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Swimming in Sparkles

Page 36

by Debra Anastasia

  The gentle exploration was over. Now it was time to reunite. I’d been thinking about it. His skin. His arms. I missed all the slopes of him. The way his muscles now worked just for me but could also lift things heavier than me. He’d worked out in jail a lot. A lot. I let my hands feel this new, manly version of the boy I fell in love with. My smile was indulgent and a little selfish. He was mine. I felt his chest hair, and as he undid my buttons, I worked on his, then we switched—it was faster. Soon, we were together, just naked in front of one another.

  This version of him and this version of me were thrilled to see each other again. The special Ruffian and Teddi that the world wasn’t allowed to know. Just us. I climbed him while he pulled me closer. And at once, we fought to please. Lips and tongues, but also fingers seeking. I found him and wrapped my hand around him. Yes. All mine.

  He was using his fingers inside me, and I was more than ready for him. I let my head fall back as sensations rolled through like a tide. A tide that had waited years to fill.

  “Oh yes. Please, Teddi. Leave your head back like that.”

  I did as he asked, my hair moving in the rhythm he demanded between my legs. When I came, I pulled forward, seething with the pleasure of him. He laughed lightly and staggered a little before kissing me until I could kiss him back.

  My legs were not steady as he set me down. I went to go to my knees in front of him, wanting to give him what he had given me.

  I watched his eyes go wide. “No time for that.”

  He found his jeans and dug into the pocket. “This condom is super old? Is it okay?” He held it up as if it was the key to the universe. I felt his panic as well but had to joke with him.

  “Seriously? Do they even have expiration dates?”

  We both peered at the small package like it was magic.

  “Oh shit. We got another two years on this puppy!” Ruffian kissed the wrapper, then he kissed me.

  He wasted no time rolling it on and then he stood. “I have so many ideas, I don’t know where to start.”

  I held out my hands to him. “Just be inside me. Please.”

  Ruffian sank to one knee, then the other. I spread my legs as he maneuvered between them.

  We were looking into each other’s eyes when he slid into me. Together. Zap.

  I could hug him and kiss him and feel him inside of me. I wrapped my legs around his hips and met his thrusts. He picked up the pace, and I could tell he was fighting with himself to try to last longer. Be this connected longer.

  Where we were connected, I was mesmerized by the V of him, giving me all that he had.

  When I could tell he was going over the edge, I put my hand around his neck and brought him down for a kiss, squeezing with all my might so his end would be as wonderful as mine had been.

  Curses and groans in between kisses told me he was spent. I relished his weight as he lowered himself partway on me, his arms shaking from the exertion. I kissed his shoulder, my lips salty right after.

  We panted at each other, faces shining with a sheen.

  “I’m so in love with you.” He wasn’t saying it as a goodbye this time. It was the start of so, so much.

  “I love you, Ruffian. Next time, we’re going to use the bed.”

  This man that had known such love as a child would never miss a day of devotion. Not as long as I had a flicker of life in me.




  To the husband that listens and loves better than I could ever hope for, to my handsome son thank you for letting me spend so much time with you while you enter your author/editor career, and to my gorgeous feisty daughter I am in awe of you and the power you are able to harness.

  Mom and Dad S You are so very amazing, still supporting and parenting even though your babies are a lot old. For babies.

  Pam and Jim Congrats on Cookie! I think she makes a great overlord for you both.

  Mom and Dad D You are such fun and so supportive and wonderful to everyone. Love you

  The Florida Branch of Swag Making (TFBSM)—Dad you have been an amazing father my whole life. From tire swings to lake trips to never turning down a chance to play with Pam and I and now your grandkids. Sorry I work you so hard, and sorry you are so good at it. Mom, thank you for pouring drinks, bringing the party and turning up the music all while helping. You should both get a raise and I love you both so very much.

  Aunt Jo and Uncle Ted You are the freaking best. I love you both. Aunt Jo thanks for letting me borrow your name, you would have been a far more kick ass social worker than book Josephine.


  Helena Hunting - For kicking my ass on this one and making sure Ruffian did what he needed to do. You are the pepper.

  Tijan - I really want B to get a button to press that says, “dog videos.” Thank you for never letting me get down on myself. I love you.

  Erika - You are grace and sass and so amazing. Thank you for word sprints and count checks.

  Katherine- Memes I love you

  Christina Santos-- Just being bad ass and sensitive and thoughtful. Thank you.

  Heather Brown I will always think of you when Derbra pushes us in an elevator

  Debra’s Daredevils!

  My kick ass buds

  CP Smith

  Nina Bocci

  Sarah P


  Ashley S



  Production Crew

  CP Smith for formatting that honestly astounds me.

  Paige Smith Editing.

  Gel from Tempting Illustrations

  Amanda Rash Proofreading

  Promotion Crew

  Social Butterfly PR

  Jenn Watson

  Nina Bocci

  Shan Brown

  Hilary Suppes

  Career Rock Stars:

  Kimberly Brower and Amiee Ashcraft of Brower Literary

  Debra’s Review Crew!

  Debra’s Beta Bitches:

  Helena Hunting

  Christina Santos

  Sarah Piechuta

  Heather Brown

  Marty Keely

  Lauren Lascola-Lesczynski

  Book Bre

  Ashley Scales

  Elaine Turner

  Jennie Gordon Coon

  Brenda Parsons

  Michele Macleod

  Katie Friend

  Tracy Gonzalez

  Elizabeth Clinton

  Danielle Holder

  Tessa Poffé

  Amanda Marie

  Tiffany Johnson

  Veronica Ashley

  Sophie Ruthven

  Amanda Kay Anderson

  Melissa Gaston

  Brandi Zelenka

  Jeananne Cappetta

  Jennifer Dyche

  Karen McVino

  Carol Sonnet

  To anyone I am forgetting… you know me. I’m not getting out on the right floor most of the time. Thank you for being here.

  About The Author

  Debra creates pretend people in her head and paints them on the giant, beautiful canvas of your imagination. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in political science and writes new adult angst and romantic comedies. She lives in Maryland with her husband and two amazing children. She doesn’t trust mannequins but will trust bears.

  For more information visit And if you loved this book, leaving a review grants you the ownership of one very majestic pegasus. Thank you so much for reading.


  Okay Daredevils. I have literally the cutest offer ever for you. My dad makes my swag down in Florida. He is freaking adorable about it and is very serious about his job. He has done such a good job that I'm literally out of swag for him to make at the moment. So, I have a new task for him. If you are in the US and want a FREE signed bookplate(s), email my dad and we will send them to you and whatever swag he can fit in the envelope.

  I made him his own email: deb

  To receive an envelope sealed with adorableness and extreme efficiency email: (US ONLY, so sorry!) with your full name and mailing address (plus how many bookplates you need!!) (OK, international, send him an email too and we will have international stamps while supplies last!)

  Dare with Debra Anastasia


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  Other Titles By Debra Anastasia


  Drowning in Stars

  Swimming in Sparkles






  Poughkeepsie Begins


  Return to Poughkeepsie

  Saving Poughkeepsie



  Fire Down Below

  Fire in the Hole


  Beast (Mercy Series)

  Booty Camp Dating Service

  Felony Ever After

  Late Night with Andres


  For All The Evers

  The Revenger

  Seraphim Series

  Before You Ghost (co-write)




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