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Too Close for Comfort

Page 15

by La Jill Hunt

  “If that’s what you wanna believe, girlfriend. All I’m saying is that you need to clarify if Jason even wants to get back together for real, for real,” Monya said. “He may honestly believe that you like things the way they are.”

  “He’s using you.”

  “He’s not using me. And while you’re talking about me, what’s up with you and Lincoln?—What do you call what you two are doing?”

  “Lincoln and I are friends,” Taryn answered.

  “I think it’s a tad bit more than that, T—You are all into him. You’re going out, talking on the phone, he’s coming over to the house.”

  “Which is what friends do!”

  “But does he know how you feel? Have you asked him what’s up?” Monya asked.

  “He knows I’m feeling him. Why else would I be spending time with him? He knew that from day one.” Taryn laughed.

  “Yeah, we all knew you were feeling him from day one, Ms. Can’t-Keep-My-Eyes-Off-Him!”

  They laughed.

  “So, Taryn, have you developed feelings for him? Does he have feelings for you? What’s the deal? You’re telling me I need to talk to Jason, but believe me, he knows I’m in love with him.”

  “Are you in love with Lincoln, T?” Monya asked.

  The shop got eerily quiet.

  Taryn pondered before she said, “Lincoln and I are friends—that’s all that matters right now.”

  “Jason, can I ask you a question?” Yaya said as they drove to the restaurant the following night.

  “Go ahead.” He turned the radio down.

  She tried to find the right words. “What is this that we’re doing? I mean, where are we headed?”

  “We’re headed to the Pier to have dinner.” He laughed.

  “You know what I mean, Jason. You said you needed your space and I’ve respected that. I’ve also been obliging you those late nights when you come over to the crib and sleep with me. Is this all you want from me at this point, or are we going to go back to the way things were when we were together?”

  Jason looked over at her. “Qianna, baby, you know how much we’ve been through. We’ve been together for a long time. I can’t see myself with anyone else but you. The whole point of our giving each other space was so that we could attain some personal goals that we each wanted to achieve. You know I’m trying to make partner at work, and your business is successful right now. We are going to get back to the point where we were, soon. I keep telling you to take advantage of the time we’re giving each other.”

  Yaya frowned, thinking while what he said sounded good, it didn’t really answer her question. Not wanting to ruin the mood of the evening, she just sat back and said, “I can respect that, Jason.”

  “Great.” He reached over and touched her thigh, causing tingles to rise inside her body.

  She remained quiet for the remainder of the ride to the Pier.

  Like the true gentleman he was, Jason opened the car door for her and held her hand as they walked inside. The elegant restaurant was one of her favorites. It was where they had come for their first date over three years ago.

  She looked at their reflections as they waited in the lobby and thought they made the perfect couple. Time will tell.

  “Mr. Taylor,” Claudius, the maître d’, greeted them, “so glad to see you again, sir. The rest of your party is already waiting.”

  Yaya looked over at Jason. “Rest of what party?”

  “Just McDaniel’s and his wife, that’s all,” he whispered, tucking a curl behind her ear. “You look so damn sexy in that dress. I know you got something special under there for me.”

  “Right this way, sir,” Claudius told them.

  Jason grabbed her by the hand and led her to the table where Jason’s boss and his wife were seated.

  “Jason.” The older, handsome man stood. “Qianna, you’re looking beautiful as usual. Wonderful to see you again. You remember my wife, Ellen?”

  “Hello, Mr. McDaniels, Mrs. McDaniels.” Qianna smiled at them. She waited as Jason pulled her chair out for her.

  “What’s with the formalities? You know it’s Martin and Ellen.” Martin smiled at her.

  “My husband is right—you are absolutely stunning,” Ellen told her. “I was telling my daughter about you the other day.”

  “Jason tells us you’ve opened quite the establishment, young lady,” Martin said, after they had ordered their meals.

  Yaya was shocked that Jason had even talked about her. “Yes, sir.” She nodded. “It’s doing quite well.”

  “So, tell me about it, my dear,” Ellen said.

  Yaya told them of the salon and the services they offered and the goals they had for the future.

  By the time dinner arrived, she realized she had monopolized the entire conversation. “I’m sorry. I got a little carried away.”

  “Nonsense,” Ellen said. “I think it’s wonderful. You’re beautiful, talented, smart, and successful—everything a man could possibly want in a woman. If Jason didn’t already have you on his arms, I would be on my phone right now calling one of my nephews.”

  “I don’t think so. I claimed this woman as my soul mate years ago, and that’s not gonna change.”

  Yaya looked at Jason to see if he was sincere in what he was saying.

  He put his hand on the back of her neck and rubbed it lightly.

  “It’s so nice to see two successful young people. You two are the picture of perfection. Jason, I have to admit, you have brought so much to the company, including Qianna. I see nothing but great things in the future for both of you.”

  “Thank you, sir.” Jason smiled and pulled Yaya closer to him.

  “This has certainly been a pleasure tonight,” Martin told them, after they had finished dessert.

  “I look forward to seeing you both at the company retreat in a few weeks. It’s being held at the Poconos.” Ellen nodded at them.

  “I would love to attend, but it’s only for junior and senior partners, Ellen.” Jason laughed.

  “I believe you’ll be included in the invites this time, Jason.” Martin winked. “I’ll see you bright and early Monday morning.”

  “Yes, sir.” Jason stood and shook his hand and then hugged Ellen. Yaya did the same.

  They walked into the parking lot and said their good-byes.

  “They are really nice,” she said as they walked to the car.

  Jason didn’t respond.

  She looked over at him to see if he heard her.

  He was staring at her.

  She stopped and turned to him. “What?”

  “You are one-of-a-kind, you know that?” He shook his head as he faced her.

  Her heart began pounding. She tried to think of what she had done wrong. “What are you talking about?”

  He pulled her to him, crushing his mouth on hers and kissing her like he had never done before. It was filled with so much emotion that she felt lightheaded.

  They stood kissing each other for what seemed like hours.

  She laughed. “Where did that come from?”

  “It’s been there the entire time, baby.”

  The look in his eyes was one she had been waiting to see for weeks; she knew that he once again loved her.

  “I am so proud of you. I am so amazed by you. You are my ideal woman.”

  “Jason, you’re tripping.” She tried to think of how many drinks he had during dinner; he had never been this verbal about his feelings. “Are you okay to drive?”

  “I’m fine, Yaya. Come on, I just wanna get home so I can see what’s under that dress.” He pulled her toward the car.

  They’d barely made it through the door when he reached for the zipper of her dress.

  “Golly, Jason, let me at least get in the house first.” She giggled.

  Once inside, she paused long enough to let him unzip it. It fell to the floor, and she stepped out of it.

  Just as he predicted, she had on a sexy black lace and embroidered corset she’d or
dered from Victoria’s Secret. “That’s what I’ve been waiting all night to see,” he whispered.

  She turned her back to him, so he could remove it.

  He kissed the back of her shoulders as he unhooked it. His lips then formed a trail down to the small of her back, until he reached the lace panties she wore.

  Heat radiated through her body, and her nipples hardened. She moaned, losing her breath with each touch.

  He took her by the hand and led her up the steps. “Come on.”

  When they entered her bedroom, he removed his shirt.

  She kissed his shoulder, licking his collarbone, her arms clasped around his waist.

  He pulled her toward the bathroom and turned on the shower. Steam instantly surrounded them.

  She reached and unfastened his pants as he sucked her neck. Yaya didn’t care about her hair or make-up as they stepped inside the shower. She welcomed the hot water on her body, standing directly under the cascade.

  Jason reached and grabbed the bottle of Jamaican Punch and poured a small amount onto the loofah. He proceeded to gently bathe her, taking time to stimulate her most sensual areas. Her knees felt weak as he kneeled between her legs and teased her with his tongue.

  She grabbed his head with one hand and the rail of the shower with the other, to brace herself. “Jason,” she moaned, “you’ve gotta stop.”

  He looked up at her and smiled.

  She reached and took the sponge from him, now taking her turn to bathe him. She turned his back to her, sensually kissing his back as she bathed it.

  When she was done, he turned to face her.

  She ran the textured object along his torso, pausing right above his navel. Then she kneeled before him and took him into her mouth, teasing him with her tongue, pleasuring him.

  He grabbed her wet hair and pulled it.

  The pain aroused her even more, and when she heard her name escape from his mouth, she knew he could take no more.

  She stood, and he kissed her again.

  He stopped the water, and they stepped out. He grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist then lifted her wet body into his arms and carried her to her bed.

  “Jason, I’m still wet.”

  “I know. I want you to stay that way.” He removed his towel and then climbed onto the bed.

  She closed her eyes and prepared herself for the lovemaking she knew he had in store for her.

  He entered her, gently at first, then faster and harder.

  She wrapped her legs around his body, wanting to feel all of him. She wanted him to feel how much she wanted him, how much she loved and needed him. Her hips rotated, and she thrust faster and faster each time he penetrated. She couldn’t get enough of him.

  “Yaya,” he cried out.

  “Yes, baby,” she whispered, biting his neck.

  He tried to answer but couldn’t.

  She arched her back and tightened herself, making sure he felt every ounce of her climax. She panted and fell back on the bed. The smell of sweat and the scented bath oil filled her nose.

  “Oh, God!” Jason rolled off her.


  “That was the best sex I’ve ever had in my life.” He laughed.

  “It was all right.” She smiled, knowing that she had outdone herself.

  He went back into the bathroom.

  She climbed under the covers.

  He climbed back into bed with her, and she snuggled next to his warm body.

  Feeling better than she had in months, Yaya fell into a deep slumber.

  Hours later, she rolled over to find that she was all alone.

  Chapter 20

  Paige slowly got out of her car and walked up to Meeko’s door. It had taken everything within her to make it over here. She and Quincy had only been apart three days, but it felt like a lifetime. Having brunch with her mother, aunts, and cousins was the last thing she felt like doing. She knew there was no way she could get out of attending, though. Camille and Myla had already arrived thirty minutes earlier, and her mother had called twice, asking where she was.

  “About time,” Meeko said, opening the door. She leaned over and gave Paige a kiss on the cheek. Paige frowned when she noticed Meeko’s apron. “What in the world?—I know you aren’t cooking.”

  “Girl, naw. It’s cute though, huh? And it matches my outfit.” Meeko struck a model pose, causing Paige to laugh. “I noticed that Oprah wears an apron when she entertains, for an added effect, even though we all know she doesn’t cook.”

  “Okay, Oprah.”

  “Wait, wait, wait. I gotta go outside and check out the new ride. I just knew you would’ve driven over here; now I can see it.”

  Meeko brushed past her, and they walked into the circular driveway in front of the house, where Paige had parked her new car behind what was now Camille’s jeep.

  “This is the bomb, girl. I am so happy for you. I love this color. It’s fly!” Meeko said, admiring the car.

  The excitement Paige once held for her new vehicle was diminished by the sadness she was feeling.

  It didn’t take Meeko long to notice. “What’s wrong?”

  “Everything—I called myself making a wise decision, and it turned out to be a bad one.” Paige sighed. She leaned against the car and told Meeko what happened between her and Quincy days before.

  “So have you spoken to him at all?” Meeko put her arms around Paige. “Why are you just now telling me all of this? Why didn’t you call when this all happened?”

  “I don’t know. I know you’re busy with Isaiah and Stanley, besides you were hosting this brunch.”

  “Girl, please . . . you’re the closest thing I have to a sister, and you know anything you’re going through, I’m going through with you. I can’t believe this. I still don’t know where the picture could’ve come from.” Meeko shook her head.

  “I don’t know. He never even told me, and I tried to find where it originated from.”

  “Have you talked to Marlon? Did he see the picture?”

  “‘Marlon’? No. I haven’t seen or heard from him since that day. If someone did send him the picture, he hasn’t said anything to me about it.”

  “This is crazy. Look, don’t worry. This will all blow over, and you and Quincy will be back together in no time, you two are meant to be.”

  “I don’t even know if I want to be with him, Meeko. Not after this. He didn’t even give me a chance to explain what happened. He even had the nerve to tell me that maybe Kasey was right when she said Marlon and I had been creeping out together.”

  “That was just him talking in anger, you know how that is. Come on, let’s go inside. Everyone else is already here.”

  “Don’t tell me Celeste is here.” Paige groaned.

  “Girl, and she is in such a good mood, you’d think she finally got a man or something.” Meeko put her arm around Paige as they walked back to the house.

  From the looks of the spread, Meeko had learned a lot from Oprah. Her Southern-style seafood brunch was to die for. She hadn’t forgotten anything, from the fried catfish and stewed tomatoes to the seafood omelets and Belgian waffles. The food was delicious, right down to the fresh-squeezed lemonade.

  Paige made it a point to stay clear of Celeste and her mother, and was fairly quiet, speaking and commenting only when spoken directly to.

  “So, did Celeste tell you about her new part-time job?” Aunt Gayle volunteered. “She’s working as an image consultant.”

  “‘Image consultant’?” Meeko, Paige, and Nina all said at the same time.

  Camille began laughing so hard, she nearly choked.

  “Yes, she is,” Aunt Gayle snapped at them. “You three aren’t the only ones who can have nice job titles.”

  “That’s wonderful, Celeste,” Paige’s mother said. “Where are you working?”

  Celeste looked like she wanted to run away. “It’s just a part-time job, Mama. It’s not that great.”

  “Don’t be embarrassed, Celeste.
Tell them about your job,” Aunt Gayle said. “I’m proud of you.”

  Celeste looked over at her mother and then excused herself.

  They all remained quiet, and a familiar tension filled the room.

  Aunt Gayle looked over at Paige. “Why do you all do that to her?”

  “I didn’t do anything to her,” Paige quickly said.

  “Gayle, no one said anything to Celeste. Don’t start in on Paige; she didn’t do anything,” Meeko’s mother said.

  “You all always go out of your way to make her feel uncomfortable. You’ve done that your entire lives. You think you’re better than she is, and that’s not right. She’s never been anything but nice to you, and you’ve always teased her and made her feel bad. It’s a wonder she still attends these so-called family functions.” Aunt Gayle began to sniffle. “I tell her, Celeste, that’s our family, and we’re all we got. Tomorrow ain’t promised to nobody. Now, I wasn’t gonna bring this up today, but since we all here together, I’m just gonna let you know that the doctors have told me I’m gonna have to go on a dialysis machine because my kidneys ain’t been working right—I go in the morning.”

  “Aw, Gayle.” Meeko’s mother pulled her chair closer to her sister. “Why haven’t you said anything until now?”

  “Because I was waiting for the right time. It ain’t gonna be easy, but me and Celeste gonna be all right.”

  “Yes, you will,” Paige’s mother told her, “and we’re gonna be right there with you, isn’t that right?”

  Neither Paige, Meeko, Camille, nor Nina moved. The girls just sat and stared at the three older women, who were comforting each other.

  Celeste returned to find her mother and aunts crying, while they sat staring. “Mama, you told them, didn’t you? You said something about your dialysis?”

  “They’re our family, Celeste, they need to know,” she said, wiping her eyes.

  Celeste turned and stared right at Paige. “It’s not as if they care anyway, Mama. Some people are so involved with trying to be the whole thing that they don’t care about anyone or anything else, family or not.”

  “And some people are so caught up in being the victim that they don’t care how crazy they look.” Paige sighed.

  “You think you are so much better than I am, don’t you? You think that because you’re pretty, and you have nice hair, and you have your master’s that everyone looks at you and thinks you’re all that. Well, you know what, Paige, you’re not perfect, and not everyone looks at you through rose-colored glasses. Your world is slowly crumbling down around you. Look at it—you had a man for seven years and he still ain’t marry you, he married the woman across the street that treated him like a man. Now, she’s carrying his son—Another man you had but couldn’t keep.”


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