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RaspBuried Torte (Black Cat Cafe Cozy Mystery Series Book 5)

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by Lyndsey Cole

  Crumbs fell off the cupcake as Violet took another bite. She pulled out the fourth chair and sat at the table. “Claire thought it would be a bigger surprise. You know, Abby wouldn’t expect it coming from me.” She finished the cupcake and brushed her hands together. “I think I’m beginning to understand the problem. With Claire, ah, missing the event, it was an odd gift for me to give. I should have realized the problem but I was only doing what Claire wanted.”

  “Of course. We’ll explain it to Abby,” Annie said. She looked around the cheerful kitchen, blocking out the memory of the first time she looked through the door and saw Claire dead on the floor. “Have you and Cody figured out how to move forward with the renovations? Now that he’ll be inheriting his mother’s share of the house?”

  Violet stood up, putting her business persona back in place. “I don’t think that’s any of your business, now is it? Thank you for the cupcakes.” She opened the back door. “Be careful walking to your car in the dark.”

  Annie was the last to slide into Leona’s car and slam her door. “That was about the quickest turn around I’ve ever seen. Do you believe that story about the rattle?”

  “There’s something fishy going on. And what was she arguing with Larry about?” Leona wondered.

  “If this didn’t affect Abby, which in turn worries Martha, I wouldn’t give it another thought,” Annie said. “Enough for tonight. I’m looking forward to relaxing with Jason and a glass of wine.”

  “Are you sure he doesn’t already have company tonight? You have been neglecting him lately,” Leona teased while watching Annie’s reaction in the rearview mirror.

  Annie turned her eyes away and ignored the dig.

  “What are you afraid of, Annie? Jason wants to move forward with you.”

  Annie shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  Mia quietly said, “I know what you’re afraid of. If you take that next step, you’re afraid you’ll get hurt. You’re afraid he won’t love you the way you love him. You’re afraid you might lose what you have.” Mia paused, then added, “If you don’t take a risk, you’ll never know how much better it could be.”

  Silence filled the car in a way that was exactly what Annie needed at that moment.

  Chapter 15

  Jason’s car was not alone in his driveway when Annie pulled into her spot. She knew who’s car it was but not why she was at Jason’s house. So much for a relaxing evening with Jason and a glass of wine, she complained to herself.

  Annie let herself into Jason’s house to the sound of laughter, soft music and no Roxy greeting her at the door. Her heart twisted in a knot. Leona had been warning her about Jason wanting to move forward. Maybe he was. But not with her.

  “Hello,” she called, just in case. She did not want to walk in on anything awkward.

  She heard Roxy’s collar tags jingle as she jumped off some piece of furniture, most likely the couch. Jason wasn’t far behind Roxy with a big smile and a tight hug. “Finally. Where have you been?”

  Once Annie unwound herself from Jason’s embrace, she saw Camilla standing in the living room. Her face was flushed pink. Annie assumed it was from the wine since a bottle and two glasses were on the coffee table. She didn’t let her mind go to a different possibility—something going on between Camilla and Jason.

  Jason kept his arm around Annie’s waist, ushering her into the living room. “I’ll pour you a glass of wine.” He picked up the bottle and tilted it. “There’s enough left for you. Camilla was telling me about her date with Henry Harper the third.” Jason smirked. “I can’t help but laugh every time I say his name. Especially since that’s how he prefers to be addressed.”

  Camilla flopped back onto the leather recliner. “You were completely right about that guy, Annie. He couldn’t take his eyes off my diamond necklace. Well, maybe a couple of times to stare at what’s below.” Camilla glanced down as if she forgot what might be there. “I wore this low cut top, hoping to distract him and get some good info out of him.”

  Annie had already noticed the revealing shirt with a smidge of worry as to Jason’s reaction to it. “Did it work?”

  Camilla settled comfortably back in the chair and crossed her legs. “He was putty in my hands. Thank you for warning me about him, I can be so naïve sometimes. Actually, most of the time, and I would have thought he was madly in love with me the way he stared into my eyes,” she leaned forward and fluttered her lashes, “and gave me his undivided attention.”

  Annie sipped her wine, savoring the way its warmth traveled through her body. She was used to Camilla’s overly dramatic conversations so she let herself relax and listen with one ear.

  “And then, he said he saw both Cody and Larry in the house with Claire before she was murdered.”

  Setting her glass down, Annie asked, “Where was Henry when he saw all this?”

  “Oh, I forgot to ask. I thought it was such interesting information, I couldn’t wait to tell you.”

  “Henry hangs around the Harper House a lot. Did you find out anything more about his box of gold coins and jewelry?”

  Camilla smiled and glanced quickly at Jason. “I already told Jason about this.” Her eyes widened with excitement. “He wants me to sneak inside the house tomorrow night to show me something.”

  Annie leaped up. “Are you crazy? He could be the murderer and get you alone so he can steal your diamonds. Or worse.”

  Camilla stroked her necklace. “They aren’t the real ones. I told you that.”

  Annie rolled her eyes and forced herself to stay calm. “Obviously Henry doesn’t know they’re fake.” She drummed her fingers on the seat of the couch. “This is what we’ll do. Tell him you’ll meet him there and I’ll go earlier and hide somewhere so you won’t be in the house alone.”

  Jason glared at Annie but didn’t say anything. Instead, he stood up and stretched.

  Camilla jumped to her feet. “I get the hint.” She winked at Jason. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow, Annie.” She waved as she let herself out the door.

  Annie’s body slouched deeper into the couch with her legs out in front and her arms thrown up over her head. “How did she survive to the ripe old age of twenty six? She has less common sense than an earthworm.”

  Jason chuckled. “Don’t be so hard on Camilla. She tries, and don’t forget, she gave you those beautiful diamond earrings.”

  Annie felt her bare earlobes. “I tried to give them back but she wouldn’t hear it. I’ll have to start wearing them. Do diamonds go with jeans and a t-shirt?”

  “Not usually. You could tell everyone they’re fakes.” He sat back down next to Annie and handed her the still half-filled glass of wine. “Here. I think you need this.”

  Annie cuddled up with Jason’s arm around her shoulders and sipped her wine. “I was worried when I walked in and heard you and Camilla laughing together.”

  “Well, there is something I need to tell you,” Jason said with a serious voice.

  Annie’s body tensed and she looked at Jason’s face. The corner of his mouth was twitching slightly until Annie jabbed him with her elbow and he burst out laughing. “Camilla is about as far from my type of woman as could be.”

  She settled back into the curve of his side. “What is your type of woman?”

  His arm pulled her tight. Annie set her empty glass on the table and fell into his embrace. “Is this your answer?” she whispered.


  Hot breath blew across Annie’s face. Everything felt wrong as her mind drifted awake. One eye opened to Roxy’s expectant face staring at her. A warm wool blanket covered her curled up body but she was stiff and uncomfortable. She straightened, almost rolling off the couch as her body worked out the kinks. Freshly brewed coffee aroma drifted past Roxy’s dog breath helping to bring her wide awake.

  Humming and the sound of liquid being poured brought a smile to her face. With a pat on Roxy’s head, Annie swung her legs to the floor but kept the blanket wrapped around her body in the chilly mor
ning air.

  “Here you go. Instead of waking you up last night, I covered you and let you enjoy some couch surfing.” Jason handed Annie a hot mug of coffee before he sat down in the chair opposite the couch.

  “I slept well. I hope I didn’t snore or make any other rude noises to keep you awake,” Annie said without looking at Jason, slightly embarrassed by the thought of him watching her sleep.

  “There were plenty of noises, but let’s just say it was Roxy,” he said with a twinkle in his eye. “So, I’ve been thinking about what you told Camilla about hiding in the Harper House if she goes there with Henry.”

  One of Annie’s eyebrows rose as she peered at Jason over the top of her mug. “Do you want to come with me?”

  “That is a possibility, or you could let the police chief or Detective Crank in on your plan. No need putting yourself in danger.”

  “Good point. I do want to visit Detective Crank today anyway.” She tucked her feet up under the blanket.

  “I wasn’t aware you two were at the visiting stage in your relationship.”

  “She has a soft spot for dogs and I’m hoping I can work my way in through that angle.”

  The oven timer rang making Annie turn her head. “You’re baking something?”

  Jason walked to the oven. “More like heating something. I had some cinnamon rolls in the freezer that I thought would partner perfectly with the coffee.” Annie heard the tray slide out of the oven and the cinnamon smell made her mouth water.

  The gooey sweetness gave her body a jolt. The sugar mixing with the caffeine coursed through her veins. She was alert and ready to face the day. Whatever that meant.

  Annie licked off each sticky fingertip before bringing her plate to the sink. “Can Roxy stay here with you again?”

  Jason pretended to frown, but with Roxy’s brown eyes staring at him, he snapped his fingers and called her to his side. “Of course. She’s quite happy here in Cobblestone Cottage.” Annie hoped he was thinking someone else might be happy here too—herself.

  At least Leona was in a better mood than the day before when Annie walked into the Black Cat Café. She had her oldies station on, but not blasting, and she wasn’t dancing around as she baked. It was an improvement, even if she wasn’t back to normal.

  Annie tied her apron around her neck, mixed up a batch of granola and got the breakfast and coffee carts ready for the Sunday customers.

  The lake looked beautiful through the French doors, but she knew it was a deceiving beauty with a cold wind that almost sucked your breath away. Mia arrived and made sure all the tables were wiped clean and set. Annie realized it was quiet because Danny was missing. She had gotten used to him being a regular addition to the café and Leona counted on him to do a lot of the daily chores.

  “How’s Danny doing today?” Annie asked, not sure it was a smart thing to open up that can of worms.

  Leona shrugged. “He’s back working on the renovations at the Harper House. Claire already paid him for the upstairs work so he wants to finish that much at least. I want him to give the money back to Cody and get out of there before something else goes wrong.”

  The door opened and a head peeked around. “Are you open yet?”

  Annie waved Amber inside. “Not officially, but not to worry. Do you need some coffee before you head to work?”

  “I do, but that’s not the reason I’m here,” Amber said as she filled her own travel mug with steaming hot French roast and a splash of cream. She checked her watch. “I have a few minutes to sit and talk if you don’t mind.”

  Annie put a blueberry muffin on a plate for Amber, even though she hadn’t asked for one. Everyone loved Leona’s blueberry muffins. “Here, on the house. So, what’s on your mind?”

  “First, Abby’s doing better. I think. She’s not herself, much too quiet, but I don’t think it has anything to do with being pregnant.” Amber sipped the coffee and nibbled the muffin.

  Annie leaned on the counter. “Is it about the rattle?”

  Amber rested her elbow on the counter with her chin on her hand and nodded. “That’s my guess. You know I’ve been reporting on Claire McClaven’s murder. It’s my job. But Abby told me something that I can’t use in my reporting.”

  Annie kept her voice calm but dread was filling her up inside with her own suspicion about why Abby had suddenly turned white at the baby shower after seeing the rattle. “About the gift that Violet brought?”

  Amber moved her head from side to side. “Sort of. At first I suspected Violet murdered Claire and stole the silver rattle, but that doesn’t make any sense. Why would she draw attention to herself like that?” She shook her head. “Besides, Violet called Abby and explained what happened. Strange, but Abby said it was the type of sense of humor Claire had.”

  Annie waited for Amber to continue. She knew more was coming and it wouldn’t be good.

  Amber looked around the café. “Can I trust you not to repeat this to anyone?”

  Annie nodded and looked at Leona and Mia who also nodded.

  “Abby lied to Detective Crank about where Cody was when Claire was murdered.”

  “Where was he?”

  “She doesn’t know, but she told the detective Cody was home with her.”

  Chapter 16

  Annie thanked Amber for sharing the information. It confirmed what Martha already told Annie about Cody not being home with Abby when Claire was murdered. Where was he, and more importantly, why did Abby lie? With Cody in line to receive Claire’s life insurance policy, if Detective Crank uncovered the lie, it would show that Cody had motive and opportunity. This took some of the suspicion off Henry Harper the third but he had holes in his story too. With Camilla’s help, that might get sorted out. And, of course, Larry Sheldrake hadn’t fallen completely off Annie’s radar.

  Amber drained her coffee. “Thanks for listening. It was such a burden to keep the information all on my shoulders. I don’t want to give Grandma anything else to worry about.”

  Annie nodded in understanding as she told herself that Martha was already worrying plenty. But no need to let Amber know that. “Before you go, did Abby open her gifts?”

  Amber relaxed slightly. “She did. It was a good distraction for her and I told her I’d help her with the thank you cards. She felt terribly guilty to leave like she did and not open everything in front of all her friends and relatives. She was especially sad that no one got to see Grandma’s beautiful quilt.”

  Annie waved her hand dismissively. “Not to worry. Everyone understands, and the important thing is that Abby stays relaxed and has a healthy baby.”

  Amber nodded her agreement and said, “I need to run or I’ll be late.” She waved as she jogged out the door.

  A few more people were making their way into the café, commenting on the yummy pastries and browsing the free book shelves.

  Annie told Leona she had to run an errand and left before Leona could protest. She turned her car toward the Second Chance Animal Shelter, hoping to bump into Detective Crank. Well, hoping might be too strong since Detective Crank was unlikely to give Annie any details about Claire McClaven’s murder investigation. But with some luck from their mutual love for dogs, she might be able to improve their relationship.

  Karen’s car was alone in the parking lot. Annie walked in anyway. She could at least get an update on Bella and the puppies. The front office was empty and plenty of noise was coming from the kennel area. Annie poked her head in the back.

  “Come on in. It’s feeding time here at the zoo,” Karen said with a chuckle. “I’m almost done. I have Bella and her pups in my office if you want to visit her.”

  Annie walked back to the main room and looked around but only saw crates and crates of cats and kittens. A door she never noticed before was closed so she peeked inside. A room filled with filing cabinets, one mother dog and six puppies met her gaze. “There you are,” Annie said as she walked inside.

  Bella’s tail thumped on the thick pad she was lying
on. Her six puppies nuzzled against her, on top of each other, constantly moving for a prime position. Bella stood up, upsetting the wriggly pups into a disorganized puppy pile.

  Annie crouched down patting Bella’s head. “Mind if I take a closer look at your babies?” Bella looked at her pups as if she understood Annie’s question and wagged her tail harder. Annie sat on the edge of the blanket, carefully picking up one pup at a time and cuddling it close to her chest. The soft fur felt like warm velvet. Five pups were tan like Bella and one was black with white paws. Annie picked up the black puppy last. “Aren’t you just the cutest little thing,” she cooed to the puppy. The puppy stared into Annie’s eyes. “Oh no, I wonder if Roxy would like a buddy.”

  Annie heard a laugh behind her. “Puppies are irresistible, aren’t they?” Karen said.

  “Don’t tell anyone I said that. I need another dog like I need a hole in my head.”

  “They have to stay with Bella for six weeks anyway, so you have plenty of time to think it over and discuss it with Jason.”

  Annie felt her cheeks burn. “Jason? Why do I have to ask him?”

  “Every time I see him, he has Roxy, so I assumed you two were together now?” Karen said.

  “Oh. I guess he has been watching Roxy a lot for me lately.” Annie didn’t respond to what Karen was actually asking since she didn’t know what the answer was to that implied question. Everyone else seemed to think they knew more about Jason and Annie’s relationship than she did. Was she missing something? “Anyway, this is the pick of the litter as far as I’m concerned.”

  “You have competition for that little guy. Detective Crank has her eye on him too.”

  “Really? Isn’t she taking Bella?” Annie laughed as the puppy crawled under her hair and tickled her neck.

  “She is taking Bella.” Karen checked her watch. “She should be here any minute. But she’s considering keeping one of the puppies too.”

  Annie set the puppy back with the others and he immediately peed on the blanket. “I’m glad that didn’t end up on my neck.” She laughed. “Detective Crank can have first choice. Or maybe Bella should get to choose. Right Bella? Which one would you want?” Bella flopped back onto the blanket, not indicating any preference as any good mother would do.


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