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Single Daddy's Valentine

Page 24

by Amanda Horton

  Leo glanced at Petrina, cringing at the look of jealousy displayed on the woman’s face. Dekára! I can’t let her get to Gemma. “That is not my mother. She was not feeling well and hopes to meet you this evening.”

  Mentioning his mother’s poor health brought forth a look of sympathy and compassion from Gemma he would never see from Petrina. She nodded, whispering back, “Is she your sister?”

  Before he could answer, Petrina advanced on them both. having heard Gemma’s last question. “You ilíthios korítsi!” She continued her rant in Greek.

  Leo put himself between Petrina and Gemma, hoping to shield her from more verbal attacks.

  Gemma didn’t appear to be offended. “What did she just say?”

  “It does not matter. Come, I would introduce you to my patéras.”

  “Patéras? Does that mean father?” Gemma asked.

  “It does. Patéras, may I introduce Gemma Larsen from the United States.”

  Gemma shook the hand that was extended towards her. “It is a pleasure to meet you.” She paused. “Does he understand me?”

  Leo shook his head. “No, but I will translate for you.” He spoke to his father and then again to Gemma. “He welcomes you to our country and hopes you have a pleasant stay.” Leo didn’t add that his father had all but demanded the two of them get married immediately.

  Petrina, tired of being ignored, advanced on Gemma. “Who are you?”

  “Gemma. Are you the housekeeper?”

  Petrina puffed up in outrage.

  Leo mentally sighed. “Petrina, it is time you left.”

  Petrina pretended she hadn’t heard him. “What is a provincial girl like you doing with the Moustakas heir? I assure you he doesn’t have time for anything right now.”

  Gemma fixed her eyes on Petrina. “Are you his girlfriend?”

  “No. His arravo niastikiá. His fiancée.” Petrina smiled in triumph. “At least I will be once he stops acting the playboy and traipsing all over Europe.” Petrina sent a calculating grin towards Leo and he growled in response. She laughed, a brittle sound that grated on his nerves, and then turned back to Gemma. “Whatever it is you thought you had with him, I can assure you it’s over. He was only playing with you. I mean, have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror? Shabby clothes. No makeup. A man like him needs someone equally as polished who knows how society works. Something you could never be.”

  Leo was furious. Petrina intended her words to hurt Gemma. One look at the American’s face showed that they were having an effect. He just wasn’t sure what the outcome would be. He strode across the room, but before he could intervene, Gemma’s expression changed.

  She hurried towards the door. Giatta stood in the doorway holding Damien who had obviously been crying for his mother upon waking and finding himself in strange surroundings.


  “Momma?” Damien lunged for his mother’s arms. He hid his face in the crook of her neck.

  Gemma ignored Petrina’s gasp of outrage and gathered her son up in her arms. She whispered to him, wiping away his tears. It was several minutes before she turned back to the rest of the world. She intended to excuse herself, but Petrina wasn’t finished with her yet.

  The Greek woman took one look at Damien and said to the room in general. “You brought an American and her brat, here? Whatever were you thinking?”

  Before Petrina could continue her diatribe, Leo took her by the shoulder and physically pushed her out the door of the room. “Go home!”

  “But—” Petrina’s voice was whiny, but Leo didn’t seem to be influenced by it. He came back into the room and shut the door firmly behind him. “Gemma, come and introduce Damien to his grandfather—his pappoús.”

  Gemma wanted to leave. She opened her mouth, intending to demand he take her and her son back to the airport, and get as far away from the awful woman as possible. It was plain to see that Petrina had a thing for Alexi and thought the two of them were to be married—but the rush of jealousy that thought created inside of her held her silent.

  Why should I care if Alexi has a girlfriend? Just because I slept with him again… That was a one-time thing. It has to be. I can’t have feelings for him again. I have to think about Damien.

  But no matter how much she tried to convince herself that she didn’t care for Alexi, the chemistry between them was ever present. What if I fall for him all over again?

  She took a deep breath, struggling to control her reactions. I pulled my life together once before, but I have Damien and Tyler to think about now. I don’t know that I can do it again.

  But I really miss his touch and the way he made me feel…

  “Gemma, don’t let Petrina get to you. She’s a horrible human being and only after my wealth and position in society.”

  Gemma looked at him. “You used to date her?”

  He nodded and his expression showed his regret. “Unfortunately, yes. I assure you that whatever we had in the past is over and has been for a long time.”

  Gemma watched him carefully and thought about how vile the woman had been to her. “She’s jealous.”

  “I don’t care.”

  Gemma swallowed. “She thinks she’s going to marry you.”

  “She’s a sore loser. Now, come. We’ve kept my father waiting long enough.” He led her over to the waiting man, taking obvious joy in introducing her and Damien to Vasil.

  His father enjoyed meeting Damien, even though the boy wasn’t very social. Gemma assured him that after Damien got to know his surroundings he would be a much happier young man to be around.

  Vasil merely nodded and then left Gemma alone with Alexi, with only a few terse words for his son. Gemma wished she spoke his language. It would be much easier to communicate if she didn’t always have to rely on someone else to translate for her. Alexi didn’t seem inclined to require more of her presence.

  He returned her and Damien to their suite of rooms. “Get some rest before dinner.” He looked at her tenderly, cupping her chin and kissing her lightly on the lips before leaving. It was easy to think he might have feelings for her.

  Gemma shook her head. Remember Petrina. She seems to think he has feelings for her as well.

  Gemma settled Damien down for a light nap, trying to make sense of her emotions. The more she tried, the more confused she became. When her head started to hurt, she decided to just take things moment by moment. There was too much at stake for her to completely lose her perspective. I need to be calm, and learn as much as I can about Alexi’s family, so that when the time comes to take a stand I can do so in a clear and concise manner. There was no room for the overwhelming confusion and chaos of her current thoughts.

  She owed it to herself and to Damien to be mature and make informed decisions. Even when those decisions involved her feelings for Alexi. No matter what, I’m going to think before I act. I will not let my emotions or the situation control me. I’m stronger than that.

  Chapter 10

  The next morning…

  Gemma was growing angrier by the moment, and for a reason that only served to make her mad at herself. Her son was being treated like a prince! She knew her reaction was irrational, but it was how she felt.

  Damien had been very fussy the evening before. Gemma requested that she and her son stay in their rooms this first night in Greece and recover. Alexi had been unwilling to concede. Gemma had impressed upon him her desire for his parents to see Damien as the happy child Alexi had first met and he’d finally agreed.

  The next morning, Damien seemed to have fully recovered from their long journey and was ready to go exploring. Gemma took him downstairs and found Alexi’s parents sitting at a long dining table, eating breakfast and talking softly. Alexi was nowhere to be found, but Damien’s little boy charm eased the language barrier.

  Vasil and Tressa seemed completely enchanted by her son. They smiled at him, talking to him and helping him eat a breakfast that consisted of several dishes Gemma couldn’t identify, but h
er son obviously enjoyed. When Alexi arrived fifteen minutes later, he named each dish and urged her to try a little of each one.

  There was galatopita, which he explained was a milk pie or custard and served cold. There were also tiganites, small, medallion sized pancakes served with a ground sesame seed paste, tahini, and a delicious grape syrup called petimezi.

  By the time Damien had finished eating, he was wearing as much of the syrup as had once been on his plate. “Damien, you need a bath,” she told her son as he made his way over to where she sat sipping a cup of tea.

  Alexi interpreted her words for his parents. Hearing her words, Tressa called out. Two maids rushed into the room. Tressa barked orders at them and they swept Damien up and carried him out of the room before Gemma could blink.

  “Wait! Where are they taking him?” She tried to go after them, but Alexi held her back.

  “They are going to bathe him and get him dressed for the day. They are the maids that have been assigned to see to his every comfort. Come, I will escort you back to your rooms so that you may relax and get ready for the day.”

  Gemma stared at the three people in the dining room and shook her head. “I don’t know how things work here, but I do know that I care for my son. Me! Take me to where he is, right now.”

  Alexi said something to his parents. They were obviously not happy with her decision. Alexi sighed. A few minutes later he was escorting her back upstairs. “Gemma, you need to try and adjust to the way things are done here. My parents meant no harm. They simply want to care for their grandson.”

  Gemma wasn’t in a very forgiving mood. “It was bad enough that you forced me to come to Greece, against my express wishes, but now you want to take over my life!”

  “No one wants to take over your life. We simply want to show you that there is an easier way to live. Look around you. Anything you could ever want or wish for is within your grasp. Why not reach out and experience how others live?”

  Why doesn’t he understand? I can’t let Damien get used to being cared for like this! Gemma fought to regain control of her emotions. I can’t get used to being cared for like this. We don’t live like this in the States and we will be going home some day.

  “Take a bath and I will return for you in an hour. The maids will bring Damien to you as soon as he is dressed.” Alexi opened her doors and then gave her a gentle push inside.

  Gemma went, tears stinging her eyes. Before she could reply, her phone rung.

  “Answer your call, Gemma.” Alexi urged her.

  She did so, cognizant of the fact that he was hovering in the doorway, listening in to her call. “Hello?”

  “Sis? Hey, where are you? I went by the apartment and Aimee said you and Damien went to Greece. Sis, tell me you didn’t take off on some fancy vacation when…”

  “When what, Tyler?” Gemma gripped the phone tightly. “When you still need twenty thousand dollars and expect me to just magically make it appear? Is that why you’re calling? Wanting to make sure your ticket to school is still going to be punched?”

  Gemma felt horrible as the angry words left her mouth and dropped her head. “Tyler… God, I’m sorry. Look, yes—I’m in Greece. I’m restoring a large work and if things work out, I’ll have the money you need for school long before September.”

  “Gemma, you didn’t mean…” Tyler’s voice wavered. She could picture his sad expression clearly, even though they were separated by thousands of miles.

  “No, I’m just in a bad mood and taking it out on you. Don’t worry about school, okay? Look after Aimee and I’ll call you when I know more about my plans.” She looked at Alexi and quickly ended the call. “I have to go. I’ll call again soon.”

  She disconnected the call and turned to see Alexi staring at her with his arms crossed over his chest. “What?”


  “Your brother needs to grow up.” Leo had thought her brother was using her before, and now he was convinced.

  Gemma’s eyes flashed. “My brother is not your concern.”

  “Your brother upsets you, making him my concern. Your peace of mind and health are my prime concerns while you are here in Greece. Anything that affects you will be dealt with. Take a bath and I will return for you.”

  He didn’t give her a chance to respond, he simply strode down the hallway and into his own rooms, going straight to his desk. He immediately pulled up the information the private investigator had sent him on Gemma and those closest to her.

  Once he’d located Tyler’s phone number he placed a much needed call. “Tyler Larsen?”

  “Yeah. Hey, who is this? I don’t recognize this number.”

  “This is Leo Moustakas. We met at your sister’s apartment several days ago.”

  “Oh, yeah. Her new boyfriend. Hey, man, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but she’s off in Greece—”

  “Your sister is with me. Now, I need you to listen and listen very carefully.” Leo’s tone was firm. It was way past time Tyler started carrying his own weight. “I’ve become aware of the way you’ve been abusing your sister’s love and responsibility for you.”

  “Wait! Who are you again?” Tyler demanded.

  “The man who is going to help you grow up and give your sister some peace and financial relief. I have a proposition for you. I understand you’re studying international business?”

  “Yeah, I’m entering grad school in the Fall. What does that have to do with anything?”

  Leo restrained his temper. “I am prepared to fund the rest of your education, provided you agree to come and work for my company after your graduation. This offer is contingent on you never asking your sister for money again.”

  “Whoa! Man, are you serious?”

  “Very. Do we have a deal?”

  “You’ll pay for all of grad school?”

  “Yes. I will see that the funds are wired to your institution before this day ends. But I must have your promise on the other two conditions.”

  “You’ve got yourself a deal. Man, I can’t believe this. Does Gemma know?”

  “No, and for now that is the way I wish things to remain. You may call her in a day or two and let her know you found another way to pay for your schooling and that she is relieved from the stress you’ve put her under. Tell her what you wish, but do not tell her where those funds came from.”

  “Yeah, sure. I can do that. Hey, she’ll be able to come home sooner.”

  “I’m afraid that will not be possible. I require your sister to remain in Greece for a while longer. Maybe you should wait until I give you leave to tell her that her money woes are over. In fact, that is a much better way to play this.” Leo gave the young man an email address. “Send me your educational institutions information and I will take care of the rest. And Tyler, make better use of your time and your resources. I will pay for your schooling, but you will be responsible for any living expenses you incur over the next few years. Delivering pizzas may not be the best way to accomplish that.”

  Leo hung up the phone, feeling strangely satisfied. Gemma would be thrilled to find out she didn’t need to stress about money any longer. If I have myway, she will never stress over money again.

  He headed downstairs and located his man of affairs flirting with the cook in the kitchens. Petrina was there as well, but Leo ignored her for the moment. “Grigo, I am going to forward you some information. Contact the school and see that Tyler Larsen’s tuition bills are paid out of my personal account for the foreseeable future.”

  “Naí, I will see to it right away.” Grigo winked at the cook and the pair of them ducked out the back door.

  Leo turned to see Petrina giving him a pitying look. “How the mighty have fallen.”

  “What are you talking about? And why are you back here?”

  Petrina checked her nails. “That little American whore has wormed her way into your heart.’

  Leo shook his head. “Don’t be silly. Everyone knows I don’t have a heart.”

“You didn’t use to, but what you just did… That is completely out of character.” She shook her head and headed for the exit. “I don’t know what’s going on with you, but unless you’ve gotten those stock certificates signed back over, you and I have a date with a minister.”

  Leo watched her leave, his hands clenched in fists. Never! I will not marry that woman. She would drive me insane inside of a month!

  He headed upstairs to retrieve Gemma, his protective instincts once more rising to the surface. He’d taken care of her brother’s constant need for money, and now he needed to figure out what other problems in her life he could fix. The chemistry between them was still there. As he headed up the stairs, he started making plans to show her his Greece. Not the one the tourists saw, but the country of his childhood. The place he called home and would always come back to.

  He had a strong desire to make her smile and to taste her kiss once again. To take her away from the demands of his family and the reminders of how different their lives were. At some point, in the very near future, she would have to make some decisions about her and Damien’s future, but not today. Today, I will give her the sunshine, the moon, and the beauty of Greece.

  Chapter 11

  Gemma had managed to contain most of her anger by the time Alexi returned for her. Seeing Damien happy and smartly dressed also helped. Her son explored their rooms until Alexi came and announced they were going to spend the day sightseeing.

  “Come, lígo gáta. Greece awaits you.”

  Alexi had a very smart, brand-new looking SUV waiting in front of the estate. A man was there to assist her with getting Damien buckled into the new safety seat that had been installed in the backseat of the vehicle.

  She couldn’t help asking,“You had a child seat just lying around?”

  Alexi smiled at her. “Whatever you need will be provided. I have told you this before. Maybe now you will believe me?”

  Gemma didn’t reply. She double checked the harness to assure herself that Damien was securely buckled in. “Where are we going?”

  “I am going to show you my favorite spot here.” He kissed her lightly before helping her into the vehicle and shutting the door. He drove them out of the gates surrounding the house and grounds, heading for the ocean.


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