriously?’ I uttered. That had just fucked up my plans for regular on tap sessions.

  ‘Yes, seriously. I’ll give you my number, call me when you turn sixteen and I’ll happily pick this up, but I’m not going there again until you are,’ she replied. Damn it, why hadn’t I lied?

  ‘You’ll probably have a boyfriend by the time I’m sixteen,’ I scowled, annoyed.

  ‘I’ve got a boyfriend now, Gabe. I’ve never cheated on anyone before, but you … damn it, will you just go? Stop looking at me with those bloody big beautiful blue eyes in that gorgeous face, it’s just too much,’ she groaned as she covered her eyes.

  ‘Can I have your number then?’ I asked, pulling my mobile out of my blazer pocket. I’d like to fuck her again when I was sixteen, being my first was special. Though now I’d finally done it and knew I was good at it, that I could make a woman come with my cock and my tongue, I could go and find other willing women. No way was I waiting another three years to do that again. She read it out to me as I tapped it in. ‘What’s your name?’

  ‘Chelsea,’ she sighed. ‘It’s Chelsea.’

  9 Months Ago

  I sat on a stool, my shirt sleeves rolled back, as I propped myself up on the bar with my forearms. I looked around the room and sighed, the same bloody faces, the same women all trying to catch my eye. I’d done pretty much all of them before and I was actually tired of it. I was due to finish at Dunsmaster in July, when I completed my A levels, and I’d already decided that I wanted to attend Westhampton Uni, in my own home city. My relationship with my dad had really improved over the last couple of years and I’d calmed down a lot. Doug had helped with that, as did enrolling in Ju-jitsu, giving me a focussed, controlled outlet for my anger.

  Every week I’d come out to bars like this with Doug, searching for something to fill a void in my life. I didn’t actually know what I was looking for, but I wasn’t finding it between the legs of the scores of women I’d left in my wake. I’d even fucked one of my friend’s mothers, after she came onto me, and had got in a fight with her husband when he caught us having sex on the floor in the kitchen. That hadn’t gone down well with my friend or my dad, but even sexy cougars didn’t do it for me.

  I looked around again, most of these women were only interested in me for my looks, definitely for my body. I worked really hard to keep that in check, running, gym, swimming and it all paid off when it came to my stamina in the sack. I was a fantastic lay, just like Chelsea had promised me five years ago. Chelsea, I felt my cock twitch at the thought of her. We’d flirted for three years after she’d been my first in those toilets. The day I turned sixteen I went to 26 where she still worked, but this time I’d dragged her to the toilets and had shown her what I’d learned in the time we’d been apart. I’d made her come so hard she’d drawn blood biting down on my hand to try and muffle her screams. I felt a connection with Chelsea that I didn’t with all these other women. She knew a bit about my history, knew I’d lost my mum, though not why. She also knew how distant my dad had been for much of my life and when I needed a sexual fix, I knew I could ring her and she’d drop everything for me. Something was still missing though, friends with benefits, that’s all we were.

  I politely turned away a pretty brunette with brown eyes that came and asked to join me, reminding me what a good time we’d had the last time. I always had a good time because I always came. I wasn’t a total bastard, in fact I was pretty considerate, I always made sure they had a good time too before I got what I wanted, but that was it for me. Sex was always good, never amazing. All I knew was that I hated being alone, yet I was also terrified of getting attached to anyone in case I lost them. I had so many memories of how happy Mum and Dad had been, how in love they’d looked and I wanted that. I wanted to get over this reluctance to bond with a girl and find someone to settle down with. I wanted to have my own family, and this time I’d protect them, I’d make sure no harm ever came to any of them. That would help alleviate some of my guilt for the past, though I doubted anything could ever totally erase it.

  I drained my water and dialled Chelsea, a good fuck, with someone who understood that was all it was, would pick me up. I wasn’t in the mood for an emotional encounter with another woman. What didn’t they understand about it just being sex? I was always up front that it was a one night thing, yet when it was over and I tried to leave, they’d cry, or try and plead with me to stay, or begged for my number. I didn’t understand why they got so attached after one damn session. I always had one night stands, unless she really took my fancy, but I rarely did it with any girl more than a couple of times, they just got too clingy. Not Chelsea though, she was easy and uncomplicated, she just got it. She answered my call almost immediately, as she always did. I doubted even 999 Emergency Services would pick up as quickly as Chelsea did when I called.

  ‘Where are you?’ I demanded.

  ‘Working, I could take a ten minute break if you think you could be done in that time frame?’

  ‘I’ll ring you when I get there,’ I confirmed and put the phone down. Ten bloody minutes? Damn it, I wasn’t really into quick time restricted fucks, but it was better than nothing. I sat upright and flexed neck and rolled my broad shoulders and saw Doug approaching.

  ‘Alright dude?’

  ‘Yes. I’m going to head out. Need a lift?’

  ‘No, I’ve scored with some leggy bird wearing a leather mini.’

  ‘You and your bloody leather fetish,’ I laughed.

  ‘Not seen anyone who takes your fancy in here?’

  ‘Doug, I know the contours of every girl in here so well I could be a cartographer. What’s the bird in the skirt look like?’ I gave him a wink.

  ‘Damn it, don’t ruin this for me Gabe, there’s hardly any girls in this city you haven’t fucked and I don’t fancy your seconds,’ he scowled. I laughed again and stood up.

  ‘You make me sound like some kind of man whore. There’s loads of girls in this city that I haven’t fucked, it’s just we keep going to the same damn bars all the time.’

  ‘Wait until we start Uni in September, a whole new influx of girls to take our pick from.’

  ‘Yeah,’ I sighed with a slap to his back. Yet more girls to sift through, trying to find … what I didn’t even know I was looking for. It didn’t fill me with the same enthusiastic joy it did him.

  ‘Where you going?’

  ‘Where do you think?’

  ‘She must be one hell of a lay for you to keep running back to her.’

  ‘I don’t run,’ I protested. ‘She’s easy, uncomplicated and she gets me that’s all.’

  ‘I don’t know why you don’t just go out with her,’ he sighed with a shake of his head and I laughed again and slapped him on the back.

  ‘Chelsea’s not the dating kind, Doug. She cheated on her boyfriend to seduce me and she’s cheated on loads of boyfriends to keep fucking me ever since. Not the kind of girl I’m looking to marry thanks. See you in the morning, have fun with leather girl.’

  ‘I plan to,’ he nodded with a wide grin and a wink.

  ‘I’m on 24, hurry up,’ I ordered as I rang Chelsea from the lobby of my dad’s offices.

  ‘See you in one minute,’ she giggled as I hung up. I paced back and forth waiting for her. Damn it, was taking her so long? I needed to deal with this damn erection. I spun around as the lift opened. She joined me in th
e reception lobby and I punched in the code to slide the glazed doors into a locked position behind her, just in case, grabbed her by the hand and dragged her to the reception desk.

  ‘Lift up your dress and bend over.’ I raised an eyebrow at her, impatiently waiting for her to comply.

  ‘Gabe, you know I love it when you boss me around,’ she grinned.

  ‘Now Chelsea. If we only have ten minutes I don’t want to waste any time talking,’ I growled as I unzipped my jeans. She immediately pulled up her black fitted dress to her hips, it was part of her uniform at the restaurant now she was a hostess, but it was sexy the way it clung to her arse. ‘You’re wearing a fucking string again, you know I prefer lace fitted knickers,’ I muttered, annoyed.

  ‘Yeah, well Simon prefers strings and if you don’t want him to find out about us I need to…’

  ‘Stop bloody talking and bend over,’ I snapped as I extracted myself from my boxers. She licked her lips as she saw my hard cock with a bead of come balanced on the end. I grabbed the back of her shoulder and pushed her down over the desk and nudged her ankle with my foot. She automatically spread her legs, exposing her quivering pink pussy to me, still shaved, just how I preferred it. I let go of her and quickly rolled a condom onto me, with the expertise of someone who’d done it many times before. I could see creamy white fluid bubbling out of her as she clenched with anticipation, I loved how just the thought of sex with me got her all creamed up. ‘Grip the far edge of the desk,’ I barked.

  ‘God, you’re so hot,’ she groaned as she stretched her arms in front of her and complied. I didn’t waste any time with foreplay, not when I only had … I looked at my watch … eight minutes of her break left. She screamed as I slammed myself straight into her quivering opening. I could feel her muscles tightening, trying to drag me in deeper. I grabbed her red pony tail and yanked it back, making her gasp and clench even harder. Chelsea liked it rough and that suited me, since I’d put the brakes on picking fights to help me deal with this ball of anger I had inside me, rough sex was an excellent substitute, along with my martial arts. I sucked on my thumb as I pounded her, she wasn’t the tightest girl I’d been with, but we were in tune after so many times, she knew how to move to match my moves, how to swivel and gyrate to help me get off. I also knew what got her off and smiled as she screamed when I thrust my wet thumb up her backside.


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