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Too Close for Comfort

Page 11

by La Jill Hunt

  “Yaya, wait.” Paige was confused.

  Yaya rose and walked out of the ballroom without saying another word.

  Paige turned her attention back to Quincy, who was still smiling as the cameras flashed. Something had to have happened within the last five minutes that caused Yaya to become upset. What it was, Paige didn’t know.

  “Did she say anything before she left?” Quincy asked, when she told him what happened.

  “No. She just said she had to leave and she would call you later. You think she’s okay?”

  “Yeah. She probably went to meet Jason.” Quincy shrugged. “I’ll call her when I get home.”

  “I’m so proud of you, Q.”

  He reached over and took Paige’s hand. “I meant every word I said. You don’t know how much you mean to me.”

  “I’m sure you can show me later.” Paige winked.

  “You’d better believe it. You know a brother is always down for climbing some stairs.”

  “I can meet you tomorrow,” Tia called Paige’s cell and told her the following morning. Quincy was taking a shower, and she was still lying in bed, recuperating from their fulfilling night.

  “You’re kidding,” Paige said. She knew Tia said it wouldn’t take that long, but she wasn’t expecting her call for a few days.

  After talking to Tia more in-depth, and looking at it from a business aspect, Paige realized that refinancing the house was a smart move. She even began thinking of what she could do with the money.

  “Nope. You want to come here in the morning?”

  “How about we meet for lunch?” Paige suggested.

  “That’s fine with me. You want me to call him, or do you want to do the honors?”

  “Let me do it. You haven’t mentioned it to him, have you?”

  “Nope. He doesn’t have a clue.”

  “Great.” Paige snickered.

  She knew Marlon was going to be livid when he found out, and she was glad. She agreed on a time and place to meet and wasted no time calling Marlon.

  “Hey there. What’s up, sweetie?” he answered.

  “I was thinking maybe we could do lunch tomorrow,” she told him, when she heard the shower running.

  “‘Tomorrow? What time?”

  “How about one o’clock?” She hoped he didn’t already have plans. Even if he did, she was going to make sure he changed them.

  “One is good. Where?”

  Relieved, she answered, “Fat Tuesdays?”

  “Our spot.” He laughed. “You’re not trying to re-live old times, are you?”

  “You never know.”

  “I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon, and we can definitely talk about them,” he told her. “I can’t wait.”

  I bet you can’t, you jerk. “Neither can I!”

  Chapter 14

  “What happened to you last night? Why did you dip like that?”

  Yaya had overslept and was rushing to get to work. Her schedule was packed for the day, and she didn’t have time to talk to Quincy right then. “I was tired. I told your girlfriend to tell you I would call.”

  “I know. She told me. But you could’ve waited a few more minutes and said something to me? If I woulda dipped out on you like that, you would still be yelling in my ear.”

  “I really didn’t think you’d notice, Q. It’s not like I didn’t show up at all. I was there for the important part, and I heard your little speech as you gushed about your new girlfriend, giving her her props and all.” Yaya looked around for her shoes.

  “What are you talking about, Yaya? You know I didn’t gush about anybody, and I gave you your props as well. Why are you hating?”

  “I’m not hating, Q—that’s not my style. And speaking of style—what’s up with you and that girl?”

  “What girl?”

  “Paige—Don’t act like you don’t know who I’m talking about,” she huffed as she searched for her keys.

  “What do you mean, what’s up with her?—She’s my girlfriend. Do you have a problem with her? . . . Because that’s what it’s sounding like.”

  “Q, you announced that you love her in front of two hundred people.” Yaya double-checked her reflection in the mirror as she walked out the door.

  “I do love her,” he said matter-of-factly.

  It was the first time in a long time that she had heard her brother say that about a woman, and although she was glad to hear he had finally fallen in love, she didn’t like the fact that it was with a woman who was out to use him.

  “You don’t love her, Quincy. You don’t even know her like that.”

  “I know her better than you think, Yaya. Paige is a remarkable woman, who I enjoy a lot.”

  “You’ve enjoyed a lot of women, Quincy.” Yaya hit the lock on her car and opened the door.

  “Are you just now leaving the house? It’s after nine o’clock,” he said, sounding surprised.

  “I know what time it is, Q—Don’t start. And the only reason I’m asking about Paige is because she’s not your usual type. You know how you usually date those tall, Amazonian, anorexic-looking chicks.”

  “That’s not funny.”

  “Tell me I’m lying then.” Yaya laughed.

  “I will admit, most of the women I’ve dated in the past have been tall and athletic.”

  “And dark.”

  “Not true.”

  “Yes, it is. They all fit the same mold. Barbie-doll chicks.”

  “And I never came close to feeling about them the way I feel about Paige.”

  “Quincy, she’s not on your level. I think she has ulterior motives. She sees a successful brother like you and knows that you’ll be a good provider for her and her child. You’ve said it to me time and time again. The reason you don’t date single moms is because of all the drama that comes with them.”

  “You’re right, Yaya, but I love Paige enough to deal with any drama she may have.”

  “So, you admit that she has some issues?”

  “All women have issues, including you.” He laughed.

  “You know what I mean, Quincy; I’m telling you, she’s not the one,” Yaya said into the phone.

  “And I’m telling you, she is. I don’t know what your beef is with Paige, but you need to check it. She’s done nothing to even make you act like this.”

  Thinking about all the things Celeste had told her about Paige over the past few days made Yaya think otherwise. She knew that Quincy was not trying to hear anything she had to say about his beloved Paige. She was going to have to find a way for him to see for himself.

  “I’m done talking about this, Q. I’m just telling you not to go and do anything stupid, like buying a ring because you think you know, but you have no idea.”

  “Wow, Yaya, is that an original line? I coulda swore I heard it on MTV,” he snickered.

  She hung up without saying good-bye.

  As she walked into the salon, she instantly knew something was going on. Monya was wearing a strange look, and Taryn and Celeste weren’t anywhere around. Two customers were waiting.

  Yaya greeted them and then asked, “What’s up? Where’s T?”

  “Uh, she and Celeste—”

  Suddenly, she heard Taryn’s voice coming from the back. “I’m warning you, you don’t wanna cross me!”

  “What in the world?” Yaya walked to Taryn’s office, which was right beside hers. The door was open, and she looked inside to see Celeste standing in front of an obviously upset Taryn, who was standing on the other side of the desk. “What’s up?”

  Taryn looked up at her, her eyes full of anger. “For some reason, a certain person has been unable to make an appointment with me.”

  “She’s lying,” Celeste said softly. “She hasn’t called to make an appointment.”

  Yaya knew they had to be talking about Paige. “What is she talking about, Celeste?”

  “Paige told her that she’s been calling for a week, trying to make an appointment and left messages for Taryn.” Cel
este turned and looked at Yaya. “I wouldn’t dare turn business away!”

  She looked so pitiful, Yaya felt sorry for her. She didn’t know who to believe, Paige or Celeste. She decided to protect her employee. “T, that may be true. Celeste has only been working part-time. I’ve been manning the phones, and I haven’t received a call from Paige either.”

  Taryn stared at both of them. “I have customers waiting. Celeste, you don’t know me, but Yaya does, and she will tell you that if you fuck with my money, I will fuck with you. I’m running a business here, and I don’t have time for petty games. Whatever issues you have with anyone that walks through that door, you better leave them in the damn parking lot before you come in—that goes for both of you. Understood?”

  “Yes,” Celeste said, her voice barely above a whisper as she turned and sulked out the door.

  Yaya stared at Taryn, her best friend, shocked that she would dare speak to her that way—and in front of Celeste. This chick is on some ego trip. I don’t know what the hell Lincoln has been feeding into her head, but it’s caused her to lose her damn mind.

  “T, I think you’re overreacting.”

  “I don’t care what you think, Yaya. You didn’t care about what I thought when you hired her.”

  The day dragged on. For the first time the usual laughter and relaxed atmosphere was no longer present in the salon. A few of the customers even noticed.

  Tam, one of Monya’s regular customers asked, “Who died?”

  “Huh?” Monya looked up from the acrylic she was using.

  “I mean, it’s so quiet and drab in here. I thought maybe someone had died.” Tam shrugged.

  “No one died, Tam.” Monya looked over at Taryn, who was doing a manicure.

  “Then you all need to stop acting like it. Hell, I coulda went to the Asian nail shop over on Patterson and been bored. I come in here to be entertained.” Tam laughed. “And to hear the latest word on the street. Now, Ms. Taryn, what’s up with you and what’s his name—Lincoln?”

  “Yeah, Taryn, what’s up with you and Lincoln?” Monya repeated, relieved someone tried to ease the tension.

  “Why you gotta be asking about me?” Taryn giggled.

  “Because inquiring minds wanna know. Spill it,” Tam demanded.

  “Well, I’ve decided to play it cool, you know,” Taryn said. “Let him know I’m interested in a subtle way.”

  Yaya decided to join in. “Is panting every time he walks through the door subtle?”

  She too was annoyed by the silence. She had just finished arching a set of eyebrows and had another customer waiting. Celeste had left early, saying she had a headache.

  Taryn’s jaw dropped in an obvious false look of astonishment. “I do not pant, Yaya. You are just jealous, that’s all.”

  “Jealous of what?”

  “That he doesn’t give you the same attention he gives me when he comes in.”

  Everyone laughed, and things seemed to be coming back to normal.

  “I should get my brows done,” Tam commented, admiring Yaya’s work. “How much is that, Taryn?”

  “For you, Tam, a hundred dollars—you need a little extra work.” Taryn laughed.

  Tam laughed too. “Let me ask the professional—Yaya, how much to get my brows done?”

  “Depends on how you want ’em.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “If you want them plucked or done with a razor, it’s ten. If you want them threaded, then it’s fifteen.”

  Yaya explained the difference in the techniques and then added, “I also can do your lashes, girl. I can add some extensions to them so good, they look better than a weave.”

  “For real? Let me splurge on myself for a change, something I rarely do.”

  “Why not?” Monya told her.

  “Girl, you know when you have a child, you no longer have the ability to indulge,” Tam told her. “The only person who gets splurges is my son.”

  “Okay, okay,” Yaya told her. “Now you’re making me feel bad. If you want them done, I’ll hook you up with a discount.”

  “Now that’s what’s up,” Tam squealed.

  “I bet your man still splurges on himself, even though y’all have a child—You know how men are,” Taryn said.

  “Well, my man and my baby daddy are two different people.” Tam giggled.

  “That explains a lot right there,” Yaya said. “I can’t stand deadbeat dads.”

  “My son’s father isn’t a deadbeat at all; he’s a great provider for my son. He goes above and beyond his call of duty. I definitely can’t complain about him. Hell, I can depend on him more than I can my boyfriend.”

  “Then why isn’t your son’s father your boyfriend?” Monya asked.

  “Because we get along better as friends than lovers. Sounds crazy, huh?” Tam laughed.

  “Yeah, it does.” Yaya said, finishing the client she as working on.

  Tam took a seat in her chair.

  Yaya carefully shaped her eyebrows until they were perfect. “You have nice eyes,” she told her, passing her the mirror when she finished.

  “I love it. My boyfriend ain’t gonna know how to act, when I get to his house. I’m ’bout to be batting my eyes while I’m getting my groove on.”

  “You’d better chill before you wind up with two baby daddies,” Yaya warned her.

  “Nope. Now if things keep going the way they are, I’ll have a baby daddy and a husband.” Tam reached into her purse and handed Yaya her money.

  “You’re getting married?”

  “I’m damn sure trying to. When I met my boyfriend, I knew he was just what I had been praying for. Being his wife is my number one goal.” Tam waved as she walked out the door. “See you next week, girlfriends. And can the party already be jumping before I arrive?”

  “That girl is a fool,” Taryn said.

  “True, dat,” Monya agreed. “It’s customers like her that make my day go fast!”

  “She’s one-of-a-kind, that’s for sure,” Yaya said.

  Chapter 15

  Celeste answered the phone. “After Effex, where the after is better than the before.” Yaya cringed as she messed the slogan up for the ninetieth time. “Yeah, she right here. Monya, phone.” Celeste lay the phone on the reception area. “Uh, can you see I’m busy?” Monya looked up from the set of hands she was working on. “My bad.” Celeste picked the phone back up. “She’s busy. Can I take a message?”

  Yaya rummaged through her black leather make-up cases. “FedEx still hasn’t gotten here?” Running low on several supplies, she had placed an order almost a week earlier, and it still hadn’t arrived. She had two big events to do this weekend, and she needed to be prepared.

  Celeste hung the phone up and flipped through a magazine. “No, not yet.”

  “Did you go call them yesterday like I asked you, Celeste?”

  “You didn’t tell me to call FedEx.” She continued reading, not even bothering to look up.

  “Celeste, I did tell you to call them.” Yaya frowned. “I wrote the order number and tracking numbers down and handed them to you before I left.”

  “Oh, I thought you wanted me to call M•A•C—that’s who I called; they said your order was shipped out three days ago.”

  “I know that my order was shipped three days ago—How the hell do you think I got the tracking number?” Yaya snapped, causing everyone in the shop to look at her. “You know what—just forget it. I’ll do it my damn self.”

  She closed the case and walked back into her office, plopping onto the chair behind her desk. She began looking through the mass of papers for the number for FedEx. Her stomach was aching; she hadn’t felt well at all the past few days. She told herself it was just stress. Between the successes of the shop, photo shoots she had already committed herself to, and the upcoming events, she was probably wearing herself too thin. She opened her drawer and found a bottle of Aleve and popped three pills.


  She thought
she was imagining things when she heard Jason’s voice. She glanced up to see that indeed he was standing in the doorway of her office.

  It was the first time she had seen him in a while. They talked a few times since then, but not as frequently as she would like. And every so often, he would come to her house for a much-needed bedroom rendezvous. She was determined not to sweat him, though. He said he needed space, and she was going to give it to him. When he did call, she was as cheerful as ever. And when she called him, she made sure not to seem as if she was concerned about where he was or what he was doing with whom, even though she thought about it constantly. She told herself to just give it some time, and they would be back together soon enough.

  Now, as he stood in front of her looking like he had just stepped off the cover of GQ magazine, she thought, God, he is fine.

  She stood up and smoothed the front of her shirt down. “Not anymore.” She smiled and walked over to him.

  He took her into his arms and pulled her to him. Her arms reached around his neck, and she held him tight as they embraced.

  “You’re looking good.” He kissed her cheek.

  “Now, you’re lying,” she told him, “but I’ll take the compliment.”

  “I can see you’re working hard. It’s a nice amount of people out there.” He nodded.

  “Yeah. We stay busy, that’s for sure. Taryn and I are actually about to hire two more nail techs.”

  “Already? Wow! I’m impressed.”

  “Yeah. We stay booked, and you know this is the busiest season for our make-up bookings. We really didn’t expect to have to hire anyone until after Labor Day, but if we don’t, we’re gonna have to turn people away.”

  “And you definitely don’t want that to happen.”

  “Exactly. So what brings you to this side of town?”

  “What makes you think I didn’t want to come and see you?”

  “Because I know better.”

  “No, seriously. I came to see you.” Jason shrugged and touched her hair softly.

  “I’m glad you did.”

  “So you have any plans for next Saturday?” he asked.

  Her first instinct was to tell him no, but she decided to play it cool. “Let me check my calendar.” She walked behind her desk and flipped through her day planner to the following Friday’s date, which she already knew was empty. “No, I don’t see where I have anything scheduled.”


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