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Dangerous Territory

Page 12

by Becca Van

  Haden skirted the mare, keeping his hand on her flank as he walked behind her, and came to the other side. Holding his hand out to her, he said, “Come here, Sammy.”

  Sammy moved slowly, not wanting to frighten the huge beast with any abrupt movements, and when she was close enough, she laced her fingers with his. He guided her to the front of the mount, lifted her hand to his mouth, kissed the back of it, and then placed her palm on the horse’s nose. She patted and rubbed the animal, hoping she’d get used to her scent.

  “This is Sabine. She’s seventeen hands high and ten years old. She’s one of our calmest and gentlest horses.”

  Sammy sighed with relief glad that Maddox had chosen an even-tempered mount for her.

  “Let’s get her outside, and I’ll show you how to mount up.” Haden grasped the bridle and led Sabine out into the late sunshine. Sammy walked right next to him. Just as they stopped near an old tree stump, Sabine nuzzled her nose into Sammy’s hair, snuffling as she tickled the flesh of her neck with her soft velvety lips. “She likes you, sweetheart.”

  Sammy turned around, laughing when Sabine rested her head on her shoulder. She smoothed a hand up and down her neck.

  “Always mount a horse from the left. That’s the way all horses are trained. If you tried to get on from the right, the animal’s likely to bolt.”

  Sammy nodded, gulped, and stepped up onto the tree stump, glad that Haden was holding onto Sabine so she wouldn’t move out from under her as she tried to get up on her back.

  “You can either grip the saddle horn or Sabine’s mane for leverage. You won’t hurt her if you grab her mane. Put your foot in the stirrup, push up, and swing your leg over,” Haden instructed.

  Sammy held her breath as she held onto the horn, put her foot in the stirrup, and pushed up. She swung her leg over and sat in the cradle of the leather saddle. She was up way higher than she’d expected to be, but she wasn’t scared. Nervous but not frightened.

  “Take the reins in your hands and hold them, but don’t pull or jerk on them. I need to check the stirrups.”

  Haden adjusted the stirrups, and after showing her how to hold the reins, he told her how to get the horse moving and how to stop it. Then he started leading Sabine away from the barn. She held herself tensely for a while, but as she got used to the rocking rhythm of the horse’s gait, she began to relax.

  “You’re doing great, sweetheart. You’re a natural,” Haden said. He guided Sabine into the paddock near the barn and closed the gate. She glanced toward where Logan, Maddox, and Lily were. The wide smile on her daughter’s face warmed her heart. She was having the time of her life with two of her men. Her heart fluttered and expanded it filled with warmth, with love.

  Sammy was in love with the three Keegan men. She just hoped that they grew to love her back.

  “How are you doing, sweetheart?” Haden asked.


  “I’m going to let you walk Sabine around on your own, Sammy,” Haden said. “Just remember if you want to stop her, don’t pull too hard on the reins or you’ll hurt her mouth. A gentle touch is all you need.”

  Sammy nodded. “I remember.”

  When Haden released the bridle, she tightened her legs and gasped when Sabine started walking. Just to test that she had control, she gave a slight pull on the reins and relaxed her legs, and the horse stopped.

  Sammy smiled as she got the animal moving again, heading toward Maddox, Lily, and Logan. Riding a horse wasn’t as scary as she first thought. In fact, it was downright fun. She hoped Haden, Maddox, and Logan gave her more riding lessons. She’d love to ride with her men and daughter to explore their beautiful ranch. There were trees in the distance, and the mountain backdrop was breathtaking.

  The air was crisp and cool, and there was no air or noise pollution. This was the perfect place to raise her daughter.

  She just hoped her men agreed with her.

  * * * *

  Jason muttered to himself as he ran the bottom wire out along the fence from the roll. Hank, the foreman, had ordered him and Cade to fix the cut fence. Anger bubbled in his gut over the way Haden had treated him like a kid. What gave him the right to take him to task for looking the woman over? Yeah, he might own the place but so what? He’d made a fool out of him in front of a piece of ass. No one humiliated him and got away with it. He didn’t care that she was beautiful and sexy. In his mind, she was just a slut, the latest screw for the three ranch owners. He couldn’t believe that she was setting such a bad example for her daughter. If the kid ever found out what was going on, she’d end up just like her mother.

  It was the bitch’s fault, looking up at him with those big, beguiling, blue eyes. Jason was going to make her pay for his dressing down. No one caused him to be degraded and didn’t end up paying for it.

  When he got his hands on her, he’d show her what a real man was. He didn’t need another man to help him fuck a woman. This town was like a cult with their ménage relationships. Didn’t they all realize the sins they were committing?

  God would be crying from the heavens. Jason’s momma would be rolling over in her grave. If she knew he had landed in a promiscuous town, she’d be mortified and ashamed of him. The need to show the people in this town the error of their sinning ways was too strong to ignore. He couldn’t get to any of the sluts in town, but now that there was one living on the ranch, corrupting her own daughter, he knew it was time to step up and teach them that God and the angels in heaven weren’t happy with all the debauchery going on.

  That bitch was going to pay for his degradation.

  He was going to have to be patient and keep his anger hidden. If he tipped his hand, he’d likely get fired before he could make his move.

  While he worked on the fence with Cade, he tried to come up with a plan.

  Sooner or later, that slut was going to burn in hell.

  * * * *

  Todd was exhausted and stiff from sitting in the car for hours on end. He’d slept in the motel bed for just over six hours, and when he’d woken at four in the morning, he’d decided to hit the road. The sooner he got to Slick Rock, the sooner he could be living in a comfortable home while he forced his ex to earn the money. He also needed to think about what to do with the brat. There was no way in hell he was putting up with her whining and crying. He’d use her to get Sammy back in his control. Once he had the slut where he wanted her after threatening the kid, he’d get whatever he wanted.

  He gazed about as he drove toward the east end of town and the motel the GPS system in the luxury car directed him to. When he caught a glimpse of the library, he slowed, taking everything in as he drove by. He spied a back entrance to the library and after indicating, turned and drove toward what appeared to be a loading dock. While he had no idea why a small country town library would have a need for such a thing, he didn’t care. All he cared about was finding a way to get to the slut without being seen.

  He couldn’t just go waltzing into the library where other people were bound to be. There was no way in hell he was getting fingered for anything because otherwise he’d end up in the joint. No, he needed to bide his time, check things out, and watch. When he had his ex’s routine down, he’d be able to make a move without anyone being the wiser.

  Todd spied the security cameras near the back double doors and ducked his head. Thankfully, the sun was setting, and the car was in shadows. Plus the vehicle had dark-tinted windows, so he shouldn’t need to worry about his face being caught on the feed, but just in case, he backed up, turned the car around, and headed for the motel.

  Tomorrow, he’d lie low since it was Sunday. He’d stay in his room ordering room service, relax, eat his fill, and watch TV. Monday would be soon enough for him to scope things out.

  When he was ready, he’d make his move.

  Sammy owed him his life, and he was going to make sure she paid one way or another.

  Chapter Twelve

  Maddox breathed in Lily’s sweet little girl scent.
She was sitting on his lap as he helped her eat the delicious dinner of pot roast her momma had made for them. He loved her as much as he loved Sammy and wanted to adopt her, but he had no idea how Sammy would react if she asked.

  He wanted to get down on bended knee, declare his love for his woman, and ask her to marry him, but he thought it was too soon. They’d only known Sammy and Lily for days, but that didn’t seem to matter to his heart. Sammy and Lily had quickly become his world, and he wanted, needed, to know they were his and his brothers’ for the rest of his life. When Lily sighed and rested her head on his stomach, he looked down to see that her eyes were closed. She was sound asleep. Sammy had given her baby a bath and dressed her in pajamas before finishing dinner off, which was a good thing since she was out to it. She had had a lot of excitement in her day and was obviously down for the count.

  Maddox shifted Lily in his arm to cradle her small body against his and tried to finish his meal. He met Sammy’s gaze when she brushed Lily’s hair back from her face. “Why don’t I take her and put her to bed?”

  “Finish your dinner first, baby.”


  “She’s fine, Sammy. Eat your dinner so it doesn’t get cold.”

  “What about you?” she asked. “Your dinner will get cold.”

  Maddox winked at her, used the edge of his fork to cut off a piece of meat, speared it, and lifted to his mouth. “No, it won’t,” he said after he’d chewed and swallowed. He frowned when he saw moisture gathering in her eyes. “What’s wrong, baby?”

  “You’re all so wonderful,” she blurted out and then blushed as she gazed down at her plate. “I’ve never had any help before. I’m used to eating cold food or not eating at all. I’ve never had anyone to lean on.”

  “Not even your own folks?” Logan asked.

  Sammy shook her head. “I don’t know who my father is because his name isn’t on my birth certificate. My mom was an alcoholic. She died when I was ten years old by drowning in her own vomit.”

  “What happened to you?” Haden asked. “Where did you go when your mom passed?”

  “I went into foster care. It wasn’t a walk in the park, but it wasn’t terrible. I was moved to a different family nearly every six months.” Sammy sighed and then met each of their gazes. “I was so angry and lost I didn’t speak for close to two years. I was sent to psychologists and psychiatrists, but I remained mute. In the end, I think my social worker gave up. When I did start speaking, I was so full of rage I was a problem. By the time I realized what I was doing, taking my anger out on the people trying to help me, it was too late. No one wanted anything to do with me. That was until I was placed with an elderly couple when I was sixteen. The Joneses were patient, and eventually they got through to me. They taught me that holding onto my anger only made me bitter. They taught me to be kind and how to love.”

  Maddox cursed under his breath when he saw the sadness in Sammy’s blue eyes. He hated that they’d stirred up painful memories for her, but he was also glad that she was being open and honest with them.

  “They came to my high school graduation, and I kept in touch with them even after I moved into a place of my own.” She paused to take a deep breath. “I’d just started working as a waitress in a nice restaurant and started college to get my librarian’s degree.” She glanced down before raising her head again. “I’ll never forget that day. A police officer entered, and when I saw the hostess pointing toward me, I knew deep in my gut that something bad had happened. The officer informed me that the Joneses had been involved in a car accident a few weeks back. Their adult children had been going through their things, sorting items to sell, give away, or discard. They found pictures of me. One of the Joneses’ daughters found her mother’s diary and after reading it, called the local police station to have an officer inform me of their deaths.”

  “They didn’t come and tell you themselves?” Logan wrapped his arm around her shoulders, giving her a comforting squeeze.

  “No. They lived all around the country. The Joneses never said, but I don’t think their children ever bothered to visit.”

  “That’s fucked up,” Haden said.

  “It is,” Sammy said. “I was still grieving them when Todd came on the scene. I didn’t realize how vulnerable a state I was in. Nor that I was so lonely that I’d cling onto anyone who gave me any attention. He was so smooth wining and dining me when we first met. I had stars in my eyes because I dreamed of finding a man who’d love me and sweep me off my feet. I didn’t realize what an asshole he was until it was far too late.” She met each of their eyes. “But I’d never give up my baby. She became my world. I love Lily so much and want her to have a good life.”

  “She’s a happy, well-adjusted little girl, Sammy.” Maddox stroked a finger down her face. “You should be proud by how well-mannered she is. You’ve done a great job raising your daughter alone.”

  “But you’re not alone anymore, honey,” Logan said.

  “No, you’re not.” Haden nodded.

  “You’ll never be alone again, Sammy. You and Lily have us now,” Maddox stated emphatically.

  “Thank you,” Sammy whispered and then swallowed audibly. Logan rubbed up and down Sammy’s back.

  Maddox wondered if she was feeling as emotional as he was. He wanted to scoop his woman up into his arms, carry her to the bedroom, strip her down, and make love to her.

  Sammy sucked in a ragged breath, exhaled, and started eating again. He and his brothers started eating, too. When they were finished, Sammy stood and then reached for Lily. Maddox shook his head, rose, and started walking toward the doorway. Sammy followed him to the bedrooms, and after they settled their little girl, they went back to the kitchen to help Logan and Haden clean up.

  * * * *

  Sammy sat on the sofa in the living room, trying to watch the action movie Logan had put on, but she was too distracted to concentrate. Today had been one of the best days of her life. In fact, from the moment she’d met the Keegan brothers, her and Lily’s lives had changed for the better. She was happy and in love and so was her baby girl, even if Lily’s love for Haden, Maddox, and Logan was that of a child for her parents.

  She couldn’t believe how fast and hard she’d fallen. No longer was she wary of her three men. They’d shown her what wonderful, caring men they were. She couldn’t help but fall in love with them more and more. Every time she turned around they were there, looking out for her and Lily, teaching them the joys of living on a ranch.

  If she’d been certain of their answer, Sammy would have gotten down on bended knee and asked them to marry her, but that wasn’t her way. She might be a tigress where Lily was concerned, but she wasn’t normally forward or aggressive. Yet the thought of another woman snapping up her men had her swallowing back her proposal.

  “That was a big sigh, sweetheart,” Haden, who was sitting beside her with his arm around her shoulders, said.

  “Are you tired, baby?” Maddox on her other side, laced his fingers with hers. Logan was seated next to Haden on the end of the sofa. When she looked his way, he was leaning forward with his elbows resting on his knees, watching her intently.

  “A little. It’s been a long day,” she answered.

  “You’ve been sitting here thinking too hard.” Haden caressed up and down her arm. “You need to push all your worries aside and just be for a while.”

  “I was just thinking of all the chores I want to get done tomorrow,” Sammy lied.

  She hated telling fibs, but she wasn’t about to blurt out what was in her heart just in case her feelings weren’t returned. She knew she was being cowardly, but after what she went through with Todd, she was too scared to reveal that she was in love with her three men. Plus, there was the fact that she’d known them for less than a week. It was way too soon to lay her heart out on her sleeve. She needed to be doubly sure they wouldn’t laugh in her face before she started declaring such things.

  “What do you have in mind?” Logan asked.

  “The bathrooms need to be cleaned. The house needs to be dusted and vacuumed, and the floor washed. I also want to do some laundry.”

  “I’ll do the wash,” Haden said.

  “I’ll vacuum and dust,” Logan piped up.

  “And I’ll help with the bathrooms, baby. With us all pitching in, it shouldn’t take more than an hour to get everything done.”

  Sammy shook her head. “You all have your ranch to attend to. The deal for me and Lily to live here was for me to do the housework and cooking.”

  “Do you honestly think that’s the only reason we invited you both to stay with us?” Maddox asked angrily, tugging his hand from hers.

  “No!” she answered instantly. “I didn’t mean to make it sound as if you did, Maddox. I’m sorry if it sounded like that.”

  Maddox sighed as he ran his fingers through his hair. “I’m sorry for snapping, baby. I just have a lot on my mind.”

  “Is there anything I can help you with?” she asked.

  “No, but thanks for asking, Sammy.” Maddox shoved to his feet and headed toward the kitchen. She glanced over her shoulder to see him leaning on his hands on the counter.

  Logan scooted closer, snagged an arm around her waist and lifted her into his lap. “Don’t worry about Maddox, honey. He gets a bit moody sometimes.”

  “Have I done something wrong?” she asked.

  “No, sweetheart.” Haden raised their entwined hands to his mouth and kissed the back of hers. “Maddox needs to have a word with the men. He’s pissed off about the way Jason was ogling you.”

  “You told him?”

  “Of course I did, Sammy. My brothers and I don’t keep secrets from each other. We need to keep our lines of communication open so we know what’s going on, on our ranch and in our home.”


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