Tattoo My Heart

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Tattoo My Heart Page 14

by Mia Dymond

  Casey nodded. “I’ll make sure Annessa stays put.”

  “I’m sure you will, my friend.” Dane slapped him on one shoulder. “I’m sure you will.”


  “Told ya he’d cave.” Annessa glanced at a storefront window and gave her sister a smug smile while Agent Ramano shuffled them both into a corner boutique. Boudreaux’s, a connoisseur of pure seduction.

  “Thank God you’ve mastered the art of flirtation,” Vanessa mumbled.

  “Yeah well, I needed some air.”

  “Amen, sister.” Vanessa nudged her elbow then lowered her voice to a whisper. “Do you feel guilty making Agent Ramano suffer through this?”

  Annessa moved her gaze around the boutique at the racks and displays of lingerie. Any size, material or color a girl desired. Naughty to nice, virginal to sex-kitten, Boudreaux’s had it all.

  She gave the sexy cop a wink. “Does your girlfriend shop, Agent Ramano?”

  “I don’t have a girlfriend, Miss Dupree.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “Sister?”

  “I do have one of those.” He flashed her a killer smile as he propped himself against a nearby wall. “She has a black belt in shopping.”

  She giggled and urged her sister toward a nearby display. “He’ll be just fine.”

  Vanessa picked up an emerald green nightie. “This would look beautiful on you.”

  “I have it.” She bit back a grin and traded it for a pale pink teddy. “I know it’s customary to have one of these for your wedding night, but I’m thinking we should probably just invest in body paint or something.”

  “And what exactly do you know about body paint?” Vanessa’s eyes twinkled with mischief as they moved to shop another rack.

  “Nothing.” Yet. “I only meant that Dane will not leave one article of clothing on your body one minute longer than absolutely necessary.”

  “Okay, you’re right. So, we’ll shop for you.”

  “What makes you think Casey—”

  Vanessa folded her arms over her chest. “Go on.”

  “Never mind,” she mumbled.

  “I would imagine your clothes fall off with one bat of his long, sexy eyelashes.”

  Annessa snuck a glance at Agent Ramano who, thank God, appeared disinterested in the conversation. “Actually, it doesn’t even take that.”

  Her sister burst into a fit of giggles.

  “I’m so easy,” Annessa groaned.

  “I know better.” Vanessa threw a black nightie over one shoulder. “You’ve never made anything easy for Casey.”

  Annessa couldn’t have stopped the smile that split her lips if she tried. “And what fun it is.” She glanced back at their silent protection then back at her sister. “Speaking of fun, follow my lead.”

  She approached the front counter and gave the silent agent a cursory glance before she spoke to the woman behind. “Latrice?”

  The storeowner turned and gave her a smile while she rounded the counter to envelope Annessa in a tight hug. “Annessa, darling! It’s been too long!”

  “Sorry,” Annessa mumbled. “But I plan to make it up to you.”

  Latrice lifted an eyebrow. “You have something up your sleeve.”

  She shrugged. “Well, since Van and I can’t play dress-up today, we wondered if maybe you could line up a couple models for us?”

  “You are so bad.” Vanessa swatted her with the black nightie.

  “Of course!” Latrice motioned toward the dressing area. “Anything particular line you’d like to see?”

  Annessa bit back a grin. “Nearly Naked.”

  “My pleasure. Give me a few minutes.”

  Annessa approached the agent, whose eyes never left Latrice as she swayed around the store, plucking lingerie from racks on the way. She couldn’t fault his captivation. Latrice Boudreaux attracted attention everywhere she went. Her slim, curvy body, complete with olive-tinted skin and long, wavy blonde hair, stopped both men and women in their tracks, but it was her smooth, soft French dialect that sucked them in. That, coupled with her hypnotizing, deep blue eyes held one captive for hours. As a shrewd businesswoman with a distinct flair for making all of her customers feel sensual and beautiful, Latrice spread magic like a fairy godmother with a golden wand.

  Annessa let a slow grin split her lips. “Have you ever been here, Agent Ramano?”

  “You can call me Nick, Miss Dupree.”

  “Okay, Nick. Have you?”

  “No ma’am.”

  “Well, then.” She giggled. “We have two choices. We can go upstairs to the private viewing room or in there.” She pointed at a sofa in the dressing area.

  He nodded and pushed off the wall. “In there. I’m right behind you.”

  Annessa leaned to whisper in her sister’s ear as all three of them sat on the sofa. “This ought to be interesting, huh?”

  “Oh yeah.”

  She only had time to release a mischievous grin before the first model appeared in front of them wearing what Annessa assumed to be a definite turn-on for most men. The scarlet red boudoir set featured a sheer bra tied beneath the woman’s full breasts and a matching thong.

  Latrice stood next to the model, explaining the sexy features of the ensemble, lifting the woman’s breasts to show the ample support measures and tracing the curve of one hip to outline the shape of the thong.

  Goosebumps danced on Annessa’s arms as she mentally exchanged places with the model and replaced Latrice’s fingers with Casey’s. Her nipples tightened at the thought of his large hands cupping her breasts, squeezing, kneading, stroking his thumbs over each nipple before pinching the tender points between his thumbs and forefingers. And she knew he wouldn’t stop there. He would lift one of her legs and drape it across his hip, granting him easier access to the hidden treasure lower on her body. His hands would slide easily over her skin, his touch light as a feather and burning each and every nerve ending as he moved his fingers over one hip, under the strap of the thong, and then down the vee between her legs.

  Annessa swallowed hard and crossed her legs. “Pretty, don’t you think, Van?”

  Agent Ramano cleared his throat beside her and shifted.

  “Lovely,” Vanessa agreed. “What’s next, Latrice?”

  Their hostess signaled the next model who appeared before them dressed in a black bustier that squeezed her breasts tight until her stiffened nipples darn near penetrated the material.

  Annessa glanced at Latrice. “Leather?”

  Latrice nodded and then began to point out several sexy attributes of the lingerie. Seven tiny hooks were the only thing keeping the model from being naked. No straps, no zippers, just hooks.

  Although the woman wore a thong, it wasn’t much of one and Annessa wondered why she’d even bothered. Besides, the black thigh high hose pinched by two hooks on the bottom edge of the bustier provided plenty of distraction. Annessa tapped her bottom lip. Maybe Sheriff McIntyre needed another distraction,

  “Yes,” Vanessa whispered beside her.

  “I’ll take one of those, Latrice.”

  Agent Ramano coughed and then mumbled something that sounded strangely like “I need to get out of here.” She opened her mouth to tease him and then remembered someone else listened on the other end of his earpiece.

  “Ladies, we should probably head back to the house.”

  “Okay.” Annessa stood and motioned to the cash register. “It will only take a minute for Latrice to package our things.”

  Vanessa released a giggle. “Meanwhile, I’m going to the ladies room.”

  Annessa noticed the agent flinch.

  “I’ll be fine,” Van told him. “You stay here and hold Annessa’s lingerie.”

  Annessa bit her lip to keep her jaw from hitting the floor. Apparently, her twin’s engagement had morphed her into a brazen, confident … tease. She shook her head and headed to the front counter. Yeah, good sex tended to do that to a girl.

  She glanced around the boutique
, taking mental inventory of the stock on the shelves. Boudreaux’s was already a favorite to many of the brides Annessa consulted; Latrice provided exceptional personal service with her flair for seduction. If she were to move her own business to Mourning Dove Harbor, she’d still have Latrice’s expertise. And perhaps the sexy sheriff would appreciate a private viewing of his own.

  She stifled another giggle while Latrice wrapped their packages and then moved her gaze back to Agent Ramano who shifted impatiently from side to side beside her, almost to the point of annoying.

  “Would you rather wait in the car?” she drawled.

  “Your sister’s been in there longer than I anticipated.”

  Annessa frowned. She, too, wondered what kept her sister. “I’ll go check on her.”

  Agent Ramano paused only a second before Vanessa’s high-pitched scream filled the store.

  “Everybody out!” The utter calm in the bodyguard’s tone cleared the few customers from the store but did little to stop the terror that climbed Annessa’s spine.


  She lunged to run to the back of the store, stopped by the tight hold Agent Ramano had on her waist. Before she had time to argue, he shoved her behind him.

  “Out the front, Miss Dupree,” he ordered.

  Black dots danced in her vision as Annessa peered over his shoulder to see two men drag her sister across the dressing area.

  Agent Ramano drew his gun. “Freeze!”

  She opened her mouth to scream again when both she and Latrice were whisked out the front door by another agent. A third turned the lock before disappearing from view.

  Annessa beat on the glass until her knuckles stung and it was only when her body was lifted into the air did she stop screaming.


  Casey stroked her hair while he tucked her against his body, hoping to warm her enough to stop shaking.

  “V – V- a – n …” Her tears fell from her eyes like heavy raindrops and her teeth clanked at the force of her speech.

  “Ssssh. She’s okay.”

  “No, she’s not! I heard her scream!”

  He wiped the tears from her eyes and tried hard to harness his incredible fear. He hadn’t lied. Vanessa was okay for the moment, but in a whole shitload of trouble.

  Wailing sirens drowned her distress as ambulances and fire trucks converged on the area. Police cars soon followed and officers cleared the block, marking off a crime scene.


  He released a heavy sigh as an unusually docile Annessa lowered herself to the curb. “What happened?”

  “D – d- don’t know,” she chattered. “Van went to the bathroom and then we heard her scream.”

  “Take a breath, baby.”

  Her shoulders heaved while she did as he said, her body still shaking out of control.


  She shook her head. “I can’t,” she wailed. “Casey, do something! Anything!”

  Desperate to stop her pain, he squatted in front of her, grabbed her shoulders, and squeezed. “Annessa, enough. Think. What did you see?”

  “Not much. I waited at the sales counter because Agent Godzilla wouldn’t let me check on her.”

  “You bought something?”

  She gave him a slow nod.

  “What color?”

  “Black,” she whispered.

  He moved his thumbs to wipe the tears from her cheeks and wished like hell he could erase the pain. “Long or short?”


  “Silky?” he pressed.

  She paused. Her mouth opened and then closed. Suddenly, the terror seemed to drift from her eyes. “You’re trying to distract me.”

  “Is it working?”

  “Somewhat.” She took a deep breath and then exhaled slowly. “Where’s Latrice?”

  “In the car with an agent.”

  She gave a slow nod. “Leather.”

  His thumbs stalled. “Huh?”

  “Not silky, leather.”

  He ran a hand through his hair, not quite sure how to react. He only meant to calm her. Leave it Annessa to beat him at his own game. A few seconds later, he’d never been so relieved in his life to see a uniformed Dane approach them.

  “Somebody brief me.” Dane wrapped Annessa in a blanket then motioned Casey to sit beside her.

  He sat and folded her into his embrace. “Ramano radioed for back-up. Vanessa was taken hostage inside.”

  Annessa whimpered yet Dane remained amazingly calm. For once in his highly controlled life, Casey was at a loss. He had absolutely no idea how to handle this situation.

  He glanced at Dane. “Where’s Dupree?”

  “He and Mav brought the ladder truck,” Dane answered. “The upstairs window is open.”

  Annessa pushed out of his arms and stood. “I can fit better than anyone.”

  Casey grasped an arm and attempted to pull her back down to the cement. “Absolutely not.”

  “Yes.” She swatted his hands. “It’s our only option.” The heavy blanket smacked Dane in the face when Annessa tossed it his direction. “It’s me they want.”

  “No.” Casey stood and looked her directly in the eye.

  Dane shoved the blanket into a heap. “He’s right, Annessa. Ramano and his guys will handle it.”

  “That’s my sister in there!” Casey watched, somewhat amused when Annessa’s inner three-year-old diva attempted to take charge. “And your fiancée, Dane!” She spun back around and poked his chest with her index finger. “I’m going after her, like it or not.”

  “Ness.” Casey captured her finger in his grip. “Sit.”

  His stomach churned like an overloaded washing machine when she finally said what they were all thinking. “They probably don’t even realize they have the wrong woman.”

  Casey pulled his gaze from Annessa to see Travis and Agent Ramano jog toward them. Travis squatted in front of his sister.

  “Are you hurt?”

  She shook her head. “I want them to trade me for her.”

  “No, baby. That’s not the answer.”

  Her shoulders shook violently and tears once again poured from her eyes. Casey felt like someone had ripped his heart from his chest. Travis appeared to be just as desperate.


  Casey glanced up at the sound of a feminine voice. “Hey, Verity.”

  Travis grunted as Verity bumped him to the side with one hip. “You’ve got to stay calm.” She pushed Annessa’s hair back from her face. “Take a deep breath so you won’t hyperventilate.”

  Annessa took a deep breath.

  “Good,” Verity told her. “Now another.”

  In the next few seconds, Annessa’s sobs quieted. Casey seriously considered planting a big, wet kiss right smack in the middle of Verity’s lips. Except, Travis hadn’t taken his eyes off her the whole time she comforted Annessa.


  Ramano finally ambled over. “We’ve got an ID on the two perps.”

  Casey fought the urge to ask him what the hell took so long. “Marcelli?”

  “No. Our sources indicate they don’t work for Marcelli. In fact, he’s attempted to contact Annessa several times.”

  Annessa groaned. “I thought he was responsible.”

  “Apparently he wanted to warn you. Did you get a good look at them?”

  “The bigger one is bald, angry-looking, and has a jagged scar over his left eyebrow.”

  “Max Mad-Man Lucetti. What about the other?”

  “Tall and thin. Someone reeked of cigarette smoke.”

  “Reggie The Locomotive Valero. Both members of Johnny Ricci’s organization, a rival of Marcelli’s. Shouldn’t be hard to take them down.”

  Casey squeezed the bridge of his nose. “Anybody else inside?”

  “No. We managed to clear the store.”

  Annessa glanced at Travis and then back at him. “Trade me.”

  “Annessa,” Casey growled.

  Ramano t
ilted his head to one side. “That’s not a bad idea.”

  Casey’s jaw ached with the force of keeping his mouth shut. What the fuck was he thinking? “Ramano--”

  “We’ll wrap her in a vest and put two snipers in the air.”

  “They want to murder her!”

  “I don’t think so. Marcelli mentioned the diamond bracelet. Do you have it?”

  Annessa lifted her left wrist.

  Casey’s forehead cramped with the force of his groan. “What the hell is so special about that bracelet?”

  “Lucetti and Valero want it. According to Marcelli, it’s a Ricci family heirloom worth close to a million dollars. Marcelli ended up with it because Ricci’s son couldn’t repay a debt. Long story short, Ricci refuses to pay and wants the bracelet returned.”

  “They won’t settle for the bracelet. Not now.”

  “If we use Annessa to distract them, we can move in quickly.”

  Incredible fear sliced his gut into pieces. “What if they hurt her?”

  “We won’t give them a chance.”

  One look into Annessa’s eyes told him he had no choice but to agree. Annessa wouldn’t hesitate to defy him. Not when Vanessa’s life was at stake. He glanced at Annessa then back at Ramano. “On one condition.”

  “Of course,” Annessa grumbled while she pinched the bridge of her nose. “There are always stipulations with you, Casey.”

  “I’m going in with you.”


  “It’s either both of us or no one.” He gave a slight nod to Ramano who then left the area.

  “Uh, Casey.” Travis cleared his throat. “Are you sure about this?”

  “Hell no I’m not sure about this!” His fists opened and closed with the force of his temper. “You know as well as I do that she’ll run in there alone if I don’t go.”

  “Annessa—” Travis stopped and frowned when Verity punched him in the shoulder.

  “Stay out of it,” she mumbled.

  Ramano returned and handed him two bulletproof vests. “The fire truck is positioned so that the ladder will lead you to the window.”

  Casey snatched the vests, grabbed Annessa’s hand, and then dragged her to the truck. “C’mon, let’s get this over with.”


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