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Her Alien Warrior

Page 8

by Mira Maxwell

  “The Salthu did not start out as Attalans. They were created in test tubes, bred for the sole purpose of serving the city. Bred for defense and fighting ability. It wasn’t long, however, before the city realized that they couldn’t breed this type of creature and expect to be able to control them. Ultimately, they lost control of them and created an even greater threat to the safety of the city than anything that had existed before. So, to try to fix what they created, my father was put to work trying to find a way to enhance the physical features of strong, young, intelligent Attalan males.”

  Edek stops for a moment and sits back in his chair, taking a drink from his cup. I’m taking in all of his information but I’m struggling to comprehend what he’s telling me. How can I believe that what he’s telling me is the truth? By telling me this, he’s saying that everything I’ve ever known and believed in about the guard is a lie. We’ve essentially been created to cover a much bigger mistake. To protect the city from a threat that they created.

  “This cannot be,” I finally say. “How can this be?” I find myself repeating. “Why has there never been talk of this before?”

  “There was,” Edek says, raising his hands in the air. “Even hushed whispers mentioning this conspiracy would have you exiled from the city. The prime minister did everything he had to do to keep word of his atrocities from spreading. Those of us that have ended up in these caves did not come because we were scared to serve the city. We didn’t want to end up as uncontrollable animals, one serum away from losing ourselves.”

  “And that is what you think I am? Some sort of animal?”

  “No, of course not. Contrary to what you might think, my father was not a bad man. He wanted to try to do something to redeem himself. He worked tirelessly to create a serum that would enhance the physical aspects of the Attalan male without having undesirable side effects. And from what I have seen, the only side effects are your disposition and the eventual fading of your self-healing abilities.”

  “His disposition has nothing to do with the serum,” Savannah says. “The other warriors are generally much more pleasant.”

  Edek and Savannah share a smile that makes my blood boil. I take another huge drink, letting the liquid course through my blood, pressing down the rage that is threatening to explode out of me. I don’t want to be here anymore. It all feels wrong. I never should have agreed to come here in the first place.

  “If he made them so there aren’t any undesirable side effects, why did so many of you choose to leave the city instead of accepting the serum and joining the guard? What you say makes no sense.”

  Without giving him a chance to answer, I stand up, chugging down the last of my drink. “I’ll excuse myself for the night,” I say to the group of men and Savannah sitting around the table. I don’t wait for a response, just push back my chair and start walking. There’s a wanderer standing by the entrance of the tunnel and my instincts kick in, wondering if he’s going to try to stop me. Instead, he says, “I’ll show you where you can stay for the night.”

  I follow him. My mind is clouded from over indulging in the spirits with dinner and I quickly start to regret leaving Savannah behind. I have one responsibility while I’m here and I just left her behind with a bunch of strangers. We don’t go far from the main cavern before he stops and motions inside a private cave. It looks just like the one we stayed in the last time we were here. They’re either all equipped with furs and a heat source, or they’ve just prepared this one for us. I look in the corner and see my pack sitting against the wall.

  “I’m going to go show Savannah where we are staying,” I tell the wanderer. There’s something inside me that doesn’t like how I feel when she’s not with me.

  “I’ll show her to her sleeping quarters when she is ready,” he says.

  “No, she will stay with me. We are not separating.” I’m already back in the tunnel, walking back to the dining area before he can say anymore. She’s still sitting talking with Edek and Tanish along with a few other men when I get back to her.

  “Savannah,” I say, making her jump with surprise. “Come, we should go to bed. We’ll be leaving in the morning once the blizzard has stopped.” I don’t bother looking at the men with her. Just like I thought, they can’t be trusted. I don’t believe that what he has told me is true. He wants me to believe that I was created to be nothing more than an animal. A creation to follow orders of those above me, nothing more.

  I’m surprised when she doesn’t argue. She quietly says good night to the other Attalans at the table and walks with me down the tunnel. I quickly decide that I prefer it when I see the fiery side of her. When she withdraws from me, it’s like she’s afraid of me.

  I want to apologize for my abruptness, but I’m in such a mood that I can’t find the words. There’s something about being in this place that messes with my head. I’m crossing my fingers that the blizzard will end quickly and we can be on our way.

  “You could be more polite,” she says. “After all, they came to our rescue, fed us and are giving us shelter for the night. A little gratitude isn’t out of order.”

  “I will work on being more polite once we are out of this place and away from here.”

  I can tell she doesn’t like my answer. She crosses her arms across her chest as she follows just slightly behind me back to our cave.

  I step into our room and curtain off the entryway once we’re both inside. There’s a small fire pit off to the side of the cave and I immediately get to work starting a fire. I want to make sure that Savannah is warm and comfortable when she goes to sleep tonight. She busies herself with laying down the furs next to the fire, creating a cozy nest for herself and a separate sleeping area for me. It has been a long time since I’ve held a woman in my arms under the furs and I find myself craving another night with Savannah in my arms. I could blame it on the drink but I know that I’ve been ignoring these feelings since the women first arrived at the fortress.

  “How is your back feeling?” I ask her once the fire is burning strong and she is getting ready to slip into her furs.

  “It’s fine,” she answers shortly, not bothering to stop what she’s doing and look at me.

  I stand and stare at her while she makes herself busy. I instantly regret how I acted in front of the wanderers. I’m sure they think I am the animal I was created to be. I don’t want Savannah to think of me in that way, though. I want her to know that I’d do anything for her. I just don’t know how to let her know.

  “I should take a look at it anyway. Just to make sure it’s healing.”

  She pauses but doesn’t say anything. Without turning around she pulls her shirt up to expose her bare skin. Her back is already looking so much better. There is a section that still looks red and tender but the surrounding area that looked infected earlier is healing well. Without thinking, I reach out my hand and let my fingers trail across her skin. She feels so soft under my fingers. Her skin is so different from mine. Small little bumps appear across her skin as my fingers continue to explore her delicate features. She’s warm but not as warm as an Attalan. The image of her naked body in the hot spring flashes back into my mind, making my body tingle with awareness of her proximity to me. I pull my hand away, realizing that I shouldn’t have let myself be so curious. I’ve awoken something inside of me that I’ve kept silence for many years.

  “What are you doing?” she asks. I know I’m not mistaking the sound of desire in her voice.

  “Letting the animal inside of me control me,” I say.

  Her breathing speeds up but she still won’t turn around to look at me. So what happens next is something I never would have predicted in a thousand years.

  Savannah turns around, throws her arms around my neck and presses her lips to mine.



  My skin has never been so sensitive. The moment Ozmyx’s fingers touched my back, there were small sparks of desire that started shooting through my body. My heart started
beating faster as goosebumps appeared on my skin. My nipples hardened into stiff peaks pressing against the material of my shirt. It could be what I drank at dinner or it could be that I’m craving sensual touch. Whatever it is, I want more of it.

  The moment I turn around and press my lips to Ozmyx, I’ve pushed all other thoughts out of my mind. There are plenty of things I should be worrying about, but instead I want to feel something besides loneliness and homesickness. I don’t want to worry that I’ll be leaving soon and never returning. I don’t want to worry about the consequences of my actions.

  So I kiss him, unabashedly. And God help me, it feels amazing.

  For now, gone is the grump with the ever-present scowl on his face. Instead he’s responding to my advances with a passion that’s making my pussy pulse with desire. I’m sure whatever it is that I drank at dinner is influencing my emotions, but I don’t care. He’s kissing me back with even more heat than I could have imagined and the only thought in my mind is that I want more. Much more.

  I run my hands over his chest. “What was in that drink?” I ask while feeling all of the hard lines of his body. “Your skin feels amazing.”

  “It’s made from the the salal berry. It can heighten the senses depending on how much you drink.” He nips at the skin just under my ear, sending an electric zing through my body. “How much did you drink?”

  “Just a cup.” I go up on the tips of my toes again and slide my mouth over his. I’m surprised at how soft his lips feel and how responsive his kisses are. I slip my tongue into his mouth, enjoying the shivers that course through my body when his tongue meets mine. “Not enough to be drunk or anything.”

  His hands caress the sides of my face so he can deepen our kiss. He pulls me down onto the furs, letting his hands roam across my skin. “You are much smaller than an Attalan, though.” His hands dip down over my hips. The hips that I’m generally self-conscious of. The hips and thighs that make me do a shimmy dance when I’m trying to pull on my pants in the morning. “So it might affect you more than me or an Attalan woman.” He dips down and kisses me again while his hand slips up the front of my shirt. Then he stops and looks in my eyes. “You don’t feel like you’re drunk, do you?”

  I pull his face down to mine again. “No,” I say, right before I kiss him. “I just never imagined us…like this.”

  I feel vulnerable for the first time while he looks right into my eyes and I have no where to hide. My heart is pounding in my chest as he brings his finger up to my cheek and gently traces down to my chest. My mind is clouded and I can’t read the look on his face. But then he says, “I never imagined anything like this for me. Once I joined the guard it was no longer an option.”

  I never imagined Ozmyx could be sweet, but in this moment, as he looks into my eyes, somehow he is winning over my heart. Then, the icing on the cake, his lips gently press down on mine and my body is on fire. He pulls my shirt over my head and pulls my nipple into his mouth. The gentleness is gone, replaced with an animalistic urge to claim me. His mouth sucks my nipple so hard I’m on the edge between pleasure and pain. Just as I gasp he eases the pressure and lightly licks the hard nub, nipping ever so slightly.

  “I’ve fantasized about your breasts ever since I saw you in the hot spring. They’ve haunted my dreams.” His other hand cups my breast while his mouth still works my nipple. My skin is so sensitive, every lick of his tongue almost burns. When it’s almost too much, his mouth moves down my stomach until he gets to my pants. He sits up and positions himself between my legs. His hands work fast unbuttoning my pants and sliding them off my legs. Now I’m lying on the furs next to the fire naked with an alien twice my size looking down at me like I’m the main course on the menu tonight. “Are you cold?”

  “A little. But I’m sure you can help me with that.” I let my legs fall open, inviting him back for more.

  “Like I told you before, I will do anything for you.” His hand dips down between my legs, his finger dipping into my delicate folds and exploring my sex. My eyes roll back in my head. I let my legs lie open as he massages me, my hands gripping the furs. I move my hips just enough so his finger brushes over my clit. I moan as a wave of pleasure surges through me.

  “Right there,” I say. “Keep touching right there.”

  He does as I say. He repositions himself so he’s leaning on his elbow, rubbing my clit with his thumb. When his finger pushes inside of me I can already feel an orgasm building. In any other situation I would be embarrassed with how quickly I’m going to come but not right now. I’ve never felt anything so good.

  I move my hips with his fingers until he pushes me over the edge and I cry out with pleasure as my orgasm flows through me. I close my eyes and enjoy every second until my body is calm and relaxed. When I open my eyes, Ozmyx pulls his fingers away but still has that ravenous look.

  “You are fucking intoxicating,” he says. “I need to taste you.” This time his head dips down and then I feel his mouth on my pussy. I’m so sensitive but the moment his tongue starts to lick me, I’m ready for round two. It looks like I had to fly across the galaxy to finally find a man that isn’t selfish in bed. Or alien, I should say.

  He crouches between my legs and pulls my hips up to meet his mouth. I cry out and a giggle escapes when he pulls me far off the furs. “Sorry,” he says with the crack of a smile. “I forgot about our size difference.”

  He eases me down a little more but still wraps my hips in his arms as he licks my pussy. His tongue flicks over my clit, dipping down to my wetness and licking every ounce of me like he can’t get enough. Then he gently sucks on me and I cry out again, reaching for something to grip while the sensations move through me again. His tongue circles my clit over and over again until I’m crying out from my second orgasm in a matter of minutes.

  “You’re very responsive,” he says a moment later. He eases me down so I’m resting on the furs again. He’s rubbing my legs with his massive hands and I’m surprised that even though it seems like I’m exhausted, I’m not ready to be finished. I desperately want to feel his cock inside of me.

  “You’re very talented,” I reply. He’s resting on his knees so I sit up, propping myself up with my hands behind me. It’s the first time I notice that he still has his pants on. Some of the warriors wear nothing more than what looks like a loin cloth, but Ozmyx has always been more conservative. In fact, I’ve tried not to notice how good he looks wearing his pants.

  I know what comes next. I just need to reach out and remove his pants but I’m feeling apprehensive. I’ve never been with an alien before and I’m not sure what to expect. Maybe he can sense my hesitation because he reaches down and removes his pants himself. I gasp involuntarily when he’s naked before me. There’s really not much of a difference between Ozmyx and a human man, except for the light blue tinge to his skin and the size of his cock.

  I’m no longer thinking. I reach out and let the tips of my fingers lightly brush over the head of his cock. His eyes burn into me, watching my every move. His lips part at the same moment that I take more of him in my hand, feeling his girth. Instead of a moan, he makes more of a rumbling sound from deep in his chest. I take it as a good sign by the look on his face. I never liked taking a man in my mouth back on Earth. I wasn’t confident enough in my ability to do it the right way, and the thought of a man’s cum in my mouth gagged me. Right now though, without hesitation I lean forward and lick around the head of his cock. He’s warm and smooth and once my mouth licks him he’s slick and so hard. My hand easily grips him and pumps, sliding up and down in a way that makes the rumbling in his chest amplify.

  I put him in my mouth again, and lick and suck with my mouth while using my hand to stroke him off. He slowly rocks his hips in rhythm with my motion, gently holding onto my head. There’s something so sexy about sucking him off that I’m soaking between my thighs. It could also be his reaction to having my mouth on him. Either way, I can’t wait to feel his cock deep in my pussy.

ere’s a pulse in his cock unlike what I’ve felt yet so I pull my mouth off, leaning back on my knees. My hand keeps working him, pumping him hard. The first thick spray of his hot cum lands on my breasts and I keep pumping to make sure the rest of it lands there as well. I’ve never been so turned on in my life. I watch as his cum marks me as his. While he’s looking, I take my hand and rub it into my breasts, fondling my nipples and breathing heavily.

  His chest is heaving, his eyes are vibrant and alive. And his cock is still as hard as it was when we started. Human men usually need time in between to recover before they can go another round. Oxmyx looks like he’s ready to take me right now.

  My intuition is correct. He audibly growls as he lifts me off my knees, lays me back and thrusts his cock deep into my pussy. I also cry out with the sudden fullness and slight pain from taking his massive cock. I grip his arms tightly, holding on as he pulls out and thrusts again. I cry out again, the pain quickly turning to pleasure at being taken by this sexy alien. His thrusts aren’t gentle, he’s showing me the animal inside of him, claiming what he wants. And I love it, my pussy loves it. I’m soaking wet, his thrusts easily moving in and out now. All I feel is sensation building, higher and higher, ready to take me to the edge again so I can drift off on a sea of pleasure.

  “You are mine Savannah,” he growls, his thrusts never easing.

  “Yes,” I reply. “Yes, yes, yes.”

  To my amazement, he comes again inside of me. I can feel his hot cum coating the inside of my pussy. His body temperature is just so much higher than mine. I come right along with him, holding him tightly while my pussy pulls every ounce of pleasure from his cock.

  I can tell it’s the middle of the night when I wake. The fire has died down to a soft orange glow of embers. I would be cold if not for Ozmyx lying beside me, holding me in his arms. My pussy is throbbing again with the need for pleasure. Now that my mind is clearing, I realize that I was dreaming about the amazing sex that we had tonight. In my dream, he was pleasuring me again. Now that I’m awake, my body doesn’t seem to know that it was just a dream.


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