Tattoo My Heart

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Tattoo My Heart Page 13

by Mia Dymond

  He unclamped his lips but continued to coax her down with his tongue while she whimpered her satisfaction. Once she quieted, he moved beside her and took her lips between his again.

  She groaned and pushed both palms against his chest. “Take off your pants.”

  He lifted one of her hands and slid his lips across her knuckles. “Be very sure.”

  “I’m so sure that if you don’t lose your clothing in the next three seconds, I’m removing it myself.”

  He chuckled and rolled to his back to do as she asked. Or demanded. He always knew exactly where he stood with her.

  His dick gave her a standing ovation as soon as it sprang free of its restraint. And then screamed when she squeezed it in the confines of her fist.

  His stomach muscles contracted when he sucked in a hard breath. “Easy.”

  “Did I hurt you?” Her grip loosened.

  “No.” He reached between them and tightened her hold. “But if you’re not careful, I’ll paint those pretty blushing breasts again.”

  She released another groan and stroked him from tip to base and back again. He closed his eyes and tried to think of something, damn, anything to distract his cock from exploding. He took a deep breath as she continued to play and fell into an even, slow rhythm. One he could tolerate for a few tortured minutes, anyway.

  And then his control went straight to hell.

  He had no idea why he didn’t see it coming, but Annessa now had her lips wrapped around the head of his very angry cock.

  He plowed his fingers into her hair and yanked. “Oh God, Ness, no.”

  “Yes.” Her soft breath tickled him while her breasts brushed his shaft. “I don’t think you really want me to stop.”

  No, God help him, he didn’t. But he didn’t want to lose his load in her mouth either, not as much as he wanted the sweet treasure between her legs.

  She opened her mouth over him again and this time moved her lips down his length until he nudged the back of her throat. And then she swallowed.

  His hips left the bed and he yanked her hair again. “Shit, Annessa! Where the hell did you learn to do that?”

  He’d kill the sonuvabitch who taught her.

  She released the suction and slowly slid him out of her wet, warm mouth. Once she’d untangled his fingers from her hair, she lay back beside him and drew circles on his chest with one fingernail.

  “I saw a movie.”

  He exhaled a pent-up breath. At least he wouldn’t do time.

  “You taste good.”

  He growled and braced himself on his elbows over her. “Last chance to change your mind.”

  “No way.”

  He placed a small peck on her lips then reached between them to guide his impatient cock into her body. Once inside, he totally understood why his dick was angry. Tight, wet muscles clamped down hard, sucking until he went cross-eyed.

  Sweat droplets coated his forehead as he slowly eased in further down the slick entry until he finally met resistance. His cock demanded entrance into the sweet Heaven beyond and as bad as he wanted to leash it, he couldn’t.

  He placed his forehead against hers. “God Ness, I’m so sorry.”

  The mere thought of how he was about to hurt her was almost enough to change his mind. Almost.

  “Just do it,” she groaned.

  With one forceful thrust he penetrated the fragile barrier and then paused. Her thighs squeezed his hips and she sucked in a quick breath.

  For a half a second, Annessa entertained the thought of punching Casey square in the jaw. Then, the pain dulled and his lips brushed the sweat-dampened valley of her cleavage. Her inner muscles clenched around his thick length. Pain? What pain?

  “Okay?” he whispered.

  She placed both hands on his tight ass and pushed him further inside. “Totally.”

  At her request, he began a slow and steady rhythm, taking care to comfort each and every muscle screaming for his attention. Her body vibrated, needy and achy for more.

  She lifted a palm and then smacked him in the middle of the tight, hard flesh of his backside.

  He stopped in mid-stroke, his eyes wide, demanding an explanation.

  She released a grin in response. “Faster.”

  The sorry sucker took a quick thrust then stopped. “Do I need my handcuffs?”

  She tilted an eyebrow.

  “Next time,” he growled.

  She took one look into his eyes and knew complete and utter satisfaction was inevitable. His body was just as hot as hers and his strokes were just too damn determined.

  She leaned up on her elbows and glanced between them to watch him take her in indisputable possession. Buried so deeply within her, there was no question that the pure strength of him penetrated with purpose and she gave him a warm slick surrender in response.

  A whimper escaped her lips and she lay back down against the heated sheets, desperate to ride the orgasmic wave barreling down on her.

  Her body shook when Casey began to work her clit with his thumb. “Now, baby. Please, for me.”

  That simple heartfelt request was all she needed.

  In one more heated breath, she came apart and flew into his arms. He took one last forceful stroke before he emptied inside her, bathing her in sweet ecstasy.

  His breathing quick and labored, he took her lips in a kiss so tender it massaged her soul. “I love you,” he said in a ragged whisper. “Don’t ever doubt that again.”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and buckled her hands behind. “Yes, sir.”


  Travis shoved two pillows behind him then ran a hand down the side of his jaw as he leaned back against the headboard. House arrest. Damn.

  Although he didn’t blame Casey for playing it safe, this turn of events put a major kink in his evening routine. Yet, he couldn’t fault Casey or Annessa, neither had any idea what they interrupted.

  He picked up his cell phone and dialed, hoping Verity was still awake. Her breathless hello caused his cock to harden, reminding him again how difficult it would be to stay away.

  “Are you in bed?”

  “Yes. Why are you calling so late? Is everything okay?”

  “Yes and no.” He shifted on the pillows while he relayed his sister’s nightmare.

  “I have a confession,” she said when he finished.

  He released a soft sigh. “You already knew.”

  “Not everything, but I stitched her arm. Is there anything I can do?”

  He squeezed his eyes closed and clamped his lips tight to prevent his immediate response. Other than wrap your pouty little lips around my aching cock?

  “No, everything’s under control for now. I just might have to break our deal.”

  She cleared her throat. “How so?”

  “I have a tail. I can’t leave without him and I risk waking everyone in the house if I go alone.”

  “Aren’t agents sworn to secrecy?”

  He snickered. “No.”

  “What about the guy code?”

  “Doesn’t apply when murder is involved.” He released a long breath. “I need to see you.”

  “No.” He couldn’t miss the absolute conviction in her tone. “Do not risk your safety.”

  “I want you,” he groaned. “It’s been days, Doc.”

  “How about the computer? You have a webcam don’t you?”

  “Yes, but no. No more phone sex and absolutely no cybersex. I want you, Verity. Your legs wrapped around my hips and my cock buried deep in your tight, hot body.”

  Her soft gasp answered him.

  “See?” He moved to the side of the bed and reached for a pair of jeans. “Your body agrees.”

  “Fine.” He could’ve sworn she was panting. “Hurry. Just be careful.”

  He stood and pulled jeans over his hips, surprised as hell she’d finally given in. For months now he’d crept around like an alley cat on the prowl, visiting in the dark of night, loving her behind locked doors and shaded windo
ws. Although he didn’t clearly understand her reasoning, he respected her enough not to question her motives. Never once had he asked her to change. “Ten minutes, tops.”

  Before she could argue or worse, change her mind, he disconnected and shoved the phone in his left front pocket, away from his screaming hard-on. He slid on his boots, crammed a Seaside Fire Department t-shirt over his head and headed downstairs.

  Agent Ramano sat on the sofa in front of the television, the sound barely audible.

  “I need to go out.”

  The agent glanced at his watch. “It’s two o’clock in the morning.”

  Travis only nodded.

  The other man grinned. “If it’s ice cream you want, one of my men can grab it for you.”

  “Bite me, Ramano.”

  “Let me notify the guys in the front.” Agent Ramano grabbed his suit jacket from the back of the sofa and threw it over one shoulder. “Do I need a tie?”

  “No.” Travis returned his grin and shook his head. “I’ll wait at the back door.”

  “You want me to pull around back?”

  “Yeah, and leave the headlights off.” He didn’t wait for Ramano’s response and headed to the back of the house.

  Travis began to breathe a little easier once he was tucked behind the tinted windows of Ramano’s sedan. Since the house appeared completely dark, he assumed no one heard him leave.

  “Take a left,” he told the agent as he pulled away from the house.

  “I take it this is a covert operation.” Ramano turned the corner and continued down the street.

  “Yeah. Go right.”

  “What’s her name?”

  Travis frowned. “Who?”

  “Your two o’clock mission.”


  Ramano grinned. “I’ll have to check her out before you go inside.”

  “Not necessary. Believe me, she has nothing to do with my sister.”

  “Sure about that?”

  “Positive. Another right.”

  The agent slowed and took the corner. “Seriously Dupree, we need to know your association with this woman.”

  “Her name is Dr. Verity Thomas. She owns the medical clinic on Main.”

  “How does she know Ms. Dupree?”

  “Which one?”


  “Verity, Annessa and Vanessa are friends.”


  “Close enough for Verity to be Van’s bridesmaid. Thing is, neither of my sisters knows about by arrangement with Verity and it has to stay that way. Left.”

  “Why so secretive?”

  Travis gave a mental snort. He asked himself the same damn question on a daily basis. “I promised. Third house on the left. You can park under the carport in the back. No one can see you from the road.”

  “You realize it took us ten minutes to make a two-minute drive?”

  “Yeah,” he mumbled as he left the car. “Long story.”


  “Iced tea and peanuts?”

  Sitting at a corner table in McGill’s with his three friends, Casey vaguely heard Maverick over the roar of his jumbled thoughts. Last night with Annessa had been incredible.

  “We’re on duty,” Dane drawled.

  Almost annoyed at being interrupted, Casey turned a deaf ear to the conversation. The chemistry he and Annessa shared was downright lethal – a fact neither of them could dispute – but never did he expect the cock-numbing experience they shared. Hell, his body ached in places he didn’t even realize he had muscles. And now that he knew her body had been custom-made for his, it would be cold day in hell before he let her go.

  He just had to convince her.

  Lost in making a mental list of options, he flinched when ice cold liquid covered his face. “What the hell?”

  Travis grinned and set his glass back on the table. “You’ve been sitting there pouting like a whipped pup for the last thirty minutes. We’d like an explanation.”

  “No, you don’t.” He pulled a couple napkins from the dispenser and wiped his face.

  Maverick groaned from the opposite corner of the booth. “Aw hell. This can’t be good.”

  “Spill, McIntyre.” Travis grabbed the bowl of peanuts and cracked several in his fist.

  Casey tossed the napkins to the side and then looked his best friend square in the eye. “I slept with your sister.”

  The table fell silent for several seconds.

  Dane finally cleared his throat. “You’d better be talking about Annessa, the evil twin.”

  Casey glared.

  “About time.” Travis shrugged.

  Maverick snickered. “So why the hell are you pouting? I would’ve guessed Annessa to be a tiger in bed.”

  “Hey, man,” Travis growled. “That’s my sister you’re talking about.”

  “Never mind,” Casey grumbled.

  Dane flicked a peanut shell at Casey. “Seriously, what’s the problem?”

  “I’m not sure she wants anything other than sex.”

  “Again,” Travis moaned, “my sister.”

  “Can it, Travis.” Maverick frowned. “This really bothers you doesn’t it?”

  Casey ran a hand through his hair. The thought of not having Annessa next to him every day for the rest of his life was like fingernails on a chalkboard. But he lived for her happiness and if that was without him, he’d appease her. Even if it killed him.

  “I don’t know.”

  “You better figure it out.” Dane cracked a peanut and tossed it into his mouth. “She’s headed back to Los Angeles after the wedding.”

  Mav tilted his head to one side. “I thought she bought a place in Mourning Dove Harbor.”

  Casey shook his head. “Nothing’s finalized. She hasn’t signed the contract.”

  “Casey, I’d trust you with my life but you better know what the hell you’re doing.” Travis swallowed the contents in his glass. “For both our sakes.”

  Casey sighed. He had no intention of admitting he didn’t.

  “Vanessa said—” Dane cut himself off when both Casey and Travis leaned forward, elbows on the table.

  “Go on.” Mav drew a circle in the air with one finger. “Obviously you know something we don’t.”

  Dane lifted his glass and emptied it into his mouth. Casey knew the other man was stalling, but also knew Dane wouldn’t say much under pressure. So, he leaned back against the booth and waited.

  Travis, however, jumped right in. “Of course you have information. Vanessa and Annessa tell each other everything. Just keep it rated G for my benefit.”

  Dane grinned. “Apparently you haven’t lost your touch, McIntyre. I personally figured you’d be rusty after so many months.”

  “Bite me.”

  Mav finished his iced tea and then pushed it to the side. “Where is Annessa?”

  Casey smirked. “The Dupree twins are on the move. Retail therapy, in Vanessa’s words.”

  “Oh man, sucks for Agent Ramano.”

  “He pretty much insisted.”

  “Look at it this way. Until we catch the prick stalking her, she’s all yours.”

  Casey swallowed a mouthful of tea. Maverick was right, Annessa wasn’t going anywhere without him for now.

  And he planned to take advantage.

  “By the way, why were we allowed to go out alone?”

  “We weren’t.” Casey took a swig of his tea and popped a couple more peanuts into his mouth.

  Mav frowned. “I’m pretty damn sure Travis drove that big ass fire engine with only me and Dane for company.”

  “Trust me, you didn’t come alone.”

  “No one followed,” Mav insisted. “In fact, no one’s followed me yet.”

  Casey tapped his glass with a finger. “Sure about that?”


  He glanced at all three of his friends and then at the pool table just across the room. “Guess again.”

  Dane steepled his fingers against his ch
in. “Bald guy, leather jacket at the bar.”

  Casey nodded. “He’s one.”

  Travis grinned. “And the muscle at the pool table.”

  “I haven’t had a tail.” Mav’s crooked smile suggested he had Casey by the balls and Casey couldn’t wait to break the news.

  “Blonde waitress, tight, black skirt.”

  Mav released a low whistle under his breath. “No fucking way. I know I would’ve noticed her.”

  Casey shrugged. “She’s your shadow, like it or not.”

  Maverick stood and tossed several dollar bills on the table. “Someone will have to introduce me later. I’ve got an appointment with Dr. Thomas.”

  It was Casey’s turn to frown. “You sick?”

  “Nah.” Maverick chuckled. “The City’s making me take an insurance physical.”

  Travis coughed from the other side of the table. “Verity’s doing your physical?”

  Casey sucked in a breath as six eyes turned to focus on Travis.

  “Yeah.” Maverick answered with a grin. “Verity gets to see me naked.”

  Dane folded his arms across his chest and leaned back while he continued to study Travis. “Since when do you call her Verity?”

  “I hauled her out of here stone-drunk, remember?”

  “Did she remember?” Dane prodded.

  Casey snickered under his breath. Watching Travis squirm was well worth drinking iced tea with peanuts.

  “Where exactly did you haul her?” Dane pressed.

  “Home,” Travis spat.

  “Yours or hers?”

  Casey knew one hundred percent she didn’t come home with Travis but kept his mouth shut. Maybe it was the cop in him but he waited to see if the other man would hang himself.

  “Hers.” Travis tossed back his remaining tea. “She passed out on the way.”

  “Too bad.” Maverick chuckled. “I’m sure she’ll be wide awake this afternoon.”

  “Yeah, too bad,” Travis mumbled.

  Casey raised an eyebrow. “What was that, Trav?”

  “Nothing.” His friend shot him a glare and then stood. “I’ve got to get back to the station.”

  “Right behind you.” Dane glanced at Casey. “I told Vanessa I’d meet her for dinner at eight.”


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