WAKING THE MAJORITY (Anonymous Justice Book 4)

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WAKING THE MAJORITY (Anonymous Justice Book 4) Page 7

by Boyd Craven Jr

  “Okay, I’ll bite. Who is ICL? Let’s Google that,” Dharma thought out loud. “Well, lookie here. The first hit is List of generic names of political parties - Wikipedia. We follow that to List of generic names of political parties. The first ICL I see is International Communist Party. The best fit there is International Communist League (Mexico)--”

  “Check the IP address of origin,” Jade interjected.

  “Hmm… Well, it didn’t come from Mexico, that’s for sure. Oh wow! Lookie lookie! Originated from Syria!” Dharma said.

  “Holy crap! Let’s go back a few days earlier in the forum. Yep, there it is again, and again! What is someone from Syria doing posting on a left wing site here?”

  “This post is in Spanish. Translating… Islamic Center Of Bloomington. Today’s date! Shit! Somebody from Syria, posting in Spanish on an English site, trying to look like they’re from a Mexican Communist party site? Yeah, that’s fishy as hell.”

  “Here’s something else that translates to ‘remember the prize.’ Remember the prize? I don’t see anything about a prize. What do you suppose that’s about?”

  “Dunno,” Dharma said. “You keep looking, I’m gonna ask in the group if anyone has any ideas. WHAT? What the hell? Anonymous Justice isn’t there! What a time for the bastards to decide to take it down! SHIT!”

  “Oh you’re kidding me,” Jade whispered, white as a sheet.

  “Don’t panic, sweetie, we knew they’d do this sooner or later. It doesn’t necessarily mean anything. Think. What should we do?”

  “What about texting Detective Miller as AJ and telling him to pass the word?” Jade suggested.

  “Good idea. Time to make an anonymous cell connection to text him. Think I’ll pick on one from Minnesota this time...”


  Miller was visiting the Hamtramck PD to see how the local investigation was coming along on the bombing in the park when he got a text. It wasn’t from anyone he recognized, just a random number from Minnesota. He tapped it with his thumb to take a peek before deleting it and froze when he saw it was from AJ.

  No kidding? He’s gonna leave me his number now? That’s not like him at all. Probably a burner.

  Detective Miller, I apologize for contacting your personal cell, but I have urgent information for you, and my Facebook group has been shut down. I have uncovered what I believe to be ISIS chatter, which mentions the Bloomington Islamic Center in Minnesota, along with today’s date. It was directed to moveover.org, which has been recruiting volunteers for a counter-protest tonight at one planned by BLM. It hints that they are to come prepared for violence. I’m counting on you to communicate this information to the appropriate places since I am at a temporary disadvantage. AJ

  Miller forwarded the text to Clay, and added ‘Call me.’ Next, he headed to the Captain’s office to tell him about it, so he could officially pass it along to the Bloomington PD.

  “You sure this is credible?” the Captain asked.

  Miller shrugged. “You see what I see. I dunno. He hasn’t lied to us yet.”

  Miller’s cell rang. It was Clay. “Gotta take this,” he said, excusing himself out of the office.

  “Grab your go bag,” Clay said. “We leave in thirty. Meet me at the airport. We’re headed to Bloomington.”

  Chapter 12

  TH Donald

  Milwaukee, Wisconsin

  Tuesday, March 8th, 2016

  “I want you to get that Jermane Williams on a video call for me while we’re flying,” TH Donald told his campaign manager. “Put it right here on the monitor on my desk instead of the big screen, and let’s make sure none of the media hears about it this time. No one at all, okay?”

  “Sure boss. Whatever you want. While I’m doing that, can I ask what you’ve got in mind?” he asked, as he sat down on the matching leather couch to TH Donald’s right front, and opened his laptop.

  “I want to hire him,” Donald answered. “I’m pretty sure by now he’s officially unemployed because of his broadcast narrative earlier. I want to catch him before he gets away. He’s the best at what he does.”

  “Okay... And what’s he going to do for us, boss?”

  “The media haven’t been fair to us this whole time. They take bits and pieces of what I say and twist it into whatever the hell they want. I’m sick of that. We’re gonna beat them at their own game. We’re gonna have our own media from now on, so when the other guys try to twist our words, they’ll look stupid. We’re gonna do live video events on Facebook and have our own news blog out there. I want all of these kids who are planning to vote for the free stuff my opponent is promising, to learn the truth about the cost of that free stuff, and come over to our side. To accomplish that, we have to scare the shit out of them with the true, raw facts. These kids aren’t stupid, they’re just being played. Elise came up with this idea. Isn’t she great?

  “Anyhow, I want Jermane Williams in charge of that. I want him to make it clear that identifying and systematically eliminating these rabid terrorist maniacs running around here is the first step towards making America great again. I want him to reach out to every American and make sure that there’s no doubt left in their minds about what these bastards want from us. I want every one of them to understand that our ways of life, and our values, are polar opposites to theirs. I want them to understand that my opponent will let more of these idiots in here, so we can all sing ‘kumbaya’ together.

  “I want him to convince everyone that we’re right and she’s wrong. That’s a great general election strategy because it’s true!”


  TH Donald watched a recording of the President’s press conference on a flat screen TV in the lounge of his private jet after they’d landed, and were parked just outside of a huge hangar at General Mitchell Airport. He wanted it all fresh in his mind when he spoke. Inside the hangar, several thousand of his fans, and those who supported his becoming the Republican candidate for President of the United States, anxiously awaited him. Noting the time, he stood and buttoned his suit jacket, thinking,

  Everybody can see right through what the President’s doing, but nobody is willing to say it out loud. He refuses to allow anyone to say ‘terrorist’ and ‘Muslim’ in the same sentence. He knows that his time is up, and now he’s turning his back on the very people who helped elect him when he promised them free stuff. Black Lives Matter aren’t exactly model citizens, but they sure as hell aren’t the terrorists he’s declared them to be, either. Most of them are just punks and thugs who are being directed by the real terrorists and, more than likely, don’t even realize it. I’m not going to promise free stuff to anyone, but this is a good opportunity to create some cross-over within the black community.

  I can use my opponent’s promise to continue the work that the President has started, against her. I can point out that everything he’s been doing is paving the way for a Muslim takeover of the country, by preparing for the eventual spread of Sharia law community by community. Gotta be careful not to come right out and call the President a traitor, though. There’ll be enough others willing to do that soon enough. Let ‘em.

  This’ll also be good timing to talk about smaller government. About fewer layers separating the President and the Governor of each state. About fewer layers separating the Governor and the Mayor of each city, as well as the citizens that live there.

  He walked down the stairs, waving to overflow crowds, with Secret Service in front and behind of him. They escorted him through the door and to the very edge of the stage, where he was just being introduced.

  “Hello, Badgers!” TH Donald shouted into the microphone to the cheers of thousands. “It’s great to be in Wisconsin. We love Wisconsin. Yes! Yes, we love Wisconsin…

  “You know, during the last ten minutes before leaving my jet to come in here, which, by the way, I am paying for myself, I totally changed my mind about what I am going to talk to you about tonight. Maybe I’ll give some of the writers on my staff a heart attack or somet
hing! When we get to the White House, there are going to be some big changes. You can believe that.”

  The crowd chuckled and clapped. They started a chant, ‘Don-ald, Don-ald, Don-ald…’

  “I always talk about my success as a businessman at these things, because frankly, that’s what I know about! Nobody can question that I am a great businessman. What I’m going to talk about tonight, though, is how to make America SAFE again. I mean, we’re going to do a lot of things; but safety is a big concern to the average American. We don’t win at safety anymore. Just look around you right now. See all of the police and Secret Service people all over the place? They’re good people. They’re great at what they do, but I’m sure they wish they were allowed to actually enforce the laws we already have, once in a while. Now, what I’m going to say is not meant to be critical of these great Americans, right? Are you with me? As a businessman, I’m gonna tell you, the fact that they have to be here, costs money. A lot of money! That takes away from profits on the bottom line, folks. They don’t make us any money. They cost us money. But we have to have them here, in order for you to feel safe! In order for me to feel safe too. So we’re losing money because we have them here.

  “If you look at films from 30-40 years ago of rallies like this, you’d see that there were just as many people out there in the audience, supporting whoever they chose to support. The big difference you’d notice is that there was a lot less law enforcement. Ask yourself, why is that? Why is it that, no matter how many law enforcement people we hire today, it never seems like it’s enough? I’ll tell you why: because we’re afraid! OK, why are we afraid? Look around you right now. Are any of the people next to you pickpockets, looking to steal your wallet in this crowd? Can you tell by looking? Of course, you can’t. Does it scare the crap out of you that you can’t tell? Of course not. It would be inconvenient to have your wallet stolen, but you’re not petrified by the idea. It’d be nice if we asked every person before they got to come inside of this hanger if they are a pickpocket, right? Do you think they’d tell you if they were? Hell, no! Do you think there would be hell to pay for hurting everyone’s itty-bitty feelings by asking them that? Sure there would be! Would it be a smart business move, to hire people to ask everyone if they are a pickpocket before they can enter? Of course not. That’d be silly, right?

  “Folks, when I suggested that we shut down the borders to certain groups more so than others, I caught hell from the media. ‘Oh TH Donald is a racist, a xenophobe, a bigot.’ Hell, no he’s not. He’s a businessman! We know that we already have a whole bunch of pickpockets inside this country, without letting any more in! We shouldn’t have to give one crap about hurting feelings for not letting any of them in here until we find out who all of the pickpockets we already have here are, and eliminate them, right? That’s the only way we’ll ever get it done.

  “Now, I want you to replace the word pickpocket with the words radical Islamic terrorist everywhere I just used it. Do Islamic jihadists scare the crap out of you? Of course, they do. They want to do a whole lot more than just steal your wallet. In order for us to feel safe in America ever again, we have to admit that there are radical Islamic terrorists out there, who mean us harm. They want to come here to do it! We already know that we have some of them here, hiding right among us. Not all Muslims are terrorists. We understand that, but we do know that all jihadi terrorists are Muslims! Folks, we can’t worry about hurting anyone’s feelings for not being politically correct about this. While we’re worried about their feelings, they’re busy planning to kill us, for cripes sake. Get over it!

  “To further complicate that, I just watched a recording of the President on the TV in my jet before coming out here. He declared Black Lives Matter and this Anonymous Justice group as domestic terrorists! Hug a Muslim he said, but watch out for blacks, and for the silent majority! Before that, I watched a first-hand video on TV about what really happened in D.C. recently. I know that not all of you have seen it yet, for various reasons, but here’s what I want you to do. When you get home, turn on your TV. I promise you it’ll be there, probably on every channel. Then think about this: a vote for me as your Republican candidate is a vote for your safety. A vote for anyone else is a vote to keep doing what we’ve been doing! What will you choose?”


  An hour later: “Goodnight my friends! God bless you, and God bless the United States of America! Do the right thing!”

  The lights came up, and the patriotic music got loud as TH Donald walked towards stage right, shaking hands with any thrust his way. As he was nearing the blue curtain, from several rows back, two different young men, about ten feet apart from each other stood in unison, shouted “Allahu Akbar!” and fired pistols at him. Each of them got off one shot, both hitting TH Donald. Secret Service threw themselves between Donald and the attackers, and quickly got him behind the curtain only a few feet away. The crowd parted instantly around the shooters. People screamed and ran all over each other trying desperately to get away from the danger and save themselves.

  Just as suddenly, about a dozen more shots rang out, riddling the assassins with bullets. They fell dead where they were, without getting any more shots off. Half a dozen citizens, both men and women approached the assassins, weapons up, to make sure they stayed down. Secret Service, in front of the citizens, and police officers behind them, began shouting for them to drop their weapons, and get their hands in the air where they could see them. The situation was extremely tense in front of the stage with this scene, while behind stage, TH Donald was whisked into a bullet-proof Limo along with two armed bodyguards and a doctor, and rushed to the nearest hospital.

  The news crews went berserk, jostling for position to get ‘the shot’ for their network. Every TV in the country, and soon around the world, began showing actual footage of the incident in its entirety. Speculation and conspiracy theories knew no bounds. For the rest of that night, nothing else existed on TV, radio, or the Internet. Social media servers were pushed to their very limits by people of all ages, political and religious persuasions, trying to see what had happened. Because of the advancements in communications, this instantly became an even bigger story than the JFK shooting had been.

  Chapter 13

  Black Lives Matter Protest

  Bloomington, MN

  Tuesday, March 8th, 2016

  At the same time, tension was building at the Bloomington Islamic Center in Minnesota. Black Lives Matter had assembled more protesters there that day than they had anywhere ever before. Besides a great showing of force, their plan was to shut down all traffic headed towards the center, just like MoveOver.org had been doing to TH Donald’s political rallies. They’d pledged to keep doing it until leadership at the center denounced those Muslims trying to bring Sharia law to America, and the President rescinded his decision to list them as a domestic terrorist group. They were adamant that they weren’t.

  About a hundred yards from the Center, in either direction down the road, barricades had been created by parking cars and trucks end to end. The barrier extended from shoulder to shoulder and was three vehicles deep. Between those two roadblocks, nearly a thousand ethnically diverse supporters marched in a continuous loop, up one side of the road and down the other. They held up professionally printed signs for the many cameras and chanted the slogans depicted on them. Their vehicles pretty much filled the back half of the Walmart parking lot located fifty yards down the road, and on the other side.

  Three hundred yards in the opposite direction at Target, cars had been steadily arriving for the last half hour. A good sized crowd of college-aged people had amassed there and began getting organized. They were being provided with signs of their own that said, ‘Leave Them Alone’ and ‘Freedom of Religion’ stapled to lengths of 2x3s for handles. They were instructed to move as a solid mass down the sidewalk on the opposite side of the road to the Islamic center until they were centered directly in front of it when signaled. Their goal was to shut down the BLM protest
in any manner necessary.

  From the large sub-division of homes directly behind the Islamic center, small groups of young Muslim men walked the wide asphalt sidewalk that spanned a field to the Center. They walked this way many times per week to pray. They arrived empty-handed and were dressed in traditional Muslim attire. Each group entered the Center quietly and were not seen again.

  At the Bloomington Police Department, an all hands on deck had been issued, after calls from both the FBI and the Hamtramck PD warned of trouble brewing at their Islamic center. Unfortunately, by the time they were prepared to respond, the three different groups had already arrived.

  Traffic piled up in both directions, as the Islamic Center was on a busy thoroughfare that ran parallel to the expressway. Once people realized that there was no way through, they began turning around and driving back the way they’d come on the now empty opposite side of the road. Before they reached the end of the traffic jam, they were met face to face by police cars coming, with lights and sirens on. All of a sudden, nobody could move.

  Several more young black men joined the BLM parade from the Walmart parking lot, carrying signs. They arrived just ahead of several police cars, which’d entered the parking lot from the far side, from a secondary road. The officers stayed inside of their vehicles and gave the BLM marchers orders to cease and desist, through loudspeakers. Nobody paid any mind to them at all.

  A single file line of young men came out of the Islamic Center, each carrying the same signs as MoveOver.org. They lined the sidewalk in front of their Center. As they moved, the signal was given at Target, and that group began lining the sidewalk on the other side of the road. Soon, the BLM protesters realized that they were sandwiched in, and being double teamed. This was something they hadn’t seen coming, and it caught them quite by surprise.


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