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Redemption: A Supernatural Action Adventure Opera (War of the Damned Book 8)

Page 21

by Michael Todd

  Instead of shaking it, he grabbed her other arm and laughed in her face. “Just kidding.” He twisted the arm brutally, cracking the fragile bones. “Come out, dammit!” he bellowed.

  Katie screamed and tilted her head back. Her eyes glowed bright red, and her body convulsed. Moloch licked his lips like a serpent. “Yes. That’s right. Feel the pain and agony. Feel it. Come out of there, bitch.”

  He thrust his claw into Katie’s chest, digging into her very core, and snagged the edge of a demon. “Gotcha, bitch!”

  Moloch pulled hard, ignoring Katie’s monstrous screams—and ignoring the bright white light coming from her body. Her eyes changed from red to blue and back again. Finally, he pulled the entire demon out and threw it on the ground at his feet. Katie’s screams instantly stopped, and her body collapsed to the ground. The pain was almost too much for her to bear. Everything was spinning wildly, and she couldn’t pull air into her lungs.

  Moloch tilted his head back and laughed loudly. “Look at that! Look at your precious Lilith. She’s so weak, it’s pathetic.”

  Moloch grabbed Katie by the face, staring at her eyes as they rolled in her head. She gurgled something, but Moloch couldn’t hear what she was saying. He stepped closer and put her head to his ear. “What? Say it louder, bitch. Don’t worry, your time is almost here.”

  Katie struggled to swallow and then righted her vision, staring directly at the side of Moloch’s head. “I said, joke’s on you, motherfucker.”

  Moloch looked at her strangely, not sure what she meant. “You’re talking in riddles. Joke’s on me? No, joke’s on you, bitch. I have your writhing evil demon right here. She acted so big and bad. She talked so much shit. She acted like she gave a shit about you, but look at that lump of dry shit. She’s as pathetic as she’s always been. There’s no glory or honor in this. Who knew that in the end, Lilith would cower in fear? All the years I wasted fearing her!”

  Moloch was quite proud of himself. He’d not only gotten Katie, but he’d also gotten Lilith, too. Lilith was the real trophy, although he was excited to add a demi-angel to his collection of souls. “You are a one-of-a-kind prize for my collection. You will be the centerpiece of every conversation I have. You will be my prized soul. Don’t worry, that only means you’ll be tortured more often than others.”

  Katie’s head bobbed, and she spat in Moloch’s face. Moloch raged, grabbing her chin and pointed it at the demon on the ground. “Look, your protection is…your protection is… Wait.”

  He let go of Katie’s chin and stepped back, bending down next to the demon. He picked up the demon’s head by its long hair and stared at its face.

  It wasn’t Lilith. He’d gotten the wrong demon. He stood up quickly and faced Katie. “How can this be? You fucking tricked me!”

  He grabbed Katie by the throat and slid her up the wall. “Tell me where she is. Tell me, or I will rip your heart out right here and now.”

  Katie’s eyes shifted up his chest to his big, round head. When they met his, he knew he’d been had.

  Katie sneered. “How about you tend to your balls first?”

  Moloch’s frowned. “My balls? Why my—”

  Katie kicked him as hard as she could, slamming her foot into his nutsack. He froze and slowly looked down at her foot. “Balls?”

  He released Katie’s neck, dropping her to the ground. Katie couldn’t get around him since her body was too weak to move. Besides, until Pandora arrived, she had no way out of hell. Moloch knelt on the floor in front of her, clutching his crotch and wheezing loudly. “Why is it always the balls?”

  Katie shrugged, looking around. “You tried to take my most prized possession, I’ll fucking take yours.”

  Moloch went silent, just sitting there clutching the jewels of hell and breathing heavily. Katie struggled her way back to a standing position and looked past him for any sign that Pandora was coming. There wasn’t anything in the air, not even the whisper of a gate. Her focus shifted back to Moloch as his shoulders shook, a deep laugh coming from his chest.

  He put one hand on the floor and stood with a grunt. Still laughing, his eyes rose to meet hers. Tears were streaming down his face. “Oh, Lucifer’s toes! I’m going to eat you slowly. I’ll chop you up. I’m going to rip the skin from every small appendage and then play with your bones. I’m going cut open your brain like Doctor Lecter and feed you small pieces of it, deep-fried. I’m going to—URGGHHH!”

  Katie whipped her head toward Moloch. She followed his bulging eyes to his chest, from which the tip of her angelic sword protruded. It shimmered and sparkled as his black, gooey blood ran into a puddle on the ground. Saliva dripped from his lip. He lifted his hand to touch the razor-sharp tip of the sword.

  A smile moved across Katie’s face. Moloch’s eyes combed over Katie, trying to figure out how she could have possibly done that. She had been in his line of sight the entire time.

  He put his lips together, trying to speak, his whole body beginning to shudder. Katie tilted her head to the side and leaned forward, whispering, “Tell me how much it hurts, whore?”

  He growled, but the blade twisted in his chest. A voice came from behind him, and he closed his eyes. He could not believe he’d been fooled like that. “That was for Katie, you pompous piece of dog shit. You should have known not to hurt her.”

  Moloch put his arm down to try to push himself up. When he was almost there, his giant thigh shaking hard beneath him, a second sword burst from his chest. Moloch let out a deep whine as the other sword pushed hard, breaking through his chest and popping the scales off. He dropped back down to his knees, gasping for air. Katie lifted an eyebrow. “That looks like it hurts.”

  A loud whine came from his throat, but he wasn’t able to say a word. Blood continued to pool at Katie’s feet as a second voice told him, “That was for me.”

  A foot slammed between his legs from behind, kicking him in the nuts again. Moloch’s eyes rolled back in his head, and drool ran down his chin. Pandora stuck her head around Moloch and smiled widely at Katie. “Actually, I can’t take credit for that one. That was Juntto. He has bigger feet.”

  Katie chuckled, barely able to move her arms.

  Pandora wrinkled her nose and sighed. “You poor thing, this fucking cock-monger really did a number on you. Sorry it took me so long. Had to push Calvin back through the portal when I jumped out of him. He was being stubborn, as usual.”

  Katie nodded her head, still trying to take a deep breath. She couldn’t talk anymore, and she thought she might lose consciousness any minute. Pandora clapped her hands. “Okay, it’s probably time we got this party started, right?”

  Juntto chuckled. “I feel like this is the part of the evening when a party is usually starting to wind down. No one reacts well when you stab a guy a few times and crush his nuts. It usually breaks the party up and sends people running—and screaming—out the door.”

  Slowly, Pandora turned her head and raised an eyebrow. Juntto shrugged. “What? I’ve done it before. Yule party. I just wanted to test the waters. Some people even grabbed their gifts before leaving. Who knew you couldn’t stab someone and still be friends? Humans are strange.”

  Pandora stared at Juntto. “I think perhaps the whole you-not-having-friends thing might have something to do with you being a psychopath. What exactly did this guy do to deserve the stab-and-jab treatment?”

  Juntto thought about it for a second. “Oh, I remember. Yes, it was terrible. He took the last crispbread. I wanted it. It was my house, after all.”

  “What’s crispbread?”

  “Uh, crispy bread. Like a Viking Dorito.”

  Katie chuckled softly as she began to slide down the wall.

  Pandora stared at him. “So you attempted to murder—”

  “He died.”

  “Okay, regular murder. You committed regular murder and testicular injury because of a Dorito?”

  Juntto nodded. “Yeah.”

  Pandora shrugged her shoulders. “I mean,
that sounds legit to me. Those things are delicious. What do you think, Moloch? You want to weigh in on this one?”

  Pandora wiggled the sword in his body and Moloch groaned, his head hanging. Pandora frowned. “I believe Moloch thinks that might be a bit over the top for one Dorito.”

  Juntto rubbed his chin. “Perhaps, but one man’s Dorito is another man’s salvation. It would be like him coming in and just snatching my lover from my bed. He gave no thought to what my needs and wants were. He didn’t care whose hand was on the crispbread first. He just plowed through and devoured the last tasty morsel.”

  Pandora nodded her head. “Did you use that defense in court?”

  “No, I just killed everyone who had a problem with it, fled the village, and started a new village—a village that made crispbread.”

  Pandora brightened. “Oh, this story has a happy ending! I wasn’t expecting that.”

  Katie began to cough, blood splattering her lip. She wheezed, “I could really use your help right now. Any time would be great, but preferably in the next minute or so.”

  Pandora nodded. “Yeah, I think it’s time to get this show on the road. Juntto, would you please do your magic?”

  Moloch twisted, trying to move, but he couldn’t. The two swords in his chest were crisscrossed, and Juntto stood behind him, holding them tightly. “You can squirm, but if you wiggle too much, I am literally going to cut you in half. I would suggest you just chill.”

  Pandora walked away from them and tossed Juntto a set of heavy chains they’d brought with them. Juntto moved quickly, winding the chains around Moloch, binding him tightly. He pulled up on the chains and lifted Moloch to his feet.

  Pandora hurried to Katie, pausing to look down at the demon on the ground. “Sorry about that. Your sacrifice did not go unnoticed.”

  She quickly slid back into Katie’s body. Katie took a deep breath and gasped, her body instantly beginning to heal. Pandora went to work to ease the pain as much as she could. She couldn’t heal her completely while they were still in hell, but she could make her well enough to move on to the next phase of the plan. I’m going to numb your arms for a second and pop all those bones back in place. It’s temporary, so don’t go rock climbing or anything. It’ll get you through the next part.

  Katie chuckled breathlessly. Damn it, and to think I had plans to scale Mount Olympus today.

  Pandora rolled her eyes as she worked. Zeus isn’t real. Silly girl. Who believes nonsense like that?

  Katie blinked wildly, finally able to stand up without leaning against the wall. I am a half-angel with a demon in me. I am, right now, standing in hell in front of a huge servant of Lucifer. There are literally volcanoes exploding everywhere and rivers of lava flowing below this cliff. I’m pretty sure that if someone said, oh yeah, Zeus is totally real, I would believe it at this point.

  Pandora made a tsking sound. If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.

  Katie raised an eyebrow. Did you just quote George Bush to me?

  Pandora sighed. No, no. That’s a song. Bush was the one who screwed up “fool me once.”

  Katie nodded. That’s right. I always get them mixed up.

  Pandora couldn’t agree more. I think it was Alexander Hamilton who said that, but not the musical rap version one. That one is just weird to me.

  Katie sat humming one of the songs from the musical to herself as Pandora finished her temporary healing. When she was done, she moved Katie’s fingers and arms for her. How does that feel?

  Katie nodded. It will do for now, thank you, now let’s get the fuck out of hell. I probably already have tumors from all the shit I’ve inhaled here today. My ribs are practically in tiny bits at this point.

  Pandora winced. Yeah. I’ll get to work on that, and you get to work on him.


  It was just like any other day in New York. The fall decorations were out, the city streets were loud and boisterous, and people were milling about all over the place. Times Square was never dull; it was a tourist hub every day of the year. Traffic was jammed that time of day, with horns honking and people yelling at each other. All the wondrous sights of the Big Apple in one small space.

  Harold, a taxi driver, rolled down his window and pumped his fist. “Come on, get the fuck outta the way. We’re drivin’ here.”

  He shook his head, looking in the rearview mirror at two girls who were excitedly taking pictures out the window. “Fuckin’ mooks. This city can be such a hassle.”

  One of the girls in the back smiled. “I love it. There’s always something crazy and wild going on here. It’s like the city has its own pulse. Much different than Minnesota. Nothing ever happens there.”

  The other girl bounced up and down. “Oh, I wonder if we’ll get a view of Katie while we’re here? She lives somewhere in the city, and they say she flies around at night.”

  Suddenly, a loud cracking sound echoed from the center of Times Square. Harold slammed on his brakes, jolting the girls. Right in front of them, a large portal opened, heat peeling the paint from the front of his cab. “You might just get your wish, ladies.”

  The girls marveled at the portal shimmering in front of them. All around the portal people started to scream, grabbing their things and running away as fast as they could. No one knew what was going to come through that portal, and many still had terrible memories of the last major incursion.

  Harold tried to back up, but he couldn’t. “Oh, hell. This is going to be one for the books if we make it out alive.”

  One of the girls in the back pointed. “Look! Isn’t that her? Who is that with her?”

  Harold turned back around. Juntto, transformed into the guy from Far Cry 4, stepped through the portal. Katie walked through behind him. Juntto had chains wrapped around his arms, and he dragged a beaten and bloody Moloch through the portal and into the city streets. The frost giant lifted the chains and brought Moloch to his feet. Moloch groaned as the people around them screamed and gasped. The swords were still firmly planted in his chest, blood dripping down their blades. The demon wondered, not for the first time, where that second sword had come from.

  The girls squealed in excitement, not really realizing there was a massive demon standing in front of them. “It’s her! It’s her!”

  One of the girls opened the door and got out, taking a picture of the three of them. She tilted her head to the side, looking at Juntto. “Who’s that guy?”

  Harold lifted an eyebrow. “Apparently, the Leviathan is alive. The rumors were true after all, not that I listen to rumors.”

  The other girl giggled. “He looks like the guy from Far Cry. Either that or he’s hitting up New York Comic-Con this weekend.”

  Harold glanced at her. “You know about Comic-Con?”

  The girl gestured to her outfit. “Uh, hello, I’m wearing the Shimakaze costume from the Kantai collection. I don’t just run around with these giant bow ear-things all the time.”

  Harold shrugged. “I see some crazy shit in this town, lady. Look where we are. Sitting in Times Square in front of an angel, a frost giant, and a demon. This is the real world, honey.”

  Pandora sniffed the air. Ah, it’s good to be home. Smog, smog, and more smog.

  Katie was glad to get some cleaner air into her lungs. “Any minute now the news and the cops should be rolling up. Juntto, you remember the plan?”

  Juntto gave her a thumbs-up. “I sure do.”

  Sirens blared as the cops made their way through the traffic jam. News vehicles screeched up onto the sidewalks, and cameramen began surrounding the whole area. One reporter edged closer, eyeing Moloch. “Katie, Jane Arrows from Channel 8. Can you tell us what you’re doing here in the middle of Times Square?”

  The portal snapped shut behind them, scaring the reporter for a moment. Katie put up her hand to quiet the gathering crowd. “I will make a statement in just a minute. Please be patient.”

  Moloch growled, bringing a gasp from the crowd. Juntto snarled
and yanked the chains, jostling the swords in Moloch’s chest. Moloch groaned and went to grab the handle of one of the swords to steady it, but his elbows were pinned at his sides.

  Where had that second sword come from?

  He glared at the humans. He didn’t think he was going to get out of this easily.

  Juntto stepped closer to Moloch. “Don’t make me have to put you down in front of all these people. Be a good little demon and stand there quietly.”

  Moloch snorted. “At this point, anything is better than what Lucifer is going to do to me when he hears about this. I won’t get out of torture for centuries.”

  Katie grumbled under breath. “I don’t think that’s something you’re going to have to worry about for too much longer, buddy.”

  Pandora growled. I’m so hungry. All I smell is food. They should be delivering us donuts while we wait for everyone to get here.

  Katie chuckled. Patience, Pandora. We’re just about ready to begin. The people of this country and this world deserve to have closure. They deserve to see the face of the demon who ordered the killing of so many of their brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, and children. They deserve to see the beast who has haunted their dreams since Incursion Day. His death may not be the end of the problem, but this is definitely the beginning of the solution.

  Pandora settled down. Amen, sister.

  When the last of the news vans had arrived, Katie took a deep breath and stepped forward. She put her arms out and tilted her head to the sky, pulling on her angel abilities. Golden armor flew from the light shimmering above them and molded to her body. Her shield slammed into her hand, and her angelic sword vibrated in Moloch’s chest. The people oohed and ahhed as Katie unfolded her wings carefully and spread them wide across the street.

  She addressed the people. “Citizens of New York, of the United States, and the world, I come to you with good tidings. For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Katie, and I am a mercenary. I have been fighting in this war with other brave men and women for years now. As you can see, I’m part-angel. First and foremost, I am one of you.”


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