Book Read Free

The Heartbreaker

Page 18

by Claire Contreras

  “You’re dressed up too,” Misty points out.

  “I’m not.” I’m really not. I’m wearing jeans and a red polo.

  “Well, if you must know, we’re meeting some guys up for drinks,” Misty says. My gaze shoots to Jo, who bites her lip and looks away.

  “What guys?”

  “Guys you don’t know,” Misty says. “You think you know everyone in this town too?”

  “How do you know anyone in this town?”

  “Because I freaking do and again, it’s none of your business what we do.” Misty places a hand on her hip. “Have fun. We know we will.”

  They grab two bottles of water and walk out of the kitchen and soon I hear the door open and a car pull away.

  “You ready to go?” Mav walks into the kitchen wearing jeans and some kind of Manga T-shirt.


  “Did you invite the girls to come with?”

  “They already left. Apparently they’re meeting up with some guys.”

  My brother raises an eyebrow. “Lawrence?”

  “I don’t know.” My blood starts boiling.

  Asheville is small enough that we may run into them tonight and if we do and she’s with Lawrence I need to know I can handle it because otherwise I’ll break his face. I decide I’m sticking to two beers tonight. It’s the only way I can ensure keeping my wits about me and not letting my emotions control the situation. I say a version of this to my brother as we walk outside and get in one of my dad’s cars.

  “First of all, you’re assuming too much. We probably won’t see them. Secondly, did you see how she looks in that outfit? I feel like drunk or not, if you see her with anyone tonight you’re going to flip out. Third of all, this is on you for not telling her how you felt.”

  “I didn’t get a chance to tell her how I felt.” I glance at him as we wind down the hill and onto the street. “The night I was going to tell her, she got back with Lawrence.”

  “Did you ask her about that?”

  “I didn’t have to. You were there. You saw them.”

  “Did you text her to confirm this?”

  “Can you not?” I shoot him a look.

  “I’m just saying, Jag. You’ve liked this girl for as long as I can remember. Sure, you had other girlfriends and other people you were fucking, but Jo has always been your if she ever gives me a chance I’ll change full-stop girl. She gave you a chance, finally, and then you just . . . let him have her back?”

  “That’s not what happened.” I frown. “We were casually hooking up, at her request.”

  “Her request, Jagger?” My brother turns to me as I finish parallel parking near the brewery. “You’re the king of casual. How is she supposed to think this would be anything but that?”

  “How is it that you still don’t have a girlfriend?”

  Mav chuckles. “That’s by choice and when I do get one, I’m not going to be playing all of these stupid mind games.”

  “Famous last words.” I raise an eyebrow.

  We take a seat and order our beer. Mav orders a flight and I order one of the ones they have on tap. There’s a game on, but it goes to halftime and they start showing the reel of last week’s highlights, talking about me again. I keep my eyes on the television and read the caption since it’s loud in here. They’re still praising the play. Most of them praised it. Some of them criticized how risky it was. Coach said the same thing after all of the celebrating was over. It was risky, especially since it was early on in the game, but I do that. I take risks. On the field, that is. Before I catch myself, I take my phone out and text message Josephine.

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  I glance down at my phone and freeze when I see that my incoming text is from Jagger. I look around quickly, thinking maybe he spotted me, maybe he’s here, but I don’t see him anywhere, and I would and not just because my skin prickles whenever he’s near. Maverick is hard to miss, tall, all roped in muscle with that mean gleam about him that he has, which is funny since he’s a sweetheart, but you’d never know it. I open the text and read it.

  We need to talk.

  I let out a laugh, clicking the side button before turning my phone over so that I don’t see the screen. Misty shoots me a questioning look, and I shake my head to dismiss it. She wasn’t lying when she said we were meeting up with some guys. What she failed to leave out was that Eric has been our good friend since we were kids and he and Paul are a couple. They’re both hot as hell though and have been known to pretend they’re our boyfriends when we go out and don’t want attention from guys.

  “Trouble in paradise?” Eric asks, raising a brow.

  “It was never paradise, only trouble.”

  “Your favorite kind of vibe,” Paul says across the table. We all laugh. “I will say, it’s about damn time you left Lawrence.”

  “I’ll drink to that,” Eric says beside me.

  We all clink glasses and take a sip of beer.

  “I didn’t realize y’all hated him so much.” I frown.

  “Really, Jo?” Eric shakes his head. “The guy was the ultimate douche.”

  “No, he wasn’t.” My frown deepens. “I mean, sure he was a little arrogant, but he wasn’t mean.”

  “He was mean,” Paul says. “But let’s move on. We’re done with him anyway.”

  “So, Jagger Cruz,” Eric muses. “He’s the oldest of the trio, right?”

  “Yes, and he’s a Gemini,” I say. “Since I know that’s your follow-up question.”

  Eric chuckles, running a hand through his perfectly bleach-blond hair. Normally, that look doesn’t do it for me, but with his spray tan and deep blue eyes, the blond hair looks hot. Not that he cares what any of us think. Eric has always been sure of himself and worn his skin rather than letting it wear him. In my insecure phase, I often summoned his confidence, but never achieved his no-fucks-given attitude.

  “You’re an Aries, so that works,” Eric says.

  “It’s like us, babe,” Paul says.

  “Let’s hope he’s not as crazy as you are, honey.” Eric sips his beer, eyes twinkling. Paul flashes him his middle finger.

  “Tell us about your venture,” Misty says. “Are you allowed to grow and distribute? How does this work?”

  Eric and Paul put on their business caps and start talking to us about their marijuana company. It’s already been approved for medical usage, but not in the state of North Carolina yet. They explain the long, drawn-out process, but the way they talk about it, with such pride, tells me this is one thousand percent what they should be doing. It’s a long moment before my phone vibrates again. I’m two beers in at this point, so when I see another text from Jagger, this time saying, I see you. Meet me in the bathroom. Let’s talk. I don’t think twice. I hop off the barstool, holding on to Eric’s shoulder to steady myself, and stand up.

  “Bathroom?” Eric asks. Misty and Paul are lost in conversation still, so when I nod, Eric stands up and holds my hand. “Let’s go.”

  I don’t even stop him or tell him I’m meeting Jagger there. The alcohol went straight to my brain and I feel like I’m swaying on my feet. The restrooms turn out to be a long hall of gender-neutral doors with shared sinks right outside of the doors.

  “You good or do you need help?” Eric turns me to face him and looks down at me. “You know I’ve been to this rodeo before.”

  “I think I’m okay.” I laugh thinking of all the times Eric has helped unzip and re-zip my outfits over the years.

  “You’re full of surprises.” Jagger’s voice startles me.

  “I’m sure you mean that in the best way.” Eric’s eyes shoot to Jagger, who’s obviously standing behind me.

  “Who the hell are you?” Jagger asks.

  “I would ask the same, but the fact that you’re clearly an asshole just answered my question.” Eric’s eyes are hard as he assesses Jagger. I finally make myself turn around and God I wish he wasn’t so damn attractive and I wish I wasn’t so damn a
ttracted to him.

  “Can we talk alone or is your newest plaything going to join in on the conversation?” Jagger asks, his jaw twitching.

  “I’m not her plaything. I’m her constant. I was here through the last relationship and will be here after you’re discarded, so I’d watch my mouth if I were you.”

  “Really?” Jagger raises an eyebrow. “The plot thickens.”

  “I’m good,” I say, looking up at Eric. I squeeze his hand twice so he knows I mean it.

  “Maybe I’ll stick around in case I need to bash someone’s face in,” Eric says, taking his hand from mine and crossing his muscular arms across his chest.

  “Maybe you should mind your own fucking business before I make you regret it.” Jagger steps forward.

  “Stop.” I put a hand flat on Jagger’s hard chest. His fiery gaze meets mine. “Stop. Now. Or there will be no conversation.”

  Jagger nods once, twice, jaw still twitching.

  “You sure you don’t want me to wait for you?” Eric asks.

  “I’m sure. Thank you.” I smile at him.

  “I’ll be back in five.” He walks away, back to the table.

  As soon as he’s out of sight, Jagger grabs my arm and walks me into a bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind us.

  “What the hell?” I yank my arm from his grasp.

  “Explain,” he seethes.

  “Explain?” I raise an eyebrow. “What exactly do you need me to explain?”

  “This is your new casual hookup? Is that what’s happening? You got back together with Lawrence and now you’re giving him a taste of his own medicine, or is this a mutual agreement you have now?” He crowds my space. I put my hands on his chest so he can’t come any closer, but his warmth makes my hands tingle.

  “Eric isn’t a casual hookup,” I say. “Not that it’s any of your business after what you did.”

  “What I did?” He blinks. “What exactly did I do? You were the one who got back together with Lawrence.”

  “I . . . what?” I let out a laugh. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “Lawrence. I saw you together. I went to the bar after my game because I wanted to see you. I wanted to . . . ” He shakes his head, eyes as hard as his chiseled jaw. “It doesn’t matter. I saw you leave with him, hold his hand, let him touch you. I have never felt my skin crawl like I did that night.”

  “No, you just let other women crawl all over you instead.” I push his chest. “I saw the video.”

  “What video?” he looks bewildered.

  “The video of you at that party. You were making out with some girl with long, dark hair. Misty was there. She saw you go upstairs with the girl. Holding hands,” I grit out. “So don’t tell me what it feels like to have your skin crawl. You said we were exclusive. You lied.”

  “I did not lie. I never so much as looked at another woman while we were together. Why would I?” He searches my gaze, which is as hard as his.

  “I don’t know, Jagger. Why do men do anything?”

  “I did not . . . ” He takes a step back, running a hand through his dark hair as he shakes his head.

  “Don’t bother coming up with any excuses. I know what I saw. My sister knows what she saw.”

  His gaze snaps to mine again. He walks forward. I take a step back, hitting the wall behind me just as he plants his arms on either side of my head and lowers his face. His voice shakes as he speaks.

  “I never slept with anyone else. I did not sleep with that woman.”

  “Right.” I roll my eyes, but my own voice is shaky, and when I take a breath to clear my head, I inhale his scent and I find myself getting drunk off that as well. “I don’t believe you.”

  “I don’t give a damn if you don’t believe me. It’s the truth.” He slaps a hand on the wall. I flinch at the sound so close to my ear.

  “If you don’t care whether or not I believe you, I guess there’s nothing more to discuss.” I keep my gaze locked on his. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to get back to my casual hookup.”

  I duck underneath his arm, but he straightens and grabs me again. I pull away once more, but his voice stops me just as I reach for the lock. “I care.”

  “I don’t believe you.” I speak to the door in front of me, not wanting to meet his eyes again.

  “That night, after my game, I went to the bar to tell you I’m in love with you.” His quiet words snake through me, gripping my heart. I turn around to face him. His gaze, still fiery, burns right into me. “I’ve been in love with you for as long as I can remember, Josephine. I should’ve said it sooner. I should have said it years ago instead of pushing you away with my lies, but I was scared. I’m still scared.” He takes a breath, glancing away briefly before looking at me again. “But I can’t pretend anymore. I don’t want to. I love you. I didn’t sleep with that girl. I couldn’t. Not when every time she touched me the only person I could think about was you.”

  “But you kissed her,” I whisper, hating the tears in my eyes. “I saw you kiss her.”

  He nods, shutting his eyes briefly. “I thought we were over. I thought you wanted him.”

  “You should have asked.” Now it’s my turn to step forward, to crowd his space. “You should have texted. You could have called.”

  “You could have as well.”

  “I was in pain. I . . . when I saw you kissing her, I felt like I was dying.”

  “When I saw him touching you, I felt like I was dying.” He closes the distance between us, bringing a hand up to my face. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I hurt you. I never . . . ” He shuts his eyes briefly again and swallows. When he opens them, the pain is as clear as the beat of my heart. “I hate knowing that I hurt you.”

  I swallow, nodding.

  “Will you forgive me?” his thumb grazes my cheek, a soft touch beneath his calloused finger.

  “I don’t know.”

  “Please, Jo. I swear I will do anything, everything, to show you I’m worthy of you.”

  “Promises are just words,” I whisper. “I’ve heard so many promises, so many words.” I shrug.

  “Not from me.” He leans in closer, kissing the corners of my eyes, the tip of my nose. “You’ve never heard them from me.” He pulls away. “Please.”

  I shake my head, tears springing my eyes again, trickling down slowly. I want him so badly it hurts, I want to believe him and forgive him and forget about that video, but I see it playing in my head and I don’t know that I can. Even with that thought, I stand on the tips of my toes and kiss his mouth, soft and slow. Even as I question myself and my actions and what this will lead to, I lean into his touch, into his hands as they pull down my bodysuit, arch my back as his mouth finds my nipples. Soon, we’re fumbling fingers pulling our pants down and he’s hoisting me up against the wall, my back crashing against it as his mouth finds mine again.

  “I don’t have a condom,” he says against my mouth. “Do you?”

  “I’m on the pill.” I shake my head. “Clean. I checked after . . . ” I let my words trail. After Lawrence.

  “I’ve never . . . ” He swallows, shutting his eyes as his fingers find my clit and I moan against him. He opens his eyes and looks at me, fingers still moving against my clit. “I’ve never had sex without a condom.”

  “We don’t have to—”

  “I want to.” He searches my eyes. “A bathroom at a brewery wasn’t what I envisioned for this, but I can’t wait another moment . . . ” He bites his lip, exhaling heavily as the tip of his cock teases my folds, throbbing against me, once, twice, before he thrusts inside me. I inhale sharply, gripping his shoulders, my head falling back against the tile of the wall.

  He digs his fingers under my thighs as he fucks me, hard, fast, slowly, then fast again.

  “Fuck. I’m not going to last.” He breathes against me, pushing his forehead against mine. “I won’t last, Jo.”

  His words, the lack of restraint in which he says them, makes me come instantly.
I bite my lip to keep from screaming, but when he pounds into me harder, growling in that way he does when he’s fired up, I find myself coming again and screaming out his name. He spills inside of me, a burst of warm liquid I’ve never felt like this, and when we both catch our breath and he sets me down ever so slowly, he turns around, gets a paper towel, wets it and brings it back over to me, placing it between my legs, against my throbbing clit.

  “I love you, Jo. I mean that.” He pins me with his gaze. “You don’t have to say it back. You don’t have to return the feeling if you don’t love me, but I will never stop, and I know words are just words, but mine aren’t. I don’t say shit I don’t mean.”

  “Like the fact that you wanted casual?” I raise an eyebrow as I wipe myself.

  “Well, I had to reel you in somehow.” He grins as he gets dressed and waits for me to do the same. “If I’m being honest, I always wanted more than just casual with you. I still do. I always will. The question is, are you willing to give me a chance?”

  “I—” The loud pounding on the door cuts off my sentence. My eyes widen. “Everyone out there is going to know what we were doing.”

  “Who cares?” Jagger shrugs a shoulder. “We’re never going to see them again anyway.”

  I toss the paper towel in the trash and wash my hands before taking a breath and following him out the door. Eric is standing there, looking between us.

  “I think it’s fair to say she’s mine,” Jagger says, holding my hand.

  Eric laughs. “I think it’s fair to say no one speaks for Jo.”

  “Facts, so let me rephrase that.” Jagger’s hand tightens around mine. “I think it’s fair to say I’m hers completely and I have no plans on letting her go.”

  “I respect that.” Eric nods, taking a step back. “And I think you should meet my boyfriend. He’s been dying to meet you since I described you.”

  “You’re joking.” Jagger’s mouth drops. He glances at me, then at the back of Eric’s head, then at me again.


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