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Dangerous Territory

Page 3

by Becca Van

  Every time she’d tried to initiate sex, he’d turned away from her, telling her he was too tired since he’d been working all day. She’d worked in an office as a receptionist right up until she was eight and half months gone, but she’d been sitting on her ass all day and had no reason to be complaining about anything.

  He was a courier for a renowned company, and while he spent quite a while behind the wheel of the truck, he was also in and out lifting and carting boxes of shit to other businesses as well as private addresses. He had every reason to be exhausted, and when he got home, he didn’t need some stupid bitch who’d managed to trap him by getting pregnant with his kid nagging at him.

  Todd had started wondering if she’d got knocked up on purpose. While he wasn’t earning a shit ton of money, it was more than enough to keep the roof over his head, pay his bills, and put food on the table as well as have enough left over to buy his beer.

  That had gone out the fucking window when she’d started leaving lists about the place of all the things she was going to need for the brat. When he’d first seen how much stuff she had on the list, he’d thought she was pulling his leg, but after talking to one of his buddies at the pub after work one night who had kids of his own, and he’d found out how much a child was going to cost, the anger had turned to rage.

  There was no way in hell he was spending a dime of his hard-earned cash on a baby he didn’t even want, so he ignored that fact she was pregnant. For all Todd knew, the slut had probably been running around behind his back while he was working and fucking someone else. He’d wanted to tell her to get a paternity test but had decided against it when he found out how much that would set him back. His beer was far more important than his girlfriend and her baby.

  How she’d managed to buy the cot and baby car seat as well as the other stuff in the spare bedroom he’d never know, and he didn’t really care. All he cared about was that she wasn’t spending any of his money. They had separate bank accounts, and he’d kept it that way. Thank fuck.

  He’d had a hard time dealing with all the squalling and crying, but at first he’d managed to drown all the noise out by turning the TV up loud when he’d been watching football or baseball, but the older the kid got, the louder the little bitch got. He hated the sight of her because she looked just like her fucking mother. Those big, innocent blue eyes and a face like an angel, but Todd knew differently. There was nothing angelic about the slut or her brat. All women were devious and didn’t care what they did, who they trod on, or who they hurt to get what they’d wanted.

  His resentful anger had gotten the better of him, and he’d started taking his frustrations out on Sammy. What he’d really wanted to do was wrap his hands around the kid’s scrawny neck and squeezed until she turned blue and shut the fuck up, but his conscience wouldn’t let him.

  However, the longer the kid and the slut mother lived in his house and ate his food, the more wrathful he became. He’d wanted to make them suffer the way they were making him suffer. They’d made his life a living hell, and he’d wanted to make them pay for his misery.

  The more he drank to forget his fury and unhappiness, the more ferocious the ire became.

  And now she was gone, he should be happy being single again. He should be out every night drinking it up with his buddies and fucking anything in a skirt he could. But the vehemence just kept getting worse and worse. That slut should have been on her knees kissing his feet for taking her in and letting her stay with him until she’d had her kid. What thanks had she given him? She left without a fucking word.

  She needed to pay him back. She owed him a shitload of money since she hadn’t paid rent to live in his house. If he hadn’t been so repulsed by her body after it had been stretched out of all proportion by her brat, he would have fucked her like the whore she was.

  He’d lost his fucking job because of her and the kid. If they hadn’t driven him crazy with all the noise and all the nagging, he wouldn’t have ended up drinking so much. If he didn’t come up with the money for next month’s rent, he was going to be out on the street.

  Sammy Reilly needed to pay for destroying his life, but first he needed to find her.

  * * * *

  Logan had never been so excited in his life. Or so nervous. He couldn’t get over how gorgeous Sammy and Lily were. They were so similar in facial features with their big blue eyes and petite bodies, but there was nothing childlike about Sammy, even though she was a small woman. Her long, wavy blond hair was like a cloud of gold around her flawless, creamy face. She had slim hips and lush breasts for someone so small, but it was her eyes that got to him every time she turned her gaze his way. Her eyes were like light clear pools of water a thirsty man could drown in, and he was thirsty. In fact, he was starving for her, but he couldn’t let his hunger for her show. She was already wary enough without his lust becoming obvious. While he understood her caution, it also hurt, which was downright ludicrous since she didn’t know him or his brothers at all. Yet if he’d been in her position with a small child to take care of, he would have been just as circumspect.

  He was glad that Haden was driving because he probably would have caused an accident if he’d been behind the wheel since he couldn’t keep his eyes off her. He shook his head. If he’d been driving, he probably would have driven under the speed limit as his brother was. The two females on board were precious cargo, and he didn’t want either of them getting hurt from his inattentiveness.

  Logan was worried about Sammy. All the fight seemed to have drained out of her, and she was as pale as a ghost. She’d whacked her head pretty hard when she’d tripped and hit it on the pavement. How she’d managed to twist so that she took the brunt of the impact while she had Lily in her arms, he’d never know. His heart flipped and thudded hard and fast. Sammy was the epitome of a loving, caring mom. She was the type of woman he and his brothers had been waiting for what seemed like a long time. He just hoped that she didn’t decide they weren’t worth the time of day, that she was just as attracted to him and his brothers as they were to her.

  What worried him most was Lily’s father. Was he still in the picture? Would he turn up in Slick Rock demanding visiting rights with his daughter? Would he cause trouble for Sammy? Were they married, separated, or divorced? There was so much he wanted, needed to know, yet he had a feeling that if he, Maddox, and Haden started peppering her with questions, they’d frighten her away.

  Logan sucked in a deep breath, held it, and then exhaled, releasing all the tension in his neck and shoulders he hadn’t been aware he was carrying.

  They were going to have to be patient, to take one day at a time, and if fate was on their side, maybe Sammy would end up being the woman of their dreams.

  * * * *

  Haden hadn’t smiled so much in a long time. Listening to Lily’s soft chatter had his heart softening. While he often saw kids laughing and playing at the park in town or out and about with their parents, he’d never had the opportunity to interact with them. When he’d been in town picking up supplies for the ranch or at the supermarket, or sitting in the diner, he watched the children with longing in his heart. He and his brothers had been looking for a special woman to fit into their lives but hadn’t been lucky enough to find that exceptional someone. Until now.

  “I’m hungry, Dox.”

  Haden nearly chuckled over Lily’s name for his older brother, but he swallowed his laughter down. When he gazed in the mirror, his breath caught in his throat. Maddox was looking at Lily with such softness in his eyes. His brother was usually a hard-ass, but the little girl had a way of melting the coldest of hearts without any effort.

  “I know, Lily. We’ll be home in a few minutes, and then we’ll get you something to eat. What would you like for dinner, sweetie?”

  “Momma gives me veggie-bables?”

  “We have veggies we cooked last night in the fridge. All I have to do is heat them up in the microwave. What does your momma like to eat?”

  “Momma giv
es me the veggie-b…veggies.”

  Haden’s gut tightened into a knot. If Lily was saying what he thought she was saying, then Sammy was going without to make sure her daughter was fed. He glanced into the rearview mirror just as Maddox looked up. His brother was clenching his jaw so tight he was grinding his teeth, and there was determined resolve in his eyes. He just hoped Maddox didn’t push the envelope too hard and fast because if he did and he laid down the law to Sammy, they could end up losing her forever.

  * * * *

  Sammy blinked her eyes open when she realized she could no longer hear Lily chatting away. While she hadn’t been asleep, she hadn’t really been awake either and hadn’t taken in anything her daughter or the men had said.

  She looked about and almost jumped out of her skin when a large warm hand landed on her shoulder.

  “I’m sorry, honey,” Logan said. “I didn’t mean to startle you.”

  Sammy shrugged, her gaze roaming about frantically as she looked for Lily.

  “Maddox took Lily inside, Sammy. Let’s get you back with your daughter.”

  She must have fallen into a deeper sleep than she’d thought because her seat belt had been unclipped, and she hadn’t even been aware of it. She glanced at the hand he held out to her and reached out to place hers in his. Sparks of heat raced up her arm, centered in her chest and traveled lower. She tried to stifle a gasp, but she wasn’t quite successful. When she met Logan’s blue-green eyes, a shudder skated up her spine, causing her to shiver. There was so much hunger in his gaze, her blood started to warm.

  Logan tugged her along the seat, released her hand, grasped her waist, and lifted her from the truck. Her head spun, and if he hadn’t been holding onto her, she would have fallen on her ass. As it was, she ended leaning against him with her forehead resting on his chest.

  “You’ve got to be one of the stubbornest women I’ve ever met,” he said in growly voice.

  She squeaked when he swept her off her feet and up into his arms. “What are you doing?” she asked breathlessly.

  “Carrying you inside. You’re so tired, and I’ll bet you’ve got enough drums pounding in your head to start your own orchestra. There’s no way I’m letting you walk when you can barely stand.”

  Sammy was too tired to argue, so she looped an arm around his neck and hung on as he turned from the truck, nudging the door closed with his hip, and walked toward the house.

  It was huge. While it was only a one-story home, it was long with a wraparound veranda that had chairs along the siding. The wood deck looked as if it had been freshly stained, and the house also looked as if it had recently been painted. The window plantation shutters were painted blue, which looked great against the off-white color of the house.

  Logan carried her up the steps, over the threshold, and into the home. There was a wall dividing the front door from the open plan living room, kitchen, and dining room. He turned right after skirting the privacy wall and carried her to where her daughter was sitting on Haden’s lap on a stool at the kitchen counter. Maddox was mashing up a bowl of steaming vegetables with a fork. He glanced her way, frowned, and then looked away again.

  Logan pulled a stool out from under the counter with his foot and then lowered her ass onto it. She sighed with relief and shivered. Now that she was no longer sharing his body warmth, she felt even colder than before, but she also felt hemmed in. Haden was sitting on one side of her, and Logan sat on the other side of her.

  “You hungry, Momma?” Lily asked as she watched Maddox add a little milk to the mashed veggies before stirring it in.

  “No, sweet pea. I’m fine.”

  “Did you have lunch with Shy?” Lily asked.

  Sammy was used to Lily’s curiosity, but she wished her daughter wasn’t asking her about her day in front of the three attentive men, but she wasn’t about to lie to Lily. She was trying to teach her daughter by example. “No, Lily. Shyann had already eaten by the time my lunchtime came around.” Even though she hadn’t lied, she’d hedged around the truth.

  “Look, Momma.” Lily pointed to the large bowl of fruit in the middle of the dining room table behind them. She was standing on Haden’s thighs with her little hands resting on his shoulders for balance. Haden was also clasping her waist. “Apples. Lots and lots of apples. Maybe you could have one for dessert, too.”

  Sammy nodded and lowered her head when her cheeks heated, trying to hide her blush with her hair.

  “Here you go, munchkin,” Maddox said as he pushed the bowl across the granite counter. Sammy was about to pick up the spoon to test the temperature of the food so Lily wouldn’t burn her mouth, but Maddox stayed her hand by clasping her wrist. “I’ve already tested it, baby. It’s only a little hotter than lukewarm.”

  Maddox nodded in acknowledgement of her thanks before turning away. He walked over to the fridge, got a heap of ingredients out, and started making sandwiches. When he was finished, he put the plate of cold chicken-and-salad sandwiches in front of her and pointed at it. “Eat. When you’re done, I’ll get you some ibuprofen.”

  “Thank you, but where’s your dinner?”

  “We ate the diner, honey,” Logan answered.

  Tears of gratitude and shame pricked the back of her eyes, but she pushed her emotions down as she picked up half a sandwich and bit into it. She closed her eyes, sighing as she savored the fresh bread, salad, chicken, and mayo as she chewed.

  “I full,” Lily said, drawing her gaze. Her daughter’s cheeks were flushed with warmth, and her eyelids were drooping. “Can we see the horsies now, Had?”

  “Not tonight, baby girl.” Haden shifted Lily closer to his wide chest. “It’s too dark to see much, and it’s almost time for little girls to be in their beds.”

  Lily sighed with exasperated frustration, crossing her small arms over her chest. When she raised her chin, Sammy knew her daughter was about to get stubborn. “No, it’s not. I want an apple for dessert.”

  “Lily Ann Reilly, where are your manners?” Sammy frowned.

  “Sorry, Momma. Sorry, Had. Can…may I please have an apple?”

  “What about a banana and ice cream instead?” Logan said as he shoved to his feet.

  “Ice creen? I love ice creen.”

  “Lily,” Sammy said in her mom voice.

  “Yes, please, Lohan.”

  Logan smiled and winked at Lily.

  Sammy finished off one of the sandwiches, but she was so full she couldn’t eat anymore. “Thank you. I’m full and couldn’t eat another bite.”

  “No ice creen for Momma.” Lily frowned at Sammy. “Only good girls who eat all the dinner get treats.”

  Sammy would have burst out laughing, but she managed to hold back her laughter and smiled over her precocious daughter’s antics. She looked just like herself when she was laying down the law. Hands clapping, the frown, and now the crossed arms.

  “Do you want something to drink, Sammy?” Maddox asked after giving Lily her sweets. “We’ve got beer, wine, juice, water, tea, and coffee.”

  Sammy didn’t drink coffee after lunchtime because the caffeine made it so much harder for her to sleep. The only time she’d ever touch alcohol was when she was out and away from Lily, but that had never happened. She didn’t want her daughter thinking that it was okay to drink a lot of liquor.

  “Water please.”

  Maddox nodded, got a glass down from a cupboard, and poured cold water from a jug in the fridge before putting it in front of her. He then rummaged in another cupboard up high and handed her a packet of ibuprofen. She popped two tablets out and swallowed them down with water.

  When she glanced at Lily, she couldn’t help but smile. Her daughter was fast asleep against Haden’s chest with the teaspoon still clutched in her little hand. Thankfully, there was no ice cream to drip all over herself or Haden. “I need to get her to bed.”

  “I can do it,” Haden said quietly as he gently removed the spoon from Lily’s hand.

  “I can—”

bsp; Haden shook his head as he stood, cradling Lily’s small body against his chest. “Stay where you are and rest, sweetheart. I’ve got this.”

  Sammy was too tired to argue and nodded gratefully at him.

  Maddox went to the fridge, got a few bottles of beer out, and passed one to Logan. “Do you want a glass of wine now, baby?” he asked.

  “No thanks.” Sammy didn’t think it was a good idea to mix alcohol and painkillers while she had such a thumper of a headache.

  “I called one of our friends as soon as I came inside,” Maddox said as he skirted the counter and sat where Haden had been sitting. “I don’t want any arguments from you, Sammy.”

  She frowned but waited for him to continue.

  “He’s a doctor, and I want him to check you out.”

  “I’ve already told you…” She trailed off when the doorbell rang. Logan jumped to his feet and hurried away.

  Maddox covered her arm. “I’ve figured out you can’t afford medical help, Sammy. I’m not trying to embarrass you, but I want to make sure you don’t have a concussion. A head injury isn’t something you should ignore.”

  Since it was too late to dispute, she nodded her acquiescence and then glanced toward the doorway when Logan and another man entered the kitchen. Sammy had seen him around town and through the window when he was at the diner. She’d had no idea he was a doctor. He certainly didn’t look the part since he was wearing jeans and a T-shirt, but when she saw the expensive watch on his wrist, she knew he wasn’t short of funds.

  “Sammy, this is Axel Raymond. He and his friends Camden Brown and Phoenix Carter own the clinic in town and work at the hospital.”

  “Hi, Sammy,” Axel greeted.

  “Dr. Raymond,” she replied.

  Axel shook his head. “Axel, please. I’m not one to stand on ceremony. Logan’s already told me what happened since he and his brothers saw you fall. Could you come and sit on the sofa so I can examine you?”


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