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Yes, Alpha

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by Merel Pierce

  Yes, Alpha

  His Willing Omega Book 1


  Merel Pierce

  © 2019 Merel Pierce


  Reticent Desire Publications


  Cover Art: Ana B. Starr

  Pierce, Merel

  No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of the author. This includes electronic or mechanical transmission, photocopying, recording, information retrieval systems or storage.

  This book is a work of fiction and is intended for adults only. Some scenes contain explicit material that may make some readers uncomfortable.

  Any names, businesses, places, or events used in this work are fictional. Any similarities to living or dead people, incidents, companies, products, or organizations are purely coincidental.

  This book is dedicated to my dearest friends.

  I am so very lucky to have you as part of my tribe.


  Yes, Alpha

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter One

  “Seriously, Meghan, aren’t you ready yet?”

  With a huff, Meghan wriggled the borrowed dress up higher. She sucked in a breath as she hiked the too-tight garment over her ribcage. “Just a second!”

  She struggled to pull the garment into place, sighing with relief when she finally managed it. Hands on her hips, posture forced straight by the strapless dress hugging her frame, Meghan panted as she stared at her reflection in the mirror.

  The girl looking back wasn’t someone she recognized. Cami’s makeover had certainly been dramatic. Cami had straightened her wavy blonde hair into a polished sheet. A face usually described as sweet was made sexy. Lips were painted into a burgundy pout, her lids dark and smoky. Her hazel eyes were accented by thick, fake lashes.

  To her, the dress was a nightmare. It left nothing to the imagination. Meghan couldn’t even take a breath without the garment accenting the rise and fall of her ribcage beneath the swell of her breasts, which pressed up and together in true wench-like presentation. Angling to one side to check her profile, what she saw seemed cartoonish to her. The swell of her breasts was challenged only by the distinct roundness of her backside, against which the dress clung. It barely covered the bottom of her ass before the fabric cut off. Meghan frowned. Squatting down was out of the question, and so was bending over. She would never have chosen something like this for herself, not in a million years.

  “What did you do,” she whispered, glaring disapproval at the girl in the mirror.


  She startled at the impatient shout, giving her reflection a final glance before turning the knob and abandoning her hideout. She tiptoed into the bedroom where a flustered Cami waited with one hand on her hip, a pair of black ‘fuck me’ pumps dangling from her fingers. Cami’s expression morphed upon seeing Meghan’s altered appearance, her impatience replaced with excitement.

  “See? That dress looks amazing, just like I told you it would!”

  “I feel like an overstuffed sausage.” Self-conscious, Meghan smoothed her hands over the uncomfortable fabric encasing her stomach and tried not to pout.

  “No! Don’t be silly, you look hot!” Cami smiled, cocking her head as she continued to assess Meghan. “I do good work, right?”

  Meghan kept the next self-deprecating thought to herself and nodded, knowing her appearance wasn’t the real issue. She’d never been to any of the clubs downtown and avoided the whole area like the plague. Crime was rampant in that part of the city.

  Being an Omega, there had never been anything down there worth the risk. Betas like Cami would never understand.

  Meghan was glad her suppressants helped negate the more obvious issue of her heat and diluted her natural attractants, but her petite stature always betrayed her for what she was. While the country had made great strides against Alpha on Omega assaults, the threat remained.

  Meghan wouldn’t have agreed to go downtown if Cami hadn’t been giving her a ride to work for the past two weeks. Cami knew she was a pushover though, and had no problem using that knowledge to guilt her into tagging along.

  Cami extended the shoes, interrupting Meghan’s brooding. “You look great, really. Now put these on and let’s go!”

  On reflex, Meghan obeyed. Soon enough she was teetering down the apartment stairs in four-inch heels with a white-knuckled grip on the bannister, struggling to keep up with Cami, who was far more adept at managing the descent in stilettos.


  The ride to their destination was no more comfortable than the first half of the evening. Meghan had resorted to taking shallow breaths, afraid she’d pop the seams on Cami’s dress if she dared to take a lungful of air. Cami turned up the radio, making small talk unnecessary as she sang along with every pop song between Cami’s apartment and the club half an hour away.

  They parked a block away in a paid lot with no lighting. Despite Cami’s reassurances, Meghan looked over her shoulder at least a dozen times as they wove their way between the cars and out onto the street. It was too dark, too easy for someone to sneak up on them. She didn’t like it at all.

  As they approached the club, Cami linked arms with Meghan and pulled her closer. If it weren’t for the dozens of patrons trekking her progress to the front of the line with hungry eyes, she might have been annoyed by the action. As it was, the closeness brought her a modicum of comfort. She wasn’t alone, at least.

  When Cami pranced them up to the red rope and batted her lashes, the bouncer only had to take one sniff at Meghan before he was unhooking the barrier and ushering them through. It seemed strange, but it might have been normal for all she knew.

  The massive metal doors of the building were pressed flat against the brick walls on either side of the entrance. Heavy velvet curtains gathered back with sashes at each side accented the open archway, allowing patrons to pass through unimpeded.

  The hallway beyond was short and dark, the entrance tunnel to an opulent cave beyond. There were so many people at the opposite end that she couldn’t see much else until they breached the main room seconds later. Meghan stopped and stared, oblivious to her slack-jawed expression. It wasn’t anything like she expected.

  The space was large and open, with cool gray walls accented by charcoal colored crown molding. The furniture scattered throughout was composed of black marble, matching leather, and stainless steel. Wall sconces cast the room in a clean, cool light. Crystal chandeliers featuring the same lights hung heavy some eight feet above the floor. It didn’t look like any club she’d ever seen on television.

  “What kind of club is this, Cami?”

  Cami smiled as she led her further inward, an almost mischievous look on her face. “The best kind, that’s what kind.”

  The smell of pheromones, perfume, body odor, and sex assaulted Meghan’s nose. A passing study of the surrounding patrons began to reveal details about the place they’d come to, even if Cami wasn’t willing to herself. Meghan started to feel like she should have stayed home.

  While there seemed to be a lot of single women and men, there were just as many couples. Very obvious couples. If the man didn’t have his hand on the small of her back or around her shoulders, the woman was sitting on his knee, or standing close
at his side. Quite a few of the women and some men seemed to be wearing chokers of leather, lace, or solid metal bangles around their throats, often with some charm or tag hanging from its middle. Some even had what looked like fur lined cuffs around their wrists, accented by shiny buckles and D rings.

  “C-Cami, seriously, what is this place?”

  “It’s a kink club, ok? I didn’t tell you because I wanted it to be a surprise.”

  Meghan planted her feet, jerking them to a stop as she glared up at Cami unhappily.

  Pursing her lips, Cami rolled her eyes. “You need to get out more, I thought it would be something different and new. Something exciting!”

  “Are you serious,” Meghan squeaked in near panic. “I’m an Omega, Cami. Omegas don’t get to have this kind of fun!”

  “Oh, come on! You’re such a worry wort. It’s totally safe here. This place has an awesome reputation.” Cami let her arm slip free of Meghan’s, smoothing back her hair as she glanced around the room. “Besides, what else would you be doing tonight? Sitting at home watching reruns and eating ice cream?”

  She didn’t miss the judgement in Cami’s tone, and she wilted from the sting of a too-close-to-home insult.

  “You should have told me.”

  “It’s fine, Meghan,” Cami hedged. “Just relax for once, ok?”

  Meghan’s shoulders slumped. She recognized that tone. It was the same one people used with her when they thought she was being ridiculous. Her entire life she’d heard that tone from people who didn’t know what it was like to be Omega. Nagging to leave wouldn’t get her anywhere, and Meghan didn’t dare walk out that door on her own let alone try to find a bus back uptown. Chances were, her friend knew it, too. The best she could hope for was that Cami got bored and wanted to leave sooner rather than later.

  She looked over her shoulder, judging the crowd more carefully than before. It made sense now. The collars and cuffs, the close-knit couples. Hell, even the color scheme. It was all very ‘BDSM chic.’ Sighing, she lifted her chin and tried to shake off the bad feeling that was twisting her stomach in knots. “I guess it might be ok to stay for a little while.” She muttered, the closest thing to a peace offering she could muster as she glanced back towards Cami. Or rather, where Cami had been a second ago. Meghan’s brow furrowed as she turned a slow circle, searching for the friend that had been standing behind her only moments before.

  “Cami?” Though the call was tentative, it drew the attention of several patrons nearby, who eyed her with more interest than she was comfortable with. Unsettled, Meghan averted her eyes and eased away. “Shit, Cami. Seriously?”

  Chapter Two

  A hand closing around her arm halted her progress not ten feet away from where she’d started hunting for her friend. She froze, eyes darting to the man with a vice-like grip on her arm. His gaze was dark, his lips curled up in an unpleasant sneer. “Hello there, pretty.”

  The hair on the back of her neck rose in warning as she stared up at him mutely. As Alphas went, he was an average size. Far larger than her, of course. His suit and slicked back hair suggested he was trying to look classy, but he was failing miserably. The lines of his pinstripe suit were wide enough to make an otherwise decent garment unattractive. A crisp white button down, undone at his throat, was absent a tie and only furthered the cheap mobster vibe he put off. Meghan suppressed a shudder when his fingers tightened when she tried to worm out of his hold.

  “Please let go.”

  “Well, you’re not being very friendly.” The male frowned and gave her arm a tug, forcing her to step closer. “Maybe you need a spanking, little girl.”

  Meghan’s eyes widened, her mouth falling open in disbelief. “Let go of my arm,” she repeated, louder this time as a flutter of panic took hold. “You’re hurting me.”

  Her eyes flickered over the surrounding crowd, wondering if anyone would come to her aid if the Alpha continued on his current course.

  “Some girls like a little pain.” The Alpha grumbled.

  The threat of a growl making goosebumps raise all across Meghan’s body.

  “Are you one of those girls?”

  His fingernails bit into her skin, and she could only wince in response.


  He smelled her before he ever saw her. It wasn’t just that she was an Omega. There were at least a dozen Omegas in main lobby. It was her unique scent that drew his attention; honeyed musk and warm summer sunshine, unadulterated by perfume. Before he realized it, he’d altered his course.

  He inhaled deeply, tracking the female’s scent across the lobby. Near the entrance the smell grew more powerful, and a discrete bit of investigation revealed her. A petite blonde in sky-high heels and a tight mini dress, the object of his interest was currently staring with wide, fearful eyes at the man who had hold of her arm.

  The sight of the little female being manhandled by the sorry excuse for an Alpha birthed an unexpected violent reaction, anger bubbling up in a heated rush to spur his forward motion.

  “You should take your hand off the girl, before I call security.”

  The Omega’s head swiveled towards Daniel as he approached, her brow pinched with worry as she took in the sight of him. The stranger holding her arm jerked her against his chest, spurring an involuntary yelp of distress from the woman now pressed to his front. The pitchy growl of the man holding her sent a visible shiver down his captives spine and had her squirming to be free.

  “She’s unattended, she may as well be advertising,” her captor snorted, “and only a coward would call security on another member. Are you a coward?”

  Daniel took a step closer to the offending male, lowering his voice so that the conversation didn’t carry beyond the three of them. “Calling for security was a favor to you, friend. But, I’d be happy to take care of this myself if you can’t be decent.”

  The Alpha snarled his outrage at an unflinching Daniel.

  “You don’t have any right to interfere!”

  “You know the rules about manhandling club members,” Daniel snapped, annoyed that the idiot didn’t have enough sense to back off. The man obviously didn’t know who Daniel was. “That aside, the girl is not unattended. She is my guest, and you will release her. If you don’t, security will be the least of your concerns.”

  Daniel leveled the Omega with a look that suggested she play along with his ruse. He was betting she’d be in a hurry to get away from the man who was holding her hostage. The stink of fear was polluting the sweetness of her scent, and he needed to get her clear of the lesser male before instinct took over and he lost his temper. He was already close to ripping the man’s head off for scaring the girl, let alone daring to touch her. If the asshole didn’t take his hands off her soon, he would be eating his teeth for dinner.

  The girl was as quick witted as she was pretty. She dropped her chin, shoulders rounding with submission.

  “I-I’m sorry. I needed to go to the bathroom. I didn’t mean to get turned around.”

  “Yes, well. This is why we do not allow guests to go anywhere without their escort. You should have waited for me to come back from the bar.”

  “I’m sorry… Sir. I didn’t realize.”

  ‘Sir’ was a nice touch. Daniel smothered a smirk as he extended his hand, dipping his head in invitation. “We will address your disobedience in a moment. For now, come.”

  She took his hand, and the stiffness of her posture lessened when she felt the first man let her slip from his grip.

  As he turned her away from the offending male, the girl dared to glance back over her shoulder, as if she couldn’t believe the man had released her. The lesser Alpha’s features twisted, his ego injured by the exchange. The stranger’s shoulders stiffened, his jaw clenched and his gaze dark as he trailed the couples progress. Luckily for him, his pride was all Daniel had wounded.

  Daniel folded her hand over his forearm, the pressure of his fingers atop hers suggesting that she keep it there. “It’s all right, you
don’t need to worry,” he murmured, “But, for the sake of perpetuating the lie, I’d suggest you stay with me until he poses no further threat.”

  The girl halted, drawing back her hand. “I appreciate what you did, but I have a friend that’s probably looking for me, and I just want to go home.”

  He eased around to face her straight on, his expression hardening as he looked down at her.

  “Anyone who would bring you here and leave you alone is not your friend.”

  He angled his head as he continued to study her, taking a moment to appreciate the delicate sweetness and femininity of the creature, hidden as it was beneath a facade designed to appeal to the more vulgar needs of a man. The Omega shifted under the weight of his gaze, eyes darting away as if she were uncomfortable with his attention. “I imagine this friend neglected to tell you we don’t accept new members unless they have something of value to offer. Mainly, new Omega applicants.”


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