WAKING THE MAJORITY (Anonymous Justice Book 4)

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WAKING THE MAJORITY (Anonymous Justice Book 4) Page 6

by Boyd Craven Jr

Diesel’s grin got even larger. He took the H&K off his strap, and handed it to Miller, who reloaded it with a fresh mag and pulled the charging lever. Everyone stepped back and Miller made sure the selector was on a single shot. After two quick singles, he rocked the selector to burst and pulled the trigger twice. Tank busted up laughing, and Miller smiled as he put the H&K on safe and gave it back to Diesel. He gave a little wave and was about to walk out the door when Clay stopped him with an arm across the door. “The hell was that?” he asked.

  Tank spoke up. “The cop said, have a nice day.”

  Clay looked back and saw that two eyes and a smiling mouth had been added to the black silhouette target. He gave Miller a funny look and then walked out ahead of him. They remained silent till they were back in the car, letting the warmth leach back into their bones.

  “Was that your idea of humor?” Clay asked, exasperated.

  “Yeah. Actually, it was,” Miller said, smiling. “Hey, did something seem a little off there to you?”

  “You mean an airtight alibi that can be easily checked?”

  “No, how Diesel dumbed himself down. You read his file. He’s got more college than either of us. He’s a very well-spoken man. I think part of this was a show. An aww shucks, let’s intimidate the cop and the Fed, and give ourselves some plausible deniability, so they don’t look too hard, and we can send them on their way.”

  “Ok, that sounds reasonable, but what about the end, with the H&K MP5?”

  “I was sending a message alright, and they got it.”

  “What, that you were leaving? Happy? I don’t get it.”

  “Yeah, that’s ok,” Miller said. “We’re getting close to something on this. I can feel it.”


  “What’d you make of that, Diesel man?” Tank asked once the LEOs were gone.

  “I’d say you got sloppy somewhere. You know better than to leave brass behind! It ain’t no worry, though, that cop Miller is cool. He ain’t comin’ at us again. That’s what his message said, right?”

  “I guess. Yeah, that could be it. Why didn’t he just say so, though?”

  Playboy put his hands on Tank’s shoulders, and with a wild grin he leaned in and whispered in his ear loudly, “‘Cause his young, I got something to prove Fed sidekick wouldn’t understand, dummy!”

  “Hey! I told you ‘bout that man, I ain’t no dummy,” Tank yelled, swinging a right-handed roundhouse playfully, right where Playboy had been standing a fraction of a second earlier.

  “Enough!” Diesel ordered. “Let’s pack shit up and get, just to be on the safe side. I got the idea that I’ll be hearing from Detective Miller before long, unofficially like.”

  Chapter 9

  President Brock Hussein

  White House

  Monday, March 7th, 2016

  “Is this TH Donald clown serious, sir?” asked Omar Shadid, the President’s Chief of Staff. “He can’t possibly think that he has any chance of winning the Republican nomination talking nonsense like he did last night, can he?”

  “That’s the problem,” replied President Brock Hussein. “According to the first-hand reports I got from our eyes at that rally, the people that went to see him in person went wild for what he was saying. I’m sure by later this evening, somebody somewhere will have taken a poll of popular opinion on his ideas. Make sure our people with press passes keep tabs on this guy, and make sure that he doesn’t cross any lines with what he says. If he does, tell them to bust his ass. Publicly.”

  “Yes, sir. Of course.”

  “Tonight, during the press conference, I need to take a little swipe at him to discredit him and shut this nonsense off. Have Jimmy write something in that handles that please.” ‘I’m not going to allow anyone to threaten the progress I’ve made towards globalism and the furthering of Islam inside of this country,’ he thought.

  “It would be his pleasure, I’m sure, Sir. I’ll tell him right away,” Shadid promised, taking his leave from the President.


  “There’s no way he can win. I don’t understand why he doesn’t get it,” Hussein began. He stood in the middle of the Oval Office. There were no cameras rolling, no press hanging onto his every word. Instead, only the presumed Democratic nominee, with her own ambitions, sat across from him.

  “I didn’t expect him to get this far,” she said, pushing the silver blonde hair out of her eyes. “Do you think the Republican party going will let him steal their nomination?”

  “He’s done nothing but help your campaign so far,” the President said, with half a smile. “His biggest Republican opponent would beat you if you believed in the polls.”

  She laughed, throwing her head back. That was a good joke. Both of the lifetime politicians knew how things really worked. Where true power came from.

  “We know how to play the media. Our people own it.”

  “You mean, your biggest donors,” the President said, still smiling.

  “Like I said, our people. I do hope you have a backup plan if there’s a sudden resurgence…”

  “Don’t finish that, that’s best left unsaid,” the President said, smiling and looking around as if to reassure himself that they were as alone as it appeared. “Let’s just say, he’ll either fall in line…”

  “Or?” she asked after he hesitated to go on.

  “That’s best left unsaid too.”


  “My fellow Americans; I come to you tonight, distraught by events I see taking place in our country. Violence and hate are running rampant. I am, as of this moment, listing two entities as domestic terrorist groups. The first is known as Anonymous Justice; the second is known as Black Lives Matter. Together, they have orchestrated and instigated outright attacks on mosques and Islamic centers in Michigan and in the District of Columbia. They are responsible for the riots in D.C., and many, many more incidents. At this moment, together, they have assembled forces that threaten mosques all across this great nation.

  “As your leader, I call upon everyone to stop what you’re doing and listen to me. Most Americans have never been inside of a mosque. They don’t really don’t even know what one looks like inside. Recently, I spoke from inside of one, and had it televised, so that you could all see into one. Unfortunately, not many of you saw it, so you still don’t know. Here’s what I want you to do. Whether or not you attend a church regularly, almost all of you have been inside one at some point in your life, for one reason or another. Think of what it was like. Peaceful. Quiet. Beautiful. Remember that. The design and decor may differ from Christian, Jewish and Islamic places of worship, but they are all just places, where people gather to declare their love of the same God, and of each other. That’s it.

  “These two terrorist groups would have you to believe that two of these are good and that one is bad. They are playing on your fear of the unknown. I urge you, do not fall for it. Islam is a religion of peace and love. The word ‘Islam’ literally translates as ‘peace.’

  “A while ago, you saw the narration of a video by a Mr. Jermane Williams, which was obviously doctored to make you believe that Muslims were somehow responsible for the violence and looting that took place in Washington, D.C. I’m here to tell you: those were not Muslims. You saw the video. The Black Lives Matter terrorists and their followers ruined businesses and property in their own community, in order to place blame on a minority group, called Muslim-Americans.

  “I urge you right now, quit these attacks on mosques and Islamic centers because of a rumor that Muslims are ‘out to get you.’ Go home. Hug your families. Get to know your Muslim neighbors. Learn about their beliefs before judging them. Forgive each other for what has happened so far, so we can unite as Americans and move forward together!

  “The leaders of both domestic terrorist groups I mentioned are being arrested as I speak. Their online communications through social media are being dismantled, but not before the name of every member of those two groups are added to a terrorist watch list and no
-fly list. We will hunt them down, and find them all. They will be brought to justice, according to the law.”

  Chapter 10

  Marie Krantz

  Hamtramck, Michigan

  Monday, March 7th, 2016

  Marie Krantz was conducting a live interview at her station with one of Black Lives Matter’s leaders, Mr. Shaun. The nation had just been shocked by the President's proclamation, and they were discussing that. Shaun was not happy.

  “Mr. Shaun, isn’t it true that Black Lives Matter was originally formed during the Trayvon Martin protests with—”

  “Yes, you know it was,” Shaun said dismissively, “and we’re not terrorists. It’s true, people sometimes get heated up at our protests, but we’re not asking people to go out there and flip cop cars, loot and set fires!”

  “That’s all fine and dandy, but isn’t it also true that, in 2015, during the investigation of the death of Freddy Gray, that the group reorganized their events to more resemble those of the ‘Arab Spring,’ now known as ‘Black Spring?’”

  “Yes, yes that’s true,” Shaun admitted, looking a little uncomfortable, almost squirming in his seat.

  “Earlier, in preparation, I read a quote: ‘The Arab Spring was a revolutionary wave of demonstrations and protests (both nonviolent and violent), riots, and civil wars in the Arab world that began on 18 December 2010 in Tunisia with the Tunisian Revolution, and spread throughout the countries of the Arab League and its surroundings. Major insurgencies in Syria, Libya, and Yemen resulted, along with civil uprisings in Egypt and Bahrain, large street demonstrations in Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Morocco, and Oman, and minor protests even in Saudi Arabia.’

  “One might easily assume that your group reorganized this way to mirror them because you are now closely affiliated with them! Isn’t it fair to say that the President is right, and Black Lives Matter is, in fact, a terrorist organization?”

  “I don’t know where you got that—”

  “Wikipedia, its history, and beginnings vetted out by your own organization,” Marie Krantz shot back.

  “Oh, so because it’s on the Internet, it’s automatically true? Let me tell you, Marie, we’re NOT affiliated with Black Spring at all. Black Lives Matter was originally intended to be a nonviolent offshoot of BOLD, which, as you know, stands for Black Organizing for Leadership and Diversity.”

  “Dignity,” Marie shot back.

  “Excuse me?” Shaun asked indignantly.

  “Black Organizing for Leadership and Dignity, not Diversity.”

  “Excuse me? It’s Diversity,” Shaun reiterated.

  Offstage someone said loudly, “What a crock of shit.” The words were never filtered out by the sound tech, who knew they were likely to get slapped with an FAA fine, and didn’t care.

  Marie looked around for the source of the outburst, but when her camera crew motioned with their fingers that the cameras were still rolling, she looked back at Shaun and said, “Well, somebody said it finally!

  “This has been Marie Krantz, coming to you live with Mr. Shaun from Black Lives Matter, a group that President Hussein has just labeled a terrorist organization. Thank you for coming on, Mr. Shaun.”

  “Uh… Thank you…”

  The feed cut and Shaun turned to Marie Krantz. “It’s Diversity,” he snarled.

  “Look it up buttercup, it’s Dignity. This is why people never take your movement seriously,” she said, smiling as the confused young man tried to control his sudden anger and emotion.

  In the end, security had to be called, and to no great surprise, the police were waiting in the lobby for the ‘terrorist leader’ who’d been live on television.

  Now all of the angry youths who had used Black Lives Matter protests as an outlet to unleash their rage knew that they too would be labeled as, and treated as, terrorists. That kept them at home. After the highly publicized arrest of Mr. Shaun, all BLM activity simply ceased to exist.


  RU American sat in front of his computer and saw that his two most trusted friends had accepted his request that they join the new private Facebook group he had set up after the suppression of the AJ group, and the attacks on Anonymous Justice’s blog, alleged by host-tracker.com. RU wasn’t as tech savvy as he’d like, or he would have created something a bit more sophisticated.

  The group’s stated topics were unconventional warfare, training and motivating indigenous forces, protecting the Constitution from all threats, foreign and domestic. Currently, he wasn’t sure if it wasn’t maybe a little bit of both!

  RU American - I’ve made this group, AJFANS, just to connect with you guys. It’s become obvious to me that the government flat out doesn’t care what the majority wants. Since anything related to Anonymous Justice seems to be shut down as soon as it gets going, download the ‘Signal Private Messenger App.’ It works for both Android and Apple Products.

  FedupwiththeFed - What’s that do exactly?

  PatriotAirborn82nd - I’ve never heard of that.

  RU American - It’s an encrypted Messenger. If you have a data signal, it works just like Facebook Messenger, or text messaging. If you have a good Wi-Fi signal, you can make encrypted phone calls. No NSA ears.

  FedupwiththeFed - Hell Yeah!!!!!

  PatriotAirborn82nd - Is it hard to set up?

  RU American - No, it’s all pretty simple. Just be sure to make it the default, and you won’t have to worry about using the wrong app. Go get that, while I change our group name and set up a group chat. They’ll take this group down too if I don’t. I don’t think any group with the initials AJ in it will be safe until the Traitor in Chief is out of office.

  FedupwiththeFed - That means they are going to be messing with Alex Jones.

  RU American - They always mess with Alex Jones.

  PatriotAirborn82nd - They always mess with… JINX!

  RU American - Since you both know me, find me using the phone number I gave you a long time ago. Once I find both of you, we can start talking about building the group back up, because the silent majority is about to show the world that we won’t have our voices suppressed for much longer.

  FedupwiththeFed - ‘Merica, Hell Yeah!

  RU American - *sigh* There’s always one in every group.

  PatriotAirborn82nd - He’s your idiot friend. I just put up with him because his sister is….

  FedupwiththeFed - Say it, I dare you!

  RU American - Save it till we have a private system in place for messaging. I’m out of here.


  Dharma and Julie were doing their usual, glued to their monitors.

  "Julie, did you hear what that creep just said?"

  "Yes, unfortunately, I did. What the hell is he thinking, naming Anonymous Justice as a domestic terrorist group?" she asked.

  "Our Muslim-in-Chief doesn’t do a damn thing unless it’s in favor of spreading Islam here. And then that bit about our video being faked? What the hell?! I wonder how he’d like to leave his Secret Service detail behind, and go get as close as we did to people killing each other with guns?"

  "Not a chance. He wouldn't have the stones. I think what he's trying to do is prevent Anonymous Justice from making any more moves, by making them fair game to shoot-on-sight. The other stuff was probably just to scare away the followers, by saying that they’d be tracked down too. That’ll probably work, to some extent. It blows my mind, though that a black President would turn on the very people that helped get him elected, like Black Lives Matter, and declare them domestic terrorists too. It’s looking like he doesn't care now if people know he’s supporting the Muslims," Julie growled.

  "Yeah, it's not like he has to worry about trying to get reelected or anything. This last year of him being in office is really going to suck. It feels like pretty much like everything he's done for the last seven years was to set us up for a takeover by the Islamic State.”

  "You know, it really does," Julie agreed. "When he first got elected, I was pretty young, so I truly
believed that the change he was promising was going to be a good thing. Actually, it wasn’t until recently that I put everything together in my head."

  "Yeah, I guess I'd have to say pretty much the same thing," Kat said. "Nowadays, I don't know how he doesn't get arrested for being a flipping traitor. It's like everybody knows it, but is afraid to say it out loud, for fear it would get them in trouble.”

  “If we can find a way to help keep the momentum going that Anonymous Justice has started, we might help to totally delete the fear Americans have of not being politically correct. I say screw it, let’s help ‘em piss some more idiots off!”

  “Yeah. The fact that the government is messing with them just might blow up in their faces. Let’s get ahold of Jermane Williams and see what he’s thinking, now that he’s a free agent too.”

  Chapter 11

  Dharma and Jade

  Hamtramck, Michigan

  Tuesday, March 8th, 2016

  Dharma was puzzled by what she was seeing. There had been several postings to her blog that just pointed to moveover.org’s website. That was often the way people in her circles passed hints along, by posting innocent looking clues in a public place where they knew their intended recipient would be looking.

  “Jade, when you get a minute, will you look at this with me?”

  “Sure. Whatcha got?” she asked, and wheeled herself over to Dharma’s side of the room.

  “Both last night and today, there have been links posted on the blog by ‘anon’ just pointing to moveover.org’s main page. I haven’t bothered yet to track down who this ‘anon’ is, but do you think it’s a hint, or what? There’s nothing obvious that catches the eye there. It’s just the usual junk, beating up on TH Donald’s rally today in Wisconsin.”

  “Hmm… Let’s see,” Jade muttered quietly as she focused on the screen. “Scroll down earlier. More. Same stuff. Go back to yesterday. Nothing about Wisconsin. There’s one about a protest in Minnesota by an ICL. Junk, junk, junk. Go down another day. Wait. Look at that, another post by ICL about Black Lives Matter protests in Minnesota.”


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