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Incineration (Heart of Stone)

Page 5

by Sidebottom, D H


  What temp do I need the oven on for the pie you made me? I can’t read what it says

  I squinted at his request, sure that I had written it down legibly.


  Gas mark 4, 30 mins

  Courtney had leaned over to sneak a look at the text and I glowered at her “Nosy”


  Thank you. What you up to?

  I huffed at Courtney who had scoffed at his inquisition and raised her brows at me


  Having brunch with a friend, be careful she nosing at your texts


  Lol, tell her I’m just useless without you

  Courtney coughed and gave me a wry grin at this and I shook my head at her “He is actually useless with the oven. I don’t think it had ever been used before I started” I told her and she laughed “Ava, Babe, I don’t think he means the oven” she pursed her lips at my glare “And I think it’s just an excuse to text you” I shook my head, now agitated “Don’t be stupid Courtney, he’s only known me for a couple of months. Now can we just drop it please” I snapped and she took the hint

  “Tracey phoned me” she declared and I bit my lip “What the fuck? I told her to leave you alone” I raged and she shook her head “Relax Ava. She just wanted to apologise…and apparently blame it all on Adam of course. I told her she’s welcome to him” I raised my eyebrows at her but she giggled “so she said thanks” she laughed harder as I sat there open mouthed at her disclosure until I was also laughing with her “The cheeky bitch!” I rolled with laughter as my phone rang “Hello” I laughed down the phone, trying to catch my breath “Ava?” Masons’ voice asked apprehensively and I rolled my eyes “Yes Mason, it’s me” I giggled at Courtneys waggling eyebrows “I do laugh sometimes you know” I added as I heard his silence and then his laughter “Sorry for spoiling your fun but I can’t get the oven to light” I rolled my eyes again “Seriously Mason?” I asked, perplexed “Erm yeah” he seemed embarrassed now and I felt a pang of sympathy for him “Right okay. Turn the oven knob to full and then click the ignition switch” I waited while I heard him clicking away “Nope, it won’t light” he said grimly and I huffed “Are you sure you’re using the right knob?” I asked and Courtneys’ eyes widened but I just stared at her “Well I’m sure I have the right knob, would you like to come and check it?” Mason chuckled and I could picture the sly grin on his face. I coughed at his comment and rolled my eyes as Courtney winked at me, obviously knowing what Mason had said “Does it say main oven?” I asked again “I can read Ava” he laughed, clearly in a good mood for a change “Well you couldn’t read the instructions on the packet I left you” I ridiculed and he coughed slightly “Are you mocking me Miss Stone?” he breathed, his husky voice igniting my insides.

  It was my turn to cough “Never Mr Fox” I muttered back and Courtneys eyebrows now were in her hairline. I heard Mason groan a little and then clear his throat “You’re going to have to come and do it for me” he said slyly and my lips twitched “No no it’s fine Mason. There’s a microwave on your worktop. Place the pie in and cook on half power for 8 minutes then 4 minutes on full power” I grinned and winked at Courtney as she gave me the thumbs up “Oh” he said quietly and I had another surge of sympathy “I suppose I could dump my friend and come over if you are desperate” I said with an exaggerated sigh “No it’s fine Ava. Enjoy your brunch” and he ended the call abruptly. I was gobsmacked but Courtney just laughed “Oops, I really think he wanted you to go round” she chuckled. “But why? I’m sure he can work a bloody microwave” I was stunned “I think he can actually work the cooker as well Ava” she laughed but I still felt bad so I texted him:


  Are you sure you don’t need me? I can come over if it’s a problem

  His reply was not what I was expecting


  No it’s fine Ava, enjoy your brunch. Rebecca’s coming round to do it

  His words were like a punch in my guts and I was shocked at my reaction. Courtney grabbed my phone when she saw my face and scowled “What a bastard. Does he think that’s funny? Who’s Rebecca anyway?” she asked, fuming “Apparently ‘they just fuck’” I said, doing the air quotes. “Well, let him ‘just fuck’, you don’t need to play mind games like that” she was mortified for me and I decided not to text him back.

  I couldn’t fathom my reaction to this, I had never felt jealousy before and it made my mind up to quit all personal rapport with Mason, leaving it strictly business between us.

  I was still reeling Sunday morning as I lay in bed staring at the ceiling, nervousness has settled on me like a lead weight about seeing Mason Monday and I was starting to think it might be better if I quit and found a different job. Mason had got under my skin like nobody else and I couldn’t give in to it.

  He text me Sunday afternoon, asking me to bring in a few items of shopping on Monday, but I didn’t reply, not wanting to get into another text conversation with him.

  He had texted me again asking if I was okay but I still didn’t reply figuring I would just tell him I had left my phone at Courtneys when he quizzed me Monday.


  Monday morning finally rolled round after a restless night and I crept in again, knowing it was the usual Monday morning business meeting.

  Preparing the coffee and muffins I had baked yesterday I placed them on a tray, drew my shoulders back, knocked and entered, refusing to look at Mason

  “Good morning gentlemen” I said chirpily and they all greeted me cheerfully. I placed the tray on the table, furthest away from Mason “Good weekend Miss Stone?” Dane asked, a sly smile on his face making it obvious Mason had filled him in on my fight at the club “Yes great thanks, you?” I asked with a smile. He narrowed his eyes and his lips twitched “I heard you can hold your own” he chuckled but I just gave him a coy smile “You can hold mine as well if you want?” he winked and I winked back, slyly smiling as I heard Mason growl at Dane as I closed the door behind me. Up yours dickhead! I was rather pleased with my flirting with Dane, let Mason stew on that! I never flirted with anyone but it felt rather good.

  I quickly got down to business and checking the oven to see if it lit, which of course it did. I had bought some flowers to place in the hallway to brighten the place up and was arranging them when all the men exited the meeting room but I kept my back to them.

  An arm slid round my waist, making me stiffen “Ava Sweetheart. Just wanted to thank you for the muffins, they were delicious. I’m a huge fan of muffins” he drawled and I couldn’t miss the innuendo in his statement. I turned to look at him and saw Mason glaring at us from the other side of the room “It’s my pleasure Mr Winters. I enjoy the odd muffin or two as well” I quirked my lips and dropped my gaze to his mouth, an obvious flirtation.

  He grinned at me and squeezed me tighter, a cold shiver ran up my spine and my stomach rolled but I gritted my teeth “Dane!” Mason barked “My office!” he turned harshly and stomped up the stairs, slamming the office door behind him.

  Dane grimaced “Oops” he winked and stalked off. “How are you settling in Ava?” Brian Cox asked politely and I gave him a small smile “Okay” I nodded but he cocked his head, questioningly “You want me to have a word with the brute?” he asked, winking slyly at me. I feigned ignorance and furrowed my brow “I’m sorry Mr Cox. I’m not sure what you mean?” I said, swallowing harshly. He just nodded slowly and smiled softly, resting his hand on my arm “Ava, I think you a lovely sweet girl, George always spoke highly of you and I don’t want to see you get hurt” he said softly. Too bloody late! I gave him a smile, resting my hand over his and squeezing it “Thank you Mr Cox. George always considered you a friend and I appreciate you looking out for me in his absence. It means a lot” I brushed his knuckles with my thumb in a silent gesture to him. He smiled widely and nodded “You must come for lunch soon with me and my better half. She’s dying to meet you” he told me and I grinned widely “That wou
ld be lovely, thank you”.

  They all left except Dane who was still holed up in Masons office and I started on lunch, busying myself when Dane popped his head in the kitchen “See you later Ava, sweetheart” he grinned and blew me a kiss and I gave him a fake smile, shuddering when he left the room.

  As I started the dishwasher there was a clang under the sink and I groaned, clambering under the unit to find the problem “What the hell are you doing?” Mason shouted and I shot up, banging my head on the cupboard roof “Fuck” I hissed and scrambled up.

  He shot over to me and grabbed my head, pulling my ponytail to one side “Shit you’re bleeding Ava. What the fuck were you doing?” he snapped and I wriggled free from his grip “There was a funny sound under the sink when I started the dishwasher, I didn’t want to flood the kitchen” I grated between my teeth. Mason glared at me and my finger edged its way up to my teeth, easing my discomfort slightly at the familiar habit.

  His gaze shot to my mouth and he bit his lip. I pulled my finger away and shot it to my side “Why didn’t you answer my texts yesterday Ava?” he asked, narrowing his eyes “I left my phone at Courtneys, so I didn’t get your message” I said, not catching his gaze. He looked around the kitchen and cocked his head at me “Yet you seem to have bought the shopping I requested though” he stated, raising an eyebrow. Shit! I swallowed “Yes I Erm…I picked up my phone this morning and saw your texts before I came in” I smiled inwardly. Good save Ava! He shook his head slightly “Ava…” he didn’t finish the sentence as Sam came storming in “I need a word Mase” he gestured rapidly to the hallway and Mason went over to him.

  They were whispering and I heard Mason hiss and swear “Ava, I’m going out. We’ll finish our conversation later” he snapped and was gone with a slam of the door, both of them speeding off in Sam’s’ car.

  I was used to these moments with George so I just carried on with my usual chores, feeling proud when I found the leak under the sink and fixed it.

  About three hours later I heard the front door open and close and a grunt in the hallway. I froze, my instincts telling me something was wrong. I walked into the hallway and gasped. Mason was leaning against the table in the hall, blood dripping down his face, a black eye and he was holding his ribs “Jesus Christ Mason” I hissed rushing over to him and helping him over to the sofa “Sit and stay there” I ordered and scurried to the bathroom for a first aid kit.

  Filling a bowl with warm water and finding some cotton balls I hurried back to the room. Mixing the water with an antiseptic I dipped the cotton ball in and squeezing it, started to clean Masons wound “What the hell happened?” I asked, gritting my teeth whilst he sucked in air as I cleaned his face. He cocked his head “You really want to know?” he scoffed and I bit my lip at his dismissal.

  I ignored him and bathed another ball, gently swiping at his cheek. I could feel his eyes on me as I tenderly cared for his injuries and I was aware of his heavy breaths. I caught his eyes and bit my lip at his intense scrutiny and my hand stilled on his cheek. His thumb came up and gently pulled my lip away “Don’t bite your lip Ava” he whispered and his gaze dropped to my mouth, I could see him slowly leaning forward and my breath hitched. Don’t do this Ava! I jumped up, gulping loudly at what I had to do “Let’s get your shirt off so I can bandage your ribs” I told him, swallowing and hoping I had the strength to do this, already knowing how my body would react to the sight of him topless. He grinned lazily “Are you asking me to strip Ava?” he smirked and I glared at him “Just your shirt Mr Fox” he rolled his eyes at my reference to his full name but he still grinned as he started to slowly unbutton his shirt. I couldn’t take my eyes off his movements, eager to get a first look at his chest and it was worth the wait. Jesus, he took my breath away.

  He was lean and muscly without being beefy, a scattering of fine hair donning his chest and a small tattoo across his heart ‘Kerrie’. He was watching my reaction intently “You’re biting that lip again Ava” he breathed huskily and I cleared my throat, forcing a smile.

  I turned to take a bandage from the box, quickly closed my eyes and took a breath to steel myself and spun back round, determined to do this without a reaction to him. I crouched down in front of him and ran my fingers over his ribs, and my eyes shot to his as he sucked in a breath “Do you need to go to the hospital?” I asked, worried about his response as I touched his ribs. He swallowed and shook his head “My ribs don’t hurt Ava” he sighed, piercing my gaze and I frowned, not understanding why his breath had hitched when I touched him. I nodded and reached round him to start the bandaging; I could feel his face in my hair and he inhaled heavily, a small groan rumbled in his chest but I closed my eyes, ignored him and carried on.

  When I had finished I rose from the floor but his hand shot out, gripping my arm “Ava” he whispered as his palm cupped my face. My eyes closed as I leaned into it and I heard him sigh “You are so beautiful” he breathed and my eyes shot open. I lurched back, shaking my head “Please don’t do this Mason” I pleaded. He glowered at me “Why Ava? We both want this. I know you do and I can’t stop thinking how good it will feel to be inside you Ava, making you come so fucking hard you forget every damn thing” I gulped at his words and a small groan escaped and arousal pooled my knickers.

  I shook my head again “Please Mason”. He groaned and rubbed his eyes “Jesus Ava. You’re killing me” I didn’t know how to react so I dismissed his words “Come on, let’s get you upstairs and I’ll get you a drink” I said, slipping my hand round his waist and helping him onto his feet.

  We struggled up the stairs and both ended up laughing at the effort it took, relaxing us both back in to a comfortable rapport again. I managed to get him to his bed and leant him against the dresser as I pulled the duvet back and sat him on the bed.

  Pulling his shoes and socks off, I lifted his legs on to the bed and that’s when I saw his knuckles. I glowered at him “Why didn’t you tell me about these” I scolded and he grinned “At least his face came out worse than mine” he chuckled and I couldn’t help but laugh at his boyish brag.

  As I pulled the duvet up he grabbed my hand “Lay with me Ava. I promise I’ll keep my hands to myself, I can’t do anything in this state” he saw my hesitation “Please, I just want to hold you” the pleading in his voice crushed my resolve and I nodded, slipping off my shoes and lying beside him.

  He scooped me into his arms and we spooned, his arms wrapped around me in a tight vice. I could feel his hot breath on my neck and his erection in my back.

  Gulping I chose to ignore it “You can talk to me Ava” he whispered behind me. I stiffened, not knowing what to say “I can’t Mason, not yet” I sighed and his arms tightened “I know you have been through hell, I can tell but I just want you to know that when you want to tell me, I’ll listen” I nodded slowly “Thank you” I whispered, not knowing what else to say.


  I woke sometime later, facing Mason and still enveloped in his arms. He was asleep and I took the opportunity to examine him. He was beautiful, from his sculptured face to his strong abs and powerful chest and shoulders. My finger traced the tattoo on his chest, outlining the name and then my fingers slipped down through his chest hair and traced the edge of his bandage. Jesus he was hot, and I was struggling to breathe.

  I pulled away to climb out of bed when his arm shot round me and he pulled me back “Don’t stop Ava. I like you touching me” he breathed, his arousal evident in his face as well as his groin. I held his gaze and then did something that even stunned me. I grabbed the back of his head and pulled his mouth onto mine. He growled and took my lips with force, pushing his tongue into my mouth and attacking mine. He gripped the clip in my hair and removed it, running his fingers through my long curls, another groan escaping his mouth as he continued to brutalize my lips whilst his hand cupped my breast, kneading it roughly and I moaned, breaking the kiss and tilting my head back “You’re so fucking exquisite when you’re aroused” he whispere
d against my neck as his tongue swept across my skin, sending goose bumps throughout me.

  He started to unbutton my shirt but when he struggled due to his sore knuckles he gripped it and ripped it open making me gasp.

  I was beyond aroused now it was getting painful “Please Mason” I begged but wasn’t sure what I was pleading for “Easy Baby” he breathed and his mouth snaked down to my bra, sucking my nipple through the lace “Oh god yes. Bite me” I cried and he growled, latching his teeth onto my inflamed nipple. He unhooked my bra, pulling it roughly off me as he continued his torture, swapping breasts and pinching the other harshly as he mouthed the other.

  His fingers swept up the inside of my thigh, hitching up my skirt as they went and he groaned when he reached my stocking tops “Jesus Ava, you’re so fucking sexy. I can’t wait to sink into you, feel your pussy grip my hard cock” his words were ripping me apart “Mason. Please, I need you” he bit my nipple again “What do you want Ava? Tell me” he asked and I groaned again “Tell me Ava” he said sharply but his tone excited me more than put me off “Touch me Mason, finger me” I begged and his finger swept the length of my sex over my knickers and I automatically spread my legs wider “That’s it Ava, open up for me” he hissed “You’re so fucking wet” I ground my hips against his hand, urging him in. His fingers slid my knickers to the side and he pushed a finger inside me making me groan loudly “Yes Mason, more” I pushed down onto his hand and he slid another finger in to me.

  His mouth was still worshipping my aching nipples and my excitement was peaking, building rapidly “Harder Mason” I snarled and he bit my nipple harder as his experienced fingers curled inside me, pressing against my front wall. I screamed and jolted off the bed, my climax slamming into me and sparks igniting behind my eyes “YES! Mason!” I shouted as he worked me over, slowing his pace to accommodate my orgasm.


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